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ffDiaporama is an application for creating video sequences consisting of titles, fixed or animated, images or photos, fixed or animated. movie clips, music.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
File size: 40MB
Portable version
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Version history
2 votes
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ffDiaporama screenshot
Latest version

2.1 (February 13, 2014)


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Download ffDiaporama 2.1 Windows 64-bit  42MB  Win64 Win

Download ffDiaporama 2.1 Windows  40MB  Win Win

Download ffDiaporama 2.1 Linux  Linux Linux

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Download ffDiaporama 2.1 Portable Windows  51MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Linux Linux

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

* FFDIAPORAMA 2.1 - trunk - (English version)

[Commit: 09/02/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 stable 20140209
Bug fixes:
-Remove a compilation warning in cLocation.cpp
-Remove some compilation warnings in cBrushDefinition.cpp
-Fixed an infinite loop that sometimes blocks the rendering


[Commit: 06/02/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140206
Bug fixes:
-Enlarged right panel of the Edit slide dialog to ensure all statements are displayed even if some words are very long (case on some languages)
-Fixed a problem with breaks in the music when encoding


[Commit: 03/02/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140203
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a problem with the translation of the title variable %STA%
-Fixed a random bug in the option dialog that could cause crash
-Fixed a display bug in the "Check configuration" dialog on the availability of the preview image function for exiv2
-Fixed a bug of audio/video synchronization when encoding using NTSC standard


[Commit: 21/01/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140121
Bug fixes:
-Fixed positioning of the preview player when resizing main window
-Fixed a crash when pasting GMap block in Edit slide dialog
-Fixed a bug in computing end of music when rendering


[Commit: 17/01/2014]
Bug fixes:
-Fixed and error of unwanted activation of proxy

New features:
-Big code reorganization in order to cut the application into multiple packages
-Packages ffDiaporama_RSC containing resources
-Packages ffDiaporama containing the application
-Creation of a library (static at this time) integrated into the ffDiaporama package


[Commit: 14/01/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140114
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a memory leak that occurred when using image from library
-Fixed a problem of application of volume on the music track during transitions
-Force the use of UTF-8 to read changelog in about dialog
-Fixed positioning of the preview player at application start


[Commit: 12/01/2014]
Bug fixes:
-Fixed the Transition dialog: when the box is reduced or enlarged, increases or decreases the number of column
-Fixed a bug in reloading project files which cause recomputation of slides's thumbnails

New features:
-Changes the music track dialog
-Displays the cover of the music if it exists
-Put a check box in the music table to allow non referencing this title in generic (%STM% variable)
-Allows setting options for volume and pause even if the slide defined a new playlist
-Changes the display of the music track on the timeline
-Adds the display of song cover (if exist)
-Reduces the font to display the artist and song title
-Change Drag & Drop in timeline
-Allows move of music playlist definition from a slide to another
-Allows move of background definition from a slide to another


[Commit: 10/01/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140111
Bug fixes:
-Fixes a critical bug reading projects [regression 20140103]
-Fixes incorrect display of VBR for other codec than h264 in render dialog


[Commit: 10/01/2014]
Bug fixes:
-Fixes not read of volumes and deinterleaving option of videos in project files [regression 20131221]
-No longer generates map 2 times when closing automatic edit slide dialog
-Generate map again if the model is changed when using amap from an automatic slide
-No longer regenerates the map when converting an automatic slide to a standard slide
-Adds a timeout of 30 seconds to not get stuck for 10 minutes when network access is not possible at application start
-Fixes an infinite loop which sometimes happens during video reading

New features:
-Removes the text outline and changes the default zoom level to 14 in the 2 new titles models (those with map GMaps)
-Adds an option to activate variable bitrate mode when encoding using h264 codec in order to reduce video size and avoid saccadements in ken burns effects
-This option is enabled by default when the video length is less than 50% of the project length (beyond this can increase the size of the generated video)
-In projects containing many photo, it can reduce the file up to 80%
-Adds a hundred new models of equipment (smartphones and tablets)


[Commit: 06/01/2014]
New features:
-Compute some LUMA rather than using files to improve their quality
-Treat the 24 LUMA-BAR transitions
-Treat the first 24 LUMA-CLOCK transitions
-Removes unused LUMA files (reduces installation packets size)


[Commit: 03/01/2014] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20140103
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a crash when closing the edit image/video/gmap when locations were added
-Fixed the display of dates of creation and modification of files in the media browser (Under Windows, the modification date may be invalid)

