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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for Subtitle Workshop
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b (, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2025-02-20 (v6.3.4)
Solved a problem open projects with diacritial symbols
Project notes are also saved automatically now.
Divided the layout of the Hunspell window in a number of fields.
Added the possibility to select the version of the FFmpeg tools download.
Remove an error regarding the 'preferred audio language': the 'none' item is no longer taken into account.
Hunspell: words with numbers in them and words with all capitals in them are not ignored anymore.
Solved the 'None' audio stream problem, see
The default shortcuts can be recalled now.
Changing the original or translated charset in the settings menu did not work well. Solved.
The value '0' is allowed now for default subtitle duration, see
The Slovak language is updated for v6.3.4.
Removed the necessity of reloading the subtitle when leaving the settings menu after the subtitle was changed. Now this will only happen when the original charset or translation charset was changed in settings (which requires actual reloading). See
Solved a problem in misalignment between projects and single subtitles, see
Added 'All', 'None' and 'Inverse' buttons to error settings 'Check' and 'Fix'.
Changed the order of the items in the 'Tools' menu (more logical now).
If shortcuts ctrl-c, ctrl-v or ctrl-x are not present they are automatically assigned to the corresponding 'Copy', 'Paste' and 'Cut' Edit menu items.
In the 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Information and Errors' the error type (Error or Warning) was added to the checkboxes text.
Those additions were also added in 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Settings' in the 'Check for' and 'Fix' lists.
Renamed 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Information and errors' to 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Fix errors manually'.
Renamed 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Settings' to 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Error Settings'.
In the above 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Fix errors manually', only errors/warnings visible in the list are fixed with the 'Fix errors' button (so only if the 'E' resp. the 'W' key is down).
In the same the error/warning types which are disabled (because not checked in 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Settings -> Check For') but are checked here are now not fixed anymore (see
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b (, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-11-28 (v6.3.3)
Changed the layout of the 'Split Subtitle, simple' window for better readability.
Prevent an error when the currently selected language file does not exists any more for some reason, see
Join Subtitle: Added the possibility to order the items in the list with an extra up/down button (in addition to drag/drop).
The FFMpeg tools are also found now if their path is in the 'Path' environment variable, see
Handled false UTF8 detections in language and shortcut files better now, see
When starting playing the video the waveform audio play is stopped now instead of paused (solved some waveform audio timing problems).
The waveform extraction can also be done now using the VLC video renderer (if present of course). In this case the FFmpeg tools are not needed any more. New translation required: [Settings Waveform] 05=Use FFmpeg for waveform extraction
For hunspell more dictionaries can be downloaded and installed now. New translations required: [Hunspell] InstallDicts=Install Dictionaries DictTitle=Hunspell Dictionaries DictAlreadyInstalled=Already installed DictDelete=Delete DictInstall=Install ListFail=Could not download list DictFail=Could not download dictionary "%s"
Attention: the whole content of the 'Hunspell' folder is new now (important for the users of the 'Portable' version).
Implemented menuItems and shortcut (in the 'File' section) for "An option for CTRL+S to save translations as well as original", see
Solved: Stuttering GUI after mouse hovering over the seekbar, see
Made the video zoom function work better and more logical, see also
Solved: Seekbar and buttons are erased from GUI when zooming in fullscreen (permanently), see
Removed the "- untranslated subtitle -" default text in untranslated subtitles, see Additionally also removed the "- empty subtitle -" text that replaced previous text after that was deleted. Additionally also also removed the "Mark untranslated subtitles with color" from the settings menu (untranslated subtitles have no text to color it).
Disabled the stop button when not playing (the button actually only does something if playing, even if it is enabled).
Loading translated subtitles has changed: the time stamp is used now to merge it with the original ones.
Divide lines implemented for the translation (together with the original text), see
Translations needed: [Divide lines] 10=use original 11=use translation
Shortcuts translations needed: Edit aGlobalNotes Edit the global notes in bigger window Edit aProjectNotes Edit the project notes in bigger window
Solved a calculation problem in 'Divide lines', see Also adapted the layout of the 'Divide Lines' window, see
WebVTT files now allow empty lines within the subtitle text, see
Partly solved original and translated subtitle overlap display problem, see
Detecting of Overlapping subtitles and subtitles with too short pause is disabled when one of the subtitles is blank.
Solved problem "Surplus dots are added to translated subtitles", see
Solved a problem in "Search and Replace" for the translation. In translate mode the possibility to choose the characterset has been added.
Disabled now the popup menu for the text edit areas when it is not necessary.
"Smart line adjust automatically" did not work in divide lines. Solved. Additionally this feature can now be switched on or off in the divide lines window too (next to menu settings advanced).
If notes are not shown in the left window then more place is provided for the items still present in the left panel.
Added the possibility to edit notes in a separate larger window (menu Edit, Notes). Shortcuts and 2 buttons are provided.
Solved a problem with "&" in the subtitle text using the alternate rendering mode.
# Subtitle-Workshop-Classic-v6.3.2
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-09-08 (v6.3.2)
Removed the '&' characters from the buttons on the 'Audio Waveform' window.
Solved the background deviation in the errors window + the unreadable text, see
Solved a problem in the info/error settings (prohibited chars a.o. were not saved correctly see
Translation problem solved, part of
Hungarian translations and shortcuts added. Thanks Lassgabe, see
ESC removed from shortcuts, made exit all windows (except Info/Errors), see
Added two sectences still to be translated (were forgotten in 6.3.1): [Error messages] 29=FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools). [Information messages] 24=No audio stream selected.
Informations and errors window can no longer be closed with the Esc key now, see
Improved: the Hunspell window stays on top now after error selection, see
Corrected some accented shortcut texts that were displayed wrong in french (e.g. "duréé").
French shortcut texts tanslated now.
English shortcut texts adapted.
Added a 'preferred audio language' feature. Added extra text to be translated: [Settings form] PreferredAudio=Preferred audio language:
Limited the maximum nr of entries in 'LastChoices' to the maximum set for 'recent' files.
Solved a color problem with the subtitle sample in the Settings Video Preview subtitles.
Language names in the Settings Language menu are now translated.
Made some changes to the Expander/reducer window, see and and
Made some layout changed in the "Set Delay" window due to a request, see and
Solved a problem with space after characters, see
Made sure no audio streams are to be seen in menus when none are detected. Earlier on a erroneous list with default stream names was shown.
UTF8 format is supported also from now on for language files and shortcut language files.
Added item (e.g. for Dutch) to each language file: [General] Language=Nederlands
to the language files: the translation of the language name in the actual language.
The "join subtitles" and "Batch convert" functions now also allow dragging and dropping subtitle files to it.
Organised a cache for the languagenames translations. It would take too much startup time to read all language files to obtain the translation.
Solved a problem with Profile import, see
Solved a problem after pressing OK in the settings window when the subtitle has not been save yet, see
Solved a problem: subtitle colors could not be changed, see
2024-08-06 (v6.3.1)
Audio waveform added. Download of the FFmpeg tools needed before first usage (otherwise the message "FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools)." will appear when first creation of a waveform): menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools.
The menuitem images are grayed out when the menuitem is not enabled also in darkmode now.
Adapted the menu widths in both light and darkmode to be more compact.
Adapted the menu colors to be compliant with Windows7, see
Adapted the color of the subtitle edit fields in darkmode to be dark when disabled, see
Made sure the left colum of the subtitle list is also dark in dark mode now, see
Renamed the 'dark' mode in the settings program window to 'Invert colors', see
Corrected an error: the colour of 'Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box' was not remembered correctly.
Added a number of adaptations of items on the main window to a font size change in settings.
Removed possible flicker in the time indicators on the video preview panel.
Solved ticket #37: Added an option to disable the double click on 'Start Subtitle', see
Spanish (Latin) language added, thanks JEFE01 ((, see
Slovak langiage added, thanks Skaldo, see
Croation language updated, thanks Alen Bajo (, see
Solved ticket #38 "Nullpointer reference after batch converting", see
Solved ticket #39 "Batch file conversion output file type mismatch", see
Solved: cannot use the CTRL+A (to select all text) inside the path input fields in BatchConvert, see
Solved ticket #34 "Context menus use system foreground colour for text, but not the background colour", at least the Templayer part, see
Prevented the subtitle to be shifted out of range.
Changed the text 'Select &zero' to 'Select &none'. Bulgarian, Croation, Greek, Russian, Slovak ans Spanish to be checked.
Solved a subtitle divide problem, see
Entered the current video position in the 'Given Time' and 'Given Frame' entries when opening the 'Split Subtitle' window.
2024-08-06 (v6.3.1)
Audio waveform added. Download of the FFmpeg tools needed before first usage (otherwise the message "FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools)." will appear when first creation of a waveform): menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools.
The menuitem images are grayed out when the menuitem is not enabled also in darkmode now.
Adapted the menu widths in both light and darkmode to be more compact.
Adapted the menu colors to be compliant with Windows7, see
Adapted the color of the subtitle edit fields in darkmode to be dark when disabled, see
Made sure the left colum of the subtitle list is also dark in dark mode now, see
Renamed the 'dark' mode in the settings program window to 'Invert colors', see
Corrected an error: the colour of 'Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box' was not remembered correctly.
Added a number of adaptations of items on the main window to a font size change in settings.
Removed possible flicker in the time indicators on the video preview panel.
Solved ticket #37: Added an option to disable the double click on 'Start Subtitle', see
Spanish (Latin) language added, thanks JEFE01 ((, see
Slovak langiage added, thanks Skaldo, see
Croation language updated, thanks Alen Bajo (, see
Solved ticket #38 "Nullpointer reference after batch converting", see
Solved ticket #39 "Batch file conversion output file type mismatch", see
Solved: cannot use the CTRL+A (to select all text) inside the path input fields in BatchConvert, see
Solved ticket #34 "Context menus use system foreground colour for text, but not the background colour", at least the Templayer part, see
Prevented the subtitle to be shifted out of range.
Changed the text 'Select &zero' to 'Select &none'. Bulgarian, Croation, Greek, Russian, Slovak ans Spanish to be checked.
Solved a subtitle divide problem, see
Entered the current video position in the 'Given Time' and 'Given Frame' entries when opening the 'Split Subtitle' window.
2024-06-03 (v6.2.12)
Solved a dark mode problem with the time-indicators next to the volumebar.
Technical: the file 'SubtitleAPI.dll' is no longer needed (now incorporated in the main executable 'SubtitleWorkshop.exe').
Solved a small problem in the 'Save As' and the 'Settings' window regarding the fontsize.
Made the darkmode also work in the Time/CPU boxes in the subtitle list.
Double clicking the 'Start Subtitle' button inserts a subtitle with the default duration at the video position. Also a menuitem was added: 'Movie, Subtitles, Start + End subtitle'. A shortcut has been provided also.
Also the menus have a 'dark' version now provided the XP menus are not active.
Solved a charset error, see
2024-04-26 (v6.2.11)
In the 'profile' window a newly made profile is made the current one now. Also the window is not closed any more after selecting another profile, allowing further actions.
Corrected an error in the Profile window regarding the visibility of the 'current profile' in dark mode.
The export an import functions in the profile settings window do always start in the desktop folder now.
Solved an error message after closing and re-opening Hunspell window.
Solved a small error when resizing the Hunspell window.
Added a menuitem (and a shortcut for it): 'Main menu/Movie/Subtitles', 'Move following subtitles': moves all subtitles starting with the first selected one upto the last one.
Global notes are saved again now when closing subtitle workshop.
The 'Load Subtitle' menu now shows all supported file types again, see
Resolved an issue in 'Load Subtitle' regarding the chosen format, see
Changed all open and save dialogs to a more suitable component, see
Resolved an error message when opening the 'SAMI language extractor' window.
Gave a better visibility of the pushed buttons in 'Errors an Info settings', 'Mark'.
2024-04-10 (v6.2.10)
Big change: Implemented user profiles, see menu Settings -> Profile. Language files are adapted to incorporate new texts. A shortcut has been provided also.
Solved some issues with the darkmode (e.g. the video control buttons, volume bar etc...)
Made the used font in the character lists of 'Insert Symbol' changeable.
Added 'Recent' character selection to 'Insert Symbol'.
Solved problem in "Divide lines", see
Technical: The FPS.ini, Shortcuts.key and Output.ini files are integrated in SubtitleWorkshop.ini (and the new profile files) now.
Limitless max nr of recent files possible now (well, actually 20000).
A project that is saved is now also added to 'recent Files', see
A minimum pause of zero can be set now and subtitles with zero pause between them are no longer considered to be overlapping, see
2024-02-28 (v6.2.9)
Made the "Browse" button views in BatchConvert the same as the 'Add' view in the batch convert functionality, see
Reloading a movie file is not done any more after the same file is to be opened with Load Project, Load Subtitle or Recent file choice, see
Solved: Cancelling the "Load subtitle" modal window did reload the video for no reason, See
Solved: Moving subtitles around doesn't analyze errors in the switched rows, which might lead to faulty error detections, see
Implemented: The Save subtitle button shouldn't have three dots, as it doesn't open any modal window or any subsequent part of any kind, see
The leading and trailing spaces in the search and replace strings are also saved now.
Dark mode, see and others.
2024-02-01 (v6.2.8)
Added the possibility to move the selected subtitle line up/down in the list, see
Prevent overlap with "Insert Subtitle" and "Insert before" if the setting 'Errors and Info Settings -> Fix Overlapping Subtitles' is checked, see
Subtitles entered with buttons "Start subtitle" and "End subtitle" (taking the movie positions as start/end time) are now inserted in the correct place in the subtitle list, see
The fontsize in log window of "Batch Convert" now follows the setting of its main window, see
In "Batch Convert" the output coding (ANSI, UTF8 or unchanged) can be chosen now, see
In the extension list in "Batch Convert" only associated extensions are checked initially. Also the list is sorted now.
