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1241 tool hits, Showing 601 to 650 tools
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LongoMatch is a sports video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists, to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies video analysis by providing a set of intuitive tools to tag, review and edit the most important plays of the game. It allows to group plays by categories and adjust their the boundaries (lead and lag time) through a timeline. It also has support for playlists, an easy way to create presentations with plays from different games and provides a video editor to render new videos with your favorite ones. Even if it is primary focused to sports, LongoMatch can be used for any task that requires tagging and reviewing segments of a video file, and can be applied to fields like cinema, medics or conferences.

Free software
OS: Win Mac
Version: 0.20.8
Released: Oct 1,2014
File size: 46MB

1 vote

LongoMatch screenshot

LosslessCut aims to be the ultimate cross platform FFmpeg GUI for extremely fast and lossless operations on video, audio, subtitle and other related media files. The main feature is lossless trimming and cutting of video and audio files, which is great for saving space by rough-cutting your large video files taken from a video camera, GoPro, drone, etc. It lets you quickly extract the good parts from your videos and discard many gigabytes of data without doing a slow re-encode and thereby losing quality. Or you can add a music or subtitle track to your video without needing to encode. Everything is extremely fast because it does an almost direct data copy, fueled by the awesome FFmpeg which does all the grunt work.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 3.65.0
Released: Mar 19,2025
File size: 114MB

85 votes

LosslessCut screenshot

lxdvdrip is a Command Line Tool to make a copy from a Video DVD for private Use. It automates the process of Ripping, Authoring, Preview and Burning of a DVD.

Free software
OS: Linux
Version: 1.76
Released: Apr 11,2010
File size: 0.7MB

1 vote

lxdvdrip screenshot

Lyric Video Creator is a program designed to create video presentations with background music and scrolling text/lyrics. It is also suitable for creating karaoke videos that are very popular online (eg on You-tube) or for entertainment at parties and events of all kinds.

Trialware $50
OS: Win
Version: 6.2.2
Released: Jan 31,2025
File size: 82.3MB

1 vote

Lyric Video Creator screenshot

M2PMCEncoderZX is a converter for AVI,MPG,ASF,WMV to WMV for Microsoft Portable Media Center(PCM) or Microsoft Smartphone 2003 and above. Requires .net framework, Windows Media Encoder and Windows Media Player.

OS: Win
Version: 1
Released: Dec 26,2004
File size: 0.3MB

3 votes

M2PMCEncoderZX screenshot

M3 Movie Converter will take traditional media (DVD, VOB, MPEG, AVI, MOV, etc) to the GBM/GBS format. This is the native format used by the Nintendo GameBoy Advanced. Once converted the resultant file pair (video = GBM, audio=GBS) can be played on a GameBoy using the GBA Media Player. NDS/GBM/GBA Movie Player Converter Crystal software.

OS: Win
Version: 1.21
Released: Nov 1,2005
File size: 9MB

1 vote

M3 Movie Converter screenshot

m3u8x helps you to download and save video from m3u8. Download m3u8-video = Download videos from M3U8 to your computer = Download m3u8-video. Copy M3U8 file and then paste its file link to "m3u8x" , can also support to download multiple M3U8 files one time, so you can paste many M3U8 file links to "m3u8x"...

OS: Win
Version: 1.085
Released: Dec 16,2017
File size: 21.4MB

1 vote

m3u8x screenshot

Mac DVDRipper Pro is the easiest dvd ripper for your Mac! Mac DVDRipper Pro is the professional tool to transfer your movies on your Mac. Protect your DVDs from scratches, save your batteries by reading your movies from your hard disk, manage your collection with just a few clicks, time-shift your rental, backup your DVD collection, and much more!

Trialware $25
OS: Mac
Version: 13.3
Released: Feb 28,2025
File size: 316MB

2 votes

Mac DVDRipper Pro screenshot

mAC3dec is a Free Mac audio conversion utility. Handles various formats, including .ac3 audio to .aiff audio. Adjustable normalize and dynamic range compression make this a good tool for getting your MPEG or DVD to sound loud! Global option lets you normalize a batch of files without exceeding max level. Adjustable sample rate on output means you can quickly convert .ac3 at 48K to .aiff at 44.1K for burning to audio CD.

Free software
OS: Mac
Version: 1.6.3
Released: Aug 27,2004
File size: 0.4MB

1 vote

mAC3dec screenshot

DVD Bitrate Viewer for MacOSX, Features: See a graph of combined DVD bitrate, Change the colors of the graph, Choose which title to look at, Save the graphs to TIFF files, Have multiple windows open at once for comparing, Open either off a DVD or a hard drive (anywhere there is a VIDEO_TS folder, really).

