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Showing all Subtitle Editors/Converters software ordered by Latest version (Order by Name instead)
70 tool hits, Showing 1 to 70 tools |
Subtitle Workshop 6+ replaces the old Subtitle Workshop from urusoft. It's based on Subtitle Workshop 2.51. Subtitle Workshop is the most complete, efficient and convenient subtitle editing tool. It supports all the subtitle formats you need and has all the features you would want from a subtitle editing program.
Subtitle Edit is a free editor for video subtitles - a subtitle editor. With SE you can easily adjust a subtitle if it is out of sync with the video and much more. Visually sync/adjust a subtitle (start/end position and speed). Import Blu-ray SUP titles or VobSub sub/idx binary subtitles and OCR to text srt subtitles. SUP to SRT, SUB to SRT. DVD to SRT. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8 or later.
BatchSubtitlesConverter is a handy GUI tool to convert more than one subtitles file ( including mkv, mks files ) to 100 subtitles formats! with changing the encoding and also the frame rate (FPS) in batch mode! Requires Microsoft .NET Framework.
Google2SRT allows you to download, save and convert multiple subtitles and translations from YouTube and Google Video to SubRip (.srt) format, which is recognized by most video players. You can download XML subtitles or simply type video's URL, Google2SRT will do the rest. Requires Java version 8 or higher installed.
PixVis Subtitler is a subtitle editor with AI functions like automatic subtitle generation. It can recognize speech in different languages, automatically generate subtitles, automatically synchronize misaligned subtitles to audio, easily translate subtitles to different languages. Spell checking is available for different languages. It can optimize subtitle timing for better experience. There is an audio spectrum for easier editing. The software has user-friendly drag & drop interface and it can burn subtitles in video. Pro versions from $39.
Tero Subtitler is an open source, cross platform, and free subtitle editing software. URUWorks' subtitling solution began as Subtitle Workshop. In making the distinction from the other project with the same name, the organization is retiring that repository in favor of Tero Subtitler.
XySubFilter (XySubFilter.dll) is a new high quality subtitle filter which requires a compatible Subtitle Consumer supporting the new subtitle interface.
Jubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, correct and refine existing subtitles. Requires Mplayer for previewing video and Java runtime.
Aegisub is an advanced subtitle editor for Windows, and UNIX-like systems, such as Linux, Mac OS X and BSD. It is open source software and free for any use. Aegisub natively works with the Advanced SubStation Alpha format (aptly abbreviated ASS) which allows for many advanced effects in the subtitles, apart from just basic timed text. Aegisub's goal is to support using these advanced functions with ease.
VideoSubFinder allows by a finding video images with the text(using algorithms of digital image processing)to create on them subtitles files with timing automatically. Using text mining algorithms it allows to separate the text with any colour from images. May require Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017.
Subtitld is a software to create, transcribe and edit subtitles, in SRT, SSA, TTML, SBV, DFXP, VTT, XML, SCC and SAMI. Add, remove, slice subtitles easily. Generate videos with the subtitle burned in.
AHD Subtitles Maker is a powerful tool designed to work with Windows®. It permits you to create the most common text-based subtitle formats in minutes. AHD Subtitles Maker is an application that creates subtitles automatically without the need of scripts. Also you can edit subtitles with it using the mouse ! no need to enter numbers, just move the subtitles, stretch them, synchronize them and more..... only with the mouse. And pluse, you convert between subtitle formats without losing their accuracy.
CCExtractor is a small program that processes video files and extracts closed captions data to generate subtitle files. Convert closed captions to srt from DVD, HDTV,DVB(TS), DVR-MS, MPEG2, M2TS files and MP4 files. Teletext to subtitles.
SubSync is an automatic movie subtitle synchronization tool. Synchronization is done by listening to the audio track. Tracks could be of different languages, it will be translated if necessary. Synchronization with another subtitles is also supported. You don't have to adjust subtitles manually anymore! It requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable for Windows.