Also in "Batch Convert" the output format selection is moved to the "next" window, see
Furthermore in "Batch Convert" a descriptive name was added to the FPS setting (became "Output FPS"), see
Made the 'Browse' buttons in "Batch Convert" start now at the 'old' search path and destination path, , see
The "FPS" column in batch convert has also a value now when the Output Format is frame based.
Added "Delay" to batch convert.
Changed the Files menu (load/save available at top level now) in the non translator mode, see
The help is updated.
The language files are updated.
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-xx-xx (v6.2.7)
The Search and Search/replace windows are no longer modal. This means you can e.g. edit while the window is visible. The window has been made 'StayOnTop' instead.
After a search in one of above windows the place where the text is found is indicated in the text controls area. You can start an edit right away.
The 'Insert Symbol' and the 'Search/Replace' windows have been made 'StayOnTop'.
Solved crashing when the "last selected subtitle" is out of range after a split followed by giving the original name to the first (splitted) part.
Solved a problem caused by "Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2." in v6.2.6.
The choices in the simple split up window are remembered between sessions.
The message "'Spell check finished. xx change(s) made.'" after a Hunspell check session is replaced by a line at the bottom of the Hunspell window.
Search also finds tags (,, , , , <c:#> and </c>).
BatchConvert works again, the file list is created correctly.
After 'Divide Lines" dashes at the beginning of both parts are only deleted if the "-" on first line in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Fix is checked, see
After 'Divide Lines' both parts are only trimmed if "Enters and spaces at beginning and end" in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Unnecessary spaces->Fix is checked, see
Problem with the nr of characters display when the latter is zero in the 'Divide Lines' window solved, see
2023-11-03 (v6.2.6)
Corrected an error after trying to read in 'LastChoices.txt' when it contained non ASCII characters (see
Made project files (.stp files) also Unicode capable (saved as UTF8 now).
Up to 100 'recent files' can be remembered now, see
Splitted up 'Notes' in 'Global' and 'Project'. Translations to be done. See Project notes are saved in the project file (.stp), subtitle notes and global notes are saved in 'Notes.txt'.
Solved a problem with splitted up Notes, see
The main toolbar is no longer resized, see
Adapted the 'Search/replace' form: replaced two round buttons ('From the first subtitle' and 'All the subtitle') by 1 checkbox ('From the first subtitle'). Initially 'From the first subtitle' is checked and as soon as the first search action is done, 'From the first subtitle' becomes unchecked, thus allowing to find the next occurance of the search text. This prevents getting stuck with only finding the first occurance. A not found warning is now only given if the search string is not present at all in the subtitles. See
Allowed negative window positions. Important for multiple monitor configuations, with the extra monitor set to the left of the primary one, to allow saved windows positions recalled to the correct monitor. See
Added a setting in the General section: Allow negative window coordinates. The item is default off (not allowing negative coordinates). See
Made it possible to show the movie in full screen on the non primary monitor in multi monitor setups.
The search and replace strings for the Search and the Search/Replace windows are saved now between sessions.
Added scroll bars to the 'Notes' field in the left panel. Automatic word wrap is deleted. See
Allowed the Main window and the 'Information and Errors' window to be on different monitors in a multi monitor setup.
Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2 now.
2023-10-15 (v6.2.5)
Made the editing panel vertically resizable. See and
Made the left (control) panel horizontally resizable.
Made long text better displayed in the info and errors form, see
Made the recognition of UTF-8 files also working after starting up via file association.
Made charset selection (orig and translation) take effect right away (subtitle is converted directly after the selection).
Prevented the original subtitle and the translated one to be the same subtitlefile.
Solved 'empty CPS boxes' in the subtitles list (when no selection made what to display there a small empty box was shown). Made the behaviour somewhat more logical.
Adapted the manual concerning the usage of item 'Show CPS boxes (Info and Errors).
The 'recent' opened subtitles or projects are saved now in a separate (UTF8 - Unicode) file: 'Recent.txt' instead of in the SubtitleWorkshop.ini file. This means recent filenames can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters. See
The file 'LastChoices.txt' is saved now as UTF8 file (names in it can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters).
Notes are now saved in UTF8 format (Unicode characters made possible). Notes are saved now in the separate file 'Notes.txt'. See and
Solved a small error after resizing the colums of the subtitle list.
Added an 'Installation' chapter to the manual.
Made the adaptation to the color chosen for the time line under the Video Preview Panel faster.See
In the 'Insert Symbol' form, in the Ascii table, the characters according the selected character set are shown now.
Also the chosen characterset is shown now when the ascii table is selected.
Improved the readability of the tables in the 'Insert Symbol' form.
Added several Unicode groups to the 'Insert Symbol' form.
A hint is added to the 'Font size' spinbutton (left bottom corner of forms).
### 2023-09-17 (v6.2.4)
* Solved a problem with frames per second detection of the movie with VLC (retry added).
* Solved the disappearance of the left side of the 'All' button on the info/error screen (see
* Moved 'enter/exit full screen' to the bottom of the movie popup menu (see for clarity.
* Changed the movie (popup) menu texts 'Open' and 'Close' into 'Open Movie' and 'Close movie' for clarity.
* Took the English and the Bulgarean language files provided by Seagate, see
* Added 'Enter full screen' to the main Movie menu.
* Added a shortcut to enter full screen mode (section Movie).
* Solved a problem with saving position and size of the 'Info/error settings' menu (see
* Corrected an error when adjusting the font size in the Info and Error settings menu (see
* Corrected an error when closing the custom error info window (see
* Widened the 'Custom Info' button in the Info and errors window to cope with the Bulgarian language (see
* Widened the main menu items to not cut off text at the end (see
* Added the Bulgarian shortcut translations received from SeaGate (see
* Reduced the vertical size of all buttons.
* There is no more minimal height for the editing panel (resized normally now with the height of the main window).
2023-08-13 (v6.2.3)
Solved a problem with "toggle scroll list" feature, see The scrolling can be enabled in 'menu -> Settings -> settings -> look -> list -> Keep selected subtitle in the middle'. The feature is always enabled when 'Scroll list' is on.
Adapted the manual for the fixed shortcuts in the subtitles list.
Solved a problem "Issue with CPS box" (highlight), see
Adapted: left out the highlight (underline) of the "duration","Show" and "Hide" windows with durations. See
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-06-22 (v6.2.2)
Solved the problem with "Space after characters" detection, see
Added shortcuts for the numerical keyboard (number keys only), see
In the "Error Information" menu open - the count numbers located vertically, follow now the form's font size, See
In the XP menus the separator vertical space has been reduced, see
Corrected the select and drag functionality in the subtitle edit fields. See
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-04-02 (v6.2.1)
Search and Replace window: Changed the caption of the 'Find next' button to 'Search' (the kind of search is defined below that button, see "Search for text in:"). Changed also the caption of choice 'All subtitles' to 'From the first subtitle'.
The popup menu of the translation edit box was the wrong one. Corrected.
Removed the side effect (unwanted selection of line after left of the text clicking) due to the "Removed the flicker" solution in v6.2.0. See
Solved white full screen problem and its subtitle problem in v6.2.0, see
Solved a shortcut problem visibility problem.
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-03-20 (v6.2.0)
Made the non XP main menu a little smaller again (see
Made the F7 key working again (see
Removed the minimization error (see
Removed the flicker and the odd cursor shape when hovering left of the text in the edit boxes (see
The "LongerDurations.pas" Pascal script was added (Thanks Seagate)
2023-03-13 (V6.1.9), changedwith respect to version 6.1.5 (the previous stable one)
Added "maximized" values for the List column widths in the ini file. The "maximized" widths are remembered separately now.
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
2023-03-02 (V6.1.8)
Added "maximized" values for the List column widths in the ini file. The "maximized" widths are remembered separately now.
Completed the "disabled" imagelist for toolbars (technical detail). It was shorter than the "non disabled" image list. To be tested if this solves the problem with versions 6.1.6 and 6.1.7.
Used "CopyTransparent" again, Usage of TMemIniFile still left out.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.7
2022-12-27 (v6.1.7)
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
Made the shortcuts for spell check working.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.6
2022-12-24 (v6.1.6)
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.5
2022-09-13 (v6.1.5)
Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down (Misc section). The "Increase step" setting is used, see
Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down one frame (Misc section), see
Finally Solved weird extra characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see
Solved: Unicode subtitles revert to ANSI if loaded automatically via loading a project, see
Corrected some inconsistencies in the "Search" and "Search and Replace" functionality.
The current selection is now kept always in the middle of the subtitle list when scrolling, provided the list scrolling is on (button "Toggle Scroll List") (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.4
2022-08-06 (v6.1.4)
Redesigned the "SaveAs" window for better readability. Format File extentsions are also shown now.
Added the format file extension to the format lists in "Settings Formats to show when SaveAs".
Added the name(s) of associated formats in the "Settings File Types" list.
Made it possible to (independant of the main window) change (and remember) the character font size of almost all windows. The change is done with the up/down control in the left bottom corner of the window. The font of list of errors in the "Infprmation and Errors" window can be resized separately (see the up/down control in the right top corner of the list).
The "Default Format" is taken into account now in the "SaveAs" window.
The value for video forward and backward actions can also be defined in frames (instead of seconds) now. See and
Custom format also accepts tabs in the description part now (see
Corrected an error in the Hunspell window: manually given texts were ignored.
Hunspell now makes a difference between upper/lower case characters.
Added the possibility to sort on group and number in the "Used Shortcuts" window.
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.3
2022-07-12 (v6.1.3)
File saved in customformat can be saved in UTF-8 coding now.
Also translations can be saved in custom format now.
"Allow fraction numbers as subtitle outline and shadow thickness values" for the Advanced Substation Alpha and Substation Alpha formats. see
The "WebSrt" format has been added, see
The maintoolbar is also resized now.
The active page is remembered now in the "Edit Shortcuts" window.
Remember the UTF-8 setting in Save as window: Implemented, see
Corrected an error in subtitle positioning using deviating charsets (only one row was shown).
Custom format processing can handle "hh:mm:ss:ff" (frames in stead of milliseconds) now. See
Solved extra weird characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see
Added the presence of the hovering activity over the seekbar in the settings now (Item "Seekbar hovering"). See
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.2
2022-06-08 (v6.1.2)
Redesigned the resizing of the "Info and Errors" screen.
Implemented: Could you please put the shortcuts next to the name of the pascal scripts in the list of the "P" icon? Like it is used in tools/pascal scripts. See
Made the textcolor and the background color of the subtitle visible in the setup window (Settings, Video Preview, Subtitles). Moved the place of shadow and outline settings to a more logical place. Removed the "Transparent Color" panel (not used).
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.1
2022-05-14 (v6.1.1)
Updated the manual (help). At this moment only the English version is done.
Removed the minimum constraints for some forms so that they still fit on smaller screens.
Made the installation directory the same for every version, so one does not loose the already made settings.
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.0
2022-05-05 (v6.1.0)
Added labels to the original and translations charset selections in the main screen.
Made the subtitles's charset selection available when no subtitles are loaded yet.
Added "Set Delay" and "Divide Lines" to the list's pop-up menu. See
Disabled the hovering activity over the seek bar. Was confusing. See
Negative times (e.g. Pause or durationn) are displayed correctly now in the list.
Made 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop' (settings-File types) more understandable: Checking it:
makes all checked extensions in the list associated with Subtitle Workshop
removes all extension associations in the list that are not checked Unchecking it:
removes all extensions associations to Subtitle Workshop The list and its checked extensions is no longer changed by clicking 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop'.
Added the DRTIC subtitle format (*.dtc extension), see
Loading a project made more efficient.
Implemented request 'Would it be possible to make "Set pauses" available as a shortcut?' see
Implemented request 'Could you put a question before the deletion that "Do you really want to delete this custom info set?"', see
Added the 'Hunspell" spellchecker.
Added the "Goto movie position" feature (under the "Search" menu). Permits to goto a certain time in the movie. Also the 10 most recent movie positions are kept.
Splitted up the subtitle class 'Timed Text' up in separate xml, ttml and dfxp classes.
WebVTT files (*.vtt) now allow extra text following the final time of a subtitle.
Added "Go to movie time" and "Recent movie positions" in the search menu. Maximal 10 recent movie postions are remembered per movie.
Removed a bug in Synchronize Subtitle functionality.
Problem solved: fix "too long lines" can not be activated, (see Reason: the solution was not implemented. Additionally also 'Too short Pauses', 'Too long duration' and 'Too short duration" are implemented in this new version. A problem raises here: solving one problem regarding timing (pause or duration) may cause new time problems in the previous or the next subtitle. Nevertheless the solving is always attempted. Extra translation for the new texts needed for all languages except English, Dutch and French.
Problem solved: CPS translated text, (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.0
2022-05-05 (v6.1.0)
Added labels to the original and translations charset selections in the main screen.
Made the subtitles's charset selection available when no subtitles are loaded yet.
Added "Set Delay" and "Divide Lines" to the list's pop-up menu. See
Disabled the hovering activity over the seek bar. Was confusing. See
Negative times (e.g. Pause or durationn) are displayed correctly now in the list.
Made 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop' (settings-File types) more understandable: Checking it:
makes all checked extensions in the list associated with Subtitle Workshop
removes all extension associations in the list that are not checked Unchecking it:
removes all extensions associations to Subtitle Workshop The list and its checked extensions is no longer changed by clicking 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop'.
Added the DRTIC subtitle format (*.dtc extension), see
Loading a project made more efficient.
Implemented request 'Would it be possible to make "Set pauses" available as a shortcut?' see
Implemented request 'Could you put a question before the deletion that "Do you really want to delete this custom info set?"', see
Added the 'Hunspell" spellchecker.
