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Moho (aka Anime Studio) is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application. Moho provides the complete set of tools you need to create an animated cartoon, from drawing and coloring to keyframe animation, multi-layer compositing and final rendering of QuickTime and AVI movie files.

Trialware $50
OS: Win Mac
File size: 308MB
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3 votes
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Latest version

14 (September 10, 2023)


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Download Moho 14 Windows  308MB  Win Win

Download Moho 14 Mac  Mac Mac

Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $50)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Mac OS Mac

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New


Here are some of the major enhancements in Moho 13.5!
You can expect stability, workflow improvements, support for macOS Big Sur, architectural updates, export/import advancements, improved speed, etc. in the latest Moho 13.5 release. Moho 13.5 engineering and development were lead by Moho's original creator Mike Clifton, his engineering team, loyal beta testers and Moho's product manager Victor Paredes.

We have also had to deprecate some features that were developed for Moho 13 that were causing major issues. They include some of the bitmap frame-by-frame capabilities, bitmap drawing/brush tools, 3D support and actions window. We will revisit and review these features in future versions of Moho where it makes sense and fits with Lost Marble's vision of Moho!

Here are some of the major enhancements in Moho 13.5:

Vitruvian bones (New in Moho Pro 13.5)
Animating foreshortening and complex actions is easier than ever! Inspired by Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man drawing, Vitruvian Bones are a new and powerful way to rig your characters. The intuitive V-bones system allows you to alternate different drawings and sets of bones. For instance, you can have different sets of heads, each with its own controllers. Or the same limb in different perspectives. Vitruvian bones will allow you to group and animate them on the fly just by switching from one to the next. Apply them to any part of the body or even switch entirely different bodies!! This unique approach makes it easier to have rigged characters with the appeal of traditional animation.
Moho Vitruvian Bones
Quad meshes to animate exactly in the way you want!
(New in Moho Pro 13.5)
Meshes are now even more powerful and easier to use with the new Quads! Animate your artwork in true perspective by simply attaching a four points shape to it. Or create grids for your characters -combining triangles and quads- and make them move like 3D. Bringing your bitmap illustrations, pictures and vector drawings to life has never been easier! Quad meshes open an entire world of possibilities.

Moho Quad Mesh

Add life to your scenes with the new Wind dynamics!
(New in Moho Pro 13.5)
Wind is the newest addition to the powerful and easy to use Physics toolset Moho offers! Take absolute control over the strength, direction and turbulence of wind and make your scenes come alive in minutes. Give your backgrounds and characters new life with Wind Dynamics!

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Alternative to Moho

(Latest version updated)

FastCodec  (Jul 31, 2006)

Lagarith Lossless Video Codec  (Dec 9, 2011)

MLC lossless codec  (Jun 3, 2012)

MSU Lossless Video Codec  (Sep 20, 2005)

Toponoky  (Jun 19, 2006)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

Moho, Anime Studio, Anime Studio Debut, Anime Studio Pro

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

Just posting to expand on a previous comment. Moho will happily render to HuffYUV 2.1.1 (the original author's version), with or without alpha channel, after the codec has been installed (it is not included with Moho). There seems to be a problem rendering to to HuffYUV 2.2.0 (modified by other authors), but I suspect that problem may be more in the codec than in Moho.

Moho is a lot of fun and a useful tool. Don't miss the free companion program Papagayo (also from Lost Marble), an aid for speech lip-synching.

Review by myles on Aug 4, 2005 Version: 5.2.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

fun to mess with, try the trial version, and take some of the included tutorials, lotta fun. functionality a 9 because u can't render to huffy =/

Review by DiablosuX102 on May 15, 2004 Version: 4.6 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I've been using this application for a few months now and I find it perfect for not only 2D animation but also video effects. You can import still pictures and do Ken Burns zoom and pan effects, plus rotations, perspective wipes, layers too. Also you can attach 'skeletons' to images and use them to warp/animate still pictures.
Ijust found out today you can also import AVI files and those can also be manipulated the same as still pictures.

Review by CrustyCurmudgeon on May 4, 2004 Version: 4.61 OS: Win98 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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