OS: Mac
Version: 0.5
Released: Feb 19,2005
File size: 0.4MB

1 vote

MacDVDBitrateParanoia screenshot

Machete is a convenient utility for playing and editing multimedia files. Currently, Machete can edit video and audio files in AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, MKV, WMA, MP3 and WAV formats. The support of editing functions for other formats is planned for future versions of the program.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 5.1
Released: May 6,2024
File size: 2.7MB

15 votes

Machete screenshot

MacTheRipper (MTR) is a DVD ripper (extractor) for MacOS X. It is capable of copying your DVD to your hard drive without all the copy and region restrictions, with all quality intact. This is ideal for saving your kids‘ favorite movies from rough handling, making copies for the car, or for a trip. It can also be used to make the content accessible to programs that will convert the movie to another format, like an iPod or other media players.

Payware $10
OS: Mac
Version: 6.0
Released: Dec 24,2024

More info

8 votes

MacTheRipper screenshot

MacYTDL is a macOS GUI front end for youtube-dl the cross-platform video downloader. It runs on any Apple Mac with OS X 10.10 or later. It has been developed in AppleScript. The code is not protected and can be opened in Script Editor. It is code signed and should pass Gatekeeper.

Free software
OS: Mac
Version: 1.29
Released: Feb 23,2025
File size: 22MB

1 vote

MacYTDL screenshot

madFLAC is a DirectShow decoder filter for FLAC files. Play FLAC files directly in Windows Media Player and other DirectShow players/decoders.

OS: Win
Version: 1.10
Released: Jan 30,2011
File size: 0.4MB

1 vote

madFLAC screenshot

madVR is a high quality video renderer (GPU assisted). features: high quality chroma upsampling, high quality scaling (bicubic, mitchell, lanczos, spline etc), high quality YCbCr -> RGB conversion, gamut & gamma correction for display calibration, full 16bit processing queue, final 16bit processing result is dithered down to RGB output bitdepth, bypasses graphics card's video (damage) algorithms, all work is done via GPU shaders, no shortcuts, highest quality has priority over anything else. Both 32bit and 64 bit version included.

OS: Win
Version: 0.92.17 / Test Build 207
Released: Oct 1,2024
File size: 38.5MB

36 votes

madVR screenshot

MaestroSBT is a DVD subtitle rendering utility. It produces subtitle bitmaps and import scripts for Scenarist, DVD Maestro and others from SSA v.4 files. PAL and NTSC formats are supported, and aspect ratio correction is provided for both 4:3 and 16:9.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Mar 27,2011
File size: 0.8MB

4 votes

MaestroSBT screenshot

MagicYUV is a high-performance, ultra-fast, mathematically lossless video codec for recording, archiving, video post-production and uncompressed-quality playout at high resolutions.It provides faster-than-realtime performance for FullHD and 4K resolutions on contemporary PC hardware. Multi-threaded by design enabling efficient utilization of multi-core CPUs. This combined with an advanced SSE optimized coder/decoder engine makes MagicYUV one of the fastest mathematically lossless video codecs of it's kind. MagicYUV is the ideal intermediate format for video post-production and delivery format of high-quality playout, reducing bandwidth without quality degradation, keeping the video material bit-by-bit identical to the original.

Trialware $10
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 2.4.1 / 1.2 Free
Released: Sep 18,2024
File size: 3.2MB

1 vote

MagicYUV screenshot

With Magix Movie Studio(replaces the old Vegas Movie Studio), the most efficient movie editor yet, you can easily organize, edit, and enhance all of your photos and videos with amazing special effects, spectacular titles and custom music. With a new, modern user interface, version 14 of VEGAS® Movie Studio features powerful multicam editing tools, optimized hover scrub technology, efficient RAM preview, high resolution (including 4K) and all the effects you need to tell the perfect story. And use the included SmartSound® Sonicfire Pro® 6, NewBlueFX video effects and the Hitfilm Toolkit Pack to take your videos to the next level.

Trialware $50
OS: Win
Version: 2025
Released: May 27,2024
File size: 6.1MB

27 votes

Magix Movie Studio screenshot

MAGIX PhotoStory on CD & DVD is your product of choice for creating multimedia video and slideshows – quick and easy! Turn your memories into impressive TV events! Perfect slideshows in 3 minutes! Turn your pictures and videos in record time into impressive slideshows complete with suitable background music, text, different effects, interactive DVD player menus, etc.

