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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Xreveal
Version 2.7.6 2025-02-07
Added support verifying the content hashes of multiple media at the same time
Added check for updates in system tray menu if the 'Check for updates automatically' is disabled
Added support processing virtual drive created by windows default ISO mounter
Added always on top option in content hash verifier
Added more detailed error output
Fixed command-line 'verify' option does not appear to work
Fixed the post-scan action command is limited to 77 characters
Improved add the content in the status window to the rip log
Improved use 'MS Shell Dlg' font for Windows XP/7/8
Added prompt if Windows 7 doesn't have KB4474419 installed
Added handle unexpected read result of some drives
Added DVD layer break info in the log
Added disable Autorun on Video DVD
Added prompt when there is no enough space on destination drive
Added show the expected hash value when there is a mismatch hash
Improved ScreenPass support
Added save the my drives window layout
Improved try to use AACS-Auth to disable bus encryption if LibreDrive is disabled
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.5 2025-01-20
Added delete the incomplete files/folders when aborting rip2folder
Fixed crash when ripping to folder
Improved periodically check for updates
Changed non-silent installation when updating
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.4 2025-01-17
Added remove PS3 update files
Added taskbar progress while ripping
Added workaround for some incorrectly mastered BD+ discs
Changed force to remove BDSVM folder
Changed open failed if the disc keys failed to verify
Fixed the problem of showing rip success when there is a read error
Added remove region code locked if disc has no AACS protection
Improved treat content hash mismatch as error
Fixed crash when using content hash verifier in Windows XP
Fixed crash when opening BD+ disc in Windows XP
Added remove video sequences shorter than specified minutes
Improved disable exit while ripping
Improved show busy when the drives is ripping in riping dialog
Changed merge DVD subtitle page to DVD page
Version 2.7.3 2024-12-25
Added support for new Java protections
Added post-scan event
Added new command line interface
Added allow to remove the AACS folder
Added allow to remove the BDPSVM folder
Added 'Content Hash Verifier' in the Status context menu
Added hotkey for 'Content Hash Verifier'
Changed move 'Content Hash Verifier' to the system tray menu
Changed need full license to run in a virtual machine
Updated Spanish translation
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.2 2024-11-11
Added dark mode
Added update rip window when device or media is changed
Added displays the number of retries when there is a read error
Added pause while ripping
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.1 2024-10-18
Fixed failed to open some BD+ discs
Improved skip to copy 'System Volume Inforamtion' folder when ripping BDAV to folder
Fixed failed to rip when ripping to a UNC path
Improved treat as no AACS protection if MKB type is 0
Added resize the settings window
Added remember the position of the settings window
Added store DVDs info to My Discs
Added press F5 to refresh My Discs content
Added show DVD CSS keys in 'Disc Information' window
Fixed the column order in My Discs is not saved correctly
Fixed udfparser failed to handle embedded file entries
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.0 2024-10-02
Fixed some UI issues in Windows XP
Changed disable update in Windows XP
Fixed crash when opening some BDs
Added resize the rip window
Added remember the positon of the rip window
Added prompt when creating a protected image file
Added update license in About window
Added more info in the dump file
Improved Prevent the system from sleeping while ripping
Added option to create rip log file
Added print DiscID, DVDID, VID(Pro feature) in rip log window
Added print MD5 in rip log window when ripping to ISO
Added the read failure window will pop up after 5 attempts
Changed disable 'Keep Protection' by default
Fixed country codes are not removed when there are no region code protection found