New features:
-Increases slightly opacity of masked markers (they were really too few visible)
-Move the Name field at first position in the edit locations dialog (more logical)
-Accelerates selections/unselection of files in multimedia browser
-No longer displays duration equals to 0 in the multimedia browser
-Changes the behavior of the multimedia browser refresh: Force complete update of files
-Adds a Changelog tab (with the content of Changelog file) and a Translation tab (with the translation status) in the About dialog
-No longer duplicate GMap map during paste as location have not been changed (to reduce size of .ffd file)


[Commit: 27/12/2013] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20131227
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a big bug in reloading projects with resources
-Fixed a crash when copy/cut/ paste GMpas map in the edit slides dialogs
-Improves audio/video sync when encoding NTSC

New features:
-Redesign Project properties dialog to remove the tabs and to add the location of the event
-Adds the ability to override the location of the event in the edit chapters dialog and the in the chapter zone of the edit automatic slides dialog
-Turns the field "Override the date" of the edit automatic slides in multi-lines
-Adds text variables PLN%% and%% PLA corresponding to the name and address of the location of the project's event
-Adds text variables CLN%% and%% CLA corresponding to the name and address of the location of the current chapter's event
-Adds fields "Default project album" and "select distance unit to be used" in the application configuration dialog box
-Changes the button "Add Location" of the tab GMap of the edit image/video/gmap dialog to allow use of the project's or chapter's location or to directly select a favorite
-Adds an option "Add a map" in the sub menu that appears when you click Add a title in the main window
-Adds Title models fixed and animated containing a GMap map based on the project's location
-Adds options in the configuration dialog to declare a proxy for internet access
-Remove empty CD-ROM drives from the list of drives managed by the multimedia browser [Windows]


[Commit: 21/12/2013] - ffDiaporama 2.1 devel 20131221
Bug fixes:
-Fixed the problem of slow display of the markers on the GMaps map during animations
-Fixed the map display in the GMaps tab: Ensure that the map is never truncated and the display is centered
-Fixed the problem of quality of the GMaps map when they are in high resolution
-Fixed the activation/deactivation of paster actions in the edit slides dialog [regression 12.17.2013]
-Fixed applying changes of altered properties in the edit image/video/GMap dialog to the following shots in the edit slides dialog (only applies the changed properties and not all properties)

New features:
-No longer duplicate resources when opening Edit image/video/gmap dialog when it comes gmap object (accelerates the opening of the box)
-Replaces the dual display buffer for GMap markers objects with a simple buffer display for preview (faster)
-Adds "Export Map" button in the Edit image/video/gmap dialog
-Replaces the default export as jpg format with png format for all captures (image from video editor, image from preview and map from GMaps tab)
-Adds very high resolution map image formats: 720px9-16:9 (3840x2160) and 1080px9-16:9 (5760x3240)
-Remove empty removable drives from the list of drives managed by the multimedia browser [Windows]


[Commit: 20/12/2013]
Bug fixes:
-Fixed the bug of not replacing the icon when selecting a favorite in the selection box of GPS positions
-Active F1 key to open help in any dialog boxes
-Corrects UNDO in the edit slides dialog (repositions the active shot and selections)
-Fixed change of properties to the following shots in the edit slides dialog (only applies the current change and not all properties)

New features:
-Change the default framming for the icon of the GPS positions when selecting an image in the selection GPS position dialog
-Replaces locking of properties of a block in the edit slides dialog with a new property: inherit changes made in previous sho...

View full changelog

All features

These sequences are assembled into a slide show by means of transitions to produce complete videos
The following options are available:

Reframing of images and photos
Cutting of video clips
Adding text, notes to images, photos, sequences and animations
Graphical filters on the images and the videos (conversion into black and white, dust removal, equalization of colors, etc.)
Creation of animation by zoom, rotation or Ken Burns Effect on images or photos
Correction of the images and the videos during animations (luminosity, contrast, gamma, colors, etc.)
Transitions between sequences with definition of the transition type, sequence by sequence.
Addition of a background sound (wav, mp3 or ogg) with customizable effects for volume, fade in/out and passage in pause, sequence by sequence.
Generation of videos usable on most current video equipment (DVD player/smartphone, multimedia box, hard drive, etc.) but also publishable on the main video-sharing Websites (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.)
Video formats from QVGA (320×240) to Full HD (1920×1080) by way of the DVD and HD 720 formats.
Image geometry (aspect ratio) : 4:3, 16:9 or 2.35:1 (cinema)
Possible formats for rendering : avi, mpg, mp4, webm, mkv

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Review by vmp on Dec 7, 2019 Version: 2.1 OS: Linux Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

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