Trialware $50
OS: Win
Version: Deluxe 2025
Released: Sep 9,2024
File size: 6MB

1 vote

Magix PhotoStory screenshot

Video Pro X revolutionizes video editing and delivers an impressive range of professional tools that are at the cutting edge of technology. Everything you need is included to create a finished movie faster and more easily than with any other video editing software.

Trialware $300
OS: Win
Version: 16
Released: Apr 29,2024
File size: 6MB

1 vote

Magix Video Pro X screenshot

MakeAVI allows you to do make an avi video from images. It will read JPGs, as well as PNG, BMP, and several other formats (no GIF, and don't bother begging). The program is very simple and easy to understand.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.11
Released: Jun 10,2002
File size: 0.3MB

1 vote

MakeAVI screenshot

MakeBD is a free blu-ray creator. Convert any video to blu-ray the easiest-to-use and friendliest home blu-ray creating program to help you convert video to blu-ray content for safekeeping and convenient future review. It has no output settings at all, just add your video and convert! Development seems to have stopped.

OS: Win
Version: 1.2.1 Beta
Released: Apr 12,2016
File size: 6.1MB

7 votes

MakeBD screenshot

MakeInstantPlayer is a tool for converting video files into self-running executables(exe file). This is very useful for distributing videos, as the user doesn't need any additional software for playback. As MakeInstantPlayer uses the MPlayer engine for playback, it supports almost any video format in existance. Furthermore it uses NSIS to pack everthing to one single EXE file.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.60
Released: Apr 5,2011
File size: 7.5MB

1 vote

MakeInstantPlayer screenshot

MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert DVD, Blu-ray, UHD and AVCHD discs that you own into MKV. The only thing MakeMKV does - it remuxes/changes the video clips from the disk into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way(no video and audio reconversion). The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters. There are many players that can play MKV files nearly on all platforms. Decrypt complete Blu-rays and DVDs to HDD or stream directly to your network(UPnP). MakeMKV is FREE while in beta, get free MakeMKV key here. Full version costs $50.

OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 1.17.9 Beta
Released: Feb 1,2025
File size: 14.6MB

127 votes

MakeMKV screenshot

Make Sample is a very simple video sample maker. Open most video formats(choose All files) and it makes a video sample from the start to the selected file size.

OS: Win
Version: 1
Released: Jul 15,2005
File size: 0.1MB

1 vote

MakeSample screenshot

MassFaces is a powerful freeware application that allows you to download and recover to your computer the full available "Videos Album" from your Facebook account and from friend's timelines.

OS: Win
Released: Sep 8,2015
File size: 1.1MB

1 vote

MassFaces screenshot

MassTube is a powerful application that allows you to download videos from YouTube in HD and more. Benefits: Download fast with a single click. Supported videos: YouTube, Vevo, Age Blocked content (without YouTube login) and more. Supported formats: FLV, MP4, WebM y 3GP. Supported resolutions: 240p, 360p, 480p, HD 720p, Full HD 1080p and 4K 3072p. Designed for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.Integrated history manager. Plus version costs from $5.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win
Released: Mar 4,2025
File size: 83MB

14 votes

MassTube screenshot

MC-TVConverter is a free GUI for various commandline video converters. It's mainly targeted to convert recordings from Microsoft Windows MediaCenter(WTV/DVR-MS), which introduced the new WTV format in Windows7 and Vista with TV-Pack. It's designed for easy use (drag'n drop, rightclick conversion, file filtering,...) and can be used to watch folders/subfolders for ongoing conversion in background. It converts wtv|dvr-ms|mpg|ts to mpg|ts|avi|mp4|flv|wmv (depends on input format) while streamcopying on selected formats is possible for fastest conversion speed possible.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.1.0
Released: Nov 23,2011
File size: 24.8MB

3 votes

MC-TVConverter screenshot

MCEBuddy Convert Videos, Remove Commercials/Ads and Organize your Media Center (WTV, DVRMS, TS, MP4, MKV, AVI, WMV), TV Recordings (SiliconDust, WMC/MCE, NextPVR, Media Portal, Kodi/XBMC, Sage TV, Argus TV, ICE TV, PlayLater, Plex), DVR (HDHomeRun DVR, DVBLink, Channels DVR) and any other Video. MCEBuddy removes commercials and advertisements from your video recordings while converting them to make them compatible with your other streaming and portable devices. It does all of this automatically and seamlessly using an intuitive app. Converts from WTV, DVR-MS, TS, MPEG and many other formats to WTV, MP4 , AVI, MKV, portable devices and others. Organizes and renames videos, monitor folders and batch conversion in the background at scheduled times. It also integrates with your iTunes and WMP libraries to keep them up to date. Premium version costs $30.

