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DVBViewer Pro allows you to experience Digital TV on your PC. With a proper DVB card you can enter the world of digital entertainment and experience high quality, incredibly sharp TV pictures and near CD quality radio! It provides all basic functions you need to enjoy digital television and radio programs. In addition, DVBViewer offers you a wide range of advanced features such as Teletext, Electronic Programming Guide, Remote Control support and enhanced recording capabilities which enable you to record your favourite shows on hard-disc, edit them or share them with your friends.

Trialware $22
OS: Win
File size: 7.8MB
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Latest version (May 19, 2024)


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Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $22)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

DVBViewer Pro

Added: Picture in Picture: The Picture in Picture window now remembers the last played channel and restores it when it is opened without specifying a particular channel, e.g. via TV/Radio → Picture in Picture. Previously it always played the same channel as the DVBViewer main window in this case. Now it only falls back to the main window channel if no tuner is available for the last PiP-channel.

Change: Picture in Picture: The mute function in the DVBViewer main window now also mutes Picture in Picture audio, if switched on. Previously the function had no effect on it.

Fix: Picture in Picture: When displaying Picture in Picture in a separate full screen video window, the video aspect ratio was not adjusted correctly, if the monitor aspect ratio differed from it, except when using the EVR Enhanced Video Renderer for PiP, which worked as intended.

Added: General: Command line parameters allowing to launch additional DVBViewer instances if DVBViewer is already running, thus enabling to play multiple channels at the same time, provided there are enough tuners available (see here). It is not necessary anymore to create additional program directories. The parameters can be added to a DVBViewer shortcut by appending it to the DVBViewer path (separated by a blank) in the shortcut properties. Each instance carries a unique instance number in the range from 1 to 8. Please note the following points:

There are two ways to start additional DVBViewer instances:

The command line parameter -new starts another DVBViewer instance additionally to already running instances. The instance number of the new one is the number of already running instances plus one.

The command line parameter -N (where N specifies the instance number, e.g. -2 or -3) starts an instance with this number. Using -N parameters should not be mixed with -new usage. Please note that an instance does not start, if an instance with the same instance number is already running.

Each additional instance automatically creates its own configuration folder, if it does not exist yet, copies missing configuration files from the original configuration folder (of the first instance) to the new folder and uses it henceforth. If the original configuration folder is named CMUV\DVBViewer, the one for the second instance is CMUV\DVBViewer_2, for the third instance CMUV\DVBViewer_3 and so on. Initially the configuration of additional instances equals the configuration of the first instance in every respect (settings, channel/favorites list, window size/position etc.), but can be changed separately and persistently. If an additional instance shall again adopt the original (first instance) configuration in CMUV\DVBViewer, this can be achieved by simply deleting the configuration folder CMUV\DVBViewer_N of the corresponding (number N) instance, while it is closed.

Add-ons and plugins (DLLs) may not cooperate correctly (or not at all) with additional DVBViewer instances, if they are not designed for it.

The Tweaker.exe and Resizer.exe tools, that are installed with DVBViewer, by default use the setup.xml of the first instance. However, it is possible to let the tools modify the setup.xml of other instances, either by launching them with the command line parameter -N, where N specifies the instance number, e.g. -2 or -3, or by dragging and dropping the file setup.xml from the configuration folder of the instance in question to the Tweaker or Resizer program icon.

Every starting new DVBViewer instance automatically mutes audio of already running instances (provided it does not start muted itself), thus avoiding multiple audio playing at the same time. Clicking the video area or the status bar with the middle mouse button lets an instance “grab” audio and play it exclusively by muting all other running instances. Please note that the middle mouse button click in the video area was assigned in former DVBViewer versions by default to an OSD function. So for achieving the desired effect on audio, Settings → Options → OSD Mouse → Middle Mouse Button Function has to be set to “None” first (see here). If Picture-in-Picture audio is switched on in an instance (e.g. by clicking the PiP window with the middle mouse button or switching it to full screen), it automatically mutes main window audio and all other running instances in the same way.