Added the "Goto movie position" feature (under the "Search" menu). Permits to goto a certain time in the movie. Also the 10 most recent movie positions are kept.
Splitted up the subtitle class 'Timed Text' up in separate xml, ttml and dfxp classes.
WebVTT files (*.vtt) now allow extra text following the final time of a subtitle.
Added "Go to movie time" and "Recent movie positions" in the search menu. Maximal 10 recent movie postions are remembered per movie.
Removed a bug in Synchronize Subtitle functionality.
Problem solved: fix "too long lines" can not be activated, (see Reason: the solution was not implemented. Additionally also 'Too short Pauses', 'Too long duration' and 'Too short duration" are implemented in this new version. A problem raises here: solving one problem regarding timing (pause or duration) may cause new time problems in the previous or the next subtitle. Nevertheless the solving is always attempted. Extra translation for the new texts needed for all languages except English, Dutch and French.
Problem solved: CPS translated text, (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/12
2019-09-30 (v6.0e/12)
Problem solved:The choices for "set Delay" was not stored well, (see
Problem solved: Fontsizes of outputsettings not saved, (See
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/11
2019-09-19 (v6.0e/11)
Solved a problem in 'divide lines', see
Reset the contraints of the 'Information and Errors' screen to the values of version 6.0e/09, see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/10
2019-09-17 (v6.0e/10)
The default of the 'Spaces after characters' check is changed into '-.,;?!' (see
English spelling OCR file added. Thanks Mor Tuadh (see
Did some resizing in the 'Errors and Information' screen. Buttontexts should stay better visible now.
The errorlist update is done now after a 'Divide lines' action (see
Made a lot more windows resizable that were not yet (to cope with high resolution screens).
The Notes text is now converted from and back to the correct character set (defined by the Notes Charset).
Other texts are now converted from and back to the characterset defined in the language file.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/09
2019-08-27 (v6.0e/09)
Subtitles with a non default codepage (e.g. Cyrillic) are handled correctly now.
Impaired hearing fix repaired (see
Solved problem with extra space after custom character (see
Corrected an error in tag highlighting.
Made a number of forgotten errors wisible when hovering the subtitle list.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/08
2019-08-16 (v6.0e/08)
Resolved an error when opening a subtitle file with a specific format choice (unequal to 'All supported Files' or 'All Files').
Solved an error with "Fast unbreak Subtitles" and possibly other functions on subtitles with a break in them (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/06
2019-07-26 (v6.0e/06)
Removed an error in 'text before colon' detection. Digits before the colon are allowed now.
Removed a problem of losing text in the shown subtitle when it is in bold.
Solved several problems in subtitles with more than one line.
Solved a problem with undo and bold tags.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/05
2019-07-21 (v6.0e/05)
The Outline/Shadow problem has been solved.
The undo problem for multi line subtitles has been solved.
Removed an error in the SUBSTATIONALPHA read/convert routine.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/04
2019-07-14 (v6.0e/04)
Also the selected audio stream is remembered now (both in projects and non projects), and restored when opening a subtitle or a project.
The selected movie is remembered now and restored when loading a subtitle, provided the "AutoSearchMovie" setting is on.
A problem with the file "LastChoices.txt" (access not allowed) has been solved.
The WEBVTT subtitle format is supported now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/03
2019-07-01 (v6.0e/03)
The .ini files holding the video position and the last selected subtitle are removed. The function is still kept in however.
If there a no audio tracks the audio track menu is disabled now.
The Greek translation is present now. Thanks to Xenos Latinos, see
The "SetDelay" has been made more versatile.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/02
2019-04-05 (v6.0e/02)
The (last positions) .ini file is now also created using 'Save As' (thanks Xenos Latinos, see
A new format has been added : the Avid DS Caption format (thanks Xenos Latinos, see
The problem in Tools --> Informations and errors --> Settings Fix tab line "- " on first line not remembered is solved.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e
2019-03-15 (v6.0e/01)
Added the Croation translation (thanks Abajo, see
Solved the Chinses character problem (thanks GardField, see
Adapted the helpfile.
Solved a problem with the "Rewind" and "Forward" buttons (2x the required time was stepped).
The "project" possibility can also be used in non translator mode now.
When opening a subtitle file the video position and the subtitle selection in the list are restored now (this was already the case with "projects").
Solved a problem with the 'Save as' screen and big font sizes.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-11-06 (v6.0d/37)
Solved a problem with the "Stop" button when using the VLC video renderer.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-11 (v6.0d/36)
Removed the "double button" error in the main form toolbar (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-10 (v6.0d/35)
Removed a crash of the program when checking "Force using regions (may be slow)" in settings --> video preview --> subtitles.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-01 (v6.0d/34)
Removed a problem with the display of the volume bar with small sizes of the main screen.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-31 (v6.0d/33)
Removed a problem with the subtitle size in the video preview after using the settings menu.
The initial language is "English" now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-23 (v6.0d/32)
Added double quotes around the parameters for the external player.
Added an automatic "VIDEO_FILE" to the parameters for the external player.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-03 (v6.0d/31)
Made 'Load project" work (translation mode).
Removed an error in the main ini file location.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-24 (v6.0d/30)
Removed a font size error in the 'Insert Symbol' screen.
Correct a small error in the Dutch language file.
TimedText save can also handle the Single Tags mode now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-21 (v6.0d/29)
Supported a deviating dfxp file format (e.g. "<tt:br/>" in stead of "
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-19 (v6.0d/28)
Made the "Timed Text" format work again. 3 filetypes are associated with that format now:
- xml (timed text xml format)
- ttml (also timed text xml format)
- dfxp (Netflix timed text xml format)
The 3rd party software "xmlparser-1.0.20" is no longer needed.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-15 (v6.0d):
Added 3 extra shortcuts (section Miscellaneous): Applies the "Keep minimum duration" setting to the selected subtitles Applies the "Default Subtitle Pause" setting to the selected subtitles Applies both the "Keep minimum duration" and the "Default Subtitle Pause" settings to the selected subtitles
Added an editing possibility for the shortcuts (added to the Settings menu). all items in the new section [Edit Shortcuts] were added to the language file if section [Main menu/Settings] of the language file item 09 was added to the language file for every language a translation of the shortcut descriptions (including some other info) was added: e.g. Shortcuts_English.txt where 'English' should be replaced by the actual language name. The shortcut translation files are located in the 'Lang' subdir. English and Dutch files are already filled. If a file for a certain language is not found the English one is used.
Removed an error when switching video renderers.
Removed some errors in the Dutch translation.
Added 'shortcuts.key' (the shortcuts file) to the setup.exe file (was missing).
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-06-10 (v6.0d):
Added the VLC player as extra renderer (only visible if VLC - the 32 bits version- is installed on your PC).
The Dutch translation has been completed now.
Added translations for the 'Insert Symbol' window ([Main menu/Edit], values 12, 13 and 14).
The 'Insert Symbol' window is resizeable now.
The window 'tools, information and errors' can be maximized now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0c
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection etc.
More detailed:
UTF8 and UTF16 subtitles supported now
Adapted also the "Insert Symbol" screen.
UTF8 format is detected automatically.
The "Save as" screen has been adapted to add the possibility to save a subtitle as UTF8.
Detection and selection of more than one audio stream is implemented.
Made a number of screens re-size-able:
The "Settings" screen
The "Output settings" screen and
The "Error and Info" Settings screen.
The sizes and positions are saved.
The List fontsize is now separated from the Program FontSize
The separated List font size has been added to the settings menu
The main menu is made more readable with bigger Program fontsizes.
also most screens have been re-arranged for this purpose
in some cases the re-size method has been adapted
All screens are made bigger to better cope with high resolution monitors.
"Setdelay" now shows the time difference between a (stopped) movie time and a selected subtitle time,
which is more convenient.
The file size reported by "Movie Information" is correct now also for files > 4 Gb.
Added the "m4v" movie format as a valid one.
Removed a few situations where errors could occur (e.g. doubleclicking on an empty errors list).
Make spellcheck work again with Word 2016.
Corrected an error reading a.o. SAMI files.
Made read-only subtitle files readable again.
Made some adaptions for screens with lower resolutions (down-resizing is possible now)
The font size of the 'Unnecessary Spaces' form is also adapted now to the one of the main form.
Some textboxes have been adapted to cope with longer (translated) texts.
The 'Font Size' text in 'Settings List' is now the same as in 'Settings Prog'.
File types (file association) now works as expected.
The complete French translation has been added (thanks Daneel53).
File association (Settings, File Types) also works in Windows 10 now.
Changes in version 6.0b (build 131121) since version 6.0a (build 130825)
* Bug fixed: Impossible to edit subtitles containing two-byte characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Changes in version 6.0a (build 130825) since version 6.0 (build 130814)
* Bug fixed: The input language changes automatically in various situations, especially when using a right-to-left language like Arabic or Hebrew.
* Edit > Timings > Extend Length to previous shortcut changed to SHIFT+ALT+E in order to free the ALT+E combination used in the Polish keyboard.
Changes in version 6.0 (build 130814) since version 2.51
--> TOOLBAR added - (show/hide from "View: Toolbar"). Note that the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons offer a dropdown list with the last Undo/Redo actions, so you can Undo/Redo multiple actions at once.
--> STATUSBAR added- (show/hide from "View: Statusbar"). Displays the current subtitles format and the number of the currently selected subtitle(s). Left mouse button click on the number centers the Subtitles List on the first (or only) selected subtitle. Right mouse button click on the number centers the Subtitles List on the last (or only) selected subtitle.
--> FULL TAGS SUPPORT MODE (Multiple Tags Mode) added - currently only for the SubRip, MicroDVD, and Sub Station Alpha formats. To enable it, select "Multiple tags mode" in "Settings: Settings: General". The subtitles in the Video Preview Panel are also properly formatted when using the Multiple Tags Mode. Tags that can be used while editing are:
--> <b> and </b> - Bold text.
--> <i> and </i> - Italic text.
--> <u> and </u> - Underlined text.
--> <c:#RRGGBB> and </c> - Text color.
Always work with those tags in Subtitle Workshop. When saving the subtitle files, they are properly converted to the corresponding tags of the chosen format. Note that the MicroDVD format supports only tags for entire lines or subtitles, but not for separate words or characters.
--> TEXT STYLE BARS added - (show/hide them from "View: Text style bars"). They consist of style tags buttons. They appear above the "Text" and "Translation" fields. They have similar behaviour to that of the Microsoft Word buttons.
--> "PAUSE" editbox added - to display and set the pause between the current and the previous subtitle.
--> "PAUSE" column added in the Subtitles List.
--> "DURATION" column added in the Subtitles List.
--> When you right-click the column titles ("Num", "Show", "Hide", "Text", "Translation", "Duration", or "Pause") of the Subtitles List, a new Subtitles List Header Context Menu pops up that allows you to show/hide the different columns.
--> The columns positions are now automatically saved.
--> When the "Text" and "Translation" columns positions are swapped, the "Text" and "Translation" fields are automatically swapped as well.
--> When the "Show" column header in the Subtitles List is clicked, the "Sort" function ("Edit: Subtitles: Sort") is executed (subtitles are sorted by their Show Time).
--> When the "Text" or "Translation" column header in the Subtitles List is clicked, the widths of the "Text" and "Translation" columns become equal.
--> The values in the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes can now be edited with the mouse scroll wheel, when you're inside those boxes. If you hold the CTRL key while scrolling, the decrease/increase value will be 10 times larger. If you hold the ALT key while scrolling, the decrease/increase value will be 2 times smaller. The increase/decrease step can be set in "Settings: Settings: General: Advanced". If you hold the SHIFT key while scrolling, the duration is not changed at all, but rather the subtitle is shifted in time (similar to using "Edit: Timings: Shift +N milliseconds" and "Edit: Timings: Shift -N milliseconds").
--> When the mouse cursor is over one of the time boxes ("Show", "Hide", "Duration", or "Pause"), the corresponding time value can now be set by using the mouse scroll wheel, without entering (clicking in) the box. Subtitle Workshop indicates this by underlining the time value in the corresponding box. Using the CTRL and ALT, keys to modify the step, or the SHIFT key to shift the subtitle is possible.
--> Pause, Show, Hide, and Duration values can now be changed in the Subtitles List with the mouse scroll wheel, when the corresponding cell is clicked and the left mouse button is held down while scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel. Using the CTRL and ALT, keys to modify the step is possible.
--> The following shortcuts are enabled for the Subtitles List:
--> SHIFT + mouse scroll wheel - shift the currently selected subtitle(s) in time (like using "Edit: Timings: Set delay" for the selected subtitles, but easier).
--> "S" + mouse scroll wheel - modify the Show Time of the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "D" (or "E") + mouse scroll wheel - modify the Hide Time of the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> SAPCE - Mark or unmark the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "B" (or "O") - Set/unset Bold tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "I" - Set/unset Italic tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "U" - Set/unset Underline tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "C" (or "Y") - Set/unset a Color tag (the last selected color in the color dialog) for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> BACKSPACE - Remove all tags for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> ENTER - Move the video to the Show Time of the focused subtitle. Also, start "in-place edition", if exactly one subtitle is selected and "in-place edition" is enabled. Also, save and exit "in-place edition".
--> F2 - Start "in-place edition" / Save and exit "in-place edition".
--> ESCAPE - Unselect all selected subtitles and leave only the focused subtitle selected. Or cancel edition in "in-place edition".
--> LEFT/RIGHT - Change the focused column.
--> PageUP/PageDOWN - Change the current subtitle in "in-place edition".
--> TAB/SHIFT+TAB - Change the current column in "in-place edition".
