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AviSynth+ is a fork of the well-known frameserver featuring new functionality and optimizations not available in mainline. In the hope of modernizing AviSynth to meet present day needs and expectations, the project encourages everybody to help reach our goals: add long-sought features, energize the community, and improve developer and user friendliness. AviSynth+ is fully compatible with plugins and scripts written for AviSynth.
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Download AviSynth+ 3.7.4 Windows 39MB Win

Download AviSynth+ 3.7.3 Mac 64-bit 3MB Mac64

Download AviSynth+ 3.7.3 Mac ARM 64-bit 2MB MacARM64

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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New
AviSynth+ 3.7.4
Additions and changes:
Bump year to 2025
AddBorders and LetterBox: add transient filtering See :doc:AddBorders <corefilters/addborders>.
new filter: MultiOverlay. Bulk copy-paste from clips. See :doc:MultiOverlay <corefilters/multioverlay>.
Animate: Custom function option. See :doc:Animate <corefilters/animate>.
Animate: more precise granularity for integer interpolation, allow 64 bit input
Animate: add proper rounding for integer interpolation
Resizers: add "force" integer parameter to force the resizing process even if Avisynth decides it is not needed
Resizers: respect _ChromaLocation, and "placement" parameter which to adjust chroma locations during resizing
Resizers: add "keep_center" parameter to disable pixel center position adjustments
Resizers: allow arbitrary dimensions; the filter "support" size does not limit usability, no more
"image height is too small for this resizing method"-like error messages.
GaussResize: add "b" and "s" parameters See :doc:Resize Filters <corefilters/resize>.
DirectShowSource new parameter utf8 for utf8 filename support
"propShow" font, text_color, halo_color, bold new parameters for custom style.
"propShow" (#366): x, y, align new parameters for custom positioning.
"propShow" props new parameter for filtering the name of property list with wildcard and regex support.
See :doc:propShow <corefilters/propShow>.
"propDelete" and "propCopy": props accepts wildcard and regex for filtering the name of property list.
See :doc:Internal functions: frame properties <syntax/syntax_internal_functions_frame_properties>.
"Info": cpu new parameter to disable showing CPU capabilities
"Info" (#366): x, y, align new parameters for custom positioning
Fix #368 Make proper vertical alignment for multiline text in Subtitle and Text
when vertical alignment is set to bottom or center.
Studio RGB (narrow, limited) range will now be recognized (through _ColorRange=1)
and utilized in conversions to and from RGB, such as in GreyScale, ConvertToY, ConvertToYUVxxx,
or ConvertToRGB32 with matrix which now keeps the limited/narrow-rangeness of the source.
See also BugFix section.
#392 "break" and "continue" in for-next and while loops
Add "ArraySort" for sorting simple bool, numeric or string arrays
SoundTouch: Increased the max number of channels to 32ch from the old limit of 16ch.
Posix: Detect additional plugindirs from LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
#413 Add ListAutoloadDirs() script function returing a LF delimited string with directory list.
SubTitle to accept real LF (\r) or CR LF (\r\n) control characters for line break.
#422 Give meaningful and stopping error message when a bad C++ plugin is throwing exception
during autoload (e.g. wrong function signatures, crash because of using unsupported interface calls).
This kind of loading error is treated similarly fatal like mixing 32 and 64 bit plugins.
#413 Add 64 bit data types (#423)
(technical) Value (AVSValue) types i and f are kept and still mean 32 bit integer and float values.
(technical) New value types l and d added to mark 64 bit integer and double types.
Integer decimal constants are automatically promoted to long (int64_t) if they do not fit into integer.
Integer decimal constants are automatically promoted to 64 bit double if they do not even fit into a 64 bit long.
(But values stored as 'only' integers behave as 64 bit long in math operations).
New syntax element L (or l) suffix for hexadecimal constants for interpreting 64 bit data ($800000001010L)
Hexadecimal literals without L suffix still remain 32 bit integers. This ensures compatibility so that
color constants exceeding $7FFFFFFF (such as $FFFFFFFF) are still interpreted as 32-bit
integers and not as 64-bit long integers.
