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Virtualdub-MPEG2 is a Virtualdub mod with MPEG2(SVCD, DVD, VOB) import support. Experimental ASF/WMV parsing in latest versions.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.6.19 build 24586
Released: Sep 27,2007
File size: 1MB

17 votes

Virtualdub-MPEG2 screenshot

BDSup2Sub is a converter from Blu-Ray PGS SUP to DVD SUB/IDX (VobSub) or SUP(DVD SUP). You can also add a delay and/or change the time stamps to e.g. perform a PAL speedup. Requires Java runtime. SUP to SUB, SUPtoSUB, SUP to SUP, SUPtoSUP, SUB to SUP, SUB/IDX to SUP.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 5.1.2 / ++1.0.2
Released: Dec 28,2013
File size: 0.7MB

6 votes

BDSup2Sub screenshot

MKVExtractGUI-2 is a Matroska (mkv) track extraction GUI tool for work with mkvtoolnix. Requires mkvtoolnix. Demux mkv streams, split video, audio and subtitle to separate files, from an MKV file.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Feb 13,2018
File size: 1MB

32 votes

MKVExtractGUI-2 screenshot

MPC Video Renderer is a free and open-source video renderer for DirectShow. The renderer can potentially work with any DirectShow player, but full support is available only in the MPC-BE. Recommended MPC-BE v1.5.4.4876 or newer.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Feb 5,2025
File size: 0.7MB

19 votes

MPC Video Renderer screenshot

With AoA Audio Extractor Basic, you can easily extract audio tracks from AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV (Flash Video), DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP video files and save them as MP3, WAV and AC3 formats. It can also be used to save any portion of the audio of a video file. It supports batch conversion. Based on ffmpeg. Platinum version costs $30.

OS: Win
Version: 2.3.7
Released: Aug 8,2013
File size: 7.9MB

7 votes

AoA Audio Extractor Basic screenshot

Simple Video Editor is an user-friendly frontend for FFmpeg that streamlines the video editing process. This application simplifies video manipulation and offers a range of features accessible with just a few clicks. Trim, crop, rotate, and resize your videos effortlessly. Modify audio levels, delete duplicate frames, and even adjust playback speed with ease. Explore advanced capabilities including the ability to detect and remove duplicate content from multiple videos, create creative videos from image collections, and generate custom command line arguments for use in other FFmpeg scripts.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Nov 6,2023
File size: 33.4MB

1 vote

Simple Video Editor screenshot

winLAME is an encoder for several audio formats, including mp3 (MPEG Layer 3), Ogg Vorbis and more. winLAME lets you set up the encoding process with an easy-to-use wizard-style user interface. winLAME supports many input audio formats, and uses the LAME mp3 encoding library for encoding and the MAD decoding library for decoding. Easy-to-use wizard-like user interface style for easy encoding setup. CD Audio extraction (aka. CD ripping), including freedb support. Batch Processing. mp3, ogg, aac, wma and flac encoding.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2024
Released: Dec 16,2024
File size: 4.2MB

1 vote

winLAME screenshot

FastFlix is a simple and friendly GUI for encoding videos. FastFlix keeps HDR10 metadata for x265, NVEncC HEVC, and VCEEncC HEVC, which will also be expanded to AV1 libraries when available. It needs FFmpeg (version 4.3 or greater) under the hood for the heavy lifting, and can work with a variety of encoders.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 5.9.0
Released: Feb 22,2025
File size: 48MB

7 votes

FastFlix screenshot

Plex Media Center bridges the gap between your Mac/Windows and your home theater, doing so with a visually appealing user interface that provides instant access to your media. Plex can play a wide range of video, audio and photo formats as well as online streaming audio and video. The real power of Plex is found in its library features: Organize your media into versatile libraries, automatically retrieve metadata from the Internet, and display your libraries using one of the visually stunning skins. Plex Pass costs $5/month.

Free software Trialware
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: / PlexPass
Released: Feb 24,2025
File size: 95MB

13 votes

Plex Media Server screenshot

libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device without having to bother about the decryption. This repository hosts the compiled libdvdcss-2.dll for Windows. Download the .dll from this repository and drop it into the Handbrake or VidCoder installation folder to convert your DVDs to mp4/mkv files.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.3
Released: May 16,2021
File size: 0.1MB

3 votes

libdvdcss screenshot

3D Youtube Downloader Batch is an advanced tool for batch downloading multiple clips and entire playlists. Clipboard monitor, output presets and several ways to add URLs make it easy to add multiple clips. Properties pane provides great capabilities for further tuning and control on per clip basis.