--> Right-click selection can be enabled in the Subtitles List (from "Settings: Settings: Look: List: Right click selection").
--> "Insert subtitle", "Insert before", "Remove selected", and "Remove all tags" added to the Context Menu of the Subtitles List.
--> When a subtitle with Bad Values is selected, it's duration is now displayed as 00:00:00,000 instead of 23:XX;XX,XXX.
--> "OCR Scripts" checkbox added in the Left Panel for fast enabling/disabling of the OCR Script errors checking and fixing.
--> "Notes" field added to the Left Panel of Subtitle Workshop (show/hide it from "View: Show notes in left panel"). The notes are global for the entire program and not dependant on the current subtitle file(s). Set the charset of the "Notes" field in "Settings: Settings: Charsets: Notes charset".
--> Accurate charset conversion when using Paste operations.
--> Select All, Cut, Copy, and Paste (and their shortcuts) now available for all textboxes, dropboxes, and other controls throughout Subtitle Workshop (e.g.: pressing CTRL+A ("Edit: Select all") in the "Text" or "Translation" fields selects the entire text in the filed now, not all subtitles in the Subtitles List).
--> The width of the Time Controls Area and Text Controls Area can now be resized via a new horizontal splitter located between them.
--> Four new time control buttons added in the Time Controls Area (show/hide from "View: Show time control buttons"). Each button has two functions - one when it's clicked with the left mouse button, and another when it's clicked with the right mouse button. The buttons' functions (their tooltips also indicate them) are as follows (left click function/right click function): "Move to Previous/Extend to Previous"; "Move to Next/Extend to Next"; "Set Default Pause/Set Default Pause, if Pause is too short"; "Set Auto Duration/Set Min Duration".
--> Now, when no subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes, the time control buttons, the "Text" and "Translation" fields, and the style tags buttons are disabled.
--> Now, when two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, the values of the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes are filled as follows: "Show" displays the Show Time of the first selected subtitle; "Hide" displays the Hide Time of the last selected subtitle; "Pause" displays the pause of the first selected subtitle; "Duration" displays the total duration of all subtitles (including the pauses between them).
--> When two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, setting the same duration value for all selected subtitles by the "Duration" box is now possible.
--> When two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, increasing/decreasing the duration of all selected subtitles is now possible by using the mouse scroll wheel on the "Duration" box. The same is also valid for the Show Time of all selected subtitles (using the "Show" box) and Hide Time of all selected subtitles (using the "Hide" box).
--> When typing in the "Text" or "Translation" fields, one Undo entry is now added for an entire word, instead of for every single letter. However, if nothing is typed in for more than 2 seconds, a new Undo entry will be added the next time text is typed in.
--> The program version number is displayed in the main window's caption.
--> The taskbar caption of Subtitle Workshop now displays the name of the file first.
--> Now, when a file is modified, that's indicated by an asterisk (*) in Subtitle Workshop's caption.
--> New Context Menu added for the "Text" and "Translation" fields. It contains the following items: "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Select all", "Italic", "Bold", "Underline", "Set color", "Remove color tags", "Remove all tags".
--> The Translation and the Show Time and Hide Time values can now be edited with "in-place edition".
--> The Pause and Duration values can now be edited using "in-place edition".
--> Time values can now be modified with the mouse scroll wheel when using "in-place edition".
--> When using "in-place edition", the popup edition boxes now have the same alignment as the corresponding cell in the Subtitles List.
--> System menu and Close button added to all modal windows.
--> The color value of the Color Tag Dialog is now automatically saved.
--> Volume Control added - set the volume of the video.
--> "Mute/Unmute" button added - mute or unmute the volume of the video.
--> Full Screen Mode added. Toggle it with a left mouse button double click (if "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Enter Full Screen on double click" is enabled) or a middle mouse button single click on the Video Preview Panel, or through the new Video Preview Context Menu. In Full Screen Mode, the mouse cursor automatically hides in a few seconds if not used. While in Full Screen Mode, the video control buttons are in a hidden bar on the bottom of the screen. Move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen to display them, and move it away to hide them again. The "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Relative font size" option is recommended for Full Screen Mode. "Toggle Scroll List" is automatically turned on in Full Screen Mode (and if it was previously off, it is turned back off when you exit Full Screen Mode).
--> The following shortcuts are now available when the mouse cursor is over the Video Preview Panel:
--> MOUSE WHEEL UP - Increase volume.
--> MOUSE WHEEL DOWN - Decrease volume.
--> MOUSE LEFT BUTTON DOUBLE CLICK - Toggle Full Screen Mode (if "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Enter Full Screen on double click" is enabled).
--> MOUSE MIDDLE BUTTON CLICK - Toggle Full Screen Mode.
--> In Full Screen Mode, the following shortcuts are enabled:
--> SPACE - Mark/Unmark subtitle.
--> CTRL+SPACE - Play/Pause.
--> LEFT ARROW - Rewind.
--> RIGHT ARROW - Forward.
--> UP ARROW - Increase volume.
--> DOWN ARROW - Decrease volume.
--> ENTER - Exit Full Screen Mode.
--> ESCAPE - Exit Full Screen Mode.
--> "B" (or "O") - Set/unset Bold tag for the current subtitle.
--> "I" - Set/unset Italic tag for the current subtitle.
--> "U" - Set/unset Underline tag for the current subtitle.
--> "C" (or "Y") - Set/unset a Color tag (the last selected color in the color dialog) for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> BACKSPACE - Remove all tags for the current subtitle.
--> The vertical position of the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel can now be changed by dragging the subtitles up and down with the mouse. The default position can be restored through the Video Preview Context Menu.
--> Video Preview Context Menu added - right click on the Video Preview Panel to display it.
--> "Open..." - equivalent to "Movie: Open...".
--> "Close" - equivalent to "Movie: Close".
--> "Zoom to X%" - zooms the video to the corresponding per cent.
--> "Enter Full Screen"/"Exit Full Screen" - enter/exit Full Screen Mode.
--> "Aspect ratio" - set the aspect ratio the video will be displayed in.
--> "Original" - set the original aspect ratio of the video file.
--> "4:3" - set a 4:3 aspect ratio.
--> "16:9" - set a 16:9 aspect ratio.
--> "1.85:1" - set a 1.85:1 aspect ratio.
--> "2.35:1" - set a 2.35:1 aspect ratio.
--> "Video renderer" added - equivalent to "Movie: Video renderer".
--> "Audio stream" - equivalent to "Movie: Audio stream".
--> "Show subtitles" - equivalent to "Movie: Show subtitles".
--> "Reset subtitles vertical position" - sets the default vertical position for the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Information..." - equivalent to "Movie: Information...".
--> Show Time and Hide Time values can now be set by clicking with the mouse on the Time Counter below the video. Clicking with the left mouse button will set the Show Time, clicking with the right mouse button will set the Hide Time. In addition, while the mouse button (left or right) is held down, the mouse scroll wheel can be used to further modify the corresponding (Show or Hide) time value.
--> If the SHIFT key is held when setting the Show Time/Hide Time via clicking on tha "Set Show Time"/"Set Hide Time" button or on the Time Counter, the Show Time/Hide Time will be set and then the subtitle will be shifted in time.
--> If more than one subtitles are selected when setting the Show Time/Hide Time via clicking on tha "Set Show Time"/"Set Hide Time" button or on the Time Counter, the Show Time of the first selected subtitle/the Hide Time of the last selected subtitle will be set and then all selected subtitles will be shifted in time accordingly.
--> The Video Preview Panel height ratio (in relation to the Subtitles List) is now kept and automatically saved.
--> When the mouse cursor is over the Volume Control, a tooltip with the current volume per cent is now displayed.
--> The Time Counter below the video now displays the video time at the current mouse cursor position, when the mouse cursor is moved over the Seekbar.
--> Now, when the video is paused, as the mouse cursor is moved over the Seekbar, the corresponding moment in the video is previewed.
--> The Seekbar now contains color blocks for visual subtitle representation ("View: Visual subtitle representation" to show/hide them).
--> Also see "Settings: Settings: Video preview" and "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles".
--> The "Save as" window can be resized now.
--> "Save Marking" added - save the subtitle marking in a SRF file (like in ViPlay). The SRF file is created in the same folder the current subtitles are in. The file is given the following name: <subtitle file name> + <subtitle file extension> + <.srf> (e.g. for C:SubRip.sub, C:SubRip.sub.srf is created). If a translation file is opened, a SRF file is saved for it too.
* "VIEW" MENU (new menu):
--> "Show left panel" and "Show time controls" moved here from the "Settings" menu.
--> "Toolbar" - show/hide the new toolbar.
--> "Show notes in left panel" - show/hide the new "Notes" field in the Left Panel.
--> "Visual subtitle representation" - show/hide the color blocks for visual subtitle representation in the Video Preview Panel Seekbar.
--> "Columns" added - select which columns to be displayed in the Subtitles List (equivalent to the Subtitles List Header Context Menu).
--> "Show time control buttons" - show/hide the time control buttons in the Time Controls Panel.
--> "Text style bars" - show/hide the new style tags buttons.
--> "Show lines count" - show/hide labels above the "Text" and "Translation" fields, displaying the number of lines in the current subtitle.
--> "Statusbar" - show/hide the new statusbar.
--> "Insert symbol..." added - a window from which symbols can be inserted in the "Text" or "Translation" fields (or even in the "Notes" field), depending on which field is focused.
--> "Style" added - it contains the following items: "Italic", "Bold", "Underline", "Set color", "Remove color tags", "Remove all tags".
--> "Invert selection" added.
--> "Set duration limits...":
--> A new option "Increase at start if necessary" added - if the desired duration is not achieved by increasing the Hide value of the subtitle, the Show value is decreased. The subtitle will show up earlier, but it will eventually have the desired duration.
--> "Set delay":
--> Window modified - "+"/"-" dropdown box replaced with more convenient radio buttons. Mouse scroll wheel can be used to set the value. The PLUS and MINUS keys can be used to set "+"/"-".
--> A new option "From first selected until last subtitle" added - applies the delay for all subtitles from the first selected subtitle until the last subtitle.
--> "Extend length" renamed to "Extend length to next".
--> "Extend length to previous" added - set the Start time of the current subtitle just after the End time of the previous one (similar to "Extend length").
--> "Shift to next" added - shifts the selected subtitle(s) to the next subtitle.
--> "Shift to previous" added - shifts the selected subtitle(s) to the previous subtitle.
--> "Automatic Durations":
--> A new option "Increase at start if necessary" added - if the desired duration is not achieved by increasing the Hide value of the subtitle, the Show value is decreased. The subtitle will show up earlier, but it will eventually have the desired duration.
--> "Set Pauses" added - sets the pauses between subtitles. Set the pause value and the applied method in the window that pops up.
--> "Round Time Values..." added - rounds all the time values to a selected value.
--> A new ("CPS") method added in "Automatic Durations".
--> "Smart Line Adjust" added - works like the old "Smart Line Adjust" (now called "Fast smart line adjust"), but has some additional settings - it can break the text on dialogue dashes and punctuation marks ("Break on punctuation marks" method); it can be set not to unbreak subtitles with the "Don't unbreak subtitles that are not too long" option (e.g. this: "Hello.|How are you?" will NOT be changed to "Hello. How are you?"); it can be set not to modify normal subtitles with the "Adjust only long subs and subs with more than 2 lines" option (e.g. this: "What do you think|for my new lovely collection?" will NOT be changed to "What do you think for my|new lovely collection?"), which preserves the original look of those subtitles and doesn't break their readability. If the "Always try to find a better breaking point" option (for the "Break on punctuation marks" method) is checked, Subtitle Workshop will always try to find a better break point; if it's not checked - Subtitle Workshop will try to find a better break point only if the previous break point is not a punctuation mark already.
--> "Unbreak subtitles" added - works like the old "Unbreak subtitles" (now called "Fast unbreak subtitles"), but has some additional settings - you can set a maximum line lenght ("Don't unbreak if line length exceeds"), and set it not to unbreak subtitles with dialogue ("Don't unbreak subtitles with "-" on second line").
--> Old "Smart line adjust" renamed to "Fast smart line adjust".
--> Old "Unbreak subtitles" renamed to "Fast unbreak subtitles".
--> "Auto Combine Subtitles" added - a new function to automatically combine short subtitles. You can set which subtitles should be considered for combining by setting a maximum duration and a minimum CPS. The most important option is the "Punctuation marks detection" - when this option is turned on, the function will combine only lines of the same person (judging by the punctuation marks), so you won't have to add dialogue dashes afterwards. If you don't care whether the lines of different characters are divided by dialogue dashes or not (not recommended), turn it off.
--> "Combine if duration is less than" - combine only subtitles that have a duration less than this value.
--> "Combine if CPS is greater than" - combine only subtitles that have more CPS than this value.
--> "Don't combine if pause is greater than" - don't combine two subtitles, if the pause between them is greater than this value.
--> "Punctuation marks detection" - combine only lines of the same character (judging by the punctuation marks: e.g. if the first subtitle ends on a comma or on no punctuation mark, the second subtitle is a line of the same character; if the first subtitle ends on a dot, a question mark or an exclamation mark, the second subtitle MIGHT be a line of a different character, so the two subtitles won't be combined).
--> "Combined subtitles maximum duration" - when the two subtitles are combined, the resulting subtitle's duration shouldn't exceed that value.
--> "Decrease duration if necessary with no more than" - if the above value is exceeded, decrease the duration a bit (set how much with this value) and check again.
--> "Combined subtitles maximum line length" - maximum line length of the combined subtitle.
--> "Delete dots at the beginning" added - deletes dots in the beginning of every subtitle (unlike "Delete unnecessary links" it doesn't delete the dots in the end of the subtitles and doesn't consider them at all).
