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SubtitleCreator allows you to convert subtitle files to the binary format expected by DVD authoring tools such as Muxman, IfoEdit or ReJig. Create and add your own subtitles to a DVD. In many ways, SubtitleCreator is similar to Srt2sup, but it is faster, uses the IFO color palette, has new synchronization features, and is easier to use. srt2sup, srttosup, srt to sup, sup2srt, suptosrt, sup to srt. Requires .net framework.
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Download SubtitleCreator 2.2 2MB Win

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Sub2SubSync is a tool for synchronize a sup (sub/idx) with another sup (sub/idx) with same line number.
Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New
Version 2.3rc1:
New features:
* Finish translation was added by Ropsi
* Added a snapshot feature (frame grabber), so you can take a snapshot of the DVD (including subtitles)
* It's now possible to specify the color and (semi)transparency per subtitle: transparency is no longer on/off, but can take a value between 0 (transparent) and 15 (opaque)
* You can import external images (GIF or PNG, (semi-)transparent): the images can be imported using the <p>ImageName.png</p> tags. Since regular subtitles may only contain four colours, the images may look different, since the colors will be mapped to the four most useful colors in the current palette. So changing the palette may give different results too.
* You can mix and match subtitle sources, e.g. combine a SUP file with several images and regular text. When you save it to an SRT file, all SUPs and images will be saved as images.
* You can overrule not only the subtitle position (which was already possible), but also the color and transparency. The syntax is as follows:
<w x,y,width,#Lines ci=b,f,o,a,k t=b,f,o,a />
where the first part denotes the position of the subtitle area, ci is the color index in the current palette for background, foreground, outline, antialias, and karaoke, and t its transparency.
Note that the ci... part is optional, and that the height of the subtitle area is expressed as a number of lines in the current font.
* Added an option (Format|Render method|Drop shadow) to draw subtitles with a semi-transparent drop shadow
* Added opening binary subtitles inside the main window: basically, this makes the Manipulate SUP window superfluous.
* Added support for Drag-Drop of *.idx and *.sup files. Added support for Drag-Drop of color palette (in the color box).
* Minor improvement to the title display, so that the first and last part is always retained
Bug fixes:
* Fixed a remaining bug of the SRT to SUP conversion. When SC was generating a Subtitle with a solid background, the top left pixel was not set to the right color. This should be OK now.
* The Help->Manual command is working with Acrobat Reader 8.
* Restored the possibility to generate overlapping subtitles i.e. subtitles that have an infinite duration when the end time of one subtitles is equal to the start time of the next one OR better when the end time is 0, as was possible with version 2.1.
* Added the possibility to open SUP files where some SubPics have no STP_DSP, and show them having an end time of 0. This allows to conserve this information and write it again when saving the subtitle file.
* Fixed a bug in Google translate - still didn't protect against too frequent querries, causing Google to consider SC an automatic virus or something like that.
* Fixed HD-SUP reading bugs : see and for details of the bugs.
* Fixed an out of memory exception bug that occured when opening HD-SUP files thanks to the help of Wackyphill. Had to add a Gc.Collect(). Bug description here:
* Fixed a bug : when adding a negative delay (.srt and .sup files) there was an exception. See following thread:
* Fixed MRU bug : When opening a subtitle (srt) that SC finds corrupt, there is an exception but sometimes the subtitle is put in the MRU (Most Recently Used) list. When subsequently opening SC there always occurs an exception, bec. SC was trying to open this same file. This version of SC fixes this bug. Now the corrupt file is removed from the MRU list at the next opening.
* Fixed a long subtitle bug: when filling a whole page with subtitle text, the memory buffer was too small, causing the memorywriter to crash.
* Fixed a bug when using the DVD wizard across different hard disks
* In case of languages without spaces, e.g. Chinese, I split the string at a point without spaces.
* When opening SUP files that have more than 1 SP_DCSQT, only the first one is used. This enhances the compatibility with DVDSupEncode. See following message for details about the solved problem:
New features:
* Finish translation was added by Ropsi
* Added a snapshot feature (frame grabber), so you can take a snapshot of the DVD (including subtitles)
* It's now possible to specify the color and (semi)transparency per subtitle: transparency is no longer on/off, but can take a value between 0 (transparent) and 15 (opaque)
* You can import external images (GIF or PNG, (semi-)transparent): the images can be imported using the <p>ImageName.png</p> tags. Since regular subtitles may only contain four colours, the images may look different, since the colors will be mapped to the four most useful colors in the current palette. So changing the palette may give different results too.
* You can mix and match subtitle sources, e.g. combine a SUP file with several images and regular text. When you save it to an SRT file, all SUPs and images will be saved as images.
* You can overrule not only the subtitle position (which was already possible), but also the color and transparency. The syntax is as follows:
<w x,y,width,#Lines ci=b,f,o,a,k t=b,f,o,a />
where the first part denotes the position of the subtitle area, ci is the color index in the current palette for background, foreground, outline, antialias, and karaoke, and t its transparency.
Note that the ci... part is optional, and that the height of the subtitle area is expressed as a number of lines in the current font.
