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Dynamic Audio Normalizer is a library and a command-line tool for audio normalization. It applies a certain amount of gain to the input audio in order to bring its peak magnitude to a target level (e.g. 0 dBFS). However, in contrast to more "simple" normalization algorithms, the Dynamic Audio Normalizer dynamically adjusts the gain factor to the input audio. This allows for applying extra gain to the "quiet" parts of the audio while avoiding distortions or clipping the "loud" parts. In other words, the volume of the "quiet" and the "loud" parts will be harmonized.

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Latest version

2.10 / 2.11 Beta (January 4, 2019)


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Download Dynamic Audio Normalizer 2.11 Beta  38MB  Win Win

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 2.11 (2019-01-03)

Core library: Fixed a potential crash due to dereferencing a possibly invalidated iterator
Core library: Use C++11 std::mutex, if supported → removes the dependency PThread library
CLI front-end: Added support for decoding Opus input files via libopusfile library
CLI front-end: Added new CLI option --output-bps to specify the desired output bit-depth
Winamp plug-in: Some fixes and improvements; removed old workarounds
Windows binaries: Updated the included libsndfile version to 1.0.28 (2017-04-02)
Windows binaries: Updated build environment to Visual Studio 2017.9 (MSVC 14.16)

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Command-Line Usage

Dynamic Audio Normalizer program can be invoked via command-line interface (CLI), either manually from the command prompt or automatically by a batch file.

Basic CLI syntax:

The basic Dynamic Audio Normalizer command-line syntax is as follows:
DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i -o [options]

Note that the input file and the output file always have to be specified, while all other parameters are optional. But take care, an existing output file will be overwritten!

Also note that the Dynamic Audio Normalizer program uses libsndfile for input/output, so a wide range of file formats (WAV, W64, FLAC, Ogg/Vorbis, AIFF, AU/SND, etc) as well as various sample types (ranging from 8-Bit Integer to 64-Bit floating point) are supported.

Passing "raw" PCM data via pipe is supported too. Just specify the file name "-" in order to read from or write to the stdin or stdout stream, respectively. When reading from the stdin, you have to explicitly specify the input sample format, channel count and sampling rate.

For a list of all available options, please run DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe --help from the command prompt. Also see to the configuration chapter for more details!

Usage examples:

Read input from Wave file and write output to a Wave file again:
DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i "in_original.wav" -o "out_normalized.wav"

Read input from stdin (input is provided by FFmpeg via pipe) and write output to Wave file:
ffmpeg.exe -i "movie.mkv" -loglevel quiet -vn -f s16le -c:a pcm_s16le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 16 --input-chan 2 --input-rate 48000 -o "output.wav"

Read input from Wave file and write output to stdout (output is passed to FFmpeg via pipe):
DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i "input.wav" -o - | ffmpeg.exe -loglevel quiet -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i - -c:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 "output.mp3"

SoX integration:

As an alternative to the Dynamic Audio Normalizer command-line front-end, the Dynamic Audio Normalizer library may also be used as an effect in Sound eXchange (SoX), a versatile audio editor and converter.

Note, however, that standard SoX distributions do not currently support the Dynamic Audio Normalizer. Instead, a special patched build of SoX that has the Dynamic Audio Normalizer effect enabled is required!

When working with SoX, the Dynamic Audio Normalizer can be invoked by adding the "dynaudnorm" effect to your effect chain, which can be done as follows:
DynamicAudioNormalizerSoX.exe -S "in_original.wav" -o "out_normalized.wav" dynaudnorm [options]

For details about the SoX command-line syntax, please refer to the SoX documentation, or type DynamicAudioNormalizerSoX.exe --help-effect dynaudnorm for a list of available options.

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to Dynamic Audio Normalizer

(Latest version updated)

The Levelator  (Feb 8, 2010)

Volume Normalizer Master  (Aug 28, 2019)

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1 reviews, Showing 1 to 1 reviews

It's a perfect tool.
I have a question.

ffmpeg -> DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -> qaac pipe

Rwsult : work
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 8 --input-rate 48000 -o out.w64
qaac.exe out.w64 -q 2 -V 100 -o test.m4a

Rwsult : pipe -> Fail (qaac)
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 8 --input-rate 48000 -t wav -o - |
qaac.exe -q 2 -V 100 - -o test.m4a

Rwsult : pipe -> Fail (ffmpeg ac3)
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 6 --input-rate 48000 -t w64 -o - |
ffmpeg.exe -i - -b:a 448k test.ac3

Review by Kyle6518 on Jun 15, 2019 Version: 2.11 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

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