Trialware $30
OS: Win
Version: 2.6.4
Released: Aug 13,2024
File size: 255MB

27 votes

MCEBuddy screenshot

MPDN - Media Player .NET is a modern extensible media player written in .NET (with performance critical parts in ASM/SSE2) featuring a fully integrated high quality Direct3D 9, 10, 11 video renderer that is equally extensible. In fact, its most powerful features come from its open source community contributed extensions called MPDN Extensions hosted on GitHub.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.49.0 / 1.31.0 Extensions
Released: Sep 27,2017
File size: 19.3MB

2 votes

Media Player .NET screenshot

Media Player Classic looks just like Windows Media Player 6.4, but has many additional features. It has a built in DVD player with real-time zoom, support for AVI subtitles, QuickTime and RealVideo support (requires QuickTime and/or Real Player), built-in MPEG2/SVCD/DVD codec. No longer developed so use instead MPC-HC or MPC-BE.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Feb 14,2010
File size: 2MB

53 votes

Media Player Classic screenshot

Media Player Classic Qute Theater (mpc-qt) aims to reproduce most of the interface and functionality of mpc-hc while using libmpv to play video instead of DirectShow. Nearly everything that MPC-HC does. For the most part, unwritten portions relate to setting options, streaming from devices, and storing favorites.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 24.12.1
Released: Feb 25,2025
File size: 92MB

3 votes

Media Player Classic Qute Theater screenshot

Media Preview shows thumbnails for all your video files in Windows Explorer. Media Preview is powered by ffmpeg.

OS: Win
Version: 1.4.3
Released: Apr 13,2014
File size: 14.7MB

11 votes

Media Preview screenshot

Media Downloader is a frontend for yt-dlp. The GUI offers a configurable list of preset options that can be used to download media if they are provided in multiple formats. The GUI offers an ability to do unlimited number of parallel downloads. Be careful with this ability because doing too many parallel downloads may cause the host to ban you. The GUI offers an ability to download playlist from websites that supports them like youtube. The GUI offers ability to manage links to playlist to easily monitor their activities(subscriptions).

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 5.3.1
Released: Mar 11,2025
File size: 72MB

6 votes

media-downloader screenshot

MediaCalc is a Mac OS video bitrate calculator for DVD, SVCD and Streaming formats.

OS: Mac
Version: 2.3.1
Released: Jul 23,2012
File size: 0.3MB

1 vote

MediaCalc screenshot

MediaCoder is an audio/video batch transcoder, putting together many excellent audio/video softwares from the open source community into one friendly GUI. On video side, MEncoder, ffmpeg are used as back-end, which provides support for nearly all known video compression and container formats as well as rich and useful video filtering features (e.g. post-processing, 3D de-noise). Supports CUDA acceleration. Some features are limited in the free version. Premium version costs $95.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win
Version: 0.8.65
Released: Oct 12,2022
File size: 101MB

78 votes

MediaCoder screenshot

MediaCodeSpeedEdit allows you to change the write speed for your media and to add new media codes to your firmware by renaming an already available media code. The new media code name can be entered manually or can be imported from the DVD Identifier media code output to be sure that no special characters are lost. Remove RipLock (DVD read speed increasing).

OS: Win
Released: Oct 3,2011
File size: 0.2MB

5 votes

MediaCodeSpeedEdit screenshot

MediaDownloader has a unique exceptional unique features and enhancements, it is a lightning-fast, GUI-based tool that removes the hassle of using yt-dlp through a command-line, and more new extractors engine like you-get and lux are planned to be added soon.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Apr 19,2024
File size: 2MB

5 votes

MediaDownloader screenshot

Cyberlink MediaEspresso video conversion software Cyberlink MediaShow Espresso is the hassle-free solution for converting all your favorite videos for playback on iPhone, PSP, Xbox, YouTube and more. Simply choose the preferred media player or medium, and let MediaShow Espresso do the rest. During video conversion, you'll save precious time with support for powerful Intel® Core i7™, NVIDIA® CUDA™, and ATI® Stream™ CPU/GPU technologies. Leverage the combined performance of your CPU and GPU to convert files quickly and efficiently.

