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AVCutty is able to capture video material from a DV camera. It saves the videos in AVI files. It also simplifies the splitting of AVI files into the different scenes. It scans the AVI files and detects the scene changes either optically or per DV date stamp. Each scene can be saved into a new AVI file. Because AVCutty does not recompress the video data, the process is lossless. Also it is possible to trim the scenes in a comfortable manner. So, AVCutty is very useful, particularly at the beginning of your video project. Optical scene detection in AVI files, cutting+trimming of scenes/AVIs, splitting+joining of AVIs, export of BMPs, writing scene/AVI index with thumbnails.

OS: Win
File size: 1MB
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3.7 (January 2, 2021)


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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 3.7
- New column "Comment" in the scene list
- Optional specification of max. duration for capturing
- Error correction in the menu text

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12 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Firstly, if you want software that’s great, expect to pay for it. I tried it for a while then made a £20 donation and was sent the software key.
I had plenty of one to two hour Hi8 tapes to capture on to my laptop. Not a difficult task these days but how do you work with an 18gb file and make any sense out of what is on it. I needed something to cut it up into what I decided were the scenes and save the individual files. This software will not only do the capture for you but also enable you to do exactly that. I looked at lots of other software on offer including Adobe Premier (too expensive for just cutting up files) and Solveigmm Video Splitter (crashed, raised it on the forum, sent files, they agreed it was an issue, still waiting for fix + it would cost about £50).

It can automatically cut a file up or you can do it manually using a slider to go to a split point and click a button. When you first use the slider bar on a long video it moves to fast/far but once you learn that the left and right keys move one frame it becomes really precise. Once you have marked the file you can delete or name the segments. The save function has 11 options to add to the file name in any order/position like Start Frame or Time, Scene Number, Duration etc before you save the files. You can even choose to save all the scenes as one file which obviously would be smaller without the deleted scenes. You can then save the Project to come back to later should you wish to change or split the sections further.

I can’t fault the software, it works very fast and accurately. The help section is written in German with a link to Google English translation, if anything could be improved it would be this but one you have worked out how to use the software it I doubt you would be back into the help very often

Review by Peter on Feb 20, 2021 Version: 3.7 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This isn't donationware, it's NAGWARE.

Start it up.... nag with a random timed button. Do anything with it ... nag with a random timed button. Nag nag nag nag niggle niggle nag. It might do something useful, but it's hardly worth finding out there are nag-free alternatives.


Review by Captain_Wibble on Oct 25, 2017 Version: 3.6 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

The UI is a basic but it does what it says it does well.

Would be better if could pay for software in a method other than sending cash

Review by gb5757870 on Sep 1, 2013 Version: 2.513 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

I don't know what the other users are talking about. I think this software is fantastic. It does exactly what it says it will do. I had a large number of AVI videos that were over an hour long each. I used the software to cut the videos into scenes and then save each scene has its own file.

I own several other video software utilities. But the other software forces me to trim each video, deleting the extra scenes, and then saving each section separately. It was taking many hours to do what AVcutty does very quickly.

AVcutty scans my files and lists each of the scenes. I then have the option of merging the scenes into a single scene and then saving the scene as a single AVI. I can work with each scene separately or I can process an entire AVI full of different scenes as different AVI files all at 1 time in a batch mode.

As for the nagware, the software will continue to process even if you do not press the buttons. However, the okay buttons must be pressed periodically in order to continue to access the software interface screen. I did not find this too troublesome and processed several hours of AVI files before I decided that the software was worth a donation. I sent a donation to the programmer using Pay Pal and within a few hours he had sent me the registration key. When I am done with my AVI files I will have processed about 60 hours worth of files when I am done. I think this is great software. It is easy to use and not complicated with a clean user interface.

Great software! Well worth a donation.

Review by stewdouglas on Oct 18, 2012 Version: 3.4 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This has the potential of being good software but it shouldn't be called donateware; it should be called nag, nag, nag ware. A pop up appears with a nagware notice soon after the user starts. This makes the user click on one of 3 random buttons in order for the program to continue to work. Then the popup goes off more and more often until the program stops functioning. Finally, every time one clicks a button to continue, another nagware notice pops up and the program no longer functions. This happened to me even before I could finish my first complete task. Except for the nags, the software seemed to have the potential to work well. I quickly uninstalled this software.

Review by oldsalt on Nov 2, 2010 Version: 3.2 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 2/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 4/10

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