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Olive is a open source non-linear video editor aiming to provide a fully-featured alternative to high-end professional video editing software. Olive is making rapid progress and users are already producing videos with it, but it's still currently in alpha meaning it is incomplete and not fully stable!

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Latest version

0.2.0 Nightly (December 4, 2024)


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Download Olive Video Editor 0.2.0 Nightly Windows 64-bit  66MB  Win64 Win

Download Olive Video Editor 0.2.0 Nightly Mac 64-bit  Mac64 Mac

Download Olive Video Editor 0.2.0 Nightly Linux 64-bit  Linux64 Linux

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Download Olive Video Editor 0.2.0 Nightly Portable Windows 64-bit  Win64 Win  Portable Portable

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Windows Win Mac OS Mac Linux Linux

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(Latest version updated)

Shotcut  (Jan 25, 2025)

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6 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

There are a lot of sick people on the web.

To the creator/creators of Olive (if he/they had the misfortune to receive some of comments like the previous one) : don't let some nasty, silly, unrespectful, idiotic people who aren't able to do anything more than be offensive and moan and rant in their lives to bother you, please.

Keep up your hard work and go on with your interesting project, that has a very great potential and uniqueness.

Review by Kryx Moon on Feb 20, 2021 Version: 0.2.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

I have used Magix, Cyberlink, Sony Vegas and others on Windows and Openshot, KDenlive, Shotcut and others on Linux and I am liking what I see of Olive so far. Not the most intuitive to use but am getting familiar with it. It seems to crash less than most of the other linux free ones. One problem though which I hope is improved.

I edited some drone video but can't find a way to get the rendered file to run smoothly as the original. I've tried different settings, different output file types, quality settings, bitrate settings, resolution settings and did this on a couple different systems as well but still the output file seems to have lots of dropped frames (or something). Rendered the same file in Kdenlive and others (the ones that didn't crash) and it comes out smooth. The Olive render is crisp enough and colors are OK but whenever there is much movement it isn't good.

Hope this gets improved because otherwise the rest of what I like about it won't matter :(

Best wishes for this :)

Review by Ericj on Dec 3, 2019 Version: 0.1.0 OS: Linux Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

A nice open source video editor that reminds me of Adobe's After Effects.

Been using it for several days now and I am finding it more and more useful and very easy to learn. One of the few major things missing is a export preset creation (unless it is buried somewhere).

Review by Someone on Apr 15, 2019 Version: Olive-8cef5ce9-Windows-x86_64 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10


- Free and Open-Source
- Hardware-accelerated: uses OpenGL for playback and GLSL effects. You can write your own GLSL shaders to contribute.
- Bézier-curve animations! Kdenlive, OpenShot, and Shotcut do not have this feature and they have been in development for over a decade.
- Frei0r support
- Proxy clip support
- VST 2.x plugins support
- Written in C++ and Qt
- Easy communication with the developers on GitHub, but remember that they have to sleep too.
- Project started in 2018, therefore a lack of legacy code/dependencies. Remember that it took Kdenlive developers 2 years to rewrite their timeline.


- In alpha, feature-incomplete
- No color-grading features yet
- No hardware-accelerated encoding codecs such as QuickSync, NVENC, VAAPI, or AMF yet
- Developer had a questionable coding habit of not annotating code. It was addressed in a GitHub issue though
- Licensing issue

Overall, Olive is the editor I am looking for. It is like a modern rewrite of Blender's VSE.

Review by Bawli on Feb 5, 2019 Version: January Alpha OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Despite being in alpha phase and only having 3 releases, it is multiplatform, very complete and promising video editor. Worthy to be taken into account!

Review by Paulus on Dec 30, 2018 Version: Dec.23.2018 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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Free software Ads = Free Download software and open source code but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Trialware = Also called shareware or demo. Free Trial version available for download and testing with usually a time limit or limited functions.
Payware = No demo or trial available.
Portable version = A portable/standalone version is available. No installation is required.
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Win64 = Windows 64-bit download version. It works only on 64-bit Windows.
Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
Visit developers site = A link to the software developer site.
Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
Mac OS = Mac OS version available.
Linux = Linux version available.
Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)

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