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Pinnacle Studio is a video editor. The new Pinnacle Studio family is the latest in a long line of multi-award winning video editing software that has empowered people all over the world to tell their stories through movies. Incorporating the latest advances in technology, Pinnacle Studio is the fastest, easiest, and most accurate video editing software available for everyday use—period. With the extensive included video tutorials, you’ll be editing HD and 3D movies like a pro in no time. Simply chose the right product package for you.

Payware $60
OS: Win
Version: 26
Released: Aug 10,2022

More info

179 votes

Pinnacle Studio screenshot

VideoInspector is a tool to retrieve all interesting details about a video file(AVI, MKV, MPG, MPEG2, MOV, MP4). This can be used to solve codec related problems. Also Windows Shell Integration, right click on a video file and select open with VideoInspector. Former known as VideoToolBox. No longer developed.

OS: Win
Version: 2.15.8
Released: Mar 4,2022
File size: 4MB

17 votes

VideoInspector screenshot


iTunes is a digital media player application for playing and organizing digital music and video files. The program is also an interface to manage the content on Apple's popular iPad, iPhone, iPod, etc digital media players.

OS: Win Mac
Version: 12.13.6
Released: Mar 6,2025
File size: 202MB

15 votes

iTunes screenshot

PlayerFab (former DVDFab Media Player) is a media player software. Characterized by an all-around service, PlayerFab makes it accessible for users to playback local videos, DVD/Blu-ray/UHD discs, and videos from Amazon, Netflix, Tubi, Peacock. Also plays Blu-ray & DVD folders, ISO image files, both 2D or 3D. So, it brings absolutely the best audiovisual experiences for Windows users.

Trialware $100
OS: Win Mac
Released: Jan 8,2025
File size: 289MB

13 votes

PlayerFab screenshot

PlayOn Home

PlayOn Home (replaces PlayOn Desktop) is a robust PC app that enables you to record streaming video. Record from all of your favorite streaming channels like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Disney+, HBO Max and more. Once a show or movie is recorded, you can watch anywhere, anytime, even offline. Cast it to your TV or take it to go on your mobile device. PlayOn will even automatically skip the commercials for you when you watch. PlayOn Home turns your PC into a fully-featured DVR for streaming video.

Trialware $40
OS: Win
Version: 5.0.250
Released: Mar 14,2025
File size: 171MB

26 votes

PlayOn Home screenshot

Realistic VHS Video Converter can convert any High-Quality and modern videos into realistic VHS videos. Create your vintage and realistic VHS videos from the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's with any of your videos using a special conversion utility for Windows.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.0
Released: Jul 17,2024
File size: 325MB

8 votes

Realistic VHS Video Converter screenshot

VFAPI Reader is a tool to create "dummy" AVIs from project files produced by DVD2AVI, AVIUtl or TMPGEnc.

OS: Win
Version: 1.05
Released: Jun 17,2002
File size: 0.5MB

1 vote

VFAPI Reader screenshot

Drive Region Info is a little utility to determine whether your DVD-ROM drive is hardware region locked or not.

OS: Win
Version: 2.2
Released: Mar 10,2005
File size: 0MB

2 votes

Drive Region Info screenshot

The Microsoft MPEG-4 V1/2/3 VKI Codec for ASF files now with scene change detection. Extract all files to a folder and right click on the .INF to install it.

OS: Win
Released: Jan 7,2001
File size: 0.2MB

2 votes

ASF Codec /  MPEG-4 V1/2/3 screenshot

MediaInfoXP is a simple GUI for MediaInfo. The program is 100% self-contained, no DLL dependencies. No installation and no ads.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.47
Released: Aug 17,2024
File size: 16MB

2 votes

MediaInfoXP screenshot

VideoSpec is an AppleScript studio app making use of MPlayer, FFmpeg, mpgtx and MediaInfo binaries to display informations on video files. Compatibility of analyzed media file with QuickTime Player v.7.5.5 is provided with indication on the installation status of the displayed QuickTime Component and its download link. Suggestion on alternate movie player to QuickTime Player is proposed. Finally, preview of video files is available using mplayer binary tool.

