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ffe is a simple, powerful Windows front-end for FFmpeg, designed for rapid testing of its many multimedia conversion parameters, enabling you to save lots of slightly different versions of a file very, very quickly; in other words, "find the best settings". You basically throw in video files, set the output format, and click "Do It!", at which point FFmpeg leaps into action. Requires ffmpeg.

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OS: Win
File size: 0.8MB
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Latest version (February 19, 2022)


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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

2.5.4("Eejit Soup")[dev. latest: 2022-02-19]
~ffe will now remember your audio and video codec selection when you
toggle between auto- and custom codecs.
*Fixed extra parameters input adding instead of replacing parameters in
certain circumstances.
~+Improved help texts.
~Minor dialog fixes, button placements, etc..
~There is now console feedback when you right-click the output label (to
delete the output file) and it doesn't exist.

*I think I had avoided this before because there was a minor issue with
Right-Now-Click actions being sent twice, which would have created
double entries in the console. This has now been fixed.
*Fixed a bug where old output paths would return when enabling MATOF in
the GUI. It was easily sorted (dragging in folders is always best!) but
*For a while there, when launching with presets, you needed to ensure
that store_filepaths was enabled in your main prefs or inside the preset
itself. Sorry. Anyway, that is no longer the case.

If you have specified a inputfile(s) in your preset, ffe will use it,
regardless of your current store_filepaths setting. Consequently, you
can no longer set store_filepaths inside ffe.ini presets as that is
confusing. If file path exists, it will be used.

This doesn't affect GUI operation. Loading and saving presets will
respect your current file paths setting.
*~MATOF status is now saved to ffe.ini when you toggle the setting from
the main GUI**. As well as being the more expected behaviour, this also
prevents it leaping into action in presets where it is enabled in the
main prefs but unwanted in a preset fired at launch (go(), run(), etc.)
but hasn't been specifically disabled for that preset. In other words,
unless specifically set, MATOF will respect your main settings when
loading presets.

** Also goes for clicking in the output file input - MATOF is disabled
and this setting is saved immediately to ffe.ini.
~Brought back the full version number for the about box.
+Right-Clicking on the inputfile label now plays the current input file.
You can set a program to use inside ffe.ini:


The default is "shellex", which uses your system's standard open
*Fixed overlapping tooltip issue with presets/job controls
+The state of the output (enabled/disabled) is now retained in the exit
+Right-Click the reset button to reset all controls (same as Ctrl+Click).
+Hold down the Ctrl key while selecting a preset to temporarily reverse
the "with file paths" setting.

View full changelog

All features

ffe provides oodles of useful features, the sort of things you might need when working with ffmpeg, such as:
Batch operation.
Drag-And-Drop file handling.
Magic Auto-Transforming Output Filename (never worry about overwriting previous tests).
Automatic concatenation.
Infinite fully-customizable user presets in a handy drop-down.
Fully Customizable Preset Controls and Help Buttons.
Infinite, Fully Customizable One-Click Command Buttons (you favourite settings and templates at a click).
Handy, fully customizable selectors for all your common ffmpeg settings.
Import/Export. Share your presets, custom command buttons, and settings, amongst other uses.
Live, interactive shell console output.
URL input and output (HTTP/FTP/rtmp/etc.).
Accepts files and presets on the command-line.
Drag-And-Drop commands (automatically generate media reports or run jobs for dropped files).
Cool Floating Drop Window (automatically run your drag-and-drop command and more).
More and Improved Controls!
Dynamic @tokens.
Quit and Shutdown when done.
Pre-Job Commands (run Windows shell commands files before the job).
Post-Job Commands (and after, all with @token support).
Post-File Command (run custom commands on all created files, using @tokens, even inside a batch).
Media Info Reporting (ffprobe and MediaInfo support).
Improved Console Output (ffmpeg output AND now, ffe output!).
Super-Handy App menu for common settings.
Live CPU priority Selector.
Improved logging.
Handy HotKey operations.
Per-Job logging.
Delayed/Timed Job Start (set jobs for after bed-time).
Optional Mouse-Over Help.
Recent files menu.
Comprehensive command-line capabilities.
Expanded tray menu.
Comprehensive logging.
Improved App Menu (app global settings).
Output Toggle (roll your own output for image sequences and more).
Windows Batch Script Output (a .bat you can run wherever ffmpeg is).
Lots of new context menus and options.
And Much, MUCH More!

ffe is free

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

I use this every day for converting FLAC to MP3 and MP4 to HVEC. Incredible front-end. Nothing is close to this.

Review by Jakob on Jul 26, 2023 Version: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Works pretty well, but I have my display font set to larger than system default so the text in the boxes is truncated and not readable once it's set.

Review by mail2tom on May 28, 2016 Version: 2.00 OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

Works well. Very easy to use, pretty much idiot proof. Running it in Linux under wine....

Review by racer-x on May 27, 2016 Version: 2.0.0 OS: Linux Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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