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All reviews for Media Player Classic Qute Theater

3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

I am a long time user of MPC-HC and MPC-BE. I tried MPC-QT (portable) and the settings I changed do not remember between loads. Is there a forum for MPC-QT where one can search to maybe find a work around?

Regarding the last users comment of “please ignore transporterfan comment and ratings, he was a windows user”, does that mean MPC-QT is not intended for Windows when it says it is for Windows and Linux?

Review by thymej on Oct 8, 2017 Version: 17.10 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 2/10 Value for money: 7/10 Overall: 4/10

please ignore transporterfan comment and ratings, he was a windows user

Review by Captcha on Oct 8, 2017 Version: 17.1 OS: Linux Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This (version) won't work in Vista. Throws a launch error 'The procedure entry point BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2 could not be located in the dynamic link library bcrypt.dll.' Presumably it's an encrypted volume that can't be unpacked (libarchive?).

Review by transporterfan on Oct 5, 2017 Version: 17.10 OS: Vista 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews
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