--> "Delete unnecessary links":
--> It now detects more dots types (not just three, but two or more than three dots), and also ignores spaces between them.
--> "Jump to next marked" added - jump to the next marked subtitle.
--> "Jump to previous marked" added - jump to the previous marked subtitle.
--> "Show CPS boxes" added - show/hide CPS Infoboxes for each subtitle. See the changes in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced" for more information.
--> "Jump to next error":
--> It can now jump from the last error to the first.
--> "Jump to previous error" added.
"INFORMATION AND ERRORS..." WINDOW (extended with multiple new functions and indicators):
--> The Info&Errors Window is no longer modal (can stay opened at all times). All the information in it is automatically refreshed when changes occur in the Main Window if the "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Automatically recheck errors" is checked (currently this slows down the speed of Subtitle Workshop a little bit, so only keep the "Information and Errors" window opened when really necessary).
--> The Info&Errors Window can be resized now, and the Info&Errors List columns' widths resize automatically.
--> The Info&Errors List can now be sorted by every column.
--> The total number of errors and fixed errors are now in a separate label, always visible.
--> New "E" (Errors), "W" (Warnings), "F" (Fixed), and "CI" (Custom info) buttons added - they show or hide the corresponding type of information in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "<" and ">" buttons added - they jump to the previous / next row in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "Select" button added - selects all subtitles in the Main Window that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "+ Select" button added - adds to the current selection in the Main Window all subtitles that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "- Select" button added - removes from the current selection in the Main Window all subtitles that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "Export to file" button added - exports the Info&Errors List content to a text file.
--> ERROR TYPES AREA (new area):
--> This area can be shown/hidden with the new "Error types" button.
--> This area contains a list of all error types and how many of each of them the current subtitle file contains.
--> The checkbox in front of each error type will show/hide all instances of this error type in the Info&Errors List. The "All" button checks them all, the "None" button unchecks them all, and the "Inverse" button makes an inverse selection.
--> The current state of the checkboxes can be saved in an Error Types Set under an assigned name. This way it is easy to switch between different sets of states. The desired name of the Error Types Set must be entered in the dropdown box and the ENTER key or the "Save error types set" button must be pressed to save an Error Types Set. An Error Types Set can be loaded by selecting it from the dropdown box. An Error Types Set can be deleted by loading it and then clicking on the "Delete error types set" button.
--> CUSTOM INFO AREA (new area):
--> This area can be shown/hidden with the new "Custom info" button.
--> Here, different specific rules can be set to look for certain subtitles. The subtitles that fit those rules will be displayed in the Info&Errors List as "Custom info" types of rows, and with a description containing the rule or the rule's caption.
--> There are no Custom info fields at first. Add a new field with the "+" button or with its dropdown menu. The following Custom info rule types are available:
a) "Composite custom info" (default when you press the "+" button): look for subtitles that fit several rules simultaneously:
--> When a "Composite custom info" is added, a new window - the Composite Custom Info Window - appears where all the Composite custom info's sub-rules can be set. Enter the name of the Composite custom info in the "Caption" field. With a Composite custom info, Subtitle Workshop can look for subtitles that fit several rules simultaneously. Those rules can be the same as the other Custom info rule types ("Duration", "Line length", "Line count", "Pause", "CPS", and "Text" - see their description below). Add new subrules with the "+" button.
Example: To find all subtitles that have two lines and a duration less than 1.5 seconds, add a "Composite custom info" with the "+" button. Enter a name for this rule in the "Caption" field. Click on the "+" button in the Composite Custom Info Window below and add a "Subtitles duration information" subfield, and after its "<" sign enter the number 1500. Click on the "+" button again and add a "Subtitles lines count information" subfield and after its ">" sign enter the number 1, after its "<" sign enter the number 3, and from the dropdown select "AND". This way Subtitle Workshop will be looking for subtitles with a duration < 1500 ms, having more than one and less than three (exactly two) lines. Click the "Ok" button to finish editing the Composite custom info.
--> The "Composite custom info" type fields contain an "Edit" button - when clicked, the Composite Custom Info Window appears.
b) "Subtitles duration information":
--> This field type has two textboxes (for two rule values: ">" - greater than, and "<" - less than) - enter the desired number (in milliseconds) in them. You can also select a logical connection between the rules from the dropdown box ("AND" - look for subtitles fitting both conditions; "OR" - look for subtitles fitting at least one of the conditions). You can enter only one value and leave the other field and the dropdown box empty if you wish.
Example 1: To look for all subtitles with a duration of less than 1 second, add a "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter the number 1000 after the "<" sign, and press the ENTER key.
Example 2: To look for subtitles with a duration between 6 and 7 seconds, add another "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter 6000 after ">", and 7000 after "<", select the "AND" logical connection from the dropdown, and press the ENTER key.
Example 3: To look for subtitle with a duration that is either less than 6 seconds or greater than 7 seconds, add another "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter 7000 after ">", and 6000 after "<",select the "OR" logical connection from the dropdown, and press the ENTER key.
c) "Subtitles line length information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles line length (in characters).
d) "Subtitles line count information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles lines count (in lines).
e) "Subtitles pause information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles pause (in milliseconds).
f) "Subtitles CPS information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles CPS (in characters per second).
g) "Subtitles text information":
--> This type of field contains a textbox for the text you're looking for in a subtitle and a dropdown that sets the type of the search that will be performed for that text. The text search types are:
a) Contains (Case sensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that contain the entered text. The search will be case sensitive.
b) Contains (Case insensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that contain the entered text. The search will not be case sensitive.
c) Does not contain (Case sensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that do not contain the entered text. The search will be case sensitive.
d) Does not contain (Case insensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that do not contain the entered text. The search will not be case sensitive.
e) Matches regular expression - This option indicates that the entered text will be treated as a regular expression. Regular expressions are explained in Subtitle Workshop's Help in 5.5.4 Syntax of Regular Expressions.
f) Matches regular expression (ignore tags) - like e), but all tags in the subtitles are ignored.
Example: To find all subtitles containing the word "ship", whether it is written with small letters or with one or more capital letters, select "Contains (Case insensitive)" from the dropdown and enter the text "ship" in the textbox.
A new custom info field is added in the Custom Infos List, when you add one of the custom info rules types.
-->There's a checkbox in front of each custom info field to enable or disable that rule (show/hide subtitles in the Info&Errors List that fit that rule).
--> The "Delete" button of a field deletes that field.
--> The number of the subtitles that fit the rule will be displayed on the left of the "Delete" button of the field.
--> The "All", "None", and "Inverse" buttons work in the same fashion as the "All", "None", and "Inverse" buttons in the Error Types Area.
--> The "Save custom info set" and "Delete custom info set" buttons, and the custom info set dropdown box can be used to save sets of Custom info fields, just like the Error types sets in the Error Types Area.
--> There is a vertical slider above the Custom Info Area, that can be used to resize the height of the Custom Info Area.
--> The window is no longer modal (can stay opened at all times). However note that the information in it is NOT automatically refreshed after each change in the Main Window of Subtitle Workshop and must be refreshed manually.
--> New "Refresh info" button added - refresh the various information.
--> New information is shown in the "Information" page:
--> Longest duration - the number of the subtitle with the longest duration and its duration.
--> Shortest duration - the number of the subtitle with the shortest duration and its duration.
--> Longest Pause - the number of the subtitle with the longest pause in relation to its previous subtitle and the duration of that pause.
--> Shortest Pause - the number of the subtitle with the shortest pause in relation to its previous subtitle and the duration of that pause.
--> Longest Line - the number of the subtitle with the longest line and how many characters that line is.
--> Shortest Line - the number of the subtitle with the shortest line and how many characters that line is.
--> Most CPS - the number of the subtitle with the most characters per second and how many exactly they are.
--> Least CPS - the number of the subtitle with the least characters per second and how many exactly they are.
--> Average CPS - the average number of characters per second for the currently opened subtitle file (a great indicator for the quality of the subtitles).
--> New error types added:
--> "Unnecessary tags" - checks for: repeated tags (e.g. <i><i>); empty tags (e.g. <i></i>); opening tags after closing tags (e.g. </i><i>). Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> "Dash on first line" - check for a dash on the first line of subtitles with more than one line (e.g. the Bulgarian standard for dialogue in subtitles is to have a dash only on the second line). Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> "Only if there is no "-" on second line" - a suboption to look only for multiline subtitles starting with a dash, but without other dashes (i.e. without dialogue) - e.g. suitable for English subtitles where dashes are used on both lines of a dialogue.
--> "Too many CPS" - Check for a maximum allowed number of characters per second - a good way to evaluate the readability of the subtitles. Those errors can be marked with a very useful special CPS infobox above the subtitle text in the Main Window. Look for the changes in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced" for more information.
--> "Too short pause" - check for too short pauses between subtitles. The minimal pause is set in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced".
--> "Dialogue on one line" - check for dialogue on one line (in fact for a dash after a dot, a question mark or exclamation mark), something that isn't allowed in some standards. Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> The "Set color..." button and the "Bold", "Italic", and "Underline" checkboxes are removed (see the new "Mark" tab).
--> "Automatically recheck errors" added - perform AUTOMATIC ERROR RECHECK after EVERY action (change) in Subtitle Workshop!
--> "Do not recheck on Pascal scripts" - rechecking errors on Pascal scripts might be slow - this turns it off.
--> "Recheck all once after a Pascal script executes" - recheck all errors after each Pascal script execution. This is recommended in most cases.
--> "Recheck on each change made by a Pascal script (might be slow)" - might be slow, so only use it for scripts that don't make many modifications.
--> "Indicate too long lines in Text and Translation labels" added - indicate too long lines in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the Text and Translation labels.
--> "Indicate too short duration in Duration box" added - indicate too short duration in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration" box.
--> "Indicate too long duration in Duration box" added - indicate too long duration in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration" box.
--> "Indicate too short pause in Pause box" added - indicate too short pause by changing the text and background color of the "Pause" box.
--> "Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box" added - indicate overlapping subtitles by changing the text and background color of the "Pause" box.
--> "Indicate bad values in Show and Hide boxes" added - indicate bad values in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration", "Show" and "Hide" boxes.
--> "Indicate subtitles over two lines in lines counter label" added - indicate more than two lines in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the lines counter label.
--> "Too short pause" added - the minimum pause between two subtitles allowed. This value is used when checking for the "Too short pause" error.
--> "Characters per second (CPS)" area added:
--> "Too many CPS" - the maximum number of characters per second allowed. This value is used when checking for the "Too many CPS" error.
--> "Normal CPS box colors" added - the text and background colors of the CPS Infobox when the CPS does not exceed the maximum CPS allowed. Those colors are used when "Tools: Information and errors: Show CPS boxes" is on.
--> "Too much CPS box colors" - the text and background colors of the CPS Infobox when the CPS exceeds the maximum CPS allowed.
--> "Display percentage in CPS box" - the CPS Infoboxes will contain the percentage of the currently used number of characters per second out of the allowed maximum (e.g. if the maximum is 15 CPS, a subtitle with duration of 2 seconds, will use 100% if it contains 30 characters, or 80% if it contains 24 characters, or 50% if it contains 15 characters, or 200% if it contains 60 characters, etc.).
--> "Display current CPS in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the subtitles current CPS (its number of characters divided by its duration).
--> "Display minimum time in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the minimum duration allowed (for the current number of characters) that will keep the subtitle's CPS within the allowed maximum.
--> "Display maximum characters in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the maximum number of characters allowed (for the current duration) that will keep the subtitle's CPS within the allowed maximum.
"MARK" TAB (new tab): configure a new Advanced Error Marking System for unique marking of each type of error:
--> "General: Mark errors in main form's list" should be checked for the Advanced Error Marking System to work.
--> To set styles:
1) Select which columns to be marked for the error (N="Num", P="Pause", S="Show", H="Hide", D="Duration", T="Text").
2) Select the text style of the marking of the error (B="Bold", I="Italic", U="Underline", S="Strikethrough").
3) Select the text and background colors for the selected (in step 1) columns for the error in the two color boxes on the right (first box is the text color, second box is the background color).
--> Unchecked error types won't be marked at all.
--> "Default error marking" will be applied for all checked errors with no selected columns (i.e. don't select any columns for an error type to mark it with this default style).
--> The "Set Default Styles" button sets the default Advanced Error Marking System set of styles.
--> Currently, the order the errors are marked in the Main Window is the following: 1. The errors with the default marking are marked. 2. The errors with unique marking are marked in the order they appear in the "Mark" tab.
--> "Open":
--> It now supports "All files (*.*)".
--> It now supports many more format extensions.
--> "Playback rate":
--> "150%" added.
--> "Video renderer" added - select a video renderer.
--> "Default" - select default video renderer.
--> "VMR9" - select VMR9 video renderer.
--> "Audio stream" added - select from multiple audio streams of the current video file:
--> "None" - turn off all audio streams.
--> <audio-stream-number>. <audio-stream-title> - select an audio stream.
--> "Tags mode" added:
--> "No interaction with tags" - the same as before.
--> "Multiple tags mode" - the new full tags support mode (recommended).
--> "Single tags mode" - the old tags mode.
--> "Auto delete tags" - remove all tags when loading and saving subtitle files.
--> "Default subtitle duration" added - the duration a newly added subtitle will have.
--> "Default subtitle pause" added - the pause between two subtitles (used when a new subtitle is added and in timing adjustment related functions).
--> "Increase step (time)" added - this is the increase/decrease step value for the "Show", "Hide", "Duration" and "Pause" boxes in Time Mode.
--> "Increase step (frames)" added - this is the increase/decrease step value for the "Show", "Hide", "Duration" and "Pause" boxes in Frame Mode.