Fixed failed to decrypt HD-DVD
Fixed failed to remove CCI for BDAV
Fixed failed to open device over RDP
Fixed failed to create temp file
Bumped the kernel driver version to 2.7.0
Fixed failed to open some DVDs
Changed max text length of comment from 255 to 4096 in my discs
Improved reset bus encryption to disable if it's already disabled by LibreDrive
Updated language files
Version 2.6.9 2024-09-04
Fixed failed to insert into my discs if the disc label contains single quote
Fixed failed to create ISO file if the disc label contains the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
Fixed drives not showing in rip dialog box over an RDP connection
Fixed the comment characters in My Discs are not displayed correctly in some cases
Fixed read BDAV disc keys from My Discs
Fixed failed to install the ARM64 driver
Added import keydb.db
Added sounds settings
Added play sound after opening disc
Added play sound after ripping disc
Added hotkey of rip to ISO file
Added hotkey of rip to folder
Added actions when done: Do nothing, Quit Xreveal, Shut down, Hibernate, Lock system, Eject disc, Play sound
Added prevent the system from sleeping while ripping
Added -rip2iso command line
Added -rip2folder command line
Added drag and drop ISO file, folder or drive to 'Content Hash Verifier' window to verify content hash
Added read errors info in rip window
Added content hash verifier while ripping to protected ISO files or folders
Removed option of remove BD+ (If Blu-ray support is enabled, BD+ protection will be removed along with AACS protection)
Improved move 'Create Logfile' from context menu to Status window
Improved add datetime in logfile file name
Changed logfile extension from .ziplog to .jar
Changed need libdvdcss-2.dll to open DVDs
Version 2.6.8 2024-07-02
Added digitally sign installers and xreveal.exe
Fixed remove region code in some region-locked UHDs
Fixed doesn't detect any disc is in the drives over an RDP connection
Version 2.6.7 2024-06-29
Fixed content hash mismatch when ripping a protected ISO
Added create logfile
Added GUI version of content hash verifier
Version 2.6.7 2024-06-29
Fixed content hash mismatch when ripping a protected ISO
Added create logfile
Added GUI version of content hash verifier
Version 2.6.6 2024-06-23
Failure to load driver when installing Xreveal for the first time
Fixed failed to open some BDAV discs
Added comment column in My Discs database
Added more details in 'Disc Information'
Added workaround for some drives returning with the wrong BEC
Changed GUI layout
Version 2.6.5 2024-06-13
Fixed failed to open some UHDs
Fixed failed to open BDAV discs
Fixed the register bug introduced in v2640
Fixed crash when checking update if the current language is Italian
Added customize disc label in 'My Discs'
Moved 'No CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive detected...' alert to Status page
Version 2.6.4 2024-06-06
Added support for new BDs
Some minor changes and improvements
Version 2.6.3 2024-06-03
Fixed nothing happened when clicking next if one or more of the intermediate folders do not exist
Changed dialog font from "MS Shell Dlg" to "Segoe UI"
Fixed failed to process some UHDs
Version 2.6.2 2024-06-01
Fixed crash when processing some BDJ certificates
Added support for new UHD
Added Indonesian translation
Added show DVDID of DVDs in Status window
Version 2.6.1 2024-05-27
Added check for updates now
Added find disc keys online for free version
Added evaluate the cloud decryption feature
Added decrypt HD DVD by device key in KeyDB.cfg
Added support for more UHD discs
Changed the default DVD disc region from 1 to unset
Version 2.6.0 2024-05-17
Added "My Discs" feature for Pro version
Improved optimize UHD decryption speed
Fixed crash when opening some Blu-ray discs with BDJ
Some minor changes and improvements
Version 2.5.9 2024-05-08
Added customize the name of the AACS folder
Added customize the name of the BDSVM folder
Fixed cannot decrypt some UHDs (bug introduced in v2.5.8)
Version 2.5.8 2024-04-30
Improved support for UHD
Added verify BD/UHD title keys
Changed only show LibreDrive information for UHD
Version 2.5.7 2024-04-23
Added using AES hardware acceleration option
Added player region reset for PowerDVD 23
Added join our Customer Experience Improvement program