Trialware $10
OS: Win
Version: 2.15.3
Released: Feb 22,2025
File size: 33MB

1 vote

3D Youtube Downloader Batch screenshot

VSFilter / DirectVobSub is a directShow subtitle filter, it integrates automatically with any directshow player like the Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, etc.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.41.322
Released: Jan 11,2014
File size: 0.8MB

4 votes

VSFilter / DirectVobSub screenshot

MPEG Streamclip is a powerful free video converter, player, editor for Mac and Windows. It can play many movie files, not only MPEGs; it can convert MPEG files between muxed/demuxed formats for authoring; it can encode movies to many formats, including iPod; it can cut, trim and join movies. Lossless trimming/cutting with the Save to function. MPEG Streamclip can also download videos from You-Tube and Google by entering the page URL. Export them to QuickTime, AVI, DV and MPEG-4 files with more than professional quality, so you can easily import them in Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Toast 6 or 7, and use them with many other applications or devices. Requires Quicktime MPEG2 Decoder or Quicktime Alternative 1.81.

OS: Win Mac
Version: 1.2 / 1.2.1 Beta 6
Released: Aug 20,2012
File size: 0.5MB

42 votes

MPEG StreamClip screenshot

SubRip is a program which allows you to rip DVD subtitles with their timing as a text file. Can also convert vobsub(sub and idx) to srt text subtitles(vobsub to srt / sub to srt / subtosrt / sub2srt ). Subrip 1.4+ can also rip subs from avi with burned in/hardcoded/permanent subtitles.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.57.1
Released: Nov 14,2018
File size: 1.3MB

11 votes

SubRip screenshot

sacd extract is a swiss army knife when it comes to SACD ripping, as this software is not only a network client ripping tool for certain Blu-ray players but it can also extract the DSD streams out of an SACD-ISO. Command line tool or use it with SACDExtractGUI (requires JAVA).

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: / GUI
Released: Dec 10,2024
File size: 2.8MB

5 votes

sacd_extract screenshot

QMPlay2 is a video and audio player. It can play all formats supported by FFmpeg, libmodplug (including J2B and SFX). It also supports Audio CD, raw files, Rayman 2 music and chiptunes.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 25.01.19
Released: Jan 19,2025
File size: 23MB

1 vote

QMPlay2 screenshot

ffWorks(former iFFmpeg) makes it easy to convert media files with FFmpeg for both beginner and experienced users. ffWorks is a front end that does all the hard work for you. This way you can use FFmpeg without the knowledge of all the commands. Requires ffmpeg for Mac.

Trialware $22
OS: Mac
Version: 4.3.1
Released: Feb 18,2025
File size: 78.6MB

9 votes

ffWorks screenshot

BeLight is a new Graphical User Interface for BeSweet, one of the best audio tools for transcoding. Features: AC3, WAV, OGG, MP2, MP3 in input, AAC/MP4, AC3, MP2, MP3, VORBIS, WAV and AIFF in ouput, Most of BeSweet functions (Gain, SSRC, Boost, Partial Encoding, Change Frame Rate..., MultiLanguages Support). Requires BeSweet and Aften.

OS: Win
Version: 0.21 / 0.22 RC1
Released: Jan 13,2006
File size: 0.3MB

5 votes

BeLight screenshot

youtube-dl-gui is a video streaming downloader. This program simplifies the youtube-dl application by rg3, and gives it a user friendly interface for downloading from websites. May require ffmpeg(put ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe in same folder as youtube-dl-gui.exe). Requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 3.2.3 / 3.3.0 Beta
Released: May 9,2023
File size: 0.2MB

11 votes

youtube-dl-gui screenshot

DVDFab DVD Copy is the most powerful and flexible DVD copying/burning software. With 8 copy modes, you can backup any DVD to DVDR or hard drive in just one or a few clicks. DVDFab Blu-ray Copy is the first full-featured Blu-ray copying/burning software. With 4 copy modes, you can backup Blu-ray to BD-R or hard drive in just one or a few clicks. DVDFab DVD Ripper converts DVD title to AVI/MP4/WMV/MKV files which can be played on mobile devices like iPod, PSP, ZUNE, cell phone, etc. DVDFab "Blu-ray to Mobile" option converts Blu-ray title to MKV/MP4/AVI/WMV files which can be played on next generation console like PS3 and Xbox 360,or HD player like WD TV Live.Youtube.

Trialware $50
OS: Win Mac
Released: Feb 18,2025
File size: 356MB

124 votes

DVDFab screenshot

DAudioK is designed to convert audio files between different formats using FFMPEG. It's in a beta stage... the possibilities of format convertions will be added "along the path". At this point you can convert (and resample) between MP3, AC3, MP2,WAV, WMA and AAC formats.

