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SyncView is a free AVI/WAV alignment tool for MPEG video production. The software can be used to derive precise audio-video synchronization settings when muxing/ encoding material for VCD, and the optional SyncTest media download can be used to trace the source of most sync problems.

OS: Win
File size: 2MB
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2.01.01 (April 13, 2006)


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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

[Build 2.1.0]

• NEW WAV Export Tool operations. Audio can now be resized to a given length and then resampled to a second length in one operation. The quality and precision of the resampling/stretching process has also been improved by using a two-pass procedure. With 30+ minute audio sources, this new method is considerably faster.

• NEW 'Direct fix' option in the Stream Demux Tool. This feature can be used to quickly change the video framerate of the source AVI. It is no longer necessary to first demux or copy the AVI file.

• NEW 'Mixing' options in the WAV Export Tool. There is now a third panel of controls for normalization and channel configuration; the latter are used for downmixing multi-channel audio files with unknown channel configurations.

• ADDED support for more WAV file variation in the WAV Joiner Tool. Most of the specialty RIFF chunks (such as PEAK, CUE, and LIST) are now permitted, but SyncView ignores them when generating new WAV files.

• CHANGED the audio length units in the WAV Export Tool to milliseconds (formerly seconds). This makes it easier to copy and paste alignment settings to the Audio Sync control when producing a multi-VCD project from one, long WAV file.

• FIXED Stream Demux Tool. SyncView crashed if the user clicks on the stream list without selecting a stream.

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3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews

Good point - only 2 comments and no guides? Surprising considering how useful the program is. I have used it numerous times (with no delay processing the audio) and found it a very handy tool for fixing DivXs with sync problems. I use virtualdub (see: to save the audio as a .wav file then load this with the video file in SyncView. When I have found the required delay I then re-encode the movie in virtualdub by selecting direct stream copy under video and full processing for the audio (you can again compress it as an mp3 file and enter the offset value from SyncView in the audio skew correction box offset under audio/interleaving).
All in all a great program that does what it sets out to do very effectively - recommended!

Review by endaoneill on Jun 18, 2006 Version: 2.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

I cannot reproduce the problem described below. SyncView's audio resizing operations have been a standard feature of the software for more than 1.5 years. If it were taking so long to execute simple length adjustments, I think someone would have ranted a long time ago.

800,000+ views and only one comment posted?

The bottom line is, it doesn't take *that* long to do simple length adjustments (i.e., padding and trimming audio samples). It takes however long is needed to write out a new WAVE file--maybe a minute or less with typical movie-length audio files. Other operations (such as time stretching for frame-rate conversions and bit-rate/sample-rate changes) do require resampling and can take several minutes.

I have to assume the complaint was made by a new user who did not properly familiarize himself with the product.

Review by SDeC on Apr 19, 2006 Version: 2.01.00 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

A powerful tools set that lets you very quickly sync an audio track to your video. The visual feedback is good and responsive, and the reduced speed preview is great for checking lip sync. The interface is tidy and mostly straight forward. I had one instance of dual audio tracks playing regardless of my choices, but a restart of the program fixed that. I would have scored the functionality higher except for one problem - speed. Or rather, lack thereof. Simple delay adjustments require a full resample of the audio track, which can take up to 15 - 20 minutes for a 90 minute file. When I am adding or subtracting a few milliseconds, the save should be simple - it is in other apps. Otherwise, for a freebie, very good.

Review by guns1inger on Apr 14, 2006 Version: 2.1.0 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 7/10

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