Added workaround for libreDrive "sleep bug"
Added more logs
Update kernel driver to v2.5.7
Version 2.5.6 2024-04-03
Fixed the issue of opening the settings window multiple times when double-clicking the shortcut
Fixed timestamp has strange values for some DVD
Added stay on top
Added support for new Blu-ray discs
Version 2.5.5 2024-01-13
Some minor changes
Version 2.5.4 2023-11-10
Added embed VID to Blu-ray ISO when ripping to image with keep protection
Added traditional Chinese translation
Version 2.5.3 2023-10-08
Fixed incorrect status if Xreveal is disabled
Fixed crash when .bup is empty
Added enable xreveal in Status window if Xreveal is disabled
Improved support for LibreDrive
Version 2.5.2 2023-09-22
Fixed installer won't work on Windows x86 and Windows ARM64
Fixed failed to get RDK when LibreDrive is enabled
Version 2.5.1 2023-09-20
Fixed failed to read VID of HD-DVD
Added keydb.cfg setting for HD-DVD
Added context help in the Settings dialog
Added more logs when failing to do AACS-Auth
Added Enabled LibreDrive for UHD
Improved detection of whether PowerDVD is installed
Improved exit UDF parser quickly when ejecting disc
Changed FUT file search order: bd+.dll, MK.bin, MK_VolumeLabel.bin, MK_*.bin
Version 2.5.0 2023-09-15
Improved support for reading EVO from HD DVD
Improved move BEC to "Drive information"
Improved remove Java protections
Changed rename /AACS dir to /XRVL
Changed rename /BDSVM dir to /XRSVM
Fixed four crashes from the user report
Added make separate installer for x64/x86/ARM64, only 0.5MB
Added reset player region for TotalMedia Theatre 6
Added reset player region for WinDVD 11
Added reset player region for WinDVD 12
Added more parameter validity checks in the kernel driver
Updated kernel driver to v2520
Version 2.4.9 2023-09-05
Fixed crash introduced in 2.4.8
Added remove first play title from HD DVD
Added remove UOPS (User Operation Prohibitions) from HD DVD
Added remove parental restrictions from HD DVD
Version 2.4.8 2023-09-03
Improved remove BD+ protection with the help of third party BD+.dll plugin
Added initial implementation to remove HD DVD AACS protection
Fixed a crash when parsing UDF file system
Improved if Xreveal is running, open the settings when double-click the xreveal shortcut
Improve opening of UHD discs
Version 2.4.7 2023-08-25
Added support for non-friendly drives with the help of MakeMKV LibreDrive
Added display LibreDrive information in status window
Added display MKB version in status window
Added display read data key (RDK) in status window
Added decrypt protected ISO (need mount to virtual drive first)
Fixed open drive failed in kernel mode issue
Updated kernel driver to v2500
Version 2.4.6 2023-08-02
Added tray icon turns red when opening of a disc fails
Fixed crash caused by not calling CoInitializeEx
Changed FUT file name format "[MediaKey]_[VolumeLabel].bin", no longer supported SHA format
Removed "Rip to Hard Disk"/"Rip to Image" dialog's topmost flag
Version 2.4.5 2023-06-25
Added DPI awareness to manifest
Version 2.4.4 2023-05-15
Added register App Paths for Xreveal
Added display authoring tool in Status page
Redrew icon with Adobe Illustrator to remove the aliasing
Version 2.4.3 2023-05-10
Added more info in Status page
Added some icons to tray menu
Fixed program exit when closing the update dialog box
Fixed crash when rip to image
Renamed Drives page to Exclusions page
Updated language files
Version 2.4.2 2023-05-03
Fixed crash when open Blu-ray (bug introduced in 2.4.1)
Added option of list drives in system tray menu
Version 2.4.1 2023-05-01
Added hotkeys to quickly access some Xreveal functions
Fixed volume label is not updated when ejecting disc
Update language files
Version 2.4.0 2023-04-29
Added disable AutoRun and AutoPlay
Fixed cancel dialog issue when the "rip to image" completes
Improved Blu-ray players region reset
Update language files
Version 2.3.5 2023-02-21
Update language files
Version 2.3.4 2022-11-20
Added Japanese translation
Version 2.3.3 2022-11-10
Added Blu-ray player region reset
Added DVD subtitle transparency
Fixed crash when rip image
Version 2.3.2 2022-10-06
Added ask region code before opening DVD
Improved use the VLC-compatible BD+ table file directly
Update language files
