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video-compare can be used to visually compare the impact of codecs, resizing algorithms, and other modifications on two video files played in sync. The tool is versatile, allowing videos of differing resolutions, frame rates, scanning methods, color formats, dynamic ranges, input protocols, container formats, codecs, or durations. Command line tool or use the GUI.

Free software
OS: Win
File size: 65MB
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Latest version

20250223 / GUI (February 23, 2025)


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Download video-compare 20250223 64-bit  65MB  Win64 Win

Download Beta and other versions

Download video-compare GUI 64-bit  45MB  Win64 Win

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

20250223 "tanger"

Release notes:

Fixed PNG saving; memory is now being allocated with the correct alignment (see #96)

View full changelog

All features

## Usage

Launch using the operating system's DPI setting. Video pixels are doubled on devices like a Retina 5K display;
therefore, it is the preferred option for displaying HD 1080p videos on such screens:

video-compare video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Allow high DPI mode on systems which supports that. Video pixels are displayed "1-to-1". Useful
for e.g. displaying UHD 4K video on a Retina 5K display:

video-compare -d video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Increase bit depth to 10 bits per color component (8 bits is the default). Fidelity is increased while
performance takes a hit. Significantly reduces visible banding on systems with a higher grade display
and driver support for 30-bit color:

video-compare -b video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Use a specific window size instead of deriving the window size from the video dimensions. The video
frame will be scaled to fit. If either width or height is left out, the missing value will be calculated
from the other specified dimension so that aspect ratio is maintained. Useful for downscaling high resolution
video onto a low resolution display:

video-compare -w 1280x720 video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Size the window to fit the usable display bounds while maintaining the video’s aspect ratio. This option adjusts
for elements like taskbars or OS menus. Ideal for maximizing the viewing area while keeping the video dimensions
proportional to the screen:

video-compare -W video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Automatic in-buffer loop playback, triggered when the buffer fills or end-of-file is reached, streamlines
video analysis by eliminating the need for manual replay initiation (bidirectional "ping-pong" mode, `pp`, is
also available):

video-compare -a on video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Shift the presentation time stamps of the right video instead of assuming the videos are aligned. A
positive amount has the effect of delaying the left video while negative values conversely delays the
right video. Useful when videos are slightly out of sync:

video-compare -t 0.080 video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Display videos stacked vertically at full size without a slider (`hstack` for horizontal stacking is
also supported):

video-compare -m vstack video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Preprocess one or both inputs via a list of FFmpeg video filters specified on the command line
(see [FFmpeg's video filters documentation](
The Swiss Army knife for cropping/padding (comparing videos with different aspect ratios),
adjusting colors, deinterlacing, denoising, speeding up/slowing down, etc.:

video-compare -l crop=iw:ih-240 -r format=gray,pad=iw+320:ih:160:0 video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Select a demuxer that cannot be auto-detected (such as VapourSynth):

video-compare --left-demuxer vapoursynth script.vpy video.mp4

Explicit decoder selection for the right video:

video-compare --right-decoder h264_cuvid video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Set the same hardware acceleration type for both videos:

video-compare --hwaccel cuda video1.mp4 video2.mp4

Set the hardware acceleration type for the left video only:

video-compare --left-hwaccel videotoolbox video1.mp4 video2.mp4

By default, HDR videos are automatically color space converted to sRGB with an initial 500-nit peak light
level. This default can be overridden with a custom peak light level, such as 850 nits. The specified peak
light level is then dynamically adjusted during decoding based on any MaxCLL metadata:

video-compare -R 850 sdr_video.mp4 hdr_video.mp4

Map a 500-nit peak light level HDR video for an sRGB SDR display, and adjust the tone of the SDR video
to simulate the relative light level difference between the two videos on an actual HDR display:

video-compare -T rel -L 500 hdr_video.mp4 sdr_video.mp4

Perform simpler comparison of a video with itself using double underscore (`__`) as a placeholder. This
enables tasks such as comparing the video with a time-shifted version of itself or testing various sets
of filters, without the need to enter the same, potentially long path twice:

video-compare some/very/long/and/complicated/video/path.mp4 __

Apply common filters to both videos and extend them with additional side-specific filters using the
placeholder resolution functionality. This structure also works for demuxer, decoder, and hardware
acceleration settings:

video-compare -i yadif,hqdn3d -l setfield=bff,__ -r __,scale=iw/2:ih/2 video1.mp4 video2.mp4

The above features can be combined in any order, of course. Launch `video-compare` without any arguments to
see all supported options.

## Controls

- H: Toggle on-screen help text for controls
- Space: Toggle play/pause
- Comma `,`: Toggle bidirectional in-buffer loop/pause
- Period `.`: Toggle forward-only in-buffer loop/pause
- Escape: Quit
- Down arrow: Seek 15 seconds backward
- Left arrow: Seek 1 second backward
- Page down: Seek 600 seconds backward
- Up arrow: Seek 15 seconds forward
- Right arrow: Seek 1 second forward
- Page up: Seek 600 seconds forward
- J: Reduce playback speed
- L: Increase playback speed
- I: Toggle fast/high-quality resizing for input alignment
- T: Toggle nearest-neighbor/bilinear video texture filtering
- S: Swap left and right video
- A: Move to the previous frame in the buffer
- D: Move to the next frame in the buffer
- F: Save both frames and the on-screen content as PNG images
- P: Print mouse position and pixel value under cursor to console
- M: Print image similarity metrics to console
- Z: Magnify area around cursor (result shown in lower left corner)
- C: Magnify area around cursor (result shown in lower right corner)
- R: Re-center and reset zoom to 100% (x1)
- 1: Toggle hide/show left video
- 2: Toggle hide/show right video
- 3: Toggle hide/show HUD
- 4: Zoom to 1:1 pixels
- 5: Zoom 50% (x0.5)
- 6: Zoom 100% (x1)
- 7: Zoom 200% (x2)
- 8: Zoom 400% (x4)
- 9: Zoom 800% (x8)
- 0: Toggle video/subtraction mode
- Plus `+`: Time-shift right video 1 frame forward
- Minus `-`: Time-shift right video 1 frame backward
- X: Show the current video frame and UI update rates (in FPS)

Move the mouse horizontally to adjust the movable slider position.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out on the pixel under the cursor. Pan the view
by moving the mouse while holding down the right button.

Left-click the mouse to perform a time seek based on the horizontal position of the
mouse cursor relative to the window width (the target position is shown in the lower
right corner).

Hold the SHIFT key while pressing `D` to decode and move to the next frame.

Hold CTRL while time-shifting with `+`/`-` for faster increments/decrements of 10 frames per
keystroke. Similarly, hold down the ALT key for even bigger time-shifts of 100 frames.

Sections/Browse similar tools

Alternative to video-compare

(Latest version updated)

Video Comparer  (Jan 14, 2025)

Video Duplicate Finder  (Jun 15, 2024)

Guides and How to's

Acronyms / Also Known As

Video-Compare GUI, video-compare

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