Floating point constants (literals) stored as 64 bit double (formerly only with 32 bit float precision)
IsInt() returns true for any 32 or 64 bit integer
IsLongStrict() returns true only if underlying variable is long (64 bit integer)
IsFloat() returns true for any 32 or 64 bit floating point content (float or double and for any integers - as before)
IsFloatfStrict() returns true only if value is exactly a 32 bit single-precision float.
Float() by default casts to double, but 32-bit floating point numbers are kept in 32-bit float format
(no automatic float-to-double conversion).
New Double() converts always to 64 bit double
New Floatf() converts always to 32 bit float
New Long() converts always to 64 bit long
New IntI() converts always to 32 bit integer
Function Pi returns real double precision constant.
VersionNumber() still returns a 32-bit float, but the exact value is adjusted slightly for compatibility
reasons. This is because the script constant 2.6 is now stored in 64-bit double precision, which can cause issues when
compared to a 32-bit float version of 2.6. For example, to ensure 2.6 (double) >= 2.6f (float) and
avoid breaking scripts that contain IsAvs26 = VersionNumber() >= 2.6 .
Floating point mathematical functions (Sin, etc..) return double precision results.
Floating point arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) uses double precision, except when both operands
are 32-bit floats, in which case the result is also a 32-bit float.
(32-bit float / 32-bit float results in a 32-bit float)
Integer mathematical operation operate on 64 bit data.
When result is within a 32 bit integer range, it is stored as 32 bit integer internally, which is
automatically promoted to 64 bit long if needed.
For-loops are using 64 bit integer for initial value, step and end-value.
Animate: using 64 bit precision inside.
Bit-related functions now have distinctly named 64-bit integer versions, while the old ones continue to work with plain 32-bit integers.
BitAnd64, BitNot64, BitOr64, BitXor64,
bitshl64, bitsal64: shift left (providing two versions; though arithmetic and logical is the same)
bitshr64, bitsar64: shift right logical and arithmetic
bitrol64, bitror64: 64 bit rotation left and right
BitChg64, BitClr64, BitSet64, BitTst64, change, clear, set, test
bitsetcount64 counts the set bits (or sum of set bits) of one or more parameter values.
New: HexValue64() for 64-bit long result. The original HexValue() keeps returning 32 bit integer
so HexValue("FFFFFFFF") is still -1, but HexValue64("FFFFFFFF") will be 4294967295 (64 bit number)
Integer and float frame property read and writes work on real 64 bit integers and doubles.
Formatting functions (String(), etc.) to 64 bit data type aware.
AudioLength() now returns 64 bit integer
AudioLengthF() returns data to double instead of 32 bit float (though it's now useless and still can lose precision).
Function parameter types (function signature) keep i and f, but accept 64 bit long and double
precision parameters transparently.
String length can exceed the value of a 32 bit int. StrLen() returns long if int cannot hold the length.
LeftStr, RightStr, MidStr length parameters accept 64 bit long values.
Compatibility: 64 bit parameter values are automatically replaced with 32 bit int and 32 bit float if Avisynth 2.5 or
old (pre-V11, non-64-bit aware) C interface is detected. Such plugins will see the good old 32 bit data.
Backport the frame property changes from VapourSynth API4
new saturated frame property getters on API returning only 32 bit data: propGetIntSaturated and propGetFloatSaturated
A frame property with data type can hold a string or real binary data.
To distinguish between the two kinds, a hint can be set with a new API version of propSetDataH, which helps visualizing and later: exporting.
propShow displays binary buffer instead of string if the internal subtype is set to Binary.
The buffer length and the first (up to) 16 bytes are displayed like this: Binary data. Length= xx [00,01,DD, ...]
A string content is displayed otherwise.
Since propSet script function in Avisynth is string-only, it sets the hint to DATATYPEHINT_UTF8
(utf8 just hinting that this is a string)
WinInstaller: add InnoSetup script for Windows on ARM
buildsystem: restrict use of MSVC to x86(-64) only
avs/config.h: add defines to separate X86 and ARM Windows variants
PluginManager: only enable +GCC plugindir registry entries on X86
PluginManager: indent cosmetics for clarity
Restore AVS_VERSION define
Build environment and Interface:
add LOONGARCH support
Use system installs of DevIL and SoundTouch on all platforms, remove in-tree binaries/code
avisynth.h: add ListAutoloadDirs() to internal interface declarations
CMakeList.txt to accept Intel C++ Compiler 2025
V11 interface: new 64 bit related AVSValue get and set function in C++ and C interface.