OS: Mac
Version: 0.9.8
Released: Jan 17,2014
File size: 13.7MB

1 vote

VideoSpec screenshot

SSRC converts sampling rate of PCM wav file. Also, this program has a function to apply dither to its output and extend perceived dynamic range. Command line tool. Can be used as a plugin in TMPGEnc.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 1.33
Released: Jun 4,2016
File size: 1MB

1 vote

SSRC screenshot

With OGG DirectShow Filters(OggDS) you can watch and create .OGM videos and also import .OGM in some tools like TMPGEnc. Using the OGM instead of the common AVI wrapper has several advantages, namely the fact that the audio and video should always, under virtually any circumstances, maintain synch.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Nov 20,2003
File size: 0.5MB

1 vote

OGG DirectShow Filter / OggDS / OGM Codec screenshot

Aspect is combined frame size and AVI/ DivX/ XviD video bitrate calculator. Calculate frame size according, calculate aspect ratio, calculate avi video bitrate/size, automatically calculate frame size depending on the video bitrate preserving good video quality, grab frames from unencrypted vobs and show frame preview and more.

OS: Win
Version: 2.1.0
Released: Dec 31,2005
File size: 0.7MB

1 vote

Aspect screenshot

FFusion is an alternative open source DivX Codec. It can read MS-MPEG4v1, MS-MPEG4v2, DivX 3.11 alpha, DivX 4, DivX 5, 3ivx (Delta 4 or later) and XVID. Is optimized for all PowerPC and G4.

OS: Mac
Version: 2.2
Released: Sep 16,2003
File size: 3.4MB

1 vote

FFusion screenshot

TyTools helps you to extract, process and backup your Tivo video streams to your HD or to DVD-Video.

OS: Win
Version: 10r4
Released: Jan 11,2006
File size: 0.9MB

2 votes

TyTool screenshot

oggdropXPd is a drag-and-drop Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder/player for the eXPerienced user. Features include compression from lossless files (Monkeys Audio, LPAC, FLAC, WAVPACK and OptimFROG), auto-tagging, renaming of encoded files, setting of advanced encoder parameters, use of VorbisGain tags on decode, playlist (.m3u) creation, and others.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.9.2 2024-06-17
Released: Jun 17,2024
File size: 0.4MB

1 vote

OggDropXPd screenshot

Windows Media Capture is a simple to use, utility for capturing short segments of video from DVD as uncompressed AVIs. Usable with analog composite, S-video and comonent I/O capture cards, etc. Unsupported by Microsoft.

OS: Win
Version: 9.00
Released: Apr 7,2003
File size: 0.3MB

1 vote

Windows Media Capture screenshot

mp4UI is a MP4 file tool, Open and create MP4 files, Import, export, delete and hint tracks, View information of MP4 files, Edit file/track properties and metadata, Nice and easy-to-use GUI. Warning! It is very buggy and if it wont work use YAMB instead.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.0 RC2
Released: Jul 7,2004
File size: 0.4MB

2 votes

mp4UI screenshot

QT Sync is a little application for playing Quicktime Movies. You also can correct a possible offset between picture and sound while the movie is playing ("on the fly" syncing).

OS: Mac
Version: 0.3.3 / 0.4 Beta
Released: Jan 9,2014
File size: 7.8MB

1 vote

QT Sync screenshot

Dscaler MPEG Filters is a free MPEG2 video decoder codec. Install and play MPEG2(DVD, SVCD) in Media Player or other video players like Media Player Classic, Zoom Player.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.0.8 Alpha
Released: Feb 18,2006
File size: 0.7MB

2 votes

Dscaler MPEG Filters screenshot

IfoAR2WS is a simple utility to change the aspect ratio to 16:9 widescreen in DVD IFO files. IfoAR2WS sets the aspect ratio to 16:9 in the video attributes of the *.IFO files of a DVD. Requires .net framework.

OS: Win
Version: 1.0
Released: May 19,2005
File size: 0MB

1 vote

IfoAR2WS screenshot

HandySaw DS is a Powerful Automatic Optical Video Scene Detection Tool. To accelerate the digitalization process the source material is usually captured as one or several large pieces, operate with such source files can be rather difficult. Instead of one long clip it is desirable to have a set of short clips, each one containing one single "scene" (e.g. from the start to the end of recording).