--> "Keep min duration" added - set a minimum duration that Subtitle Workshop should try to keep for every subtitle when timings are modified. Currently this is applied when the Show/Hide/Pause values are manually changed, when the "Set Start Time" and "Set Final Time" buttons are used, and when "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." or "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" is used.
--> "but don't allow overlaps" added - don't allow overlaps when trying to keep the minimum duration.
--> "Automatically round time values to:" added - set a value that Subtitle Workshop should automatically round all time values to. Currently this is applied when the "Set Show Time", "Set Hide Time", and "Move subtitle" buttons/menus are used, and when "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." or "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" is used.
--> "Round time values on subtitle load" added - if enabled, Subtitle Workshop will round all time values when a subtitle file is opened.
--> "Add "Open with Subtitle Workshop" to shell context menu" added - adds "Open with Subtitle Workshop" to the context menu that pops up when you right-click a file in Windows. This works only for 32-bit Windows.
--> "Ask to save new subtitles" added - turn on or off the prompt to save new unsaved files.
--> "Save empty subtitles" added - if enabled, when saving subtitle files, instead of deleting all empty subtitles, Subtitle Workshop will save them with the text "- empty subtitle -". When the file is later opened in Subtitle Workshop again, the text in those lines will be automatically deleted and they'll become empty again.
--> "Vertical video align" added - align the video vertically in the middle of the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Enter full screen on double click" added - enable/disable Full Screen toggle with a left mouse button double click. Disabling it might be useful when playing/pausing the video with a left mouse click is used a lot, to avoid unnecessary Full Screen toggle.
--> "Play video on load" added - specifies whether to play the video file automatically when it's loaded or not.
--> "Setting Show and Hide times" added:
--> "Shift Show value" - the amount of additional time shift (in relation to the current moment of the video), when the Show value of a subtitle is set with the "Set Show Time" button. Negative values can be used. A value of zero means the Show Time will be equal to the current moment of the video.
--> "Shift Hide value" - the amount of additional time shift (in relation to the current moment of the video), when the Hide value of a subtitle is set with the "Set Hide Time" button. Negative values can be used. A value of zero means the Hide Time will be equal to the current moment of the video.
--> Subtitle transparency color box added - used when "Force using regions" is on. Default transparent color changed from pink to almost-black gray ($010101). Never set this color to the same color as the subtitle text color, the background color, the border color, or the shadow color!
--> "Align left when subtitles contain a new line starting with "-"" added - display subtitles containing dialogue with left alignment (but still in the center of the screen, of course).
--> "Relative font size" added - make the font size relative to the Video Preview Panel size.
--> "Keep subtitle on video" added - align the subtitles to the bottom of the video, instead of to the bottom of the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Try antialiasing" added - antialiasing for TrueType fonts when it is not enabled in Windows. "Force using regions" must be off.
--> Subtitles border color selector added (on the right of the Border width box).
--> Subtitles shadow color selector added (on the right of the Shadow width box).
--> "Highlight tags in "Text" and "Translation" fields" added - when enabled, all tags in the "Text" and "Translation" fields appear in the color of the box on the right. Click that box to change the color.
--> "Smart main window and subtitle list resize" added - 1) When the columns of the Subtitles List are resized, the width of the Main Window of the program is automatically adjusted so that there are no horizontal scrollbars in the Subtitles List. 2) When Translator Mode is entered or exited, and when the Left Panel is shown or hidden, the width of the Main Window of the program is automatically adjusted.
--> "Resize subtitle list columns when resizing form" added - when the Main Window of the program is resized, the Text and Translation columns of the Subtitles List are resized so that there are no horizontal scrollbars in the Subtitles List.
--> "Mark untranslated subtitles with background" added - select a color for the background of untranslated subtitles.
--> "Right click selection" - enable row selection with a right mouse button click.
--> "Row height" added - adjust the height of the rows in the Subtitles List (in pixels).
--> "Text margin" added - adjust the margin inside the cells of the Subtitles List (in pixels).
--> "Selection" area added:
--> "Text" - text color of selected row(s).
--> "Color" - background color of selected row(s).
--> "Transparency" - selection transparency (100% means fully transparent, 0% means fully opaque).
--> "Columns" area added:
--> "Align":
--> "Num" - text alignment of the Num column.
--> "Pause" - text alignment of the Pause column.
--> "Show" - text alignment of the Show column.
--> "Hide" - text alignment of the Hide column.
--> "Duration" - text alignment of the Duration column.
--> "Text" - text alignment of the Text column.
--> "Translation" - text alignment of the Translation column.
--> "Display style" - all the dropdowns have two options: "Compact" and "Full". Selecting "Full" means the value will be fully rendered (e.g. "00:00:03,500"). Selecting "Compact" means leading zeroes will be omitted (e.g. "00:00:03,500" will be rendered as "3,500").
"LOOK: MENU" PAGE: this page is removed and its items moved to "Look: Program".
"LOOK: MARKING" PAGE (new page):
--> "Marking with color" - set the text color of marked subtitles.
--> "Marking with background" - set the background color of marked subtitles.
--> "Columns to mark" - which columns should be marked:
--> "Mark Column "Num".
--> "Mark Column "Pause".
--> "Mark Column "Show".
--> "Mark Column "Hide".
--> "Mark Column "Duration".
--> "Mark Column "Text".
--> "Marking priority" - priority compared to Error Marking:
--> "Low (before error marking)" - Subtitle Workshop will mark marked subtitles first, then the errors.
--> "High (after error marking)" - Subtitle Workshop will mark errors first, then the marked subtitles.
--> "Marked subtitle color in video preview" - the text color marked subtitles will be displayed with in the Video Preview Panel subtitles.
--> "Marking file" - .srf files settings:
--> "Save marking file only manually" - .srf file can be saved only manually from "File: Save Marking".
--> "Ask each time to save marking file" - Prompt to save marking in a .srf file before closing the subtitles.
--> "Automatically save marking file on subtitle save" - save the marking in a .srf when the subtitles are saved.
--> "Automatically load marking file" - if there's a .srf file with the same name as the subtitle file opened, it's automatically loaded. The program will look for files with the following names: <subtitle file name> + <subtitle file extension> + <.srf>. If not found then it looks for <subtitle file name> + <.srf>.
--> "Always show Output Settings when saving" option added for all formats - when checked, the Output Settings window will always appear when saving the corresponding format.
--> Default encoding, colors and outline/shadow size changed.
--> New settings added in the "Others" tab: "Play resolution X", "Play resolution Y", "Collisions", and "Timer"
--> "Refresh language files" added - refresh all language files with missing keys and default English values. Use this function before you start updating your language file.
--> A list of all formats (and their extensions) supported by Subtitle API displayed when "<N> supported formats" is clicked.
--> Subtitle API updated to version 1.15 - it supports the new Multiple Tags Mode, adds a few new formats, and fixes issues with some old formats
--> Language files updated: English, Russian, Bulgarian.
--> Help files updated: English, Russian, Bulgarian.
--> The number of Pascal Script shortcuts is increased to 20 (shortcuts are set in the "shortcuts.key" file).
--> New Pascal Script functions added:
--> procedure GoToLineNumber(const Line: Integer); - selects and scrolls into view the line with a number Line.
--> function GetSWVersion(): String; - returns Subtitle Workshop's current version.
--> function GetAPIVersion(): String; - return SubtitleAPI's current version.
--> function GetOrgFilename(): String; - returns the original file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetOrgFilepath(): String; - returns the original file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetTransFilename(): String; - returns the translation file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetTransFilepath(): String; - returns the translation file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetMovieFilename(): String; - returns the movie file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetMovieFilepath(): String; - returns the movie file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetVideoPosTime(): String; - returns the current position of the video (hh:mm:ss,zzz).
--> function GetVideoPosFrames(): String; - returns the current position of the video (in frames).
--> More info displayed on Pascal Script crash.
--> Command line parameter to run a Pascal Script added: SubtitleWorkshop.exe "/SCRIPT(Input_File/Output_File/Input_FPS/Pascal_script)".
--> "Parasite subtitles.ocr" script added - detects subtitles, containing only grunts, shouts, sighs, and similar sound representations like "argh", "hmm", "uhh", "whoa", "whoo-hoo", "whoops" etc.
--> "Default.ocr" script:
--> "I" (uppercase "i") and "l" (lowercase "L") OCR errors detection improved
--> Dot after punctuation marks ("?.", "!.", ":.") OCR errors detection added
--> Unnecessary spaces fixes removed
--> TAGS:
--> Support added for the following tags: <font color=XXXXXX>, <font color=#XXXXXX>, <font color="XXXXXX">, and <font color="#XXXXXX">.
--> <B>, <I>, and <U> tags (capitalized) are now supported.
--> There's less flickering when you resize the Main Window now.
--> Shortcut files can be now dragged and dropped in Subtitle Workshop.
--> The mouse cursor now turns into an hourglass when time-consuming operations are executed.
--> When switching Subtitle Workshop's interface language, and when changing the Translation Charset, the "- Untranslated subtitle -" text of all untranslated subtitles is switched to the corresponding text of the selected language for untranslated subtitles, if the selected Translation Charset is appropriate.
--> Untranslated subtitles (subs with "- Untranslated subtitle -" text) that have style tags (<b>, <i>, <u>, <c:#XXXXXX>) are also considered untranslated now.
--> Subtitles having "Bad Values" are no longer marked as subtitles having "Too short duration".
--> When removing text before colon, if there's a dash before the colon it will not be removed now (e.g. "Sir?|- PICARD: Engage!" will be converted to "Sir?|- Engage!" instead of "Sir?|Engage!").
--> The ""-" in subtitles with one line" error is now detected even if there are spaces in front of the dash.
--> Errors that consider dialogue dashes (like "Dash on first line", "Dash in subtitles with one line", and "Dialogue on one line") now detect a total of four different dashes: "-" (0045 - normal dash / figure dash), "–" (0150 - en dash), "—" (0151 - em dash), "" (0173).
--> OCR Scripts can now be used only to find items by not defining a ReplaceBy value in the ERROR tag.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" automatically remove dialogue dashes now.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" new smart algorithm for dividing single-lined subtitles added (division is made after a dialogue dash or a punctuation mark if possible).
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now copy tags to both newly created subtitles.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now show a warning message and don't execute, if the duration of the subtitle to be divided is really short.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now sets Automatic durations to both new subtitles, based on the new texts' lengths.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now works when more than one subtitles are selected.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" (and "Edit: Subtitles: Auto combine subtitles") now automatically remove the "- Untranslated subtitle -" text, when combining a translated subtitle with an untranslated subtitle in Translator Mode.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" now puts all tags in the beginning of the combined subtitle and cleans unnecessary tags, when Single Tags Mode (Settings: Settings: Tags mode) is selected.
--> "Edit: Texts: Smart line adjust..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now also fix wrong tag positions and empty lines.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now tries to break on punctuation marks; it also offers up to 3 variations when "Settings: Settings: Advanced: Fast smart line adjust: Toggle breakpoint" is enabled.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now only modifies the Text or the Translation (when only one subtitle is selected), depending on the focused field - "Text" or "Translation" - or on the focused column in the Subtitles List.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now doesn't toggle variants when multiple subtitles are selected.
--> The translation is now copied to every new line, when using an effect from "Edit: Subtitles: Effects".
--> Functions that look for dialogue dashes (like "Unbreak subtitles", "Smart Line Adjust", and "Delete unnecessary links") now detect a total of four different dashes: "-" (0045 - normal dash / figure dash), "–" (0150 - en dash), "—" (0151 - em dash), "" (0173).
--> MISC:
--> "Undo" of "Input FPS" and "FPS" changes now returns the exact previous timing values.
--> When associating file types with Subtitle Workshop in "Settings: Settings: File types", unassociated file types are automatically associated with their previously associated program now.
--> Closing the "Settings: Settings" window and the "Tools: Information and errors: Settings" window doesn't take that much time now (faster settings saving).
--> If only one instance of Subtitle Workshop is allowed, when trying to launch a second one, the first one is now brought to front.
--> Other small changes.
--> Menu titles not properly displayed when the program language is changed in "Settings: Language".
--> The "Always on top" option in "Settings: Settings: General" is not saved.
--> The save prompt window for new subtitle files appears multiple times if not closed, causing an error.
--> Total number of symbols not properly displayed in Text and Translation labels when the subtitles contain tags.
--> Unclosed tags like "<c:#XXXXXX" (no ">" in the end), cause Subtitle Workshop to crash when those subtitles are previewed in the Video Preview Panel.
--> After the error marking color is changed in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings", the Subtitles List is not properly repainted.
--> <b> (bold) and <u> (underline) tags can't be removed by using the Context Menu of the Subtitles List - instead, the <i> tags are always removed.
--> The bottom left border of the subtitle in the Video Preview Panel is cut out.
--> The top right end of some letters in italics in the subtitle in the Video Preview Panel is cut out.
--> When turning the border or the shadow on and off in "Settings: Settings: Video Preview: Subtitles", the subtitle sample is not refreshed accordingly.
--> Clicking the empty space at the bottom of the "Tools: Information and errors: Various information" window causes an error.
--> Undoing "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" does not return the proper Final time of the first of the combined subtitles.
--> Automatically saving the work as a .bak file ("Settings: Settings: Save: Save as backup") does not make a backup file of the Translation File.
--> When the subtitles background color for the Video Preview Panel is changed in "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles", after opening a new subtitle file, the background color is restored to the previous one.
--> When opening a .srf file that contains a subtitle number higher than the number of the current last subtitle, an error occurs.
--> Some minor problems in the "Edit: Texts: Divide Lines" window.
--> The "Spaces before custom characters" errors are marked as "Spaces AFTER custom characters" errors.
--> Undoing "Edit: Texts: Set Maximum Line Length" in Translator Mode doesn't work correctly.