Subtitle Composer is open source text-based subtitle editor that supports basic and advanced editing operations, aiming to become an improved version of Subtitle Workshop for every platform supported by Plasma Frameworks. Open/Save Text Subtitle Formats, SubRip/SRT, MicroDVD, SSA/ASS, MPlayer, TMPlayer and You-Tube captions, OCR/Open Graphics Subtitle Formats. It is available for Microsoft Windows and most major linux distributions, including as AppImage.
Kainote is a subtitles editor that can play video using FFMS2 (for typesetting, timing and more advanced edition) or DirectShow (for playback or minor subtitles edition). Default language is Polish but click on the settings-icon and you can change to English (or from top menu Plik -> ustawienia and in Edytor tree tab change it on first list).
The Visualsubsync Enhanced is a natural enhanced extension of the awesome Visualsubsync by toffparis. It includes new functions like a complete internal filter graph support via mpc-home cinema and lav codecs, online dictionary automatic search (Italian language), new tools for resync, a new tool for progressive desync issues, new updated vsfilter for improved subtitles quality and much more.
DivXLand Media Subtitler allows the user to manually subtitle movies and videos while viewing the applied captions on the fly. It includes some features like automatic timing limit, easy caption edition, and offers 2 modes for applying of captions.
TimeDateSRTCreator creates a basic subtitle file (.srt) containing the time/date info for any video type supported by MediaInfo. Uses the duration parameter along with creation time for the respective file. Both individual and folder selection is available. Time/date info is defined as a VB.Net custom string and is fully configurable. Requires VB.Net 2 (or above).
Sub Timings Beautifier automatically aligns the timings (or "cues") of subtitles in subtitle files (e.g. SubRip/.srt) to the exact frame times. It also automatically snaps cues to nearby shot cuts (or "scene changes") for a spot-on sync, and makes the gaps (or "intervals") between subtitles consistent, resulting in a more uniform rhythm in the "flashing" of subtitles. This will sophisticate the overall subtitle and provide a better viewing experience.
SubRip is a program which allows you to rip DVD subtitles with their timing as a text file. Can also convert vobsub(sub and idx) to srt text subtitles(vobsub to srt / sub to srt / subtosrt / sub2srt ). Subrip 1.4+ can also rip subs from avi with burned in/hardcoded/permanent subtitles.
SRT to VTT Converter is a simple application for quickly converting subtitle files from SubRib (.srt) format to WebVTT (.vtt) format.
SubPaster should be useful for translating text subtitles to an other language using an external translator or spellchecker. SubPaster splits up a subtitle file into the time marks and text lines on the other hand. It tries to combine the text lines to complete phrases. Translation programs e.g. google translator are known to give significantly better results that way. Usually online translators also have limited text size - thatfore the phrases are optionally provided in chunks of 800/5000 byte. These chunks are passed to the translator via clipboard and vice-versa. The translated phrases then are split into textines and transferred back to the timestamp framework.
titlebee lets you edit text directly onto a timeline ready for embedding in your videos or importing into your video editor software. Free version is limited to 10 projects and you must register. Full/Gold version costs $700.
tSubGet is a teletext subtitle extractor, intended for use with DVR-MS and WTV files. Using DirectShow, the teletext stream is parsed and subtitles are written out in the SubRip (srt) format. Colour tags can also be written-out if requested. tSubGet is intended for use with Australian tv recordings; while possible, it is not guaranteed to work for any other country. However, there is experimental support for other languages (Latin based languages and Greek*).
AssFilter is an Open-source DirectShow subtitle renderer based on libass and the SubRenderIntf interfaces. Like the well known XySubFilter, AssFilter don't render the subtitles on the video. It instead communicate directly with the video renderer to send the subtitles. This process allow the video renderer to do what it wants with the subtitles.
Video Updater Tools is: VideoUpdater - A simple tool used to convert EDL files into Chapters and embed the Chapters (EDL) and Subtitles (SRT) files into MP4, M4V or MKV files. SubtitleExtractor - A simple tool used to extract subtitles (including multiple subtitle tracks) from video files (MKV, MP4, M4V etc) into SRT formatted subtitle files. EDL2Chapter - A simple GUI tool used to validate and convert EDL files into XML and TTXT chapter files. SRTValidate - A simple command line tool used to validate and correct (if possible) SRT files. ToMKV - A simple tool used to convert any Video file into a MKV file container.
fiveLoadSub is a pure HTML+Javascript subtitling software. fiveLoadSub focus on TV/MV/News subtitling production and objective to save your time. With ultra user-friendly interface, fiveLoadSub is extreme easy to use. fiveLoadSub run right on your web browser so it's cross-platform natively!