V11 interface: C Interface: implement API for all getter/setter/typecheck for AVS_Value
V11 interface: C interface supports Avisynth+ deep-copy dynamic arrays.
Added optional C plugin init function: to enable full 64 bit data to C plugins, they should implement avisynth_c_plugin_init2.
V11: C interface add avs_add_function_r as an alternative to avs_add_function, allowing the callback
to return the result via a by-reference AVS_Value parameter instead of returning the AVS_Value as a struct....
Additions and changes:
Bump year to 2025
AddBorders and LetterBox: add transient filtering See :doc:AddBorders <corefilters/addborders>.
new filter: MultiOverlay. Bulk copy-paste from clips. See :doc:MultiOverlay <corefilters/multioverlay>.
Animate: Custom function option. See :doc:Animate <corefilters/animate>.
Animate: more precise granularity for integer interpolation, allow 64 bit input
Animate: add proper rounding for integer interpolation
Resizers: add "force" integer parameter to force the resizing process even if Avisynth decides it is not needed
Resizers: respect _ChromaLocation, and "placement" parameter which to adjust chroma locations during resizing
Resizers: add "keep_center" parameter to disable pixel center position adjustments
Resizers: allow arbitrary dimensions; the filter "support" size does not limit usability, no more
"image height is too small for this resizing method"-like error messages.
GaussResize: add "b" and "s" parameters See :doc:Resize Filters <corefilters/resize>.
DirectShowSource new parameter utf8 for utf8 filename support
"propShow" font, text_color, halo_color, bold new parameters for custom style.
"propShow" (#366): x, y, align new parameters for custom positioning.
"propShow" props new parameter for filtering the name of property list with wildcard and regex support.
See :doc:propShow <corefilters/propShow>.
"propDelete" and "propCopy": props accepts wildcard and regex for filtering the name of property list.
See :doc:Internal functions: frame properties <syntax/syntax_internal_functions_frame_properties>.
"Info": cpu new parameter to disable showing CPU capabilities
"Info" (#366): x, y, align new parameters for custom positioning
Fix #368 Make proper vertical alignment for multiline text in Subtitle and Text
when vertical alignment is set to bottom or center.
Studio RGB (narrow, limited) range will now be recognized (through _ColorRange=1)
and utilized in conversions to and from RGB, such as in GreyScale, ConvertToY, ConvertToYUVxxx,
or ConvertToRGB32 with matrix which now keeps the limited/narrow-rangeness of the source.
See also BugFix section.
#392 "break" and "continue" in for-next and while loops
Add "ArraySort" for sorting simple bool, numeric or string arrays
SoundTouch: Increased the max number of channels to 32ch from the old limit of 16ch.
Posix: Detect additional plugindirs from LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
#413 Add ListAutoloadDirs() script function returing a LF delimited string with directory list.
SubTitle to accept real LF (\r) or CR LF (\r\n) control characters for line break.
#422 Give meaningful and stopping error message when a bad C++ plugin is throwing exception
during autoload (e.g. wrong function signatures, crash because of using unsupported interface calls).
This kind of loading error is treated similarly fatal like mixing 32 and 64 bit plugins.
#413 Add 64 bit data types (#423)
(technical) Value (AVSValue) types i and f are kept and still mean 32 bit integer and float values.
(technical) New value types l and d added to mark 64 bit integer and double types.
Integer decimal constants are automatically promoted to long (int64_t) if they do not fit into integer.
Integer decimal constants are automatically promoted to 64 bit double if they do not even fit into a 64 bit long.
(But values stored as 'only' integers behave as 64 bit long in math operations).
New syntax element L (or l) suffix for hexadecimal constants for interpreting 64 bit data ($800000001010L)
Hexadecimal literals without L suffix still remain 32 bit integers. This ensures compatibility so that
color constants exceeding $7FFFFFFF (such as $FFFFFFFF) are still interpreted as 32-bit
integers and not as 64-bit long integers.
Floating point constants (literals) stored as 64 bit double (formerly only with 32 bit float precision)
IsInt() returns true for any 32 or 64 bit integer
IsLongStrict() returns true only if underlying variable is long (64 bit integer)
IsFloat() returns true for any 32 or 64 bit floating point content (float or double and for any integers - as before)
IsFloatfStrict() returns true only if value is exactly a 32 bit single-precision float.
