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Argus TV


ARGUS TV is an advanced rule-based scheduling system to record your favorite TV programs in a very intelligent way. It has full support for running as a service with multiple clients (see example setup diagrams below). Access to the system is available ranging from a typical Windows application over plugins for living-room Media playback software to internet Web Access to give you the maximum possible reach.

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Latest version

2.3 (December 27, 2014)


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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Here is the list of implemented changes since 2.2.2:

Too many internal changes to even begin to sum them up ;)
Too many internal changes to even begin to sum them up ;)
Notifier: now always connects over https and will show balloons even when you are remotely connected.
Scheduler: will use Wake-On-LAN on Recorders if they are on a different machine.
Scheduler: enhanced CalculateUpcomingRecordings to better handle the case of a recorder being disconnected.
Scheduler: console will now auto-refresh live streams, active recordings and upcoming programs.
Recorder: a DiSEqC command that fails to be sent after tuning will be resent now when the graph has entered running state (this fixes certain BlackGold and Pinnacle cards).
MediaPortal: added support for 1.7.x, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 FINAL
Updated Scheduler, Recorder and installer icon to a more "modern" look.
Updated Ultidev WebServer Pro to

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All features

Because the scheduling system is rule-based it offers unparalleled power to record exactly what you want. The examples below can be easily set up in a single schedule definition each.
Record any "CSI" episode shown somewhere between 7PM and 11PM, but not the ones from "Miami", and don't record episodes that have been recorded before.
Record "The Simpsons" every Monday and Wednesday on Channel Foo around 7PM (so also when it's shown at 7:15PM or 6:55PM).
Record all movies with "Samuel Jackson" on BBC1 or BBC2 and don't record movies that have been recorded before.
Record all documentaries on NGC or Discovery Channel that have "Global warming" in their description.

ARGUS TV has conflict management built-in to help the scheduler record as many programs as it can, based on your available recording devices. It will let you intervene manually as well.
ARGUS TV is very modular thanks to its Service Oriented Architecture. Recording is handled by modules (services) that are called recorder/tuners. You have the choice between its native 'Argus' recording engine (for digital TV - DVB and ATSC) or the recorder/tuner for MediaPortal TV Server.
Recorded shows are stored on your system's hard disk and can be played back manually, from the ARGUS TV Scheduler Console or via various clients.
ARGUS TV can also be used to watch Live-TV, either via various clients, or via your favorite Mediaplayer, using our RTSP-Streaming server.

ARGUS TV Recorder DVB-C/S/T and ATSC card support:

TBS: CAM, DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
Digital Everywhere (FireDTV): CAM, DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
Digital Devices: CAM, DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
TechnoTrend: CAM, DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
TeVii: DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
Twinhan: DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
KNC: DiSEqC and DVB-S2 tuning
Hauppage: DiSEqC, ATSC and DVB-S2 tuning
HDHomeRun: ATSC tuning
Certain generic cards: DiSEqC and ATSC tuning

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