When running more than one DVBViewer instance, it is recommendable to use the DVBViewer Media Server for centralized DVB hardware management. It avoids conflicts, enables optimized hardware usage and allows to prioritize timer recordings. The Media Server Basic, that is free for DVBViewer Pro users, is sufficient for this purpose (see here).

It is not possible to run multiple instances of the free DVBViewer Demo version. The feature requires the full version.

Added: General: Basic support for VVC video (see here). Scanning channels with VVC video and recording them as TS works. Playing them may fail, because the support is not complete yet. Therefore playback of files/streams containing VVC video is delegated to the LAV source filter/splitter, if possible, even if DVBViewer is configured for playing a format with the DVBViewer Filter. Please note that there is no VVC video support in LAV filters before version 0.79.

Change: Playback Components: DVBViewer now checks if the graphics card and its driver support Overlay for video output. If not, the Overlay Mixer is not selectable as video renderer anymore and Desktop TV (that requires Overlay) is disabled in the View menu. If Overlay is available, DVBViewer automatically adds a registry entry that is needed on some PCs to make it work in an application. It requires a DVBViewer restart to take effect, however (see here).

Added: Desktop TV: Desktop TV (see View menu), that enables TV/Video as desktop background, is now available in all video renderer modes (previously only with the Overlay Mixer), provided the graphics card supports Overlay video. DVBViewer automatically switches to Overlay rendering for Desktop TV, which requires rebuilding the chain of playback components if some other video renderer is active. The same applies to switching Desktop TV off again. Please note:

It is recommendable to activate the DVBViewer tray icon on Options → General for controlling DVBViewer in Desktop TV mode, because its main window can’t be accessed. Right-clicking the tray icon opens the DVBViewer context menu. Left-clicking the icon restores the previous display mode.

Depending on the graphics card/chip and the video format the LAV video decoder may not be able to handle the old overlay rendering mode correctly. In this case you may want to try ffdshow as video decoder for the affected format.

Change/Fix: OSD: Several optimizations and fixes concerning the OSD handling if certain video renderers are used, e.g. flickering outside the OSD display area caused by the EVR Custom Video Renderer with activated DXVA scaling after reducing the OSD size in the OSD General options, or incorrect display of a video windows embedded in OSD pages in Overlay mode after resizing the DVBViewer Main Window.

Removed: OSD General Options: Checkbox “Use cut-out frame in Overlay mode”. This option is now always switched on, which means, the area surrounding the actual video is always painted black, thus covering the dark purple Overlay color. Additionally the black frame now also works in case of OSD size adjustments in the OSD General Options.

Added: OSD General Options: The slider for OSD transparency now also takes effect if the MPC Video Renderer or the EVR Enhanced Video Renderer (only with “Use OSD DirectShow filter” switched off) is used.

Fix: Channel Logos: Unnecessary checks if a channel logo image file with a hyphen (-) as name exists, causing channel logo processing to take too long (since, see here).

Fix: TTML/WebVTT Subtitles: Occasional timing issues caused by wrong handling of TTML timestamps. TTML subtitles are frequently used for MPEG Dash streams (particularly live streams provided via HbbTV). WebVTT subtitles were displayed in wrong order under certain timing conditions.

Added: Playback: If DVBViewer is operating as Sat>IP client, the “Options → General → Resume playback after sleep mode / hibernation” function now additionally ensures that playback does not resume until the Sat>IP server is reachable, checked by a ping once per second (see changes).

Fix: Audio Visualizations: The visualizations did not work anymore on radio/audio playback, if the EVR Custom Video Renderer was selected on Settings → Options → Playback Components → Video (since, see here).

Fix: Channel Search: A missing Transponders subdirectory in the configuration directory was not recreated automatically. Since this subdirectory is usually created by the setup wizard on first DVBViewer installation, the bug only took effect in special cases.