Float() by default casts to double, but 32-bit floating point numbers are kept in 32-bit float format
(no automatic float-to-double conversion).
New Double() converts always to 64 bit double
New Floatf() converts always to 32 bit float
New Long() converts always to 64 bit long
New IntI() converts always to 32 bit integer
Function Pi returns real double precision constant.
VersionNumber() still returns a 32-bit float, but the exact value is adjusted slightly for compatibility
reasons. This is because the script constant 2.6 is now stored in 64-bit double precision, which can cause issues when
compared to a 32-bit float version of 2.6. For example, to ensure 2.6 (double) >= 2.6f (float) and
avoid breaking scripts that contain IsAvs26 = VersionNumber() >= 2.6 .
Floating point mathematical functions (Sin, etc..) return double precision results.
Floating point arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) uses double precision, except when both operands
are 32-bit floats, in which case the result is also a 32-bit float.
(32-bit float / 32-bit float results in a 32-bit float)
Integer mathematical operation operate on 64 bit data.
When result is within a 32 bit integer range, it is stored as 32 bit integer internally, which is
automatically promoted to 64 bit long if needed.
For-loops are using 64 bit integer for initial value, step and end-value.
Animate: using 64 bit precision inside.
Bit-related functions now have distinctly named 64-bit integer versions, while the old ones continue to work with plain 32-bit integers.
BitAnd64, BitNot64, BitOr64, BitXor64,
bitshl64, bitsal64: shift left (providing two versions; though arithmetic and logical is the same)
bitshr64, bitsar64: shift right logical and arithmetic
bitrol64, bitror64: 64 bit rotation left and right
BitChg64, BitClr64, BitSet64, BitTst64, change, clear, set, test
bitsetcount64 counts the set bits (or sum of set bits) of one or more parameter values.
New: HexValue64() for 64-bit long result. The original HexValue() keeps returning 32 bit integer
so HexValue("FFFFFFFF") is still -1, but HexValue64("FFFFFFFF") will be 4294967295 (64 bit number)
Integer and float frame property read and writes work on real 64 bit integers and doubles.
Formatting functions (String(), etc.) to 64 bit data type aware.
AudioLength() now returns 64 bit integer
AudioLengthF() returns data to double instead of 32 bit float (though it's now useless and still can lose precision).
Function parameter types (function signature) keep i and f, but accept 64 bit long and double
precision parameters transparently.
String length can exceed the value of a 32 bit int. StrLen() returns long if int cannot hold the length.
LeftStr, RightStr, MidStr length parameters accept 64 bit long values.
Compatibility: 64 bit parameter values are automatically replaced with 32 bit int and 32 bit float if Avisynth 2.5 or
old (pre-V11, non-64-bit aware) C interface is detected. Such plugins will see the good old 32 bit data.
Backport the frame property changes from VapourSynth API4
new saturated frame property getters on API returning only 32 bit data: propGetIntSaturated and propGetFloatSaturated
A frame property with data type can hold a string or real binary data.
To distinguish between the two kinds, a hint can be set with a new API version of propSetDataH, which helps visualizing and later: exporting.
propShow displays binary buffer instead of string if the internal subtype is set to Binary.
The buffer length and the first (up to) 16 bytes are displayed like this: Binary data. Length= xx [00,01,DD, ...]
A string content is displayed otherwise.
Since propSet script function in Avisynth is string-only, it sets the hint to DATATYPEHINT_UTF8
(utf8 just hinting that this is a string)
WinInstaller: add InnoSetup script for Windows on ARM
buildsystem: restrict use of MSVC to x86(-64) only
avs/config.h: add defines to separate X86 and ARM Windows variants
PluginManager: only enable +GCC plugindir registry entries on X86
PluginManager: indent cosmetics for clarity
Restore AVS_VERSION define
Build environment and Interface:
add LOONGARCH support
Use system installs of DevIL and SoundTouch on all platforms, remove in-tree binaries/code
avisynth.h: add ListAutoloadDirs() to internal interface declarations
CMakeList.txt to accept Intel C++ Compiler 2025
V11 interface: new 64 bit related AVSValue get and set function in C++ and C interface.