Version 2.3.1 2022-10-01
Added command line -disable/-enable
Added native support for Windows on ARM64
Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable
Update language files
Version 2.3.0 2022-09-30
Added native support for Windows on ARM64
Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable
Version 2.2.9 2022-07-19
Fixed rip to hard disk does not work
Fixed failed to open unprotected Audio CD
Added automatically close Blu-ray region code dialog after 60 seconds
Added context help for Blu-ray region code dialog
Version 2.2.8 2022-07-08
Added rip to hard disk
Added keep protection (Blu-ray)
Added French translation
Added German translation
Fixed crash if DVD disc has a empty .BUP file
Fixed wrong installer PE checksum
Added installer with version info
Some minor changes
Version 2.2.7 2022-06-30
-Added Arabic translation
-Added Spanish translation
-Fixed settings dialog is not updated when switching languages
Version 2.2.6 2022-06-26
- Added Korean language file
- Exclude the virtual drives(ImgDrive/Virtual CloneDrive/) from scan by default
- Added rip to image feature
- New settings UI
- Some minor changes
Version 2.2.5 2022-06-19
- Added specify DVD region code
- Fixed failed to open some DVD
Version 2.2.4 2022-05-24
- Fixed crash when open some Blu-ray discs
- Fixed Blu-ray region code settings are not saved
Version 2.2.3 2022-05-06
- Add italian language
- Add finnish language
- Use None instead of empty line in country code drop down list
Version 2.2.2 2022-05-01
- Update languages
- Some minor improvements
Version 2.2.0 2022-04-22
- Add MUI translations
Version 2.1.0 2022-02-24
- Update host certificate
- Remove Blu-ray country code protection
- Add an option to turn off "Remove BD+ protection"
Version 2.0.0 2020-03-03
- Fix crash in some cases
Version 1.9.0 2020-02-28
- Support UHD BD
- Support BD+ discs
Version 1.8.0 2019-12-17
- Support read DK(Device Keys) in KEYDB.cfg
Version 1.7.0 2019-09-18
- Fixed bus encryption issue
Version 1.5.0 2019-01-07
- Support read UnitKeys(U) in KEYDB.cfg
- Some minor changes
Version 1.4.0 2018-09-29
- Remove old version timebomb
Version 1.3.0 2018-08-03
- Some minor changes
Version 1.2.0 2018-03-16
- Some minor changes
Added support verifying the content hashes of multiple media at the same time
Added check for updates in system tray menu if the 'Check for updates automatically' is disabled
Added support processing virtual drive created by windows default ISO mounter
Added always on top option in content hash verifier
Added more detailed error output
Fixed command-line 'verify' option does not appear to work
Fixed the post-scan action command is limited to 77 characters
Improved add the content in the status window to the rip log
Improved use 'MS Shell Dlg' font for Windows XP/7/8
Added prompt if Windows 7 doesn't have KB4474419 installed
Added handle unexpected read result of some drives
Added DVD layer break info in the log
Added disable Autorun on Video DVD
Added prompt when there is no enough space on destination drive
Added show the expected hash value when there is a mismatch hash
Improved ScreenPass support
Added save the my drives window layout
Improved try to use AACS-Auth to disable bus encryption if LibreDrive is disabled
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.5 2025-01-20
Added delete the incomplete files/folders when aborting rip2folder
Fixed crash when ripping to folder
Improved periodically check for updates
Changed non-silent installation when updating
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.4 2025-01-17
Added remove PS3 update files
Added taskbar progress while ripping
Added workaround for some incorrectly mastered BD+ discs
Changed force to remove BDSVM folder
Changed open failed if the disc keys failed to verify
Fixed the problem of showing rip success when there is a read error
Added remove region code locked if disc has no AACS protection
Improved treat content hash mismatch as error
Fixed crash when using content hash verifier in Windows XP
Fixed crash when opening BD+ disc in Windows XP
Added remove video sequences shorter than specified minutes
Improved disable exit while ripping
Improved show busy when the drives is ripping in riping dialog
Changed merge DVD subtitle page to DVD page
