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Meteorite is the first and only MKV/Matroska Repair utility in the world. Simply drop your broken and/or under download MKV files in it and take rest. Cant fix every MKV but it's worth to try.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 0.11 beta
Released: May 14,2011
File size: 1MB

8 votes

Meteorite screenshot

Free OGV Video Converter is a free application that allows you to convert almost any audio and video file to OGV format. Video files created by the program are compatible with HTML5, so you can use them on your websites. The video stream in the input file is encoded using Theora encoder, and audio stream with Vorbis encoder. The program supports two-pass encoding, which provides high image quality and reduces the size of the output file.

OS: Win
Version: 1.3
Released: Jan 29,2021
File size: 12.5MB

1 vote

Free OGV Video Converter screenshot

Virtual VCR is a small, free and versatile DirectShow video capture application designed to work with TV tuner and video capture cards that have WDM drivers.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.6.9
Released: Mar 1,2003
File size: 0.4MB

27 votes

VirtualVCR screenshot

Asfbin is a intuitive, fast and reliable tool for processing ASF and WMV files. This makes Asfbin especially powerful when it comes to fixing damaged ASF/WMV files. It can repair almost all types of errors within your favourite video files. Cutting fragments out of all ASF files, precise joining files or selected fragments into one ASF file. Now AsfBin tool comes along with AsfBinWin application, which, thanks to an easy to use user interface and its preview capabilities, makes work with video files really simple. Requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable.

OS: Win Linux
Version: 1.8.2 WIN / 1.8.3 CMD
Released: Jan 31,2012
File size: 0.3MB

18 votes

AsfBin screenshot

Foto2Avi is a freeware video/photo converter to avi/mpeg/flv. It is an video editor too. Foto2Avi can create photo slideshows or can be used as a regular video editor in order to cut or join video files. The video result can be exported as a single video file, like avi or as dvd format (dvd authoring). Has special video effects like: Transitions (Flippage,Swirl), Basic Effects (Brightness/Noise/Fade in/Fade out), Advanced Effects (Distort, Ripple), Animations, Subtitles, Logos

OS: Win
Version: 4.4
Released: Jun 22,2015
File size: 37.6MB

2 votes

Foto2Avi screenshot

Nero AAC/AAC+ UI is a frontend for Nero AAC. Encode WAV or FLAC files to MPEG-4 AAC/AAC+. Decode from FLAC or AAC/AAC+ to WAV. Automatic tagging of AAC/AAC+ files from FLAC files that have tags (only English character set supported at the moment). Change the priority of AAC/AAC+ and FLAC encoder and decoder programs on-the-fly. Requires the free Nero AAC. Included in our mirror download.

OS: Win
Version: 1
Released: Nov 11,2007
File size: 0.1MB

1 vote

Nero AAC UI screenshot

Kabuu Video Downloader is a multithreaded video and audio downloader for YouTube. You can download 2K, 1080p, 720p, 480p, etc videos with Kabuu Video Downloader. It can download Mp4 and Webm formats and opus and ogg audio formats.You can convert downloaded videos to mp4, webm, mkv, avi and other formats. Same convertion function also exists for audio downloads. You can convert downloaded audio files to mp3, m4a, ogg, wav, opus and more. The list of supported output formats is constantly updated. Kabuu Video Downloader can download playlist, user account as well as single videos. You can drag and drop or copy links to main window. You can also export your download lists in order to import them later and continue the download. If you have private playlists or videos, you can enter your YouTube credentials and download these content as well.

OS: Win
Version: 1.2.4
Released: Nov 14,2022
File size: 91MB

3 votes

Kabuu Video Downloader screenshot

VCDGear is a program designed to allow a user to extract MPEG streams from CD images, convert VCD/SVCD files to MPEG, correct MPEG errors, and more -- all in a single step. Basic MPEG/MPEG2 to VCD/SVCD authoring also.

OS: Win
Version: 3.55 / 3.56 beta
Released: Feb 13,2005
File size: 2.5MB

4 votes

vcdgear screenshot

dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. Rip to harddisk, Supports nearly all of transcode's video codecs, e.g: divx4, divx5, xvid, xvidcvs, ffmpeg, fame, opendivx and mpeg2enc, Subtitle rendering, (S)VCD modes,

Free software
OS: Linux
Version: 0.98.11
Released: Mar 6,2010
File size: 2MB

1 vote

dvd::rip screenshot

Muxman is a DVD multiplexer/authoring tool. The most important component of any DVD authoring system is its multiplexing engine. It should be flawless, and well tested. This is the purpose of my very simple first authoring program, Muxman. Professional version costs $35.