Txt2VobSub is a GUI for Son2VobSub. Since the son format is rather rare and the srt/sub format is the textual standard format , this tool with only one step converts textual subtitles to VobSub (sub/idx). srt to sub, srttosub, srt2sub.
pball's Bluray PGS Subtitle splitter is a command line bluray sup subtitle splitter. Usage: supsplitter.exe input:"c:\encodingsubtitle ep 1-3.sup" output:"c:\encodingsubtitle ep 1.sup" ms:0-3265400;3265401-6802000
Subtitle Workshop XE by URUWorks is the most complete, efficient and convenient freeware subtitle editing tool. It supports all the subtitle formats you need and has all the features you would want from a subtitle editing program. Subtitle Workshop XE makes subtitle creating/editing/converting tasks almost a pleasure, the amicable and intuitive interface mixes easy to access menus & must have features with advanced functions and a remarkable speed and stability, drastically reducing subtitle editing time. No longer developed. New version is called Tero subtitler, download here.
Txt2Sup converts with one click an srt/sub(microdvd) subtitle at a sup file. The sup files can be used with ifoedit in order to add extra subtitles in a dvd by using the method of reauthor. srt2sup, sub2sup, srttosup, subtosup, srt to sup, sub to sup.
AVIAddXSubs is a simple free program to incorporate subtitles from .srt (ANSI text, up to 2 srt) or idx/sub (containing up to 8 subtitles) quickly and easily to your avi files containing DivX/XVid video streams. Just place the avi and its associated (same name) srt in the same directory and Drag&Drop the avi on AVIAddXSubs icon or shortcut in your desktop. In 2-3 minutes a new file with divx extension will be created and be ready to play in your hardware DivX player. IdxSub2Srt is included in AVIAddXSub, convert idx/sub to SRT using OCR. The PS3 supports XSUBs.
VSFilter / DirectVobSub is a directShow subtitle filter, it integrates automatically with any directshow player like the Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, etc.
BDSup2Sub is a converter from Blu-Ray PGS SUP to DVD SUB/IDX (VobSub) or SUP(DVD SUP). You can also add a delay and/or change the time stamps to e.g. perform a PAL speedup. Requires Java runtime. SUP to SUB, SUPtoSUB, SUP to SUP, SUPtoSUP, SUB to SUP, SUB/IDX to SUP.
SubSplicer is a tool to overlay two subtitle files of different languages for displaying them simultaneously. It generates a text file (srt/sub) containing both subtitle streams. The subtitles are vertically stacked in multiple lines corresponding to their time marks. Overlapping subtitles are broken up into multiple parts if required, and empty lines are inserted for keeping vertical position. One subtitle set is displayed bottom aligned, the other one some lines above. They should seem independent. Applying different colors is optional.
SubExtractor converts subtitles from DVDs and PGS (Bluray .sup) files into Advanced Substation Alpha (ASS) or SRT text format using a simple OCR. Extract subs from (non-encrypted, on hard drive) DVDs and convert to Advanced Substation Alpha format. It can also convert sup (PGS) and sub/idx formats to same. "I wrote this because I hate the blocky, too-high-on-the-screen look of regular DVD subtitles and wanted to re-encode my DVD collection in h264/aac/assa in an mkv container." Might require DGIndex, VLC, Aegisub.
SubCreator supports creation of subtitles from scratch or basing on existing text script. The application handles most common subtitle formats like time format, frame format, SRT, SSA or SAMI. It offers many addition features supporting timing processing, converting and synchronization. An interface focuses on excessive use of keyboard to speed up timing process. Development on hold.
Free SRT-File Translator automatically translate subtitle files, text files, or clipboard text fast between more than 50 different languages free. Use Google Translate or Microsoft Translator.