Version 2.7.3 2024-12-25
Added support for new Java protections
Added post-scan event
Added new command line interface
Added allow to remove the AACS folder
Added allow to remove the BDPSVM folder
Added 'Content Hash Verifier' in the Status context menu
Added hotkey for 'Content Hash Verifier'
Changed move 'Content Hash Verifier' to the system tray menu
Changed need full license to run in a virtual machine
Updated Spanish translation
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.2 2024-11-11
Added dark mode
Added update rip window when device or media is changed
Added displays the number of retries when there is a read error
Added pause while ripping
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.1 2024-10-18
Fixed failed to open some BD+ discs
Improved skip to copy 'System Volume Inforamtion' folder when ripping BDAV to folder
Fixed failed to rip when ripping to a UNC path
Improved treat as no AACS protection if MKB type is 0
Added resize the settings window
Added remember the position of the settings window
Added store DVDs info to My Discs
Added press F5 to refresh My Discs content
Added show DVD CSS keys in 'Disc Information' window
Fixed the column order in My Discs is not saved correctly
Fixed udfparser failed to handle embedded file entries
Some minor improvements
Version 2.7.0 2024-10-02
Fixed some UI issues in Windows XP
Changed disable update in Windows XP
Fixed crash when opening some BDs
Added resize the rip window
Added remember the positon of the rip window
Added prompt when creating a protected image file
Added update license in About window
Added more info in the dump file
Improved Prevent the system from sleeping while ripping
Added option to create rip log file
Added print DiscID, DVDID, VID(Pro feature) in rip log window
Added print MD5 in rip log window when ripping to ISO
Added the read failure window will pop up after 5 attempts
Changed disable 'Keep Protection' by default
Fixed country codes are not removed when there are no region code protection found
Fixed failed to decrypt HD-DVD
Fixed failed to remove CCI for BDAV
Fixed failed to open device over RDP
Fixed failed to create temp file
Bumped the kernel driver version to 2.7.0
Fixed failed to open some DVDs
Changed max text length of comment from 255 to 4096 in my discs
Improved reset bus encryption to disable if it's already disabled by LibreDrive
Updated language files
Version 2.6.9 2024-09-04
Fixed failed to insert into my discs if the disc label contains single quote
Fixed failed to create ISO file if the disc label contains the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
Fixed drives not showing in rip dialog box over an RDP connection
Fixed the comment characters in My Discs are not displayed correctly in some cases
Fixed read BDAV disc keys from My Discs
Fixed failed to install the ARM64 driver
Added import keydb.db
Added sounds settings
Added play sound after opening disc
Added play sound after ripping disc
Added hotkey of rip to ISO file
Added hotkey of rip to folder
Added actions when done: Do nothing, Quit Xreveal, Shut down, Hibernate, Lock system, Eject disc, Play sound
Added prevent the system from sleeping while ripping
Added -rip2iso command line
Added -rip2folder command line
Added drag and drop ISO file, folder or drive to 'Content Hash Verifier' window to verify content hash
Added read errors info in rip window
Added content hash verifier while ripping to protected ISO files or folders
Removed option of remove BD+ (If Blu-ray support is enabled, BD+ protection will be removed along with AACS protection)
Improved move 'Create Logfile' from context menu to Status window
Improved add datetime in logfile file name
Changed logfile extension from .ziplog to .jar
Changed need libdvdcss-2.dll to open DVDs
Version 2.6.8 2024-07-02
Added digitally sign installers and xreveal.exe
Fixed remove region code in some region-locked UHDs
Fixed doesn't detect any disc is in the drives over an RDP connection
Version 2.6.7 2024-06-29
Fixed content hash mismatch when ripping a protected ISO
Added create logfile
Added GUI version of content hash verifier
Version 2.6.7 2024-06-29
Fixed content hash mismatch when ripping a protected ISO
Added create logfile