Trialware $64
OS: Win
Released: Mar 4,2024
File size: 60MB

1 vote

HandySaw DS screenshot

SmallDVD is a simple DVD authoring utility for MacOSX that will take ready-encoded MPEG2 files and create a DVD image from them that can be burnt using Disk Utility. It is an AppleScript front-end for dvdauthor and a variety of other existing command line tools. It requires iMagine Photo and MacOSX 10.4 or 10.5

OS: Mac
Version: 2.4
Released: Jul 30,2011
File size: 6.3MB

1 vote

SmallDVD screenshot

UScreenCapture is a video filter that allows capturing of computer screen. This filter can also be used with any video editing, streaming or recording application, for example you can view your screen with Windows Media Player and broadcast it with Windows Media Encoder, Unreal Live Server and Flash plugin. Capture frame rate and desktop region to capture can be configured.

OS: Win
Version: 2.0.18
Released: May 10,2017
File size: 0.2MB

1 vote

UScreenCapture screenshot

HCbatchGUI is a front-end batch suite for HCenc, Aften, and DGpulldown. It makes the process of batch encoding video and audio easier. It can create your avisynth scripts for you and also has presets for the Convolution3D noise filter. When finished all you will need to do is author your dvd with your favorite authoring program.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 14.9
Released: Nov 1,2009
File size: 4.6MB

1 vote

HCbatchGUI screenshot

Easy RealMedia Producer is a software to generate RM/RMVB files in batches,with a simple and very easy-to-use interface, and customizable settings, Easy RealMedia Producer is perfect for either novice or advanced content creators. It uses the latest RealVideo10 codec. Unlike other Real compressors,ERMP utilizes Real's core for the encoding, instead of calling Helix Producer Plus by a command line. Easy RealMedia Editor is included, cut and join rm/rmvb/realmedia.

OS: Win
Version: 1.94/Editor 1.73
Released: Feb 24,2006
File size: 8.2MB

1 vote

Easy RealMedia Producer and Editor screenshot

Burrrn is audio cd burning application. Burn audio CDs the easy way! Burrrn is a little tool for creating audio CDs with CD-Text from various audio files. Supported formats are: wav, mp3, mpc, ogg, aac, mp4, ape, flac, ofr, wv, tta, m3u, pls and fpl playlists and cue sheets. You can also burn EAC’s noncompliant image + cue sheets! Burrrn can read all types of tags from all these formats (including ape tags in mp3). Burrrn uses cdrdao.exe for burning.

OS: Win
Version: 1.14 beta 2
Released: Oct 19,2005
File size: 2MB

4 votes

Burrrn screenshot

Screamer Radio is a Internet Radio player for Microsoft Windows. There is little reason to listen to commercial FM radio anymore, it is an old medium that provides little choice of music and is saturated with ads. For the last couple of years there has been an alternative, streaming internet radio. An alternative that has been somewhat complicated to use. Screamer Radio attempts to remedy this problem by bringing most of the required steps into a single, easy to use, freeware program. Requires.NET Framework 4.5 which is available for Windows Vista SP2 and up.

Freeware Trialware $30
OS: Win
Version: 2024-04-28 / 2024-04-28 Preview
Released: Apr 28,2024
File size: 17MB

2 votes

Screamer Radio screenshot

UDF Reader is a driver which let you explore Blu-ray, BD-R, BD-RE and HD-DVD UDF v2.5 discs in Windows XP's file explorer. Right click on thdudf.inf and choose Install. Once this is complete, you should reboot your machine for a full installation of the new UDF 2.5 File system recognition.

OS: Win
Version: 2.5
Released: Nov 11,2006
File size: 0MB

2 votes

UDF Reader screenshot

DVD-Audio Explorer 2008 is a useful program to rip tracks from, explore, and do all sorts of things with a DVD-Audio disc. You can set it up with other command-line tools to extract the tracks to any audio format you like.

OS: Win
Version: 20080721 Beta 3
Released: Jul 21,2008
File size: 6MB

4 votes

DVD-Audio Explorer screenshot

AVCHD Manager is for managing you collection of AVCHD folders on an external hard disk (although it should work on any USB device). With all these great AVCHD authoring tools popping up, AVCHD on a FAT32 hard drive has quickly become my authoring method of choice for playback on the PS3. Trouble is, my FAT32 drive now contains lots of titles and I'm sick of renaming them all the time.