Trialware $40
OS: Win
Version: 7.5
Released: Dec 30,2018
File size: 1MB

5 votes

MediaEspresso screenshot

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. The MediaInfo data display includes: Container: format, profile, commercial name of the format, duration, overall bit rate. Video: format, codec , aspect, frame rate. Audio: format, codec id, sample rate, channels. Text: format, codec id, language of subtitle Chapters: count of chapters, list of chapters.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 24.12
Released: Dec 10,2024
File size: 13.6MB

64 votes

MediaInfo screenshot

MediaInfoXP is a simple GUI for MediaInfo. The program is 100% self-contained, no DLL dependencies. No installation and no ads.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.47
Released: Aug 17,2024
File size: 16MB

2 votes

MediaInfoXP screenshot

MediaPortal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi MediaCenter / HTPC. It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's, DVD's and Blurays, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free and best of all it is opensource. MediaPortal 2 is newer but less plugins, see comparison here. Requires .NET 4.8 or .NET 6.0.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.36 / 2.5 .NET 6
Released: Dec 5,2024
File size: 211MB

10 votes

MediaPortal screenshot

MediTab provides you information of your multimedia files, like MediaInfo does, but without the need to launch an application. MediaTab use the power of MediaInfo integrating it on your operating system. The only thing you must to do is right click on a multimedia file, choose Properties and pick MediaTab. All info you need to hand!

Freeware Ads
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.1
Released: May 31,2016
File size: 3MB

2 votes

MediaTab  screenshot

MeGUI is the most comprehensive GUI based x264 converter. It supports also HEVC/H265 (x265), MPEG-4 ASP (XviD & libavcodec MPEG-4) using mencoder, MelEG-4 AVC (x264) using x264 CLI or mencoder, (HE)AAC audio using BeSweet & Nero AAC encoder and MP4 muxing using mp4box. One click encoder option. Requires .NET framework 4.8.1. Windows Vista and older are not supported.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 6666 - 20250210
Released: Feb 10,2025
File size: 5MB

67 votes

MeGUI screenshot

MenuEdit is a DVD vob file editor for Windows which eliminates a root of the problem - removes buttons from dvd menu screens and replaces unwanted material with what you like. No button - no problem.

Trialware $17
OS: Win
Version: 2.3.1
Released: Nov 13,2003
File size: 0.1MB

1 vote

MenuEdit screenshot

MenuShrink turns motion menus into still menus with or without audio, cutting down their size 60% to 95%, often saving several hundreds of megabytes. A great complement to DVD Shrink.

OS: Win
Version: 2.41
Released: Jan 24,2006
File size: 0.3MB

3 votes

MenuShrink screenshot

MetaFox is a simple to use MKV video file converter/multiplexer with a few steps. You drag'n'drop a file or even an entire folder onto the shortcut and it will create copies of the originals in the MKV format. This tool is especially useful to Windows 7/10 users who have trouble with thumbnails or video playback. MetaFox converts/remuxes HEVC, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, FLV, RMVB, etc... to MKV files. MetaFox will not reconvert any video/audio but only remux it to a mkv file container so you will not lose any video/audio quality.

OS: Win
Version: 2.5.8
Released: Mar 17,2025
File size: 7.6MB

1 vote

MetaFox screenshot

MetaX lets you tag Your Movies To Look Perfect in iTunes, Apple TV or other Media Players- When you want your movies to look as good as those purchased from iTunes, with cover art, descriptions, ratings, actors and more, you NEED MetaX. With only a mouse click or two, MetaX will scour all the major sources of movie and TV information on the web: TVDB, TheMovieDB, Amazon, and tagChimp, as well as IMDB and Yahoo posters and display the information. You can select from multiple entries to get just the look you want, then quickly write the tags into the file so that it shows up in iTunes, Apple TV or whatever media play you use, just like it would if you had purchased the movie from iTunes. MetaX supports MP4, M4V, MOV, AVI, MKV and WMV files.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 2.89
Released: Jul 15,2024
File size: 18.4MB

3 votes

MetaX screenshot

Meteorite is the first and only MKV/Matroska Repair utility in the world. Simply drop your broken and/or under download MKV files in it and take rest. Cant fix every MKV but it's worth to try.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 0.11 beta
Released: May 14,2011
File size: 1MB

8 votes

Meteorite screenshot

Expression Encoder offers enhancement, encoding, and publishing of rich video experiences with Microsoft Silverlight. Convert and compress multiple video formats to SMPTE standard VC-1 video for mobile, web, and HD video scenarios. For streamlined workflow, create branded templates with Expression Blend, and encode on the desktop or server to guarantee a consistent viewing experience on Windows, Mac, and devices. Requires .NET Framework 4.

OS: Win
Version: 4 SP2
Released: Feb 11,2011
File size: 24.7MB

3 votes

Microsoft Expression Encoder screenshot

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