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Sub Timings Beautifier automatically aligns the timings (or "cues") of subtitles in subtitle files (e.g. SubRip/.srt) to the exact frame times. It also automatically snaps cues to nearby shot cuts (or "scene changes") for a spot-on sync, and makes the gaps (or "intervals") between subtitles consistent, resulting in a more uniform rhythm in the "flashing" of subtitles. This will sophisticate the overall subtitle and provide a better viewing experience.

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OS: Win
File size: 19MB
Portable version
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Latest version (February 28, 2019)


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Download Sub Timings Beautifier  19MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Sub Timings Beautifier

New features:

Add support for importing files with shot cuts, including EZTitles XML files
The first is release is just Sub Timings Beautifier.
The releases with an architecture are bundled with FFmpeg for that architecture.

Sub Timings Beautifier

First public version.

The first is release is just Sub Timings Beautifier.
The releases with an architecture are bundled with FFmpeg for that architecture.

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All features

I created this tool because the most common freeware subtitle files (such as SubRip) and most freeware subtitle editing tools (such as Subtitle Edit or Subtitle Workshop) are based on milliseconds, whereas videos are based on frames. Some software can be configured to show frames, but it's not always that accurate. When I create subtitles, I often had subtitles going 1 frame over a shot cut due to rounding. This makes sure everything is spot-on.

I realize this tool is quite niche, but I really like the resulting subtitles. I use this tool as a final step for all my subtitles.

Key features
Align all cues to the exact frame times, based on the video
Detect shot cuts and automatically snap cues for a spot-on sync
Make gaps consistent
Several adjustment options, taking shot cuts into account
Automatically extend all subtitles, taking shot cuts and gaps into account
Fully configurable

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Subtitle Timings Beautifier

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Windows = Windows version available.
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