OS: Win
Version: 0.16.8
Released: Feb 19,2013
File size: 0.2MB

19 votes

Muxman screenshot

Lame Front-End is a graphical interface for the popular and very fast MP3 encoder & decoder - LAME. It offers easy access to all LAME parameters without the need for command line usage. The program offers a simple mode (for beginners), which was designed according to the LAME authors guidelines, and an advanced mode which reveals additional expert options. Lame Front-End can work in batch mode, so it can be used by external applications to encoding/decoding files, e.g. by Exact Audio Copy, CDex.

OS: Win
Version: 1.8
Released: Mar 15,2013
File size: 1.6MB

1 vote

Pazera Lame Front-End screenshot

Windows Media Encoder Series is a powerful tool for content producers who want to take advantage of the many innovations in Windows Media 9 Series including high-quality multichannel sound, high-definition video quality, new support for mixed-mode voice and music content, and more. Also Video Streaming, Media Stream Editor(multiplex and demultiplex wmv video streams).

OS: Win
Version: 9 Advanced Profile Update
Released: May 26,2006
File size: 9.5MB

6 votes

Windows Media Encoder screenshot

VSRip is a standalone DVD subtitle extractor to VobSub (idx/sub) file format. Also outputs closed caption as .srt when found. DVD to SUB/IDX, VOB to SUB/IDX.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.0 / beta
Released: Jul 14,2011
File size: 0.2MB

8 votes

VSRip screenshot

WavePad is an audio editor software for Windows. This audio editing software lets you make and edit voice and other audio recordings. You can cut, copy and paste parts of recording and, if required, add effects like echo, amplification and noise reduction.

Trialware $40
OS: Win Mac
Version: 20.02
Released: Feb 1,2025
File size: 3MB

6 votes

WavePad screenshot

Icecream Slideshow Maker makes creation of photo slideshows easy and intuitive for all categories of users. It features a number of effects and options for creating photo presentations with music from scratch. Simply add files, configure resolutions and other parameters, make up your mind on transition effects, and create a decent presentation. Freeware version is limited.

Freeware Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 5.15
Released: Nov 29,2024
File size: 20.8MB

2 votes

Icecream Slideshow Maker screenshot

Flowblade Movie Editor is a multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux released under GPL 3 license. Flowblade is designed to provide a fast, precise and as-simple-as-possible editing experience. Flowblade employs film style editing paradigm in which clips are usually automatically placed tightly after the previous clip - or between two existing clips - when they are inserted on the timeline. Edits are fine tuned by trimming in and out points of clips, or by cutting and deleting parts of clips. Film style editing is faster for creating programs with mostly straight cuts and audio splits, but may be slower when programs contain complex composites unless correct work flow is followed. Flowblade provides powerful tools to mix and filter video and audio.

Free software
OS: Linux
Version: 2.18.1
Released: Feb 17,2025
File size: 8MB

1 vote

Flowblade screenshot

dvbcut is a Qt application that allows you to select certain parts of an MPEG transport stream (as received via Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB) and save these parts into a single MPEG output file. It follows a "keyhole surgery" approach where the input video and audio data is mostly kept unchanged, and only very few frames at the beginning and/or end of the selected range are re-encoded in order to obtain a valid MPEG file.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 0.6.0 r166
Released: Jun 29,2009
File size: 3.2MB

3 votes

DVBcut screenshot

Libav provides cross-platform tools and libraries to convert, manipulate and stream a wide range of multimedia formats and protocols. avconv is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source. It can also convert between arbitrary sample rates and resize video on the fly with a high quality polyphase filter. AVplay is a very simple and portable media player using the Libav libraries and the SDL library. avprobe gathers information from multimedia streams and prints it in human- and machine-readable fashion. avserver is a streaming server for both audio and video. Command line tools.

Free software
OS: Linux
Version: 12.3
Released: Feb 12,2018
File size: 7.2MB

6 votes

Libav screenshot

Debut Video Capture Software is a screen recorder. Record video from a webcam, recording device or screen. Capture video files on your Mac or PC with this easy video recorder software. Record and capture video from almost any source – your computer screen, webcam or even VHS tapes. Utilize key pre-production features like video color, resolution, and output settings. Full version costs $30.

