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CaptureFlux to preview a live video stream, record it in direct-to-disk or grab images from the stream. Preview in full screen coming from a DV camcorder, an analogic video card, a Usb webcam. Capture this stream to the native format, in DV (Pal or NTSC), or in Windows Media Video (WMV). The capture may be scheduled at any future date and time.

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6.2.0 (October 28, 2023)


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6 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

It is not a valid 32 bit application, and I can't find the 32 bit version

Review by Andrea on Dec 23, 2022 Version: Windows Xp OS: WinXP Ease of use: 3/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 3/10 Overall: 3/10

Numerous access violations when clicking on buttons and can't close it; had to use Task Manager to kill it. Also a few buttons have French captions.

Review by Alwyn on Aug 8, 2021 Version: 6.0.8 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

this has not been updated for over 13 years, since 2007. Congrats to Paul for this update to 6.06. It works better. I used to get all sorts of problems selecting the input source. It seems overall more stable. Back in 2007 it used to drop frames because there is not much in the way of a video buffer in this prog and it was not very optimized, causing it to need a lot of CPU resources. Now in 2020 CPUs are much faster, and so are SSD hard drives. I never get a dropped frame when capturing in 2020 on a decent PC. Nothing better for capturing from firewire to avi than this program now. Set the schedule to 3 1/2 hours and start a VHS180 tape and walk away, return for a complete tape capture to avi without wasted filespace. Only problem is that it doesnt show the "lost frames" counter at the end of a schedule, it seems to disappear/ unless you were there watching the app at the end you dont know if you dropped frames. Frustrating but hopefully now that Paul is back onboard working on the code he finally fixes this and makes it the ultimate capture app.

Review by Blackout on Sep 15, 2020 Version: 6.06 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

Terrible program. Tried using it with a Canopus ADVC-100. First thing I found out was that it will lock up if you press any of the VCR buttons. That I can understand as the ADVC-100 is an A/D converter and not a DV camera. Learning my lesson I hid the VCR control so as not to be tempted again and the lockups stopped but the VCR control would unhide itself from time to time. I figured out how to use the program relatively easily and started a capture. It immediately started dropping frames. I had several hundred dropped in the first minute. I'm not used to this. I normally use WinDV with my Canopus and I don't remember more than a hand full of drops in several years. And finally, I stopped the capture and tried to exit the program. No good. The program won't leave the screen. Even killing the process in Task Manager won't get rid of the program. You have to reboot your computer to stop the program. I foolishly went back and tried it several times (both doing a capture and not doing a capture) thinking it was just a freak incident but no, this program doesn't want to go away. It's away now as I've removed it from my computer.

Review by Gripweed on Apr 1, 2007 Version: 5.2.3 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

If you have a Plextor PX-M402U USB-2 Capture Box then this is a super application for capturing native AVI files with the M402U's Hardware DivX Encoder. CaptureFlux gives you more parameters to tweak in the Capture Stream so you can get better compliance in your final AVI file. I was able to create iPod compatible DivX files (Video Only) in realtime Capture with this software, instead of having to re-encode the whole file to MPEG-4 now I only have to convert the Audio Only. It supports DV,WMV,MPEG-2 (with plug-ins) and AVI Captures, It would be nice to have MPEG-4 Capture as well as a choice of AVI Codecs instead of just DivX in AVI mode, but otherwise a very handy application that is open to many different capture devices. Nice Work!!

Review by GMaq on Dec 17, 2006 Version: 5.2.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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