--> Undoing fixed overlapping doesn't work correctly.
--> Undoing fixed repeated subtitles doesn't work correctly.
--> Changing the Input FPS of a new unsaved file causes an error.
-->"Edit: Timing: Automatic durations" doesn't calculate the durations correctly.
--> When opening a "Plain text", the previously opened file is not saved and not correctly closed.
--> When changing Subtitle Workshop's interface language, the texts of the Text and Translation fields is modified and become unreadable.
--> Applying "Edit: Text: Fast Divide Lines" to single-line subtitles creates two empty subtitles.
--> Double click on a row from the Subtitles List sometimes doesn't move the video to the corresponding moment (after you close a subtitle in Translator Mode, then turn off Translator Mode, then open new subtitles).
--> "In place edition" does not allow editing of the timing values, though it should.
--> The encoding of the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel sometimes changes after using the "Settings: Settings" window.
--> Undoing deletion a character in a group of three or more subsequent IDENTICAL characters doesn't work properly (e.g. Undo the deletion of one "y" from the word "Kashyyyk").
--> When joining two subtitle files ("Tools: Join subtitles..."), if the name of the new file contains a dot (.), it will be saved without an extension.
--> Pressing the DEL key in the Subtitles List (Delete subtitle) when no subtitles are selected causes an error.
--> When the video is paused, the current time displayed in the time counter below the video is not exact, but a little bit behind.
--> Undoing a character deletion, or Redoing a character input doesn't restore the "Text" or "Translation" caret (blinking cursor) position properly.
--> SAMI background color does not change properly in "Settings: Output settings".
--> Tags not ignored when determining whether to enable the "Edit: Texts: Divide lines" and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" menus or not.
--> Undoing "Edit: Texts: "Fast unbreak subtitles" in Translator Mode doesn't restore the original translation.
--> The background of the Subtitles in the Video Preview Panel is rendered transparent when "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Force using regions" option is enabled, even when the "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Try transparent background" option is disabled.
--> When jumping to next/previous error or to next/previous marked, or using "Search: Search...: Replace all", or inserting a new line, if more than one subtitles have been selected, not all of them are properly deselected.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Effects: Type effect" doesn't handle tags properly.
--> The video altered playback rates of 200%, 300%, and 400% don't work properly when the "Altered playback" button in the Video Preview Panel is pressed.
--> The charset of font example panels in "Settings: Output settings" doesn't change accordingly.
--> When using the MOVE SUBTITLE button, the values of the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes are not refreshed.
--> "Edit: Redo" is not disabled after using "Edit: Texts: Set maximum line length".
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" doesn't set the subtitle file as modified.
--> When changing times using "in-place edition", the subtitle file is not set as modified.
--> Pressing the ENTER key when changing the Text using "in-place edition" causes an error or doesn't set the new text/translation.
--> When using "in-place edition", the edit boxes that popup don't always fill the corresponding cell properly.
--> The text in the Subtitles List becomes empty when the "Default" charset is being used.
--> The Subtitle in the Video Preview Panel doesn't show up immediately when "Movie: Show subtitles" is turned on after it was turned off.
--> Clicking on the "Calculate" button in the "Extras" tab of the Various Information Window when the length of the longest subtitle is 0 (all subtitles are empty), causes Subtitle Workshop to crash.
--> If only one instance of Subtitle Workshop is allowed, when trying to open a subtitle file and Subtitle Workshop is already running, the file is sometimes not opened at all.
--> Output settings are not loaded when using command line parameters.
--> When setting "Backward and forward time" in "Settings: Settings: Video Preview", if the full number is not written (blanks are left - '_'), an error occurs.
--> When opening a .srf file that references a subtitle file that does not exist, an incorrect error message is dislpayed (The file "<file name>" is a bad subtitle or an unsupported format.) and then an error occurs.
--> In Translator Mode, loading a "Plain text" is not possible (always leads to error).
-->In Translator Mode, after loading a .srf file, an error occurs.
--> Other small bugs.
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
+ About window update
+ Fixed multiselect bug
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
* Additional Pascal functions
function GetVideoPosTime(): String;
function GetVideoPosFrames(): String;
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
* Subtitle transparency color added to settings
+ Little redesign of Settings->Video preview->Subtitles
+ Removed default hotkeys for
Edit->Subtitles->Effects->Type effect
Edit->Subtitles->Effects->Flash (Fast/Medium/Slow)
+ Total errors text in Information and errors window
+ Turned off scroll to end of list in Information and errors
+ Description column in Information and errors now fits window width
* Asterisk in title bar to indicate that changes in original/translation are not saved.
+ Translation for CPS in main form
* Settings for double click in Original/Translation box
+ Double click jump from Biggest/Smallest CPS, Biggest/Smallest duration in Various information window.
+ Widened a little time controls in Divide lines/Split subtitle
+ Fixed bug with TimeEdit component (bad MaxTime constant)
+ TimeEdit component Up/Down arrows now are little bigger
+ Fixed problem with getting state of Work with tags / No interaction with tags
+ Default setting for "Show color bar" now is set to off
+ Romanian manual added
+ Fixed bug with style tags counted in Fast divide lines
+ Fixed bug with original text clear in Fast divide lines
+ Smart line adjust (Ctrl+E) now works separately for original/translation
+ Fast divide lines (Ctrl+Shift+V) now works separately for original/translation
+ Fixed bug with swapped panes in settings
* Gap between subtitles for:
Insert subtitle, Extend length, Duration limits, Expand duration, Automatic durations
* Divide lines, gap between subtitles
* Settings for new subtitle duration
+ Some memory leaks fixed
+ Fixed bug with translation box redraw
+ Settings for 150% playback rate
+ Fixed bug with playback rate save and restore. Little refactoring, constants added.
+ Fixed infinite loop when typing pipe character
+ Fixed error coloring after settings change
+ Settings window redesign
+ Fixed time to zero bug in Adjust subtitles window
* Choose top/bottom position for subtitle preview
+ Check for update now returns found version number
+ Check for updates enabled in menu
+ Little changes in About form
+ More style tags code refactoring (no changes for end-user)
* Popup for style tags in edit controls
+ Fixed TAB circle issue
* Hotkeys to tag selected part of subtitle text
Defaults are Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E, Alt+R
+ Tags <i>, <u>, <b> are no more judged as hearing impaired subtitles
* Experimental tag highlighting in edit controls
+ More accurate CPS calculation when tags are used
+ More accurate long lines detection when tags are used
* Added shortcuts for shift Show/Hide times separately
+ Close tags are no more shown in subtitle preview
Subtitle API 1.12:
+ Added close tags (</b>, </i>, </u>, </c>)
+ Removed re-tagging of subtitles, where only part of subtitle was tagged
+ Style tags code refactoring (no changes for end-user)
+ Added close tags (</b>, </i>, </u>, </c>)
+ Information and errors report is now formatted with spaces instead of TABs
* Too small/too big CPS added to check in Information and errors window
+ Information and errors is now non-modal window
+ To drag-and-drop supported files added *.avs
+ Information and errors set color button changed to color sample
* Button to export Information and errors report to textfile
+ Shift+Tab jump from list to memo
+ CPS changed to two decimal places after comma
* Added support for GetOrgFilename, GetOrgFilepath, same for translation and video in Pascal scrips
+ Changed default volume to max
* Added volume icon
+ Fixed subtitle list covered by video
+ Added Avisynth to movie open dialog
+ Fixed final time of first subtitle for undo after combining
* Possibility to choose audio stream from video
+ Fixed text selection bug when Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter pressed (second try)
* Color bar for visual subtitle representation
+ Edit controls reverted to non-unicode (bug with font charset changing)
+ Added numeric code for play video errormessage
+ Added Hungarian language file by perelli
+ Fixed length of movie seekbar
+ Fixed bug with jump on double click when translator mode is off
+ Time controls are little resized
+ Added Serbian language file by Branko Pavlović
+ Changed tab order for text input boxes
+ Information and errors little redesign
+ File version information
+ Fixed bug with realtime CPS
+ Fixed bug with running Pascal scripts
* Added volume save on program exit
* Settings for CPS coloring
* CPS coloring
* Change duration based on entered CPS
+ Fixed bug with removing Bold/Underline style via popup
* Volume control
* Changed taskbar caption to subtitle file + Subtitle Workshop (instead of Subtitle Workshop + subtitle file)
* Settings for untranslated subtitle text
+ Realtime CPS recalc on text change
* Added command line parameter to run Pascal script
+ Minor update of English and Russian help files.
+ Changed bug support email
+ Fixed text selection bug when Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter pressed
+ SubStation Alpha is now saved with correct encoding instead of default 0
+ Changed default colors and outline/shadow size in default config for SubStation Alpha
* More recent version of VirtualTreeView 4.8.7 is used for compilation
* More recent DX headers are used for compilation
* Windows are little redesigned
Various information, Join subtitles, Split subtitle, Information and errors, Save as
* Min/max CPS and duration in Various information
* Added support for GetSWVersion and GetAPIVersion in Pascal scrips
+ Fixed bug with milliseconds in TimeEdit control
* Added information about CPS (characters per seconds)
Thanks to Buzcatcher (more at
* Added support for GoToLineNumber in Pascal scripts
+ Version number in caption
* Shortcuts for 10 Pascal scripts instead of 5
+ Fixed font in "About"
+ Fixed bug charset after changing language
* Turned off check for new version
* Compiled from 2.52 sources provided by Dek.
* About form GPL copyright
* Support for "All files" in Movie->Open
* Bigger "Divide lines", "Information & errors", "Save as" dialogs
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 Beta
Changelog and download
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 4 released!.
* Changes:
o Added: DoStudio image subtitle support!
o Added: load plain text
o Fixed: font size in image export
o Fixed: audio stream switcher engine
o Fixed: text translation
o Fixed: FAB Subtitler (SAPI)
o And other things...
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 3 released!.
Added: text translation with Google technology! (requires Internet connection
Added: SHIFT+ENTER and CTRL+ENTER for going through subtitles
Added: duration tag for custom format {swDuration}
Added: drag and drop of subtitle files
Added: display Translation/Alternative subtitles in video preview
Added: search subtitle files in OpenSubtitles (requires Internet connection)
Improved: custom format new line [Enter] issue
Improved: search/Find next now scroll to correct item
Improved: set times in edit
Improved: custom image format timecode issue
And other things...
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 2 released!.
Added: vertical slider for subtitle positioning
Added: go subtitle's "Show" time in video by Double click in initial time
Added: go subtitle's "Hide" time in video by Double click in final time
Added: audio stream switcher
Added: volume slider
Added: color selection for Text/Border/Shadow in "export to image"
Added: read timings from file
Added: read texts from file
Added: adjust subtitles (synchronize)
Added: mouse click on video to play/pause
Improved: insert subtitle function
Improved: save subtitle "enter" char issue
Improved: video preview mode is activated when open a video
Improved: Sonic Scenarist HDMV Authoring and time code fixed!
And other things...
4 Beta 1, January 01, 2008
We are proud to present you the very new version of well-known Subtitle Workshop!
Current version is totally written from scratch, and is improved now to Subtitle Workshop4 BETA 1.
Not all features of SW 2.51 are currently implemented, but you can enjoy new features:
- new gui with customizable toolbars
- support for altenative translation
- experimental image export for "Sonic Scenarist HDMV"
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b (, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2025-02-20 (v6.3.4)
Solved a problem open projects with diacritial symbols
Project notes are also saved automatically now.
Divided the layout of the Hunspell window in a number of fields.
Added the possibility to select the version of the FFmpeg tools download.
Remove an error regarding the 'preferred audio language': the 'none' item is no longer taken into account.
Hunspell: words with numbers in them and words with all capitals in them are not ignored anymore.
Solved the 'None' audio stream problem, see
The default shortcuts can be recalled now.
Changing the original or translated charset in the settings menu did not work well. Solved.
The value '0' is allowed now for default subtitle duration, see
The Slovak language is updated for v6.3.4.
Removed the necessity of reloading the subtitle when leaving the settings menu after the subtitle was changed. Now this will only happen when the original charset or translation charset was changed in settings (which requires actual reloading). See
Solved a problem in misalignment between projects and single subtitles, see
Added 'All', 'None' and 'Inverse' buttons to error settings 'Check' and 'Fix'.
Changed the order of the items in the 'Tools' menu (more logical now).
If shortcuts ctrl-c, ctrl-v or ctrl-x are not present they are automatically assigned to the corresponding 'Copy', 'Paste' and 'Cut' Edit menu items.
In the 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Information and Errors' the error type (Error or Warning) was added to the checkboxes text.
Those additions were also added in 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Settings' in the 'Check for' and 'Fix' lists.
Renamed 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Information and errors' to 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Fix errors manually'.
Renamed 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Settings' to 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Error Settings'.
In the above 'Tools -> Information and errors -> Fix errors manually', only errors/warnings visible in the list are fixed with the 'Fix errors' button (so only if the 'E' resp. the 'W' key is down).
In the same the error/warning types which are disabled (because not checked in 'Tools -> Information and Errors -> Settings -> Check For') but are checked here are now not fixed anymore (see
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b (, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-11-28 (v6.3.3)
Changed the layout of the 'Split Subtitle, simple' window for better readability.
Prevent an error when the currently selected language file does not exists any more for some reason, see
Join Subtitle: Added the possibility to order the items in the list with an extra up/down button (in addition to drag/drop).
The FFMpeg tools are also found now if their path is in the 'Path' environment variable, see
Handled false UTF8 detections in language and shortcut files better now, see
When starting playing the video the waveform audio play is stopped now instead of paused (solved some waveform audio timing problems).