Added GUI version of content hash verifier
Version 2.6.6 2024-06-23
Failure to load driver when installing Xreveal for the first time
Fixed failed to open some BDAV discs
Added comment column in My Discs database
Added more details in 'Disc Information'
Added workaround for some drives returning with the wrong BEC
Changed GUI layout
Version 2.6.5 2024-06-13
Fixed failed to open some UHDs
Fixed failed to open BDAV discs
Fixed the register bug introduced in v2640
Fixed crash when checking update if the current language is Italian
Added customize disc label in 'My Discs'
Moved 'No CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive detected...' alert to Status page
Version 2.6.4 2024-06-06
Added support for new BDs
Some minor changes and improvements
Version 2.6.3 2024-06-03
Fixed nothing happened when clicking next if one or more of the intermediate folders do not exist
Changed dialog font from "MS Shell Dlg" to "Segoe UI"
Fixed failed to process some UHDs
Version 2.6.2 2024-06-01
Fixed crash when processing some BDJ certificates
Added support for new UHD
Added Indonesian translation
Added show DVDID of DVDs in Status window
Version 2.6.1 2024-05-27
Added check for updates now
Added find disc keys online for free version
Added evaluate the cloud decryption feature
Added decrypt HD DVD by device key in KeyDB.cfg
Added support for more UHD discs
Changed the default DVD disc region from 1 to unset
Version 2.6.0 2024-05-17
Added "My Discs" feature for Pro version
Improved optimize UHD decryption speed
Fixed crash when opening some Blu-ray discs with BDJ
Some minor changes and improvements
Version 2.5.9 2024-05-08
Added customize the name of the AACS folder
Added customize the name of the BDSVM folder
Fixed cannot decrypt some UHDs (bug introduced in v2.5.8)
Version 2.5.8 2024-04-30
Improved support for UHD
Added verify BD/UHD title keys
Changed only show LibreDrive information for UHD
Version 2.5.7 2024-04-23
Added using AES hardware acceleration option
Added player region reset for PowerDVD 23
Added join our Customer Experience Improvement program
Added workaround for libreDrive "sleep bug"
Added more logs
Update kernel driver to v2.5.7
Version 2.5.6 2024-04-03
Fixed the issue of opening the settings window multiple times when double-clicking the shortcut
Fixed timestamp has strange values for some DVD
Added stay on top
Added support for new Blu-ray discs
Version 2.5.5 2024-01-13
Some minor changes
Version 2.5.4 2023-11-10
Added embed VID to Blu-ray ISO when ripping to image with keep protection
Added traditional Chinese translation
Version 2.5.3 2023-10-08
Fixed incorrect status if Xreveal is disabled
Fixed crash when .bup is empty
Added enable xreveal in Status window if Xreveal is disabled
Improved support for LibreDrive
Version 2.5.2 2023-09-22
Fixed installer won't work on Windows x86 and Windows ARM64
Fixed failed to get RDK when LibreDrive is enabled
Version 2.5.1 2023-09-20
Fixed failed to read VID of HD-DVD
Added keydb.cfg setting for HD-DVD
Added context help in the Settings dialog
Added more logs when failing to do AACS-Auth
Added Enabled LibreDrive for UHD
Improved detection of whether PowerDVD is installed
Improved exit UDF parser quickly when ejecting disc
Changed FUT file search order: bd+.dll, MK.bin, MK_VolumeLabel.bin, MK_*.bin
Version 2.5.0 2023-09-15
Improved support for reading EVO from HD DVD
Improved move BEC to "Drive information"
Improved remove Java protections
Changed rename /AACS dir to /XRVL
Changed rename /BDSVM dir to /XRSVM
Fixed four crashes from the user report
Added make separate installer for x64/x86/ARM64, only 0.5MB
Added reset player region for TotalMedia Theatre 6
Added reset player region for WinDVD 11
Added reset player region for WinDVD 12
Added more parameter validity checks in the kernel driver
Updated kernel driver to v2520
Version 2.4.9 2023-09-05
Fixed crash introduced in 2.4.8
Added remove first play title from HD DVD
Added remove UOPS (User Operation Prohibitions) from HD DVD
Added remove parental restrictions from HD DVD
Version 2.4.8 2023-09-03
Improved remove BD+ protection with the help of third party BD+.dll plugin
Added initial implementation to remove HD DVD AACS protection
Fixed a crash when parsing UDF file system
