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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for AVCutty

Version 3.7
- New column "Comment" in the scene list
- Optional specification of max. duration for capturing
- Error correction in the menu text

Version 3.6
- Some internal changes because of Windows 10

Version 3.5
- Portable version of AVCutty
- Some small internal changes

Version 3.4
In the setup package of v3.3, the english ressource DLL has the wrong version number.
In v3.4 this problem is corrected and you can use AVCutty with english ressources.

Version 3.3
Here are the changes:

If one or more scenes are selected, you can add a new group including the selected scenes with a right-click and using the menu function 'new group with marked scenes'

When adding a new group, the "edit group name" mode is automatically activated.

Manual scene cut dialog: Now you can play the scene including the audio part (using the spacebar or the play button)

Save AVI files dialog: Possibility to insert the group name into the generated filename (using %G).

Capture dialog: better message when entering an incomplete path

Progress information while generating AVI scene files: counter considers now the option "only scenes with state 'ready'"

Hint: Generating all scenes of one group:
Activate the group in the scene list
Select all scenes in the group (CTRL + A)
Open the dialog "Save AVI files"
Check the option "Only work on selected scenes"
Start the AVI file generation

Version 3.2
* Saving scene AVIs: AVCutty now generates one AVI file for each group of scenes when using the function 'save all scenes in one AVI file'. The name of the corresponding group is used as filename for the AVI.
* New option 'Export only scenes with state 'ready'': If this option is set, only the scenes with state 'ready' will be saved into AVI files.
* The function 'signal sound' uses the Windows standard sound.
* Scenes with the state 'ready' will be marked with a little green rectangle in the storyboard.
* Some internal changes and fixes.

Version 3.1
#Set scene state in the dialog "scene properties"
# Remember the column widths of the scene list
# New option in "generate scene AVIs" dialog: signal sound when finishing
# New shortcut "CTRL+G" in the main window: "trim all scenes of the active group"
# New shortcuts "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8" and "9" for setting the speed of playing the scenes in the trim dialog (You can use the keys 2->9 while playing a scene. When no scene is playing, you can use the keys 1->9)
# New shortcut "Y" in trim dialog: "Merge actual scene and previous scene"
# New shortcut "X" in trim dialog: "Merge actual scene and next scene" the operation or asking for an user action.
# Fix problem with scene state in trim dialog
# Fix for an access violation while starting AVCutty on some systems
# Fix for option "remove source AVI after generating scene AVIs"
# Fix for possible access violation in the story board.
# Some changes to enhance the usability.
# Some internal changes and fixes.

Version 3.0a
#New column in the scene list: For each scene, it is possible to set a state flag. The flag can be used to mark the trimmed scenes as 'ready'. So it is easier to keep in view, which scene is finished.
# Correction in the device selection of the capturing dialog (corresponding AVCutty/DirectX message: 'AddPreviewGraph() / E_INVALIDARG')
# The representation of the selection rectangle in the storyboard was changed.
# New option for saving scene AVIs: It is possible to delete the source AVI files after generating the scene AVI files (including an extra verification dialog before deleting).
# New option int the settings dialog: When exporting a video frame into a BMP file, it is possible to add the datestamp of the video frame to the file name.
# Better support of shortcuts when renaming a scene group (keys <F2>, <Return> and <Esc>)
# Now it is possible to select "overwrite all"/"skip all", if a scene AVI already exists.
# Scene index: #PURESRCFILENAME returns the filename and not the path.
# Some changes to enhance the usability.
# Some internal changes and fixes.

Version 3.0
- Much has changed in AVCutty v3.0. So, here only some of the new features:

+ Completely redesigned user interface
+ Scenes can be sorted hierarchically in groups
+ When saving the scene AVIs, the group hirarchy will be 'saved' as
directory structure
+ Different views in the main window. E.g. 'Storyboard"
+ Much more fexibly possibility to name the scene AVIs
+ Saving single scene AVIs (Dialog 'Scene properties')
+ "Batchmode" for editing 'Comment' and 'Desination filename' of scenes
(Select multiple scenes and open 'scene properties'. Use '%' as
placeholder for already entered text)
+ Extended scene index
+ Many smaller options and optimisations

Version 2.4e
- Some changes to work around problems with restricted user rights.
- Changes to support MS Windows Vista. E.g. the INI file and the file 'backup.scn' will be saved per user.
- 'AutoSave.scn' will be saved in 'My Documents'.
- Default path for *.SCN-Dateien is 'My Documents'
- New key word for the scene index templates: #PURESRCFILENAME
- Support of the french language (incl. help)
- Documentation actualized

Version 2.4d
- AVIs will be generated with a temporarily name. At the end of the process, they will be renamed to the specified file name.
- Corrected: Sometimes, one frame per scene was lost, when writing scene AVIs.
- Correction in the calculation "FrameNr->Time" (0.015)
- Corrected: Saving/loading of the "save AVI files" dialog settings
- Corrected: Error in AVI-Merge/Split functions
- Trim dialog: After merging a scene with the previous/next scene, the frame before/after the merged position is shown for checking
- Corrected: When playing a scene in the trim dialog, it will play only up to the frame before the last frame of the scene.
- Change in reading DV-AVIs. Better support of corrupted files
- Corrected: When using 'clipping' in BMP export or in the scene index, sometimes the images were corrupted.
- Corrected: Sometimes the template path in "Generate scene index" only shows "c:Program"
- Rewritten some tooltips
- Documentation actualized

Version 2.4c
- Import of Sony Vegas 4/5/6 EDL files
- Better recognition of 16:9 video
- "CFHD" (Cineform HD Intermediate") now always shown as 16:9
- Display the FPS value on property page 2 as float value
- Progressbar for saving AVI->BMP sequence on property page 4
- New parameter for the datestamp recognition: minimal time between two scenes
- Some small fixes, including the correction for the proble 'last frame of previous scene is added to the next scene'
- Documentation actualized

2.4b 19 June 2005:
Unfortunately there are some bugs in the version 2.4. With version 2.4b they are corrected. Additionally, some new features are implemented in the new version...

v2.4a 19 May 2005:
Now AVCutty supports the Cineform Intermediates HD-Video AVI format in the optical scene recognition.

v2.4, 15 May 2005:
Here it is... the new version of AVCutty. Highlights are certainly the new functions "DV-Capture", "DV-Datestamp recognition", "Writing of DV-Datestamps into DV-AVIs" and the possibility to resize the AVCutty dialogs.

v2.3b, 07 November 2004:
The combination of DirectX, some cutting programs and MS-DV-Type1 results in a problem in AVCutty. So I have to make another little update...

v2.3a, 08 September 2004:
New version of AVCutty... with some small fixes. There are not many new things, but the next release will be a bigger update...

v2.3, 12 July 2004:
A small update of AVCutty. Some new options and internal improvements.

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