Change/Fix: EPG: The EPG start/end time and duration are now stored non-rounded as they arrive, but are rounded to minutes later when being read from the EPG database, e.g. for displaying them somewhere. Previously they were already rounded on arrival. The change avoids issues with internet radio (shoutcast) metadata that is transformed internally to EPG data (see here).

Fix: Recorder: Under certain conditions transport stream packets with video filler data were not removed, though configured by the user and possible (see here).

Added: Universal Remote Plugin: Checkbox in the configuration window allowing to switch the plugin’s tray icon on and off. The plugin is included in DVBViewer standard installations.

Fix: Hardware: Increasing the DiSEqCCount default value for TBS DVB-S devices to 2 in version 7.2.5 (causing every DiSEqC command to be sent two times) proved to be unfavorable in case of Unicable (see here). Therefore...

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All features

What does DVBViewer provide?

In addition to the basic features like reception of digital television and radio, the DVBViewer offers several advances treats. A complete user defineable surface allows you to control the program. Services like Teletext, HbbTV, MHEG-5 can be used, as well as scheduling the recorder via EPG (electronic programming guide). Advanced algorithms, derived from industrial processes, allow the parallel usage of multiple devices. The parallel usage of multiple devices is one of our core competences. Ingenious algorithms, usually used to optimize complicated work flows of industrial processes, are used to manage your available devices.

Which features make it unique?

The DVBViewer offers groundbreaking features: As worldwide first program capable to display additional content via HbbTV on a PC and by now it also supports Ultra HDTV. As worldwide exclusive PC application it is also capapable to present additional services via HbbTV or MHEG-5. A configuralbe multi media center allows you to comfortably manage your own music- and videofiles even with a remote. With modern graphic adapters and intelligent algorithms (Lanczos, Mitchell-Netravali, Nearest Neighbor etc.) the DVBViewer coaxex the maximum out of your TV stations and videos.

Is the software compatible with my hardware?

You can use almost every available TV-card, USB-TV receiver or USB Stick in combination with the DVBViewer. The parallel use of several adapters is only limited by the available ports/slots of your PC. Besides regular DVB adapters you can also use SAT>IP Servers inside the DVBViewer. You are still not convinced? Please try the free demo version!

Can I receive PayTV and can I also watch IPTV?

Playback and recording of PayTV is supported for DVB cards/adapters with integrated CAM and valid subscription. With the spread of fast internet connections streaming television gains more and more followers. Consequently the DVBViewer features not only playback and recording of DVB-S/C/T but also IPTV.

Are 4k programmes supported?

You can receive and watch HEVC encoded material, which is used for DVB-T2 transmissions in most parts of Europe. This also includes the ability to watch channels broadcast in ultra high definition (3.840 x 2.160 pixels and more).It is recommended to use a modern graphics card to support the complex decoding process, though.

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Alternative to DVBViewer

(Latest version updated)

Argus TV  (Dec 27, 2014)

NextPVR  (Dec 29, 2024)

ProgDVB  (Mar 2, 2025)

SichboPVR  (Feb 5, 2025)

SmartDVB  (Oct 3, 2019)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

DVB Viewer, DVBViewer Pro, DVB Viewer Pro

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13 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Have enjoyed DVBViewer so much that I paid for licence well worth it's stable configurable easy to setup have tried many of these Media players and this comes as close to my favourite Windows Media Center

Review by Col on Sep 6, 2020 Version: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Rating by ivanjum on Feb 21, 2020 Version: 6.1.6 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Rating by mahmut on Apr 10, 2019 Version: 6.1.4 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 2/10 Functionality: 4/10 Value for money: 2/10 Overall: 1/10

Rating by Steve234 on Jan 13, 2019 Version: 6.1.2 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This is the first thing I found on this page that worked, and the demo indeed works well.
I guess I’ll have to buy it.

Review by Art on Jul 23, 2018 Version: 6.1.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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