Trialware $30
OS: Win Mac
Version: 10.25
Released: Dec 2,2024
File size: 3MB

5 votes

Debut Video Capture Software screenshot

abcAVI Tag Editor is little stand alone utility for viewing/editing tags in AVI files. In short it allows you to get information on movie from Internet Movie Database or type it by yourself and save that info inside AVI file. Supports RIFF INFO tags, MovieID tags, IDivX tags. Allows editing more than 40 tags, not only "Title", "Subject" and "Copyright". Support of RIFF INFO tags ensures backward compatibility with standard Windows players like MS Media Player.

OS: Win
Version: 1.8.1
Released: Oct 19,2005
File size: 2.5MB

8 votes

abcAVI Tag Editor screenshot

Folder2Iso can create an ISO image from any kind of folder (with the subfolders). Actually its a GUI of mkisofs. There''s no need for installation, just run the exe and your ready to go. Don't use it for DVD-Video burning.

OS: Win
Version: 3.1
Released: Apr 30,2016
File size: 2.6MB

8 votes

Folder2Iso screenshot

TCPMP is a media player for embedded devices IE; PocketPC, Windows Mobile. It has built in codecs like mpeg4 video (XviD,DivX), mp3 (libmad), vorbis (Tremor) and supports third party plugins too (AAC). Primary platform is Windows CE on ARM devices. Development is discontinued and replaced by CorePlayer($30).

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.72 RC1
Released: Nov 23,2005
File size: 1.1MB

8 votes

The Core Pocket Media Player screenshot

WMV9 VCM is a Video Compression Manager (VCM) based version of the Windows Media Video 9 encoder/decoder will enable legacy encoding and editing applications like VirtualDub to support the Windows Media Video 9 codec in file containers such as AVI.

OS: Win
Version: 9
Released: Jul 7,2003
File size: 0.7MB

1 vote

WMV9 VCM screenshot

Volume Limiter is a live sound volume limiter/compressor. I was tired of having commercials be much louder than the regular programming for some of the web based content I have been watching so I wrote a quick and dirty volume limiter/compressor. It should work for systems that can record what is being played (such as recording through the stereo mix input). Some systems will not have such an input for recording. For such systems, the line output could be split to also feed the line input (which would then be selected to record) using an external patch chord (If you do make sure the playback side has the line input muted otherwise a feedback loop will be created). It is basic but gets the job done.

OS: Win
Version: 3.0
Released: Mar 5,2012
File size: 0.2MB

1 vote

Volume Limiter screenshot

Easy Subtitles Synchronizer (ESS) is a freeware tool that creates repairs and synchronizes your subtitles easily. It is designed for people without background to subtitles creation and synchronization. For this reason provides only the necessary tools for subtitles creation and synchronization that a common user needs.

OS: Win
Version: 1.0
Released: Jan 19,2011
File size: 4.8MB

5 votes

Easy Subtitles Synchronizer screenshot

Dxtory is a movie capture tool only for DirextX/OpenGL application. In order to acquire data from Surface Memory directly, It operates very much at high speed. Arbitrary cropping and free scaling are supported by hardware. Requires .NET 4

Trialware $45
OS: Win
Version: 2.0.142
Released: Apr 8,2017
File size: 5.8MB

3 votes

Dxtory screenshot

DVD-lab is the answer to the many DVD authoring packages out there which all try to restrict user or put him in a box of pre-canned DVD templates.

Trialware $100
OS: Win
Version: 1.3.1
Released: Jan 4,2005
File size: 17.9MB

60 votes

DVD-lab screenshot

ChapterGrabber will extract chapter times from DVD, HD DVD and Blu-ray discs and combine them with chapter names from the internet. It produces chapter text that are useful when muxing ogg media and mkv matroska files. It is particularly useful for those who like to convert their movies to a portable format for on the go watching. Requires .NET 3.5 Framework.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 5.4
Released: Feb 17,2013
File size: 0.2MB

5 votes

ChapterGrabber screenshot

Diffractor is designed to help you get organized with Photos and Videos on your PC. It can handle millions of media items and is fast and lightweight. It can understand most file formats and compliments other media applications. Diffractor is a metadata editor for video (mp4, mkv, avi) and photos (xmp, iptc, exif). It also allows searching on metadata and viewin/playing results.

OS: Win
Version: 126.0
Released: May 10,2024
File size: 24MB

3 votes

Diffractor screenshot

The Enosoft AVI Repair Tool is designed to repair DV format AVI files that have been corrupted due to missing AVI header information. The tool can repair both Type-1 and Type-2 DV AVI files. The tool works by creating a new AVI file from the DV data inside the corrupt file.

