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NEW VERSION 1.3.4533

ffdshow is an advanced directshow decoder and VFW codec for playing most video formats like AVI, DivX, XviD, MKV, MP4/M4V, WMV, WEBM, MPG, MPEG2, SVCD, DVD, AVC/H264, AC3, DTS, AAC/M4A. Built in video and audio postprocessing filters like video resize, noise, sharpen, crop, logoaway, subtitles, OSD information and audio equalizer, normalizer, delay, etc.

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Latest version

1.3.4533 (September 30, 2014)


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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Windows Win

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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Fix huffyuv encoding crash.
Patch made by: SpOeK!

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(Latest version updated)

AV Splitter  (Jun 3, 2013)

Haali Media Splitter  (Jun 23, 2013)

LAV Filters  (Apr 8, 2024)

Guides and How to's

FLV to AVI Conversion Guide using VirtualDub

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MP4 Usage Guide, Play, Convert, Edit

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YouTube, Google Video Download and DivX Conversion Guide

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ffdshow video tutorials

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Acronyms / Also Known As

ffdshowmt, ffdshow-mt, fdshow tryout, ffdshowtryout, ffdshow tryouts, ffds

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36 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Rating by Wakaku on Mar 11, 2018 Version: 1.3.4533 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Video and audio decoder for DirectShow (media players) and VFW (VirtualDub). Wide choice of post processing options, some which can be activated interactively via a hotkey. Relatively small size for the number of supported formats make ffdshow a good choice for installation on any Windows computer. Older versions of Windows are supported in earlier revisions, with somewhat reduced functionality.

Unified framework for all the supported formats. Output configuration, such as the color space or number of channels, or post processing, apply to all formats. Built-in subtitle renderer draws captions directly onto the picture, without requiring a special renderer or interaction between separate filters, which sometimes fails due to incompatibilities. Subtitles can be dynamically enabled.

Still frame (screenshot) grabbing functionality, which becomes invaluable when comparing different versions of a video. It is possible to capture frames anywhere in the processing chain: as decoded, with subtitles, resized, with a diagnostic OSD. The OSD can be shown on screen (with the frame number or other parameters for reference), but not included in the grabs.

Includes two lossless encoders for intermediate renders (huffyuv and ffv1). Older revisions also include other encoders from ffmpeg, which however were difficult to understand and configure.

Ffdshow development has now been discontinued. However, with current operating systems and data formats it will remain useful. Developer Clsid still provides limited support over at Doom9, and has changed/fixed the behavior of the codec at my request a couple of times.

I have noted a few regressions (some fixed by Clsid). Always thoroughly test a new build, and don't upgrade unless you want to solve a specific problem. I've been using ffdshow since they days of DivX ;-) as a substitute for codec packs with malware. Unlike programs like VLC, Ffdshow feels like native Windows software. Needs additional splitters/source filters to work.

Review by j7n on Jul 29, 2014 Version: r3154 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

neat tool.. BUT.....

Something went horrible wrong since revision 1.3.4515 !!!!

Some subtitles don't show up in just potplayer however ... mpc-hc its fine !!

And lots of menu navigation issues such as Black screens , menu hang/freez !!!

Went back to revision .4513, and the above problems all are fixed by doing that !!

However, the quality from the embededd dvd subtitles has dropped → too much lightning/contrast arround the edges !!!

Hope developer reads this !!

Review by metagondria on Jan 21, 2014 Version: 1.3.4513 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 7/10

ffdshow dev,
i would like to have hevc codec and
opus codec video/audio decoder support implemented in ffdshow.

Review by dark_cross on Jul 30, 2013 Version: 1.3.4515 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I use long version rev3029, which offers encoding and codec with 26 (DivX.WMV.XviD,MPEG-4.H264 etc...) which is omitted in later versions.Decoder rev3029 also works great.My opinion is: why change something that is good,greetings...

Review by prijatelj.v on Mar 28, 2012 Version: rev3029 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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