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NEW VERSION 0.6.0 r166

dvbcut is a Qt application that allows you to select certain parts of an MPEG transport stream (as received via Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB) and save these parts into a single MPEG output file. It follows a "keyhole surgery" approach where the input video and audio data is mostly kept unchanged, and only very few frames at the beginning and/or end of the selected range are re-encoded in order to obtain a valid MPEG file.

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Latest version

0.6.0 r166 (June 29, 2009)


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Download DVBcut 0.6.0 r166 Linux  731KB  Linux Linux

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

2009-06-28Michael Riepe

Fix stamp-dist dependencies.
Fix non-POSIX sort command.
Add bindist target.

2009-06-27Michael Riepe

* src/dvbcut.cpp:
* src/dvbcut.h:
* src/dvbcutbase.ui:
Add help dialog and about box.
* src/dvbcut_en.html:
Initial (rudimentary) help file.
Add dvbcut_en.html.
* src/
Install dvbcut_en.html.

2009-06-27Michael Riepe

* src/stream.h:
Make non-interlaced video the default.

2009-06-27Michael Riepe

Allow parallel (make -j<n>) install.

2009-06-26Michael Riepe

* import/stdlib.h:
Use #include_next <stdlib.h> instead of a fixed path.

2009-06-23Michael Riepe

* src/buffer.cpp:
* src/mpegmuxer.cpp:
Fix gcc 4.4 build.

2009-06-19Dominik Kopp(mr)

* contrib/AR_to_169:
* contrib/AR_to_43:
Add missing quotes.

2009-06-09Michael Riepe

* contrib:
New directory
* contrib/AR_to_169:
* contrib/AR_to_43:
New scripts to force an aspect ratio of 16:9 or
4:3. Contributed by Dominik Kopp.
Add new files to distribution list.

2009-02-11Michael Riepe

* src/
Generate all sources before calling

2009-01-28Michael Riepe

Also link with -lm when looking for liba52.

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

I love how well this tool works. I wasn't sure about the dual sliders at first but after I got the hang of them it really does make a lot of sense. I was most impressed by the fact that I didn't have any audio video sync issues when cutting out commercials. I'm using media center to record the shows and after finally getting them converted from wtv files to mpeg files I figured cutting would be the easy part. I tried a number of different programs and every one of them either degraded the quality or desynchronized the file. This was the first thing I've found for properly cutting out just the parts I wanted and giving me a workable mpeg. Many thanks to the author of this software.

Review by Static_ac on Mar 10, 2011 Version: 0.6.0-166 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Didn't work for me.
It will let you choose a trp file, but claims it "does not contain any video", which
I know for sure is false..

Review by Neuman on Feb 9, 2010 Version: 0.60-svn/165 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

I was looking for a program to edit ATSC HDTV transport streams, so I tried this one.

Good: Handles HDTV .ts file as input fine. Output as transport stream is recognized by DGIndex and therefore is convertible to DVD or other digital formats using Avisynth etc. Double-slider navigation works well for quickly zeroing in on a frame once you figure out what it does by playing with both sliders. Cuts frame accurately as claimed, and handles AC3 audio cutting well. Gets rid of audio delay, a huge plus.

Bad: None of the 4 export formats play properly in BeyondTV, making it fail my purpose. (HDTV2MPEG works but only cuts on GOPS and leaves audio delay). Apparently "transport stream" output is not HDTV compliant. "go" buttons need tooltips. (Hint: Go buttons jump to a frame #, left: unedited #s, right: edited frame #s.) Needs an export button in the toolbar. Needs an option to export segments as separate files.

Review by MrMoody on May 6, 2008 Version: 0.5.4 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

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