OS: Win
Version: 1.1
Released: Jan 11,2009
File size: 0.2MB

3 votes

Enosoft AVI Repair Tool screenshot

FFmpegGUI is a frontend for ffmpeg video converter. There's a lot of GUIs for ffmpeg, this is a little different than most as it focuses on broadcasting/streaming (assisting with capture card selections, network video input, etc...) and stream publishing output and has features specific to that. FFmpegGUI currently supports File, DirectShow, Blackmagic Decklink, NewTek NDI or URL inputs. Drag and drop your file(s) from your system to be processed quickly.

OS: Win
Version: 2.2.15
Released: Dec 5,2020
File size: 58.8MB

2 votes

FFmpegGUI screenshot

OGG Vorbis audio codec implimented as ACM for Windows. Allows most applications such as VirtualDub to generate OGG compressed audio. To install: right-click on vorbisacm.inf and select "Install."

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Jul 8,2002
File size: 2.1MB

2 votes

OGG Vorbis ACM Codec screenshot

GUI for dvdauthor is a free DVD author tool, features: PAL + NTSC, 4:3 + 16:9, SingleVTS and MultiVTS, Elementary and Multiplexed Videostreams (mpv, m2v, m1v, mp2, ac3, dts, mpg, vob), preview, Chaptereditor, Subtitlemenus and much more. GUI for dvdauthor and muxman.

OS: Win
Version: 1.07
Released: Jul 23,2008
File size: 7.3MB

23 votes

GUI for dvdauthor screenshot

Moho (aka Anime Studio) is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application. Moho provides the complete set of tools you need to create an animated cartoon, from drawing and coloring to keyframe animation, multi-layer compositing and final rendering of QuickTime and AVI movie files.

Trialware $50
OS: Win Mac
Version: 14
Released: Sep 10,2023
File size: 308MB

3 votes

Moho screenshot

STOIK Capturer allows you to capture video from DV camcorder through FireWire interface or any analog video source such as TV tuner card, video card, webcam etc. Features: Capture to AVI or WMV, Option to capture through temporary file to avoid drop frames during recompression, Split capture file by size, Ability to output DV AVI to DV camcorder

OS: Win
Version: 1.0
Released: May 20,2004
File size: 0.2MB

10 votes

Stoik Video Capture screenshot

SubToSup is a little program to convert sub/idx subtitles to sup subtitles that you can use in Ifoedit or Rejig. sub to sup, subtosup, sub2sup.

OS: Win
Version: 0.9 Beta
Released: Dec 20,2002
File size: 0.1MB

2 votes

SubToSup screenshot

Google VP8 Video Codec for Windows (VFW). Since the purchase of On2 by Google, there has been a lot of discussion on the latest VP8 (also called WebM) codec created by On2 which gives similar compression rations and quality than the H.264 video codec. Even though the Video for Windows driver framework is now several years old, several modern video editing tools still use extensively, such as Virtualdub. I wanted to be able to compress videos using standard AVI containers, therefore I decided to wrap the VP8 library around a Video For Windows driver. The version here was derived from the Xvid Video For Windows driver, and is fully functional.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.2.0
Released: Sep 14,2011
File size: 0.5MB

7 votes

VP8 Codec screenshot

MediTab provides you information of your multimedia files, like MediaInfo does, but without the need to launch an application. MediaTab use the power of MediaInfo integrating it on your operating system. The only thing you must to do is right click on a multimedia file, choose Properties and pick MediaTab. All info you need to hand!

Freeware Ads
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.1
Released: May 31,2016
File size: 3MB

2 votes

MediaTab  screenshot

Dynamic Audio Normalizer is a library and a command-line tool for audio normalization. It applies a certain amount of gain to the input audio in order to bring its peak magnitude to a target level (e.g. 0 dBFS). However, in contrast to more "simple" normalization algorithms, the Dynamic Audio Normalizer dynamically adjusts the gain factor to the input audio. This allows for applying extra gain to the "quiet" parts of the audio while avoiding distortions or clipping the "loud" parts. In other words, the volume of the "quiet" and the "loud" parts will be harmonized.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.10 / 2.11 Beta
Released: Jan 4,2019
File size: 35.7MB

1 vote

Dynamic Audio Normalizer screenshot

JuceVLC is VLC with a simple MediaCenter-like fullscreen User Interface. Browse and watch movies from your couch with a wireless mouse. This is not mean to be a XBMC killer! It gives a Media Center feel to VLC while keeping the player as lightweight as possible.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.9.6
Released: Oct 22,2024
File size: 48MB

1 vote

JuceVLC screenshot

Open DVD Producer lets you create DVDs with menus and chapters in a simple yet professional way. It's mainly developed for Mac OSX and Linux! The windows version is a bit buggy!