OS: Win
Version: 0.1.9 beta
Released: Mar 26,2007
File size: 6MB

15 votes

DAudioK screenshot

Media Preview shows thumbnails for all your video files in Windows Explorer. Media Preview is powered by ffmpeg.

OS: Win
Version: 1.4.3
Released: Apr 13,2014
File size: 14.7MB

11 votes

Media Preview screenshot

IPTVnator is one of the best open source streams player , m3u player and more.... Cross-platform IPTV player application with multiple features, such as support of m3u and m3u8 playlists, favorites, TV guide, TV archive/catchup and more.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 0.16.0 / 1.0.0-4 Beta
Released: Dec 17,2024
File size: 202MB

3 votes

IPTVnator screenshot

Comskip is a free video commercial detector. It is a windows console application that reads a mpeg/ts/ps/dvr-ms file and analyses the content based on a large amount of configurable parameters. After analysis it generates a file in various possible formats containing the location of the commercials inside the mpeg file. The formats include input files for interactive video editors (VideoRedo, Cuttermaran,...) command line video cutters (mpgtx, mencoder) and video players (zoomplayer, mplayer). Comskip can read MPEG and h.264 video and MPEG2, AC3 and AAC audio from PS , TS and dvr-ms files upto HD resolution (max 2000x1200) at 25fps (PAL) and 29.97fps (NTSC). All features costs $10.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win
Version: 0.82.010
Released: Dec 23,2019
File size: 12.7MB

5 votes

Comskip screenshot

Museeks is a simple, clean and cross-platform music player. Museeks aims to be a simple and easy to use music player with a clean UI. You will not find tons of features, as its goals is not to compete with more complete and more famous music players.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 0.20.8
Released: Feb 27,2025
File size: 3.6MB

1 vote

Museeks screenshot

Free Download Manager is a powerful modern download accelerator and video downloader for Windows and Mac. In addition, Free Download Manager for Mac and Windows allows you to adjust traffic usage, organize downloads, control file priorities for torrents, efficiently download large files and resume broken downloads. FDM can boost all your downloads up to 10 times, process media files of various popular formats, drag&drop URLs right from a web browser as well as simultaneously download multiple files! Our internet download manager is compatible with the most popular browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari.

OS: Win Mac
Released: Jan 19,2025
File size: 39MB

4 votes

Free Download Manager screenshot

Adobe After Effects software delivers a comprehensive set of tools to efficiently produce motion graphics and visual effects for film, video, multimedia, and the Web. Price $20/month or $50/month for all Adobe products.

Trialware $600
OS: Win Mac
Version: 25.1
Released: Dec 3,2024
File size: 3.1MB

2 votes

Adobe After Effects screenshot

Video DownloadHelper is a Firefox, Chrome, Edge browser addon. Using DownloadHelper, you can easily save videos from most of the popular video sites like Youtube. It is also possible to capture all the images from a gallery in a single operation. In particular, it is able to store on your disk movie files for which the web site does not provide a "Save File" feature. Note! DownloadHelper is a Browser addon so you need to use it together with the web browser.

Freeware Trialware $15
OS: Win Mac Linux
Released: Jan 22,2025
File size: 0.7MB

22 votes

Video DownloadHelper screenshot

kmttg is a Java based program to facilitate TivoToGo (TTG) transfers that can download, create pyTivo metadata, decrypt, run comskip & comcut (commercial detection and removal), create closed captions files and re-encode multiple shows you select from your Tivos all automatically. The program also has the capability to transfer and process shows automatically from your Tivos based on titles and keywords you setup. Requires Java 8 Runtime Enviroment.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 2.4p
Released: Nov 17,2020
File size: 4.1MB

3 votes

kmttg screenshot

Kodi DSPlayer is a DirectShow-based media player for Kodi Entertainment Center. The player is designed to work with or replace the default Kodi media player, DVDPlayer, while offering full integration with the existing Kodi interface. This means all media databases and player controls will function in the same manner as a standard Kodi installation. DSPlayer is installed on Windows operating systems through custom installation packages, which are made available in conjunction with official releases of Kodi.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 17.6
Released: Nov 26,2017
File size: 89.2MB

3 votes

Kodi DSPlayer screenshot

VideoSubFinder allows by a finding video images with the text(using algorithms of digital image processing)to create on them subtitles files with timing automatically. Using text mining algorithms it allows to separate the text with any colour from images. May require Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 6.10
Released: Apr 26,2023
File size: 121MB