Kijio is a new kind of subtitle editing software, where instead of just textboxes, you have a full visual control of the subtitles on a timeline. Kijio Subtitle Editor also allows you to translate your subtitles over 56 languages, which might help you with the translation if you are not good with the base language. This makes editing subtitles a matter of a few clicks.
DVDSubEdit allows you to visualize and make modifications to the subpics (subtitles or button highlights in menus) directly inside the VOB files, without the need to demux and remux the subpic stream. Convert DVD subtitles(sup/idx) to srt text subtitles. DVD to SRT. VOB to srt. SUP to SRT.
AviSub is an freeware tool that can mux up to three srt/sub/txt or vobsubs/sub/idx subtitle streams in an avi file. Generates an *.divx file with embedded xsubs. Uses the latest tecnology of the Divx codec. You can watch yours DivX films with switchable subtitles on your DivX compatible DVD player ! The operation takes only 5 minutes!
VSRip is a standalone DVD subtitle extractor to VobSub (idx/sub) file format. Also outputs closed caption as .srt when found. DVD to SUB/IDX, VOB to SUB/IDX.
3D Subtitler converts srt subtitles into a readable idx/sup subtitles file when using side-by-side or over/under type 3D movies. Requires JAVA.
MaestroSBT is a DVD subtitle rendering utility. It produces subtitle bitmaps and import scripts for Scenarist, DVD Maestro and others from SSA v.4 files. PAL and NTSC formats are supported, and aspect ratio correction is provided for both 4:3 and 16:9.
Easy Subtitles Synchronizer (ESS) is a freeware tool that creates repairs and synchronizes your subtitles easily. It is designed for people without background to subtitles creation and synchronization. For this reason provides only the necessary tools for subtitles creation and synchronization that a common user needs.
easySUP is a small tool to help users create nice (BD) SUP, (DVD) SUB or BDN (XML+PNG) subtitles, which can later be used with applications which support SUP format (import in tsMuxeR, multiAVCHD , Scenarist or any other tool). It is kind of an extended GUI to avs2bdnxml + avisynth + vsfilter + bdsup2sub and should make users' life easier. Input formats: Text based subtitles: SSA, ASS, SRT, microDVD SUB. Output formats:Picture based subtitles: Blu-ray PGS (sup), DVD SUB (idx+sub) and BDN (xml+png).
SUPRead is a Blu-ray and HD DVD subtitle sup reader. Donate to get rid of the 10 second wait at startup.
SrtiPhone is a GUI using Mp4Box to convert a mp4 with srt subtitle to ttxt format compatible with the iPhone/iPod and Quicktime. But SrtIphone also patch and convert the video to the M4V video format which natively support subtitle on iPhone/iPod/Quicktime player. MacOS users use Muxo or Subler instead.
SupRip lets you OCR and detect text within subtitles as used by HD-DVD and Bluray movies. You can then save the text as a SRT file to be included in reencoded movies. Note! SubRip and SupRip are not same tools. :).
BDSupEdit is a tool to downscale BD subtitles(sup) to be used on 720p encoded movies. The application is pretty simple, just load the sup file, then set the resolution under options, including all the resize filter, Dither mode etc. then export the sup file and import it into tsMuxeR.
Subtitle framerate changer can convert between different srt subtitle framerates. Batch convert (single file mode/multiple files mode), drag and drop mode, supported formats: Subrip (.srt) !!, built-in framerates: 30.000, 29.97, 25.000, 24.000, 23.99, 23.978, 23.976, 20, 15.000, 12.000, custom, command line support.
SubtitleCreator allows you to convert subtitle files to the binary format expected by DVD authoring tools such as Muxman, IfoEdit or ReJig. Create and add your own subtitles to a DVD. In many ways, SubtitleCreator is similar to Srt2sup, but it is faster, uses the IFO color palette, has new synchronization features, and is easier to use. srt2sup, srttosup, srt to sup, sup2srt, suptosrt, sup to srt. Requires .net framework.
IGI Subtitler let you show subtitle file into any other window of any application. Its main purpose is to allow subtitle to be shown over overlay area in which the movie is playing; it can be satellite DVB-PCI cards, port on graphic card from digital satellite receiver or from any other media player.
