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MC-TVConverter is a free GUI for various commandline video converters. It's mainly targeted to convert recordings from Microsoft Windows MediaCenter(WTV/DVR-MS), which introduced the new WTV format in Windows7 and Vista with TV-Pack. It's designed for easy use (drag'n drop, rightclick conversion, file filtering,...) and can be used to watch folders/subfolders for ongoing conversion in background. It converts wtv|dvr-ms|mpg|ts to mpg|ts|avi|mp4|flv|wmv (depends on input format) while streamcopying on selected formats is possible for fastest conversion speed possible.

Free software
OS: Win
File size: 25MB
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Latest version

2.1.0 (November 23, 2011)


Download MC-TVConverter 2.1.0  25MB

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 2.1.0

Fix: Pressing "delete" outside of MC-TVConverter window will remove item from list
Fix: Fast starting multiple instances of MC-TVConverter on startup will cause a "loop start" and DWM to crash
Fix: Fixed (hopefully) A/V sync issues when stream contains different audio encodings (just added the ffmpeg parameter "-async 48000" to profiles)
Fix: Files with uppercase characters in its extension have not been recognized as valid files
Fix: Adding metadata to MP4 files is called with faulty commandline if metadata contains line breaks
Fix: A lot of bugs when watching a folder and other small bugs
New: Added TP extension as valid input file (it's treated like a TS file)
New: Added MKV as new input filetype and the profiles for it
New: Added ability to cut files by setting a start and an end time - doubleclick on list item to set the cut values (also applies to custom profiles with ffmpeg, handbrake or mencoder!)
New: Added ability to demux TS, MPEG2 and DVR-MS files
New: Added status output for current file conversion while watching a folder
New: Option to use alternate method to convert files (most compatible results, slower). JAVA is not necessarily needed anymore because of this - though highly recommended for the best and fastest results!
New: Added a button to restart the GUI in settings - just for your convenience ;-)
New: Splitted option for commercial detection: only detect, or detect and cut
New: Press [F4] or [F3] for formatted or unformatted streaminfo of the selected file in the list
Update: ffmpeg (git-N-29079 -> git-N-33308-g6638207)
Update: ccextractor (v0.57 -> v0.58)
Update: mediainfo (v0.7.42 -> v0.7.50)
Update: AtomicParsley (v0.9 -> v0.9.4)

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All features

* Conversion from WTV, DVR-MS and MPG.
* Conversion to TS, DEMUX, MPG, WMV, AVI, FLV and MP4 (depending on the input format - WTV and DVR-MS conversion deprecated as of now).
* Supports WTV-HD recordings.
* Automatically remove commercials from MPEG2-streams
* Choose your language in audio streams (or convert all streams in supported target formats).
* Easy to use GUI with "drag 'n' drop".
* Conversion via right click context menu!
* For all who want it easy: no need for professional knowledge to get high Quality output!
* For all who want more: advanced settings in profiles file and create own profiles.
* Clearly arranged interface for a fast conversion in between.
* Watch folder: converts all supported files in a folder and its subfolders in the background (checks if file is in use and creates a history file to convert a file only once).
* Rename files according to their metadata (in WTV files).
* Extract subtitles to file.
* Minimizes into the tray for minimal invasive appearance.
* Debugging to analyze errors.
* It's FREE!

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4 reviews, Showing 1 to 4 reviews

@previous poster: where did you read this tool can convert DRM protected files? It's nowhere stated that it can do this. Don't mix up DRM with DVR-MS which is just another video format from Microsoft (next to WTV) and this tools is also able to convert!

Review by hudl on Sep 25, 2011 Version: 2.0.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Tried this with several wtv files and it runs and never converts. This looks like it only works on non-DRM files which the built in software will do just fine. You shouldn't make a claim that it will convert all files unless it actually will do so.

Review by torrentlord on Sep 17, 2011 Version: 2.00 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: -/10 Functionality: -/10 Value for money: -/10 Overall: 5/10

Very easy to use tool for converting Windows Media Center recordings to various formats. Great program.

Review by pirum on Aug 1, 2011 Version: 2.0.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

this has to be the easiest software to use with mediacenter recordings; it opened the .wtv file then i picked just get the mpeg stream and 30seconds later got my noncopyrighted file :)

Review by dylz on Jan 10, 2011 Version: current OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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