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ImageGrab is a powerful and user-friendly software that opens all kinds of video files and allows to extract images either in the format bmp, or in jpeg with a quality adjustable. It also allows you to copy them to the clipboard so as to use them in your favorite application.

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Latest version

7.0.4 (May 2, 2023)


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Freeware (Free software and usage!)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Versions 7.x.X of ImageGrab are a major update of versions 6.0.0, where for the first time in ImageGrab you may choose the audio language and display subtitles for some videos containing such streams embedded.

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All features

ImageGrab is a software entirely dedicated to the extraction of video images. Its ambition is to make this operation easy, precise and effective. For that, you proceed in three simple stages:

1) Load a video, from various types or files with extension avi, mpeg, mpg, wmv, mts, m2ts, ts, vob, m1v, mp2, mpe, asf, mkv, mov, mp4, 3g2, m4v, m2v,ivf and perhaps others.

2) ImageGrab includes a video player that can browse with frame accuracy to a given position in the video (depending on the video) . The player can display in full screen, and can thus be used as a good alternative mediaplayer.

3) When the desired video's position is reached, a simple click (or the function key F5) captures a snapshot from the current picture.

ImageGrab includes also an intervalometer feature, that helps extract automatically a lot of pictures at given intervals. A "script" mode is available to apply the power of ImageGrab to a lot of files at once.

Text may be inlayed in the snapshot, using various data from the video: timestamp, datecode or timecode if it's a DV video.

ImageGrab relies intensely on directshow (the video functions of Microsoft). So be sure to have directshow filters (also known as codecs) correctly installed for the videos which you want to process.

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Alternative to ImageGrab

(Latest version updated)

Auto-Movie-Thumbnailer  (Oct 13, 2024)

Image Grabber II  (Nov 30, 2012)

movie thumbnailer  (Feb 21, 2024)

Scenegrabber.NET  (Mar 1, 2012)

Video Thumbnails Maker  (Jan 2, 2025)

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7 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Sorry, forgot to post review with my marks (below) so scored neutral on this one. Easy to set up, looked easy to use but didn't work on the MP4 or AVI file's I tried. Sure I used this years ago and it was fine then. I hate to leave bad reviews on someone's hard work (plus it being free). M

Review by Patrick on Apr 13, 2021 Version: 6.3.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 6/10 Overall: 6/10

Rating by Patrick on Apr 13, 2021 Version: 6.3.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Works fine with AVIs, but will not work with DVD-MPEG2s, despite the fact that I loaded DirectX 9.0c.

If I want to use this program to make screencaps from DVD-MPEG2 video, I have to convert the file(s) to AVI first, which is rather convoluted. :(

Review by bmwracer on Feb 27, 2006 Version: 3.0a OS: Win2K Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 7/10

First of all... This program is NOT fully compatible with Win98. You will need 98SE or later to use this program to its full potential. Even though all DS Codecs are installed, the program can't access them somehow, only VFW worked, no MPEG, no AVI. As the README only promised compatibility of 98SE or later, this is NOT a major concern.

The timed captures and other captures are exactly as promised... and other than some wishlist items like temporal smoothing or other types of enhancement this program does what it promises exactly. Highly recommended.

Review by kschang on Dec 31, 2005 Version: 3.0a OS: Win98 Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

Really a nice little application that is very user friendly and makes taking snap shots easy.


Review by wwjd on Nov 25, 2004 Version: OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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