Subtitle Processor is tool for editing and repairing existing subtitles in supported formats with a rich set of functions. It also includes the ability to translate subtitles.
Sub2DivX can add subtitles to an avi file using (up to 8) .srt or .idx/sub files and create a new .divx file. Support , and , tags. Auto change font size for long subtitles, in order to fit at maximum width. Set vertical position. Inside alignment (left, center, right) - check picture.Global settings and/or single settings (only for selected subtitles). Support for right to left languages. Preview window
SupViewer is a small program to show SUP subtitles with variable transparency. It also allows you to change colors/transparencies.
Time Adjuster is a subtitle repair and converter. Make your subtitles to appear earlier or later. Convert your subtitle files into other formats. SYNCHRONIZE text with video VERY EASY ! Join & split subtitle files. REPAIR damaged TXT files dloaded via FTP in BINARY mode. Sort lines used time-based technique. Get basic info about video & subtitle file. Scan & repair TOO EARLY DISAPPEARING LINES.
AVISubDetector is a tool for extraction and recognition of hard-burned subtitles from various video sources.
esrXP (Embed Subtitle Ripper) is a program to help rip the subtitle embedded in the video. esrXP do not recognition the text automatically. A filter is set to get the text part in the video and image for the text part is given to OCR convert the image to text.
SRTWiz is a repair tool for .srt subtitle files. It rebuilds the .srt file and eliminates common bugs and corruptions with a flexible algorithm. Its very simple to use, just drag & drop! It automatically makes backups, so that no data can be lost, making it safe to use as well.
DVDSubber was created to display additional subtitles during DVD or Media files playback. The subtitles are overlayed on top of the video no modification is done to the file and no reauthoring is necessary. You can either us an already existing subtitles scripts or create one from scratch using the embeded editor.
SRT2SUP allows you to take SRT files (or start from scratch) and create a SUP file for adding/changing subtitles on a DVD.
SubToSup is a little program to convert sub/idx subtitles to sup subtitles that you can use in Ifoedit or Rejig. sub to sup, subtosup, sub2sup.
VobSub is a directShow subtitle filter for all software video players. It also contains a subtitle filter for Virtualdub and some useful subtitles utilities such as subresync than can convert idx/sub to srt text subtitles, submux, vobsub sub/idx cutter and vobsub sub/idx joiner.
WinSubMux converts subtitles to SVCD or CVD selectable subtitles.
SubTool can edit MicroDVD and SubRip subtitles. SubTool can Split, Correct, Change FrameRate, Synchronize and delete comments from subtitles. SubTool also can convert betweem MicroDVD and SubRip and try to guess the framerate of a MicroDVD subtitle.
SRTtoSSA is a basic SRT to SSA subtitle converter. Add custom SSA subtitle formats and colours. English and Spanish languages interface. Subrip SRT to SubStation Alpha SSA converter.
Sub Station Alpha is a SSA subtitle editor. The MSVBVM50.DLL might be required also, put it in the substation folder.
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Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
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Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
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Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.

Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
Rating from 0-10.
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Video Encoders (AV1, VP8, VP9) (2)
Video Encoders (AVI, WMV) (38)
Video Encoders (H264, H265, MP4, MKV) (45)
Video Encoders (MPG, DVD) (23)
Video Encoders , Converters (154)
Video Frameservers (9)
Video Players (48)
Video Repair, Fix (25)
Video Scripting (11)
Video Streaming (21)
Video Streaming Downloaders (101)
Tag Editors (3)
Video De, Multiplexers (66)
Video Editors (Advanced, NLE) (34)
Video Editors (Basic) (53)
Video Editors (H264, MP4, MKV, MTS) (19)
Video Editors (Lossless) (4)
Video Editors (MPG, DVD) (16)
Video Editors (WMV, AVI) (15)
Video Encoders (AV1, VP8, VP9) (2)
Video Encoders (AVI, WMV) (38)
Video Encoders (H264, H265, MP4, MKV) (45)
Video Encoders (MPG, DVD) (23)
Video Encoders , Converters (154)
Video Frameservers (9)
Video Players (48)
Video Repair, Fix (25)
Video Scripting (11)
Video Streaming (21)
Video Streaming Downloaders (101)