V11 interface: C Interface: implement API for all getter/setter/typecheck for AVS_Value
V11 interface: C interface supports Avisynth+ deep-copy dynamic arrays.
Added optional C plugin init function: to enable full 64 bit data to C plugins, they should implement avisynth_c_plugin_init2.
V11: C interface add avs_add_function_r as an alternative to avs_add_function, allowing the callback
to return the result via a by-reference AVS_Value parameter instead of returning the AVS_Value as a struct....
View full changelog
All features
Changes compared to AviSynth
64-bit version available
Faster script startup and substantially faster core filters
Support for multiple ("shadow") plugin directories
Autoloading of C-plugins
Script language extensions, with support for multiline conditionals and loops.
Improved still image support and TimeStretch
Developer features
Easy and fast compilation, with current compilers
2x increased compilation speed
Improved debugging experience
Leaner and more logical project structure
Large parts of the code refactored
64-bit version available
Faster script startup and substantially faster core filters
Support for multiple ("shadow") plugin directories
Autoloading of C-plugins
Script language extensions, with support for multiline conditionals and loops.
Improved still image support and TimeStretch
Developer features
Easy and fast compilation, with current compilers
2x increased compilation speed
Improved debugging experience
Leaner and more logical project structure
Large parts of the code refactored
Sections/Browse similar tools
Alternative to AviSynth+
(Latest version updated)Avisynth (May 17, 2016)
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6 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews |
Thank you very much. Good works..
Review by Edi on
May 21, 2020 Version: 3.6.0
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Below posted on doom9 forum, avs+ thread in devs.
"Just checked, VideoHelp now hosting current AviSynth+ 3.4.0 Portable 7z file. [SHA-1 matches that on Github]."
Thanks Moderator, everything hunky-dory now.
Avisynth+, is fan-dabby-dozy :)
"Just checked, VideoHelp now hosting current AviSynth+ 3.4.0 Portable 7z file. [SHA-1 matches that on Github]."
Thanks Moderator, everything hunky-dory now.
Avisynth+, is fan-dabby-dozy :)
Review by StainlessStephen on
Nov 22, 2019 Version: 3,4,0
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Here post from Doom9 on Portable version.
[QUOTE=qyot27;1889452]I've uploaded a plain 7z portable for 3.4.0 (well, technically, r2925 built from master, but the extra commit* only touched the READMEs, it's still otherwise-identical to 3.4). I also removed the GCC archive since videohelp still was (or, [i]is[/i] at this time of writing) pointing at it as a 'portable' even when that was not the intention.
*the other's just the merge commit for that one change[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=StainlessS;1890873]VideoHelp is actually providing a zip file GCC version as portable version, here [[B][COLOR="Red"]DO NOT DOWNLOAD Portable version[/COLOR][/B]]:- [url][/url]
I reported the post with this message (limited in length), so hopefully it will be removed as an option from the VH post.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=qyot27;1889452]I've uploaded a plain 7z portable for 3.4.0 (well, technically, r2925 built from master, but the extra commit* only touched the READMEs, it's still otherwise-identical to 3.4). I also removed the GCC archive since videohelp still was (or, [i]is[/i] at this time of writing) pointing at it as a 'portable' even when that was not the intention.
*the other's just the merge commit for that one change[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=StainlessS;1890873]VideoHelp is actually providing a zip file GCC version as portable version, here [[B][COLOR="Red"]DO NOT DOWNLOAD Portable version[/COLOR][/B]]:- [url][/url]
I reported the post with this message (limited in length), so hopefully it will be removed as an option from the VH post.[/QUOTE]
Review by StainlessStephen on
Nov 20, 2019 Version: 3.4.0 Portable
OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 1/10
Functionality: 1/10
Value for money: 1/10
Overall: 1/10
Thank you very much.. Required for StaxRip convert. Good work.
Review by TechnoMan on
Oct 21, 2019 Version: 3.4.0
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Wish this is implemented in other FOSS Video Editors (Blender VSE or Shotcut)
Review by TA 213 on
Dec 19, 2017 Version: r2574
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10
Functionality: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
6 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews |
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Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
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= Linux version available.
Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
Rating from 0-10.
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Free software Ads = Free Download software and open source code but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Trialware = Also called shareware or demo. Free Trial version available for download and testing with usually a time limit or limited functions.
Payware = No demo or trial available.