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 16.11
Released: Nov 16,2016
File size: 84.2MB

1 vote

Open DVD Producer screenshot

Nero Wave Editor is a program for editing and recording audio files. The various filtering and sound optimization methods allow you to create individual audio files quickly and easily. It also offers numerous improvement functions for recording from tape or vinyl records. NOTE! The installer will install lots of Nero extra apps!!!

OS: Win
Version: 26.5.1020
Released: May 22,2024
File size: 349MB

1 vote

Nero WaveEditor screenshot

SuperSimple Video Converter(former Best Video Converter) is a free transcoder for your movies, videos and music.Convert videos for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, etc, to make them play faster and take up less memory. Prepare videos for You-Tube, Facebook, Netflix, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, Vimeo and hundreds of other web sites. Create files for DVD players and set-top boxes (DVD, MKV, DivX, XviD, etc.). Extract audio from music videos. Convert music for car and home stereos (MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, etc.). Make videos playable on Windows, Mac, Linux and other computer systems. Resize videos, change bit rate, audio format and other parameters. Choose from various output presets (profiles) or create your own. All that at lightning speed, using multiple CPU cores, MMX / SSE instructions and GPU acceleration! Uses ffmpeg.

OS: Win
Version: 2015
Released: Mar 9,2015
File size: 10.7MB

76 votes

SuperSimple Video Converter screenshot

The Microsoft MPEG-4 V1/2/3 VKI Codec for ASF files now with scene change detection. Extract all files to a folder and right click on the .INF to install it.

OS: Win
Released: Jan 7,2001
File size: 0.2MB

2 votes

ASF Codec /  MPEG-4 V1/2/3 screenshot

DiVA is a video re-encoder for Mac OS X 10.2 or later designed for converting between MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 video sources into MPEG-4 video. It utilizes special features in the 3ivx video codec to allow for high speed and high quality.

OS: Mac
Version: 1.0
Released: Jan 1,2002
File size: 1.2MB

1 vote

DiVA screenshot

M2PMCEncoderZX is a converter for AVI,MPG,ASF,WMV to WMV for Microsoft Portable Media Center(PCM) or Microsoft Smartphone 2003 and above. Requires .net framework, Windows Media Encoder and Windows Media Player.

OS: Win
Version: 1
Released: Dec 26,2004
File size: 0.3MB

3 votes

M2PMCEncoderZX screenshot

AVFS is a user mode file system for Windows which exposes the output of Avisynth scripts as virtual WAV and AVI files. This allows Avisynth to serve video and audio data to applications through the file system, without using the VFW or DirectShow APIs. The virtual AVI and WAV files consume no disk space. Requires Pismo File Mount Audit Package 1.9.2.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Mar 25,2015
File size: 0.2MB

2 votes

Avisynth Virtual File System screenshot

Eric's Movie DataBase is a database/tracker for your Movies and TV Series. Automatic import from IMDb, TheTVDB, TheMovieDB, RottenTomatoes. All data and artwork like Movie posters, Actor Photos, Trailer links etc are automatically imported from the various sources. Various ways to add movies Manually enter titles. Scan Disks or Folders. Use a Barcode Scanner. Import from files. Manage your collection Manage seen movies or TV Series episodes. Keep track of loaned titles or your wish list. Play Movies or episodes from inside EMDB. Get all kind of statistics. Export / Print. Create HTML websites using various templates. Export to csv or plain text. Print lists, thumbnails or detailed movie summaries.

OS: Win
Version: 5.35
Released: Nov 15,2024
File size: 6.2MB

3 votes

Eric's Movie DataBase screenshot

Dscaler MPEG Filters is a free MPEG2 video decoder codec. Install and play MPEG2(DVD, SVCD) in Media Player or other video players like Media Player Classic, Zoom Player.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.0.8 Alpha
Released: Feb 18,2006
File size: 0.7MB

2 votes

Dscaler MPEG Filters screenshot

CD Wave is a program designed to aid in CD-Recordable mastering. It was built for splitting WAV files from any source, like LP, tape or even CD. After recording, you can let CD Wave automatically calculate split points, or you can manually add and delete split points. After this, you can write out the tracks as individual wave files and use any CDR mastering program to write a disc that has no clicks or pops in between tracks. Also supports 24-bit and surround audio. CD Wave can also act as a simple audio recorder and editor, allowing you to record and playback audio, and cut out parts that you want to keep.

Trialware $15
OS: Win
Version: 1.98
Released: Feb 7,2009
File size: 1.2MB

1 vote

CD Wave screenshot

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