OS: Win
Released: May 4,2009
File size: 1.7MB

1 vote

AVCHD Manager screenshot

With Twonky from Lynx Technology, you can quickly discover your media libraries of digital videos, photos and music in your home, control them from mobile devices, and enjoy them on connected screens and speakers. Twonky Server is the industry leading DLNA/UPnP Media Server from Lynx Technology that enables sharing media content between connected devices. Twonky Server is used worldwide and is available as a standalone server (end user installable, e.g. for PCs/Macs) or an embedded server for devices such as NAS, routers/gateways and STBs.

Trialware $20
OS: Win
Version: 8.5.2
Released: Mar 1,2021
File size: 4.6MB

1 vote

Twonky Server screenshot

PlayClaw is a very useful tool for almost every game player and a "must-have" tool for hardcore gamers. Most screen-grabbing software, if you can use it during a game at all, will slow your PC to a crawl. PlayClaw is different, making full use of any multi-core processors and with lean coding designed specifically for use during resource-hungry games!

Trialware $30
OS: Win
Version: 6 Build 5410
Released: Dec 28,2021
File size: 70MB

1 vote

PlayClaw screenshot

Pitivi is a free, intuitive and featureful movie editor for the Linux desktop. Free and Open Source. Anything in, anything out. Hundreds of animated effects, transitions and filters. Flexible and efficient. Framerate-independent timeline. True precision. Beautiful audio waveforms. Speaks many languages. Easy to learn. Exciting to master.

Free software
OS: Linux
Version: 2023.03
Released: Aug 13,2023
File size: 10.8MB

1 vote

Pitivi screenshot

CUETools / FLACCL / FlaCuda is probably a world's first CUDA-enabled FLAC encoder. It's opensource and licensed under LGPL. Compared to reference flac 1.2.1 on Core i7 940, it runs approximately 10 times faster on GeForce GTX 285, when using higher compression ratios (modes -7, -8). FlaCuda -8 is faster than flac -0, and provides better compression than flac -8. Command line application. Requires .NET.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 2.2.6
Released: Jun 28,2024
File size: 3.9MB

2 votes

CUETools screenshot

movist is a free movie player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg.

Free software
OS: Mac
Version: 0.6.8
Released: Apr 10,2010
File size: 5.9MB

1 vote

movist screenshot

Subs Factory makes subtitling easier ! It is a powerful utility designed to perform the creation, modification and resynchronization of subtitles efficiently. Featuring advanced functions, it allows you to do whatever you want with your subtitles.

Payware $8
OS: Mac
Version: 2.8.1
Released: Jun 25,2024

More info

1 vote

Subs Factory screenshot

LongoMatch is a sports video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists, to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies video analysis by providing a set of intuitive tools to tag, review and edit the most important plays of the game. It allows to group plays by categories and adjust their the boundaries (lead and lag time) through a timeline. It also has support for playlists, an easy way to create presentations with plays from different games and provides a video editor to render new videos with your favorite ones. Even if it is primary focused to sports, LongoMatch can be used for any task that requires tagging and reviewing segments of a video file, and can be applied to fields like cinema, medics or conferences.

Free software
OS: Win Mac
Version: 0.20.8
Released: Oct 1,2014
File size: 46MB

1 vote

LongoMatch screenshot

Miro Video Converter is a super simple way to convert almost any video to MP4, WebM (vp8), Ogg Theora, or a mobile, Android phone, PSP, Iphone, iPod, etc. Based on the free FFMPEG and ffmpeg2theora. Requires .NET Framework 4. (You can not adjust any settings like file size, resolution, etc. Use then Handbrake instead)

Free software
OS: Win Mac
Version: 3.0
Released: Nov 5,2012
File size: 12.9MB

1 vote

Miro Video Converter screenshot

PS3Muxer is a very simple program which will remux mkv file with h.264 video and AC3/DTS/LPCM/AAC audio to a M2TS file which is playable on the Sony PlayStation3.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 1.3.0
Released: Feb 15,2011
File size: 8.4MB

