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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for CaptureFlux

Version 6.0.5 published in English on September 25th, 2008

* better recognition of divx encoders

Version 6.0.4 published in English on August 1st, 2008

* better compatibility with some external boxes like DVC100, boxes with chipset Uli M9205...

Version 6.0.1 published in English on June 3th, 2008

* the sync audio/video is better in DV type 2
* un border is displayed in fullscreento show that a capture is ongoing (red) or a capture is scheduled (yellow)......
* plug-ins should no more be necessary to render some sources like ADS DVD XPress 2 or Dazzle DVC 130 and DVC170 (it is even recommended to remove the plugin files from the folder of CaptureFlux)
* a bugof 6.0.0 making the program crash when capturing in some formats is fixed
* a button has been added for launching scripts

Version 6.0.0 published in English on June the 3th, 2008

In comparison with versions 5.x.x, the version 6.0.0 features following improvements:

* better compatibility with Unicode characters
* possibility to operate CaptureFlux as a portable application
* Inlay is fully and easily personnalizable
* display in full screen respects the aspect ratio of the video
* display of video DV automatically is in 4x3 or 16x9 according to the video
* a table of all keyboard shortcuts and switches can be displayed with F11
* CaptureFlux can be launched in command-line or in a script
* if a driver does not connect, then CaptureFlux will try again at next launch
* the preview may be desactivated during capture in order to save CPU resources
* the capture may be apused and resumed in the same file (only for certain capture modes, for instance in DV)
* the load factor of CPU and the free space in the hard disk may be displayed during capture
* a list of all files saved during a session is available, and one can access easily to each one
* you may install or uninstall filters (for example a decoder) with drag/drop of an *.ax file
* when thhe aspect ratio of the video is changed, the saved video changes accordingly whenever it's possible
* a keyboard shortcut has been implemented for the intervalometer (the key Pause/Break on the keyboard).

Version 5.2.3 has been released on Sunday, March 04, 2007. The intervalometer is more accurate, the automatic inlay mode is improved, and the inlayed text may have a black border in order to give a better contrast with the background movie.

Version 5.2.2 has been released on TThursday, February 22, 2007. It fixes a bug when capturing in mode image/image with the intervallometer. In the previous versions the number of frames captured was limited to 20. It is no longer the case, thanx to some users who reported the bug, and specially Fabrizio who explained me precisely how to reproduce the bug.

Version 5.2.1 has been released on Thursady, December 14, 2006. It fixes a bug when extracting images from the video, and no longer creates two images when only one is requested. (Thanks to Patrick Luginbuehl and M'hamed Bouhlal who reported independently this bug the same day). It fixes also a bug when capturing in wmv without audio (Thanks to Patrick LuginBuehl).

CaptureFlux 5.2.0 published on Monday, November 20, 2006, is the first stable release of the 5.x.x series. It fixes some memory leaks that remained in the latest 5.1.x versions.

What's new in version 5.1.7:

o audio from sources like mpeg-2 is better processed
o the capture informat Window media Video (wmv) is fixed

What's new in version 5.1.6:

o audio only capture is now enabled when no video source is selected
o the plug-ins for mpeg2 sources should be better supported, and the head-to-heels issue is fixed

What's new in version 5.1.5:

o the video input (from crossbar) for some capture devices is now saved and kept for the next session.
o the video effects (inlay, flip) are more efficient and use less CPU power.
o an option in the preferences isavailable to skip completely these video effects ( inlay or flip) in order to saveCPU power. If this box is unchecked, CaptureFlux becomes a "light version" better suitedfor less powerful systems.

What's new in version 5.1.4:

o some minor internal improvements.

What's new in version 5.1.3:

o support for the WDM driver for DC30+ under XP released by Maik

What's new in version 5.1.0:

o a button is added to force the preview to be identical to the captured movie (WYPiWYC: What you preview is what you capture).
o when converting to DV you may choose if it's 4x3 or 16x9
o the list of sources and plug-ins is displayed in the help panel (F1)
o a dump filter is included in the program, so you don't have to install it if you want to capture in mpeg2 (with th plug-in)

Version 5.0.1 released at Sunday, October 08, 2006

The main new features of CaptureFlux version 5.0.x are:

o you may capture to divx in real time, and not only in native, DV type 2 or wmv.
o you may capture an audio stream in WAV(PCM uncompressed) or mp3. CaptureFlux can function like an audio recorder, with any audio source even integrated in a video source, for example the microphone of a DV camera connected to a firewire link.
o generally speaking, the audio and video streams can be choosen with great flexibility. For instance, you could connect two camcorders and use one for audio and the second for video.
o the different entries of a sound card can be directly selected in CaptureFlux
o The video window can display in widescreen format (16x9)
o During preview, the video may be flipped horizontally and not only vertically
o A deinterlacer filter is contained internally in CaptureFlux. It is mainly used for deinterlacing the grabbed pictures. But during preview, it may also be activated in order to smooth the video (It is inactivated during capture in order to avoid dropping frames).
o Data about the streams is displayed, for example image size, audio frequency...
o A time difference may be fixed with any delay, and not only an integer number of hours.
o CaptureFlux detects all changes in the capture devices, and adapts automatically to them. It is now fully possible to connect new devices after launching CaptureFlux.
o You may choose which capture devices are listed by CaptureFlux and disable those who are not useful or messy.
o CaptureFlux improves many internal procedures and becomes generally more performant
o CaptureFlux may accept plug-ins for sources not recognized by default, specially mpeg2 devices. Presently a plug-in to support the usb box ADS Tech DVDXpress DX2 is available for download.

Version 4.1.3 released in English on April, the 3rd, 2006
* the DV frequencies are now shown when capturing to DV type 2 with a non DV source.

Version 4.1.2 released in English on April, the 2nd, 2006
* the trackbar to set the jpeg quality is now working OK
* the gauge Volume is correctly set at 100% and not 0% when the program starts with full volume
* the "Cut" button had a bug when capturing image by image. It is fixed.

CaptureFlux version 4.1.1
* This new version released on April, the 3nd, 2006 is a major upgrade of CaptureFlux. Its main new features are:
* CaptureFlux may record an AVI file image by image, and set the framerate of the produced video at any value. This is very useful for all guys who make animation with modeling clay (like Wallace and Gromit), who want to show a flower blooming, or transfer from an old Super 8 film to a DV video.
* CaptureFlux is now WITHOUT INSTALLATION. It can be launched by clicking on the exe-file. It does not install any directshow filter on your system, even for inlay. It does no mess.
* The inlay feature is greatly improved: you may inlay on two lines (usually one for the date and one for the time), these lines may be aligned. The inlay operation may be scheduled to happen for a given number of seconds either once, or at each scene change, or at each day change. A time difference may be set to fix the datecode, if you missed a change when travelling abroad in you camcorder.
* The timecode may be inlayed, when capturing from a DV tape.
* The volume level may be changed with the + or - keys of the numeric keypad. A little gauge shows this level.
* The user interface is now adapting to the XP theme of your desktop (if you use Windows XP).
* The user interface is safer from exceptions (for instance when no video is connected). The scheduling is also safer when choosing wrong dates.
* When capturing from a DV tape, Captureflux may build in real time a scn file. This file is useful to open without delay the video in Pinnacle Studio, or to browse from scene to scene with DVdate.
* The window for driving the camcorder displays in real time the datecode from the camcorder.

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