Improved if Xreveal is running, open the settings when double-click the xreveal shortcut
Improve opening of UHD discs
Version 2.4.7 2023-08-25
Added support for non-friendly drives with the help of MakeMKV LibreDrive
Added display LibreDrive information in status window
Added display MKB version in status window
Added display read data key (RDK) in status window
Added decrypt protected ISO (need mount to virtual drive first)
Fixed open drive failed in kernel mode issue
Updated kernel driver to v2500
Version 2.4.6 2023-08-02
Added tray icon turns red when opening of a disc fails
Fixed crash caused by not calling CoInitializeEx
Changed FUT file name format "[MediaKey]_[VolumeLabel].bin", no longer supported SHA format
Removed "Rip to Hard Disk"/"Rip to Image" dialog's topmost flag
Version 2.4.5 2023-06-25
Added DPI awareness to manifest
Version 2.4.4 2023-05-15
Added register App Paths for Xreveal
Added display authoring tool in Status page
Redrew icon with Adobe Illustrator to remove the aliasing
Version 2.4.3 2023-05-10
Added more info in Status page
Added some icons to tray menu
Fixed program exit when closing the update dialog box
Fixed crash when rip to image
Renamed Drives page to Exclusions page
Updated language files
Version 2.4.2 2023-05-03
Fixed crash when open Blu-ray (bug introduced in 2.4.1)
Added option of list drives in system tray menu
Version 2.4.1 2023-05-01
Added hotkeys to quickly access some Xreveal functions
Fixed volume label is not updated when ejecting disc
Update language files
Version 2.4.0 2023-04-29
Added disable AutoRun and AutoPlay
Fixed cancel dialog issue when the "rip to image" completes
Improved Blu-ray players region reset
Update language files
Version 2.3.5 2023-02-21
Update language files
Version 2.3.4 2022-11-20
Added Japanese translation
Version 2.3.3 2022-11-10
Added Blu-ray player region reset
Added DVD subtitle transparency
Fixed crash when rip image
Version 2.3.2 2022-10-06
Added ask region code before opening DVD
Improved use the VLC-compatible BD+ table file directly
Update language files
Version 2.3.1 2022-10-01
Added command line -disable/-enable
Added native support for Windows on ARM64
Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable
Update language files
Version 2.3.0 2022-09-30
Added native support for Windows on ARM64
Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable
Version 2.2.9 2022-07-19
Fixed rip to hard disk does not work
Fixed failed to open unprotected Audio CD
Added automatically close Blu-ray region code dialog after 60 seconds
Added context help for Blu-ray region code dialog
Version 2.2.8 2022-07-08
Added rip to hard disk
Added keep protection (Blu-ray)
Added French translation
Added German translation
Fixed crash if DVD disc has a empty .BUP file
Fixed wrong installer PE checksum
Added installer with version info
Some minor changes
Version 2.2.7 2022-06-30
-Added Arabic translation
-Added Spanish translation
-Fixed settings dialog is not updated when switching languages
Version 2.2.6 2022-06-26
- Added Korean language file
- Exclude the virtual drives(ImgDrive/Virtual CloneDrive/) from scan by default
- Added rip to image feature
- New settings UI
- Some minor changes
Version 2.2.5 2022-06-19
- Added specify DVD region code
- Fixed failed to open some DVD
Version 2.2.4 2022-05-24
- Fixed crash when open some Blu-ray discs
- Fixed Blu-ray region code settings are not saved
Version 2.2.3 2022-05-06
- Add italian language
- Add finnish language
- Use None instead of empty line in country code drop down list
Version 2.2.2 2022-05-01
- Update languages
- Some minor improvements
Version 2.2.0 2022-04-22
- Add MUI translations
Version 2.1.0 2022-02-24
- Update host certificate
- Remove Blu-ray country code protection
- Add an option to turn off "Remove BD+ protection"
Version 2.0.0 2020-03-03
- Fix crash in some cases
Version 1.9.0 2020-02-28
- Support UHD BD
- Support BD+ discs
Version 1.8.0 2019-12-17
- Support read DK(Device Keys) in KEYDB.cfg
Version 1.7.0 2019-09-18
- Fixed bus encryption issue
Version 1.5.0 2019-01-07
- Support read UnitKeys(U) in KEYDB.cfg
- Some minor changes
Version 1.4.0 2018-09-29
- Remove old version timebomb
Version 1.3.0 2018-08-03
- Some minor changes
Version 1.2.0 2018-03-16
- Some minor changes