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MediaPortal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi MediaCenter / HTPC. It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's, DVD's and Blurays, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free and best of all it is opensource. MediaPortal 2 is newer but less plugins, see comparison here. Requires .NET 4.8 or .NET 6.0.

Free software
OS: Win
File size: 211MB
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10 votes
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MediaPortal screenshot 3
Latest version

1.36 / 2.5 .NET 6 (December 5, 2024)


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Download MediaPortal 1.36 64-bit  211MB  Win64 Win

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Download MediaPortal 2.5 .NET 6 64-bit  209MB  Win64 Win

Download MediaPortal 2.5 .NET 4.8

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

MediaPortal 1.36 Release Latest

We have just released MediaPortal 1.36 - Polar Express x86 and x64 version.

Highlights of this release

[MP1-5229] - MiniDisplayLibrary: Fix x64 compatibilty for HID VFD Control
[MP1-5230] - Fix XySubFilter selection - check madVr selection prior to loading subtitle engine type
Since Pre-Release :

Since Pre-Release :
Improvement / Rework:

[MP1-5225] - Update SQLite to 3.46.1/3.47.0
[MP1-5226] - Fix AnalyseStream to support individual video/audio source filter
[MP1-5227] - Fix Subtitle Language/Name in case of difference between current video file and subtitle engine
[MP1-5228] - Bump NSIS 3.09 to 3.10
DefaultWideHD skin update
Titan skin update
Language update - Add new Games
Since Pre-Release :

Along with the above items we kept consolidating our software.

For use Bluray with BD-J support, please read the Wiki

Full list of changes

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Alternative to MediaPortal

(Latest version updated)

Emby Server  (Mar 3, 2025)

Jellyfin  (Feb 16, 2025)

JRiver Media Center  (Feb 27, 2025)

Kodi  (Jan 18, 2025)

Plex Media Server  (Feb 24, 2025)

Stremio  (Feb 27, 2025)

Universal Media Server  (Feb 15, 2025)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

MediaPortal, Media Portal, MediaPortal 2, MediaPortal2

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10 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Rating by sandraodj on Feb 9, 2020 Version: 1.23 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I just love it.
It is very easy to install, it download the file I need and install if I dont have it.
That is alot of nice plugin and other that make it so easy to use it.

Well yes that have happend that is not so easy to understand but the forum they have is very good and people is very nice to help.

If you going to use it to recording TV, then I like to give you a tip For The Record that you can find here

Review by Cazz on Jun 10, 2009 Version: 1.0.2 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

As a free tool you need to google around and use the forums to get the most from this tool but evetually you can get it all setup. Find it stable now and very flexible if you spend the time to set it up. Now the family have a great UI. I use Imon remote that came with silverstone case. lcd and remote work well with media portal app.

Review by nightsurf on Aug 25, 2006 Version: OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Previous review is unfair; this is a work in progress and it's free.

It looks a great deal better than BeyondTV, Showshifter, MCE, MyTheatre, iMedian, GBPVR, Meedio, and the others.

I've found that GBPVR has very bad stuttering when playing back live TV - this doesn't happen with MediaPortal or Showshifter.

Media Portal supports multiple DVB-T cards, plus analog MPEG2 capture cards + devices - BeyondTV still does not support DVB-T cards, and Meedio does not *officially* support more than one DVB-T card at a time. GBPVR supports multiple DVB-T cards and analog cards, but I think you have to specifically assign which channels you want to view against each DVB card which is painful.

However, GBPVR does allow you to have Media MVP devices around the house that can receive video from the central GBPVR - I don't think this is possible with Media Portal just yet.

Certainly, Media Portal has it's irritations; it still occasionally causes a BSOD when performing DVD playback for example.

But its potential (its source code is open, it's free, but it doesn't suffer the from hardware support strangling that occurs in Linux) makes it worth sticking with - and there are some really neat plugins such as being able to view lots and lots of movie trailers (assuming your Media PC has a connection to the internet), plus it's reasonably easy to get it to function with the myriad of remote controls out there.

The Lady of The House likes it, despite the fact it crashes occasionally (much less now it's reaching an official 0.2.0 release). She likes the cute little chap with the Popcorn when playing DVD's, and how he changes depending on what functionality is being used.

And believe me that's more important than the occasional instability if you want to have your Media Centre accepted underneath the TV.

Review by creaker on Mar 10, 2006 Version: 0.2.0 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

The reviews I read tell of a different software than I installed. Lots of bugs, lots of errors. Not very smart programing at all.

The music selection is poor. I have a directory of ogg files, which the program scanned in, read the id3 tags, and added to it's database. Which is another problem with this program, the database just isn't there, it's more of a directory listing. When you attempt to play an ogg file, it passes it off as an mp3 file to Windows media player. WMP errors out and doesn't play the file.

Movie selection shows a default icon without a video preview.

It has potential, but Media Portal needs a database and catalog program. In it's current state, it is nothing more than using windows explorer with a background. Not an HTPC app in it's current state.

To be honest Google's Picasa or ACDSee is a better HTPC app than this program.

Review by disturbed1 on Feb 23, 2006 Version: 0.2.0 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 4/10

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