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MPDN - Media Player .NET is a modern extensible media player written in .NET (with performance critical parts in ASM/SSE2) featuring a fully integrated high quality Direct3D 9, 10, 11 video renderer that is equally extensible. In fact, its most powerful features come from its open source community contributed extensions called MPDN Extensions hosted on GitHub.

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Media Player .NET screenshot

Media Player .NET screenshot 2

Media Player .NET screenshot 3
Latest version

2.49.0 / 1.31.0 Extensions (September 27, 2017)


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Download Media Player .NET 2.49.0 64-bit  20MB  Win64 Win

Download Media Player .NET 2.49.0  19MB  Win Win

Download Beta, Portable and other versions

Download Media Player .NET 2.49.0 Portable 64-bit  9MB  Win64 Win  Portable Portable

Download Media Player .NET 2.49.0 Portable  8MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

Download Media Player .NET 1.31.0 Extensions  3MB  Win Win

Download Media Player .NET 1.31.0 Extensions Portable  4MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

More information and other downloads

Be sure to download latest MPDN Extensions from or from our MPDN Extensions mirror.

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

MPDN - Media Player .NET:

v2.49.0 Changelog:
Show more informative error messages
Fix: Some usage paths may lead to old ditherers being used instead of the new ones

MPDN Extensions:

v1.31.0 Changelog:
Render Scripts
Revised tag system again
Deband experimental: Handle Luma and Chroma separately to improve quality
SSIMDownscaling: Improvements
Audio Scripts
[NEW] Crossfeed: Helps reduce listening fatigue caused by the unnatural stereo image provided by headphones
Player Extensions
[NEW] OnScreenDisplay
Speedup disposing tremendously (noticeable when changing scripts)

v1.30.0 Changelog:
Render Scripts
Revised tag system
ImageProcessor: Add option to do all processing in YUV
SSSR improvements
Fix Conditionals causing scripts to fail to load on some systems
Bilateral: Krig more fine tuning
Deband improvements
Player Scripts
TextPainter: Allow it to work in windowed mode

View full changelog

All features

Direct3D Custom Renderer via Pixel Shader
Option of Direct3D 9Ex / Direct3D 10 / Direct3D 11 renderer (some graphics card drivers work better with one or the other)
Fluid Motion
Supports 8- or 10- or 16-bit input and 8- or 10- or 16- bit output for maximum image quality
Various Pixel Shader scaling algorithms:
Nearest Neighbour / Box
Bilinear / Triangle
Softcubic (w/ softness setting)
Bicubic (w/ sharpness setting, anti-ringing option)
Lanczos (4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 taps, anti-ringing option)
Spline (4, 6 or 8 taps, anti-ringing option)
Jinc (4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 taps, anti-ringing option)
Custom scalers (from GitHub - e.g. Gaussian, Sinc-Blackman)
Linear light scaling via render script
Output dithering (None, ordered, random with noise strength adjustments)
Deep color (10-bit and 16-bit) output support (read this first)
Improved chroma reconstruction [1] [2]
3DLUT via render script
Fully integrated renderer (no .ax file to install)
Customizable by adding postprocessing filters (e.g. AC3Filter, ffdshow, SVP)
MadVR style CTRL+J renderer stats
Volume control
Playback rate control
Audio track selection
Video track selection
2 methods of Reclock:
Reclock via Audio Script (similar to how the old SlySoft Reclock works)
Reclock via the RateTuner player extension
Subtitle support
Subtitle track selection
Chapter selection
Full / Minimalist UI mode (or anything in between)
Close-source freeware with open source extensions

MPDN Extensions
MPDN Extensions consist of Custom Linear Scalers, Render Scripts, Audio Scripts and Player Extensions.
For more information, see MPDN Extensions wiki page.

Custom Linear Scalers
These custom linear scalers extend MPDN by adding Sinc-Blackman, Gaussian etc. scaling options. If there's a new scaler you want to add, give it a kernel function and MPDN will do the rest. The same custom scalers can also be used in the EWA scaler (via Render Script).

Render Scripts
Render Scripts are quite similar to AviSynth scripts and plugins except they run fully on the GPU. You can script Render Scripts in a similar fashion to AviSynth with a C# syntax, or an AviSynth-like syntax with the full power of JavaScript behind it. As opposed to madVR's mostly closed source nature, MPDN's Render Scripts are fully open source and are hosted on GitHub.
Can be used to add post processing pixel shader files;
or write your own custom multi-staged scaler
or anything in between
Supports compiled assemblies (.dll) or plain C# text file (.cs)
Easily configured to behave like legacy pre-/post-processing filters (chain of legacy pixel shaders)
Or write your own chain script - if Downscaling, use X scaler, if Upscaling, use Y scaler, with or without linear light etc.
Or stack image doublers based on your own set of criteria
Choose from a combination of Shader Model 3.0 (Direct3D 9), Shader Model 4.x/5.0, DirectCompute (Direct3D 11) and OpenCL!
Super-xBR + SuperRes
NEDI (New Edge-Directed Interpolation) + SuperRes
NNEDI3 (Neural-Network Edge-Directed Interpolation) 16/32/64/128/256 neurons + SuperRes (Requires DX11 or OpenCL hardware)
SuperChromaRes with Bilateral Prescaler
EWA (Elliptical Weighted Average) Scaler with Jinc or any CustomLinearScalers
DXVA HD scaler
Any legacy pixel shader pre/post-scale filters such as FineSharp
and more... with presets via hotkeys

Audio Scripts
Audio Scripts are similar in concept to Render Scripts except they operate on audio samples. Audio Scripts can run purely on the CPU, interface with third party audio libraries or with OpenCL via Cudafy. See this 2x Audio Gain example.
Dynamic Range Compressor (Night Mode)

Player Extensions
Player Extensions allows the player to be extended via C# script. In fact MPDN's playlist is fully implemented via this extension.
See this post for a getting started example.
Modify or extend MPDN
Supports compiled assemblies (.dll) or plain C# text file (.cs)
A huge collection of extensions on GitHub

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to Media Player .NET

(Latest version updated)

PotPlayer  (Mar 11, 2025)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

Media Player NET, MPND, Media Player .NET, MPND Extensions

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

This is a really good piece of software; reliable video player with proprietary video rendering engine (high bit-depth rendering with dithering), good visual quality, Sanear audio render, and the best part is the set of free extensions and rendering scripts. A solid second choice after MPC-HC (or Zoom Player) + madVR, that remain IMHO the higher quality combo.

Review by Ziggy1978 on Aug 6, 2019 Version: MPDN 2.49.0 / 1.31.0 Extensions OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

It is like having Potplayer, MadVR and Reclock all in one package. Great player with a bunch of useful opensource extensions. Even SVP 4 is playing really nice with it. Interface is a little crude and minimalistic without skin support but personally, I only care about performance. It would be nice if it came with some predefined script chains/groups for less tech-savvy people.

Review by b0nes on Oct 9, 2016 Version: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
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Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
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