* Added an option (Format|Render method|Drop shadow) to draw subtitles with a semi-transparent drop shadow
* Added opening binary subtitles inside the main window: basically, this makes the Manipulate SUP window superfluous.
* Added support for Drag-Drop of *.idx and *.sup files. Added support for Drag-Drop of color palette (in the color box).
* Minor improvement to the title display, so that the first and last part is always retained
Bug fixes:
* Fixed a remaining bug of the SRT to SUP conversion. When SC was generating a Subtitle with a solid background, the top left pixel was not set to the right color. This should be OK now.
* The Help->Manual command is working with Acrobat Reader 8.
* Restored the possibility to generate overlapping subtitles i.e. subtitles that have an infinite duration when the end time of one subtitles is equal to the start time of the next one OR better when the end time is 0, as was possible with version 2.1.
* Added the possibility to open SUP files where some SubPics have no STP_DSP, and show them having an end time of 0. This allows to conserve this information and write it again when saving the subtitle file.
* Fixed a bug in Google translate - still didn't protect against too frequent querries, causing Google to consider SC an automatic virus or something like that.
* Fixed HD-SUP reading bugs : see and for details of the bugs.
* Fixed an out of memory exception bug that occured when opening HD-SUP files thanks to the help of Wackyphill. Had to add a Gc.Collect(). Bug description here:
* Fixed a bug : when adding a negative delay (.srt and .sup files) there was an exception. See following thread:
* Fixed MRU bug : When opening a subtitle (srt) that SC finds corrupt, there is an exception but sometimes the subtitle is put in the MRU (Most Recently Used) list. When subsequently opening SC there always occurs an exception, bec. SC was trying to open this same file. This version of SC fixes this bug. Now the corrupt file is removed from the MRU list at the next opening.
* Fixed a long subtitle bug: when filling a whole page with subtitle text, the memory buffer was too small, causing the memorywriter to crash.
* Fixed a bug when using the DVD wizard across different hard disks
* In case of languages without spaces, e.g. Chinese, I split the string at a point without spaces.
* When opening SUP files that have more than 1 SP_DCSQT, only the first one is used. This enhances the compatibility with DVDSupEncode. See following message for details about the solved problem:
View full changelog
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Guides and How to's
How to add new subtitles to an existing DVD
- ReadSubtitleCreator video tutorials
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16 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews |
Just a quick update on my previous comment. Apparently 2.2.2 is OLDER than v2.2. v2.2 is the final version and v2.2.2 is the second beta and a few months older.
Still... get v2.2 not 2.3.
Still... get v2.2 not 2.3.
Review by doctorm on
Jun 8, 2014 Version: 2.2
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 8/10
this is much better than txt2vobsub
Review by bachphi on
May 10, 2014 Version: 2.3
OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10
Functionality: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
This is just not 'ready' software. I know it's no longer being made, but this version is hopelessly obtuse = hard to figure out. The wording is not clear and the commands and functions seem to be placed randomly. It is impossible to use this to set the color or font of subtitles with any certainty. The functions seem to be there, but don't really work - or at best sometimes work. There are profiles, but seem not to be what actually is eventually on the DVD.
The only thing this has going for it is the DVD wizard, which works pretty well. Though you must download 3 other apps and map them first.
It also works fairly well for timing subtitles, though again, it's not intuitive or reliable (you must try several time to get it to work properly).
The only thing this has going for it is the DVD wizard, which works pretty well. Though you must download 3 other apps and map them first.
It also works fairly well for timing subtitles, though again, it's not intuitive or reliable (you must try several time to get it to work properly).
Review by loki-dog on
Nov 9, 2013 Version: 2.3rc1
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 3/10
Functionality: 4/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 5/10
Good program. A shame that development stopped but still worth using.
Some important notes:
Cannot handle UTF-8 srt files. You must save as ANSI.
v2.3 RC1 posted here is buggy, v2.2.2 was the last stable version.
I still use this all the time. One of the best quality srt to sup converting programs.
Some important notes:
Cannot handle UTF-8 srt files. You must save as ANSI.
v2.3 RC1 posted here is buggy, v2.2.2 was the last stable version.
I still use this all the time. One of the best quality srt to sup converting programs.
Review by doctorm on
Feb 27, 2013 Version: v2.3 RC1
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
I haven't used many features but the synch tools solved a big headache running subtitles made for PAL DVDs on AVI files from NTSC video. I would have never thought subtitles had any concern with frame-rate as they are time-stamped, but by if I wasn't constantly adjusting the subtitle delay, they would end up displaying minutes in front of the audio by the end of the video... this tool fixed it in a few clicks!
Review by IcePack on
Jun 15, 2011 Version: 2.2
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
16 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews |
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Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
Rating from 0-10.
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Free software Ads = Free Download software and open source code but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
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Payware = No demo or trial available.
Portable version = A portable/standalone version is available. No installation is required.
v1.0.1 = Latest version available.
Download beta = It could be a Beta, RC(Release Candidate) or an Alpha / Nightly / Unstable version of the software.
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Win = Windows download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Win64 = Windows 64-bit download version. It works only on 64-bit Windows.
Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
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Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
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Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.

Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
Rating from 0-10.
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