Portable version = A portable/standalone version is available. No installation is required.
v1.0.1 = Latest version available.
Download beta = It could be a Beta, RC(Release Candidate) or an Alpha / Nightly / Unstable version of the software.
Download 15MB = A direct link to the software download.
Win = Windows download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Win64 = Windows 64-bit download version. It works only on 64-bit Windows.
Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
Linux = Linux download version.
Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
Visit developers site = A link to the software developer site.
Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.

Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)
Rating from 0-10.
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All In One Video Converters (19)
Animation (3D, 2D Animation) (11)
Audio Editors (21)
Audio Encoders (81)
Audio Players (19)
Authoring (Blu-ray, UHD, AVCHD) (12)
Authoring (DivX) (4)
Authoring (DVD) (26)
Authoring (SVCD, VCD) (9)
Bitrate Calculators (7)
Blu-ray to AVI, MKV, MP4 (15)
Blu-ray to Blu-ray, AVCHD (10)
Burn (CD,DVD,Blu-ray) (24)
Camcorders, DV, HDV, AVCHD (31)
Capture TV, DVD, VCR (30)
CD, DVD, Blu-ray recovery (3)
Codec Packs (6)
Codec, Video Identifiers (30)
Codecs (67)
Decrypters (DVD Rippers) (15)
Decrypters (UHD, Blu-ray Rippers) (8)
DigitalTV, DVB, IPTV (38)
DVD to DVD (20)
DVD to MP4, MKV, H264, H265 (16)
DVD to VCD, SVCD (5)
DVD to XviD, AVI, DivX (16)
ISO, Image (15)
Linux Video Tools (189)
MacOS Video Tools (228)
Media (Blu-ray, DVD, CD) (9)
Media Center, HTPC (23)
Other Useful Tools (141)
Photo Blu-ray, DVD, SlideShow (8)
Portable (Mobile, PSP) (35)
Region Free Tools (5)
Screen capture , Screen recording (27)
Screenshots , Thumbnails (13)
Codecs (67)
Decrypters (DVD Rippers) (15)
Decrypters (UHD, Blu-ray Rippers) (8)
DigitalTV, DVB, IPTV (38)
DVD to DVD (20)
DVD to MP4, MKV, H264, H265 (16)
DVD to VCD, SVCD (5)
DVD to XviD, AVI, DivX (16)
ISO, Image (15)
Linux Video Tools (189)
MacOS Video Tools (228)
Media (Blu-ray, DVD, CD) (9)
Media Center, HTPC (23)
Other Useful Tools (141)
Photo Blu-ray, DVD, SlideShow (8)
Portable (Mobile, PSP) (35)
Region Free Tools (5)
Screen capture , Screen recording (27)
Screenshots , Thumbnails (13)
Subtitle Editors, Converters (70)
Tag Editors (3)
Video De, Multiplexers (66)
Video Editors (Advanced, NLE) (34)
Video Editors (Basic) (53)
Video Editors (H264, MP4, MKV, MTS) (19)
Video Editors (Lossless) (4)
Video Editors (MPG, DVD) (16)
Video Editors (WMV, AVI) (15)
Video Encoders (AV1, VP8, VP9) (2)
Video Encoders (AVI, WMV) (38)
Video Encoders (H264, H265, MP4, MKV) (45)
Video Encoders (MPG, DVD) (23)
Video Encoders , Converters (154)
Video Frameservers (9)
Video Players (48)
Video Repair, Fix (25)
Video Scripting (11)
Video Streaming (21)
Video Streaming Downloaders (101)
Tag Editors (3)
Video De, Multiplexers (66)
Video Editors (Advanced, NLE) (34)
Video Editors (Basic) (53)
Video Editors (H264, MP4, MKV, MTS) (19)
Video Editors (Lossless) (4)
Video Editors (MPG, DVD) (16)
Video Editors (WMV, AVI) (15)
Video Encoders (AV1, VP8, VP9) (2)
Video Encoders (AVI, WMV) (38)
Video Encoders (H264, H265, MP4, MKV) (45)
Video Encoders (MPG, DVD) (23)
Video Encoders , Converters (154)
Video Frameservers (9)
Video Players (48)
Video Repair, Fix (25)
Video Scripting (11)
Video Streaming (21)
Video Streaming Downloaders (101)