15 votes

VideoSubFinder screenshot

MassTube is a powerful application that allows you to download videos from YouTube in HD and more. Benefits: Download fast with a single click. Supported videos: YouTube, Vevo, Age Blocked content (without YouTube login) and more. Supported formats: FLV, MP4, WebM y 3GP. Supported resolutions: 240p, 360p, 480p, HD 720p, Full HD 1080p and 4K 3072p. Designed for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.Integrated history manager. Plus version costs from $5.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win
Released: Feb 1,2025
File size: 83MB

14 votes

MassTube screenshot

Soda Player is the most feature-packed video player ever made. Stream BitTorrent videos instantly Integrated blazing fast SOCKS5 proxy Watch on your Chromecast and Apple TV Automatically get matching subtitles in your language Native support for AceStream links Support for all formats and codecs. The integrated SOCKS5 proxy for BitTorrent will have a very small subscription fee in a few months

OS: Win Mac
Version: 1.4.2
Released: Jun 29,2018
File size: 81.9MB

2 votes

Soda Player screenshot

DVDx is an all-in-one DVD and Blu-ray copier as well as a powerful audio/video transcoder. Not just a media transcoder and DVD/Blu-ray copier, DVDx includes an easy-to-use video editing toolset and a full-featured DVD and video player, you can play DVDs, Blu-ray discs and almost any audio or video files. You can rip Blu-ray and DVD discs and transcode them to almost any popular video formats. The converter/transcoder is free but the DVD and Blu-ray decrypting cost from $50.

Trialware $50
OS: Win
Version: 4.2
Released: Oct 23,2017
File size: 86.1MB

40 votes

DVDx screenshot

PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3, written in Java, with the purpose of streaming or transcoding any kind of media files, with minimum configuration. It's backed up with the powerful Mplayer/FFmpeg packages. All formats PS3 natively supports: MP3/WMA, JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF, and all kind of videos (AVI, MP4, TS, M2TS, MPEG, VIDEO_TS, DVD ISO, MKV) the ps3 is willing to play. You can choose with a virtual folder system your audio/subtitle language on the PS3! You can ALSO stream to a Xbox 360!

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 1.90.1
Released: Aug 18,2013
File size: 51.2MB

13 votes

PS3 Media Server screenshot

Codec Tweak Tool is a free utility able to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters. Scan the registry to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters, Generate a detailed log of all installed codecs and filters, Enable/disable over 190 codecs and filters (if they are installed).

OS: Win
Version: 6.7.4
Released: Dec 12,2024
File size: 1.3MB

14 votes

Codec Tweak Tool screenshot

Nero is THE software when it comes to burning CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs. Fast and easy rip, burn, Autobackup, and copy functions, Backup files to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs, Create professional-looking DVD movies with integrated 3D menus, Copy, burn, share, upload, and create music mixes like a DJ, Convert music, photos, and DVDs to play on your iPod® and other mobile devices, Quick photo and video upload to My Nero, You-Tube™, and MySpace, Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV experience, Play Blu-ray, AVCHD and other HD formats

Trialware $130
OS: Win
Version: 2025
Released: Nov 4,2024
File size: 156MB

183 votes

Nero Platinum screenshot

MiniCoder is a batch encoder that tries to make encoding as simple as possible. It automaticly encodes all audio tracks, checks for sub tracks and if supported by the container if fetches: Attachments and Chapters and puts them back into the output. Convert MKV, AVI, VOB, MP4, AVS, WMV to X264, Xvid, Theora. Requires external tools but has a builtin downloader(~24MB).

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Nov 7,2009
File size: 1.1MB

4 votes

MiniCoder screenshot

ArrowDL (former DownZemAll!) is a standalone download manager for Windows and Linux. It aims to work with latest versions of Mozilla Firefox (powered by WebExtensions), and other web browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari...).

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 4.2.0
Released: Feb 26,2025
File size: 35MB

4 votes

ArrowDL screenshot

Grau GbRs Video Repair Tool can repair and fix broken or damaged video files (mp4,mv4,mpg,mov,jpg,dvc,3gp) that do not play in your media player. Repairs video files that are truncated, broken, corrupt or damaged. Repairs video files that do not play in QuickTime or Windows Media player. Repairs movies that were not finalized by the camera. The repair does not depend on a valid/correct container format - the raw video and audio stream data is fully automatically reconstructed. Supports non-broken reference movies for finding missing movie meta-data and parameters. $40 for 1 repair and $120 for unlimited repairs. The free trial version will try repair half your movie. NOTE! It has NO installation, just extract all files and run gs.exe.