2 votes

PS3Muxer screenshot

tsDemux/tsdemuxer is a AVCHD/Blu-Ray demuxer. Joins and demuxes HDMV M2TS/MTS (MPEG-2 transport stream) or TS (transport stream) files to Elementary streams. It tries to align tracks and write mkvtoolnix timecode files (tmc), it`s needed for NTSC framerates (29,97 etc.). Demuxer also writes mkvtoolnix chapters file, SRT file and show mkvmerge command example. Command line version and GUI/Frontend.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
Version: 1.52
Released: Aug 28,2009
File size: 3.5MB

1 vote

tsDemux screenshot

The Combined Community Codec Pack(CCCP) is a simple playback pack for Windows with the goal of supporting the majority of video formats in use today. NOTE! If you install all the included codecs/decoders you might get problem with other video software on your computer.

OS: Win
Version: 2015-10-18 / 2015-10-25 Beta
Released: Oct 25,2015
File size: 10MB

1 vote

CCCP screenshot

Mac DVDRipper Pro

Mac DVDRipper Pro is the easiest dvd ripper for your Mac! Mac DVDRipper Pro is the professional tool to transfer your movies on your Mac. Protect your DVDs from scratches, save your batteries by reading your movies from your hard disk, manage your collection with just a few clicks, time-shift your rental, backup your DVD collection, and much more!

Trialware $25
OS: Mac
Version: 13.3
Released: Feb 28,2025
File size: 316MB

2 votes

Mac DVDRipper Pro screenshot

MediTab provides you information of your multimedia files, like MediaInfo does, but without the need to launch an application. MediaTab use the power of MediaInfo integrating it on your operating system. The only thing you must to do is right click on a multimedia file, choose Properties and pick MediaTab. All info you need to hand!

Freeware Ads
OS: Win
Version: 1.4.1
Released: May 31,2016
File size: 3MB

2 votes

MediaTab  screenshot

Chaptergen is a simple chapter editor. Manipulate with chapters in various i/o formats, with CLI support. Additional features: Converting between framerates, Stream selector when Blu-Ray, HD DVD, DVD media or folder selected, Command line support, Drag & Drop support.

OS: Win
Version: 1.0.8
Released: Mar 26,2011
File size: 1.1MB

2 votes

ChapterGen screenshot

FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio, and you can play back compressed FLAC files in your favorite player (or your car or home stereo, see supported devices) just like you would an MP3 file. The FLAC encoder is a command line flac encoder.

Free software
OS: Win Mac Linux
Version: 1.5.0
Released: Feb 11,2025
File size: 0.7MB

2 votes

FLAC Encoder screenshot

FRIM Encoder and FRIM Decoder are free MVC-3D command-line tools. FRIM Encoder converts planar-yuv file, named pipe, uncompressed avi or Avisynth script into elementary MPEG2, H.264 AVC or MVC-3D streams. Resulting elementary video streams can be then multiplexed into transport stream (.ts, .m2ts) or Blu-ray directory structure. Input from named pipes, avi-files and Avisynth scripts allows connection of FRIM Encoder to NLE Editing systems like Adobe Premiere (via frame-server even without consumption of enormous diskspace). FRIM Decoder converts elementary MPEG2, H.264 AVC or MVC-3D streams into planar-yuv. Output can be either regular file or Windows named pipe. Output to named pipe allows further YUV processing without consumption of enormous diskspace.

OS: Win
Version: 1.31
Released: Mar 8,2020
File size: 14.5MB

1 vote

FRIM 3D-MVC Encoder / Decoder screenshot

XySubFilter (XySubFilter.dll) is a new high quality subtitle filter which requires a compatible Subtitle Consumer supporting the new subtitle interface.

Free software
OS: Win
Released: Jan 24,2024
File size: 0.5MB

1 vote

XySubFilter screenshot

HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Stream Extractor is a GUI for the excellent tool eac3to developed by madshi. Requires eac3to. Put the eac3to in same folder as HdBrStreamExtractor.

Free software
OS: Win
Version: 0.9
Released: Apr 27,2015
File size: 0.1MB

1 vote

HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Stream Extractor screenshot

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