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DVD Styler is a crossplatform GUI frontend to the dvd authoring and recording programs dvdauthor and dvdrecord. The main DVDStyler features are: creation and burning DVD video with interactive menus,* support of AVI, MPEG and other file formats, support of MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, Xvid, MP2, MP3, AC-3 and other audio and video formats, using MPEG and VOB files without reencoding, allows put files with different audio/video format on one DVD (support of titleset), user-friendly interface with support of drag & drop, flexible menu creation on the basis of scalable vector graphic, import of image file for background, placing of buttons, text, images and other graphic objects anywhere on the menu screen, etc.

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DVDStyler screenshot 3
Latest version

3.2.1 / 3.3 Beta 4 (May 26, 2024)


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Download DVDStyler 3.2.1 Windows 64-bit  33MB  Win64 Win

Download DVDStyler 3.2.1 Windows  32MB  Win Win

Download DVDStyler 3.2.1 Mac  71MB  Mac Mac

Download DVDStyler 3.2.1 Linux  9MB  Linux Linux

Download Beta and other versions

Download DVDStyler 3.3 Beta 4 Windows 64-bit  68MB  Win64 Win

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Mac OS Mac Linux Linux

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 3.3 beta 4 <2024-05-26>

* updated ffmpeg to version 7.0

Version 3.3 beta 3 <2022-10-03>

* added possibility to specify custom video file for buttons
* added one more menu template with text based title buttons (thanks to ecodrv)
* added object 'Caption and rectangle' (thanks to ecodrv)
* updated ffmpeg to version 5.0

Version 3.3 beta 2 <2022-08-28>

* fixed video frame selection dialog
* added setting "FFmpeg options" to specify transcoding options such as -hwaccel

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Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to DVDStyler

(Latest version updated)

DVDAuthorgui  (Jul 15, 2011)

GUI for dvdauthor  (Jul 23, 2008)

Guides and How to's

Tool features, DVD Author(BETA!):

Acronyms / Also Known As

DVD Styler

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66 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

In the beginning I started DVD authoring with Nero Burning Rom (Video). It was very easy, but there are 2024 so many limitations in the programs, so I moved to DvdStyler. The DVD menu styling will need some more background knowledge to handle, if you want a high quality and stylish menu. But the main part, the video encoding, is always better than many commercial programms (Nero Burning Rom, Adobe Premiere Elements, Magix Video, etc.). DvdStyler use the ffmpeg 6.x encoder for encoding the videos to DVD compatible format. You can use single pass or two pass compression for normal or better video quality. You can customize the bitrate for video and audio, format, etc. It is fantastic to use the whole dvd space for maximal quality. Some people prefer a low bitrate for audio and higher values for video. It is possible to use dvdstyler to create dvds with 2-4 hours video material on a DVD-5 (4.3 GB). Most of my tested commercial programs do not want it! They say, it does not match the dvd standard. That could be true, but your 3-4 hour dvds work perfect on different dvd players and pc softwares! So I think, they do not want it for personal recording in high quality!

Review by James Pous on Jan 19, 2024 Version: 3.3 beta 3 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

Hower it is pretty user friendly, i noticed that my movies ar juddering.
Especially when it pans from left to right or down to up or vice versa.
Then its starting to judder or chopping.
SO for me its 5/10 for this program.
Even from NTSC to NTSC is not judder free in panning scenes.

Review by Substralleke on Jan 18, 2024 Version: 3.2.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 3/10 Overall: 5/10

Rating by Swedaniel on Jan 14, 2024 Version: 3.2.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I've been using DVDSTYLER since version 1.8 but I've never done an honest review of it. Although I haven't used it for a long time, I want to highlight how important it is for a dvd author, it's simply (and without exaggeration) the best free DVD authoring program out there, because it has an absurd amount of options. customization (like buttons to set the language, subtitles and everything else), all this in a very simple way. I sincerely hope that the project will continue to BluRay, but I believe that it requires more time, more effort and above all, more investment by crowdfunding, given the magnitude of the project. If you want to give an air of professionalism to your dvd's, in a simple way, DVDSTYLER is by far the best solution, there are options for a more professional creation (like the dvd lab), however, for those who want to give the same air customization to your dvd's, DVDSTYLER is unsurpassed.

Review by Diego Souza on Jul 16, 2022 Version: 3,2,1 OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

tried the latest dvd styler 3.2.1 version because avs2dvd had issues with 2 of my videos and hcenc kept crashing, thumbs up, dvd styler has no problem processing them and created the dvd, no issues, easy to use

Review by muddy7 on Dec 1, 2021 Version: 3.2.1 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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