Trialware $40
OS: Win Mac
Released: May 9,2021
File size: 58.1MB

9 votes

Video Repair Tool screenshot

FireDM is a python open source internet download manager with multi-connections, high speed engine, it downloads general files and videos from youtube and tons of other streaming websites. Developed in Python, based on "pyCuRL/libcurl", "youtube_dl", and "PySimpleGUI". No longer developed?

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 2022.2.5
Released: Feb 5,2022
File size: 54MB

22 votes

FireDM screenshot

Exact Audio Copy (aka EAC) is a so called audio grabber for audio CDs using standard CD and DVD-ROM drives. It works with a technology, which reads audio CDs almost perfectly. If there are any errors that can’t be corrected, it will tell you on which time position the (possible) distortion occurred, so you could easily control it with e.g. the media player. With other audio grabbers you usually need to listen to every grabbed wave because they only do jitter correction. Scratched CDs read on CD-ROM drives often produce distortions. But listening to every extracted audio track is a waste of time. Exact Audio Copy conquer these problems by making use of several technologies like multi-reading with verify and AccurateRip.

OS: Win
Version: 1.8
Released: Jul 14,2024
File size: 5.2MB

14 votes

Exact Audio Copy screenshot

PlayerFab (former DVDFab Media Player) is a media player software. Characterized by an all-around service, PlayerFab makes it accessible for users to playback local videos, DVD/Blu-ray/UHD discs, and videos from Amazon, Netflix, Tubi, Peacock. Also plays Blu-ray & DVD folders, ISO image files, both 2D or 3D. So, it brings absolutely the best audiovisual experiences for Windows users.

Trialware $100
OS: Win Mac
Released: Jan 8,2025
File size: 289MB

13 votes

PlayerFab screenshot

MediaPortal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi MediaCenter / HTPC. It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's, DVD's and Blurays, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free and best of all it is opensource. MediaPortal 2 is newer but less plugins, see comparison here. Requires .NET 4.8 or .NET 6.0.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.36 / 2.5 .NET 6
Released: Dec 5,2024
File size: 211MB

10 votes

MediaPortal screenshot

x264 VFW Codec, use x264 in for example Virtualdub or other that supports Video For Windows(VFW) Codecs. x264 VFW can do both AVC/H264 encoding and AVC/H264 decoding.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.10
Released: Feb 2,2025
File size: 2.3MB

5 votes

x264vfw screenshot

H264 Encoder can encode other video files to H.264/AVC encoded video files, with this small but powerful tool, you can create creating an H.264 movie by yourself. The incredible quality and efficiency of H.264 really brings video to life on internet or mobile phones. H.264/AVC can encode video with approximately 3 times fewer bits than comparable MPEG-2 encoders. This program offers fast encoding speed, professional quality, at the best. No advanced settings at all, just choose one encoding setting and encode to H264 video in a MP4,MKV or AVI! GUI/frontend for ffmpeg.

OS: Win
Version: 1.7
Released: May 11,2017
File size: 11.3MB

13 votes

H.264 Encoder screenshot

BD3D2MK3D is a GUI to convert movies from 3D BDs to 3D MKV video files in Full or Half Side by Side, Top & Bottom or Frame sequential format, encoded in h264 with x264 (or in h265 with x265). Since v0.87, BD3D2MK3D can also accept lossless 3D AVC+MVC files created with MakeMKV as input.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.35
Released: Jan 11,2025
File size: 65.6MB

14 votes

BD3D2MK3D screenshot

VobSub is a directShow subtitle filter for all software video players. It also contains a subtitle filter for Virtualdub and some useful subtitles utilities such as subresync than can convert idx/sub to srt text subtitles, submux, vobsub sub/idx cutter and vobsub sub/idx joiner.

OS: Win
Version: 2.23
Released: Dec 11,2002
File size: 0.7MB

5 votes

VobSub screenshot

Open Video Downloader or youtube-dl-gui, is a cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and Node.js. With this app you can download videos and playlists in all kind of formats, from just about every major website.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 2.4.0
Released: Nov 13,2021
File size: 65MB

6 votes

Open Video Downloader screenshot

Kantaris is a free and open source media player which plays almost all multimedia formats without the need for installing any separate codecs. Connects to an online subtitle database, finds subtitles that are a perfect fit to the played media. Plays RAR-archives without first extracting the media. Beautiful music visualizations.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.7.9
Released: Sep 9,2013
File size: 17MB

6 votes

Kantaris Media Player screenshot

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