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Rapid Menu Writer


Rapid Menu Writer is a wizard for creating very simple DVD menus to already made DVDs. Rapid Menu Writer is fast and efficient! It can add a menu to a DVD in seconds, and uses only a fraction of your hard disk space. Examples of how Rapid Menu Writer can be used include: adding a menu to a DVD merged by DVDFab or adding a menu to a DVD re-authored by DVDShrink. Requires PGCEdit(free) and DVDStyler(free).

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Latest version

1.3 (September 20, 2009)


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Freeware (Free software and usage!)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 1.3 is now available for download.

Changes include:

* Fixed the Back buttons (broken from v1.1).
* Fixed the Finished message at the end to be shown (was previously hidden).
* Changed the DVDStyler Preview message to include Yes and No buttons to continue or go back.
* Added an error message when the DVD player doesn't exist when Play DVD is clicked.
* Updated the error messages for missing PgcEdit and DVDStyler executables to include the path.
* Added a "Restore Defaults" button to the Options GUI.
* Updated the help file.
* Added verbose logging to the "Assign commands to the menu buttons" section.
* Changed the style of menu buttons to use frames with borders.
* Changed the default menu colour scheme to be blue buttons with white text and borders.

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TitleWriter  (Jul 31, 2008)

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

This is seangriffin, the author of Rapid Menu Writer.

I have setup the following post in the forums for issues relating to Rapid Menu Writer:

Please use this forum to let me know about issues and problems you have with the Rapid Menu Writer.

The tool is very new, and whilst it works on my own system you may well have issues using it on your own computer. Please let me know what issues you have in the forum and I'll do my best to fix these bugs. I'm hoping to make this tool as robust as possible.

Review by seangriffin on Aug 22, 2009 Version: 0.4 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 5/10

I think it needs some refinement. I especially think it could use some better documentation. I had high hopes for this tool, but it failed. I had authored a DVD with 14 Tex Avery cartoons and no menu. I authored it in DVDauthorGUI. I had my VIDEO_TS folder structure ready and ran this tool. After setting the location for PgcEdit, I tried to make my menu. It got to a point and asked a question about the name of something. I don't know if it was supposed to be the name of the first chapter in the menu or something else. Anyways, it bombed right after that. It did give an error, but I forget what it said.

Review by dphirschler on Aug 19, 2009 Version: 0.4 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 2/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 2/10

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