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Screamer Radio is a Internet Radio player for Microsoft Windows. There is little reason to listen to commercial FM radio anymore, it is an old medium that provides little choice of music and is saturated with ads. For the last couple of years there has been an alternative, streaming internet radio. An alternative that has been somewhat complicated to use. Screamer Radio attempts to remedy this problem by bringing most of the required steps into a single, easy to use, freeware program. Requires.NET Framework 4.5 which is available for Windows Vista SP2 and up.

Freeware Trialware $30
OS: Win
File size: 17MB
Portable version
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Version history
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2 votes
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Screamer Radio screenshot 2
Latest version

2024-04-28 / 2024-04-28 Preview (April 28, 2024)


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Download Screamer Radio 2024-04-28  17MB  Win Win

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Download Screamer Radio 2024-04-28 Portable  24MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

Download Screamer Radio 2024-04-28 Preview  17MB  Win Win

Download Screamer Radio 2024-04-28 Preview Portable  24MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

Download Screamer 0.44 Classic Win

Download Screamer 0.44 Classic Portable Win Portable

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Software License

Freeware/Trialware (Free software but some features are limited to pro/premium version $30)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Stable 2024-04-28
Bug fixes and improvements

Fixed an issue where the wrong device was selected during startup which caused playback errors
Fixed issue with restoring window position on alternate monitors
Restored ability to follow playlist redirects from secure https to insecure http
Resolved issue with redirect logic not handling relative redirects correctly
Capped the maximum redirects Screamer Radio follows to 7 because the default in .NET is 50 which is a lot
Improved connection cancellation, which should now often be instant when stop is pressed

Preview 2024-04-28
Bug fixes and improvements

Resolved issue with redirect logic not handling relative redirects correctly
Fixed an issue where the wrong device was selected during startup which caused playback errors

View full changelog

All features

At a glance
Listen to thousands of radio stations from many countries
Quick search by name or part of URL
Navigate by tags
Star your favorite radio stations
Connect to any radio station you want as long as you have a URL
Sleep timer
Automatic stop after playback has been muted for 10 minutes
Automatic stop when desktop workspace is locked
Supported streaming formats
Shoutcast and Icecast MP3
Icecast OGG Vorbis
AAC and AAC+

Automatic stop
This feature will help you avoid wasting bandwidth by stopping playback when you leave your computer or if you mute Screamer Radio and forget about it.

Sleep timer
Will stop playback after a countdown of 20, 40 or 60 minutes.

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to Screamer Radio

(Latest version updated)

RarmaRadio  (Oct 27, 2024)

Guides and How to's

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

Rating by Dan Gerald on Sep 4, 2020 Version: 0.4.4 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I LOVE this program. Been using it for years now. Does exactly what it says on the tin. The only other program which is used more on my PC is Windows Explorer!

Review by ChrissyBoy on Nov 22, 2010 Version: 0.4.4 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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Free software = Download Free software and also open source code also known as FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).
Free software Trialware = Download Free software and also open source code but some parts are trial/shareware.
Freeware Ads = Download Free software but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Free software Ads = Free Download software and open source code but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Trialware = Also called shareware or demo. Free Trial version available for download and testing with usually a time limit or limited functions.
Payware = No demo or trial available.
Portable version = A portable/standalone version is available. No installation is required.
v1.0.1 = Latest version available.
Download beta = It could be a Beta, RC(Release Candidate) or an Alpha / Nightly / Unstable version of the software.
Download 15MB = A direct link to the software download.
Win = Windows download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Win64 = Windows 64-bit download version. It works only on 64-bit Windows.
Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
Linux = Linux download version.
Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
Visit developers site = A link to the software developer site.
Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
Mac OS = Mac OS version available.
Linux = Linux version available.
Our hosted software are virus and malware scanned with several antivirus programs using (NOTE! Just one virustotal warning is 99.9% a false positive. And some software might receive 2-6 warnings but it's if they are not all same virus/trojan then it's 99% false positives.)

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