The waveform extraction can also be done now using the VLC video renderer (if present of course). In this case the FFmpeg tools are not needed any more. New translation required: [Settings Waveform] 05=Use FFmpeg for waveform extraction
For hunspell more dictionaries can be downloaded and installed now. New translations required: [Hunspell] InstallDicts=Install Dictionaries DictTitle=Hunspell Dictionaries DictAlreadyInstalled=Already installed DictDelete=Delete DictInstall=Install ListFail=Could not download list DictFail=Could not download dictionary "%s"
Attention: the whole content of the 'Hunspell' folder is new now (important for the users of the 'Portable' version).
Implemented menuItems and shortcut (in the 'File' section) for "An option for CTRL+S to save translations as well as original", see
Solved: Stuttering GUI after mouse hovering over the seekbar, see
Made the video zoom function work better and more logical, see also
Solved: Seekbar and buttons are erased from GUI when zooming in fullscreen (permanently), see
Removed the "- untranslated subtitle -" default text in untranslated subtitles, see Additionally also removed the "- empty subtitle -" text that replaced previous text after that was deleted. Additionally also also removed the "Mark untranslated subtitles with color" from the settings menu (untranslated subtitles have no text to color it).
Disabled the stop button when not playing (the button actually only does something if playing, even if it is enabled).
Loading translated subtitles has changed: the time stamp is used now to merge it with the original ones.
Divide lines implemented for the translation (together with the original text), see
Translations needed: [Divide lines] 10=use original 11=use translation
Shortcuts translations needed: Edit aGlobalNotes Edit the global notes in bigger window Edit aProjectNotes Edit the project notes in bigger window
Solved a calculation problem in 'Divide lines', see Also adapted the layout of the 'Divide Lines' window, see
WebVTT files now allow empty lines within the subtitle text, see
Partly solved original and translated subtitle overlap display problem, see
Detecting of Overlapping subtitles and subtitles with too short pause is disabled when one of the subtitles is blank.
Solved problem "Surplus dots are added to translated subtitles", see
Solved a problem in "Search and Replace" for the translation. In translate mode the possibility to choose the characterset has been added.
Disabled now the popup menu for the text edit areas when it is not necessary.
"Smart line adjust automatically" did not work in divide lines. Solved. Additionally this feature can now be switched on or off in the divide lines window too (next to menu settings advanced).
If notes are not shown in the left window then more place is provided for the items still present in the left panel.
Added the possibility to edit notes in a separate larger window (menu Edit, Notes). Shortcuts and 2 buttons are provided.
Solved a problem with "&" in the subtitle text using the alternate rendering mode.
# Subtitle-Workshop-Classic-v6.3.2
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with Audio waveform, UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-09-08 (v6.3.2)
Removed the '&' characters from the buttons on the 'Audio Waveform' window.
Solved the background deviation in the errors window + the unreadable text, see
Solved a problem in the info/error settings (prohibited chars a.o. were not saved correctly see
Translation problem solved, part of
Hungarian translations and shortcuts added. Thanks Lassgabe, see
ESC removed from shortcuts, made exit all windows (except Info/Errors), see
Added two sectences still to be translated (were forgotten in 6.3.1): [Error messages] 29=FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools). [Information messages] 24=No audio stream selected.
Informations and errors window can no longer be closed with the Esc key now, see
Improved: the Hunspell window stays on top now after error selection, see
Corrected some accented shortcut texts that were displayed wrong in french (e.g. "duréé").
French shortcut texts tanslated now.
English shortcut texts adapted.
Added a 'preferred audio language' feature. Added extra text to be translated: [Settings form] PreferredAudio=Preferred audio language:
Limited the maximum nr of entries in 'LastChoices' to the maximum set for 'recent' files.
Solved a color problem with the subtitle sample in the Settings Video Preview subtitles.
Language names in the Settings Language menu are now translated.
Made some changes to the Expander/reducer window, see and and
Made some layout changed in the "Set Delay" window due to a request, see and
Solved a problem with space after characters, see
Made sure no audio streams are to be seen in menus when none are detected. Earlier on a erroneous list with default stream names was shown.
UTF8 format is supported also from now on for language files and shortcut language files.
Added item (e.g. for Dutch) to each language file: [General] Language=Nederlands
to the language files: the translation of the language name in the actual language.
The "join subtitles" and "Batch convert" functions now also allow dragging and dropping subtitle files to it.
Organised a cache for the languagenames translations. It would take too much startup time to read all language files to obtain the translation.
Solved a problem with Profile import, see
Solved a problem after pressing OK in the settings window when the subtitle has not been save yet, see
Solved a problem: subtitle colors could not be changed, see
2024-08-06 (v6.3.1)
Audio waveform added. Download of the FFmpeg tools needed before first usage (otherwise the message "FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools)." will appear when first creation of a waveform): menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools.
The menuitem images are grayed out when the menuitem is not enabled also in darkmode now.
Adapted the menu widths in both light and darkmode to be more compact.
Adapted the menu colors to be compliant with Windows7, see
Adapted the color of the subtitle edit fields in darkmode to be dark when disabled, see
Made sure the left colum of the subtitle list is also dark in dark mode now, see
Renamed the 'dark' mode in the settings program window to 'Invert colors', see
Corrected an error: the colour of 'Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box' was not remembered correctly.
Added a number of adaptations of items on the main window to a font size change in settings.
Removed possible flicker in the time indicators on the video preview panel.
Solved ticket #37: Added an option to disable the double click on 'Start Subtitle', see
Spanish (Latin) language added, thanks JEFE01 ((, see
Slovak langiage added, thanks Skaldo, see
Croation language updated, thanks Alen Bajo (, see
Solved ticket #38 "Nullpointer reference after batch converting", see
Solved ticket #39 "Batch file conversion output file type mismatch", see
Solved: cannot use the CTRL+A (to select all text) inside the path input fields in BatchConvert, see
Solved ticket #34 "Context menus use system foreground colour for text, but not the background colour", at least the Templayer part, see
Prevented the subtitle to be shifted out of range.
Changed the text 'Select &zero' to 'Select &none'. Bulgarian, Croation, Greek, Russian, Slovak ans Spanish to be checked.
Solved a subtitle divide problem, see
Entered the current video position in the 'Given Time' and 'Given Frame' entries when opening the 'Split Subtitle' window.
2024-08-06 (v6.3.1)
Audio waveform added. Download of the FFmpeg tools needed before first usage (otherwise the message "FFmpeg was not found in your system, please download it (menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools)." will appear when first creation of a waveform): menu Settings -> Settings -> Waveform -> Download FFmpeg tools.
The menuitem images are grayed out when the menuitem is not enabled also in darkmode now.
Adapted the menu widths in both light and darkmode to be more compact.
Adapted the menu colors to be compliant with Windows7, see
Adapted the color of the subtitle edit fields in darkmode to be dark when disabled, see
Made sure the left colum of the subtitle list is also dark in dark mode now, see
Renamed the 'dark' mode in the settings program window to 'Invert colors', see
Corrected an error: the colour of 'Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box' was not remembered correctly.
Added a number of adaptations of items on the main window to a font size change in settings.
Removed possible flicker in the time indicators on the video preview panel.
Solved ticket #37: Added an option to disable the double click on 'Start Subtitle', see
Spanish (Latin) language added, thanks JEFE01 ((, see
Slovak langiage added, thanks Skaldo, see
Croation language updated, thanks Alen Bajo (, see
Solved ticket #38 "Nullpointer reference after batch converting", see
Solved ticket #39 "Batch file conversion output file type mismatch", see
Solved: cannot use the CTRL+A (to select all text) inside the path input fields in BatchConvert, see
Solved ticket #34 "Context menus use system foreground colour for text, but not the background colour", at least the Templayer part, see
Prevented the subtitle to be shifted out of range.
Changed the text 'Select &zero' to 'Select &none'. Bulgarian, Croation, Greek, Russian, Slovak ans Spanish to be checked.
Solved a subtitle divide problem, see
Entered the current video position in the 'Given Time' and 'Given Frame' entries when opening the 'Split Subtitle' window.
2024-06-03 (v6.2.12)
Solved a dark mode problem with the time-indicators next to the volumebar.
Technical: the file 'SubtitleAPI.dll' is no longer needed (now incorporated in the main executable 'SubtitleWorkshop.exe').
Solved a small problem in the 'Save As' and the 'Settings' window regarding the fontsize.
Made the darkmode also work in the Time/CPU boxes in the subtitle list.
Double clicking the 'Start Subtitle' button inserts a subtitle with the default duration at the video position. Also a menuitem was added: 'Movie, Subtitles, Start + End subtitle'. A shortcut has been provided also.
Also the menus have a 'dark' version now provided the XP menus are not active.
Solved a charset error, see
2024-04-26 (v6.2.11)
In the 'profile' window a newly made profile is made the current one now. Also the window is not closed any more after selecting another profile, allowing further actions.
Corrected an error in the Profile window regarding the visibility of the 'current profile' in dark mode.
The export an import functions in the profile settings window do always start in the desktop folder now.
Solved an error message after closing and re-opening Hunspell window.
Solved a small error when resizing the Hunspell window.
Added a menuitem (and a shortcut for it): 'Main menu/Movie/Subtitles', 'Move following subtitles': moves all subtitles starting with the first selected one upto the last one.
Global notes are saved again now when closing subtitle workshop.
The 'Load Subtitle' menu now shows all supported file types again, see
Resolved an issue in 'Load Subtitle' regarding the chosen format, see
Changed all open and save dialogs to a more suitable component, see
Resolved an error message when opening the 'SAMI language extractor' window.
Gave a better visibility of the pushed buttons in 'Errors an Info settings', 'Mark'.
2024-04-10 (v6.2.10)
Big change: Implemented user profiles, see menu Settings -> Profile. Language files are adapted to incorporate new texts. A shortcut has been provided also.
Solved some issues with the darkmode (e.g. the video control buttons, volume bar etc...)
Made the used font in the character lists of 'Insert Symbol' changeable.
Added 'Recent' character selection to 'Insert Symbol'.
Solved problem in "Divide lines", see
Technical: The FPS.ini, Shortcuts.key and Output.ini files are integrated in SubtitleWorkshop.ini (and the new profile files) now.
Limitless max nr of recent files possible now (well, actually 20000).
A project that is saved is now also added to 'recent Files', see
A minimum pause of zero can be set now and subtitles with zero pause between them are no longer considered to be overlapping, see
2024-02-28 (v6.2.9)
Made the "Browse" button views in BatchConvert the same as the 'Add' view in the batch convert functionality, see
Reloading a movie file is not done any more after the same file is to be opened with Load Project, Load Subtitle or Recent file choice, see
Solved: Cancelling the "Load subtitle" modal window did reload the video for no reason, See
Solved: Moving subtitles around doesn't analyze errors in the switched rows, which might lead to faulty error detections, see
Implemented: The Save subtitle button shouldn't have three dots, as it doesn't open any modal window or any subsequent part of any kind, see
The leading and trailing spaces in the search and replace strings are also saved now.
Dark mode, see and others.
2024-02-01 (v6.2.8)
Added the possibility to move the selected subtitle line up/down in the list, see
Prevent overlap with "Insert Subtitle" and "Insert before" if the setting 'Errors and Info Settings -> Fix Overlapping Subtitles' is checked, see
Subtitles entered with buttons "Start subtitle" and "End subtitle" (taking the movie positions as start/end time) are now inserted in the correct place in the subtitle list, see
The fontsize in log window of "Batch Convert" now follows the setting of its main window, see
In "Batch Convert" the output coding (ANSI, UTF8 or unchanged) can be chosen now, see
In the extension list in "Batch Convert" only associated extensions are checked initially. Also the list is sorted now.
Also in "Batch Convert" the output format selection is moved to the "next" window, see
Furthermore in "Batch Convert" a descriptive name was added to the FPS setting (became "Output FPS"), see
Made the 'Browse' buttons in "Batch Convert" start now at the 'old' search path and destination path, , see
The "FPS" column in batch convert has also a value now when the Output Format is frame based.
Added "Delay" to batch convert.
Changed the Files menu (load/save available at top level now) in the non translator mode, see
The help is updated.
The language files are updated.
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2024-xx-xx (v6.2.7)
The Search and Search/replace windows are no longer modal. This means you can e.g. edit while the window is visible. The window has been made 'StayOnTop' instead.
After a search in one of above windows the place where the text is found is indicated in the text controls area. You can start an edit right away.
The 'Insert Symbol' and the 'Search/Replace' windows have been made 'StayOnTop'.
Solved crashing when the "last selected subtitle" is out of range after a split followed by giving the original name to the first (splitted) part.
Solved a problem caused by "Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2." in v6.2.6.
The choices in the simple split up window are remembered between sessions.
The message "'Spell check finished. xx change(s) made.'" after a Hunspell check session is replaced by a line at the bottom of the Hunspell window.
Search also finds tags (,, , , , <c:#> and </c>).
BatchConvert works again, the file list is created correctly.
After 'Divide Lines" dashes at the beginning of both parts are only deleted if the "-" on first line in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Fix is checked, see
After 'Divide Lines' both parts are only trimmed if "Enters and spaces at beginning and end" in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Unnecessary spaces->Fix is checked, see
Problem with the nr of characters display when the latter is zero in the 'Divide Lines' window solved, see
2023-11-03 (v6.2.6)
Corrected an error after trying to read in 'LastChoices.txt' when it contained non ASCII characters (see
Made project files (.stp files) also Unicode capable (saved as UTF8 now).
Up to 100 'recent files' can be remembered now, see
Splitted up 'Notes' in 'Global' and 'Project'. Translations to be done. See Project notes are saved in the project file (.stp), subtitle notes and global notes are saved in 'Notes.txt'.
Solved a problem with splitted up Notes, see
The main toolbar is no longer resized, see
Adapted the 'Search/replace' form: replaced two round buttons ('From the first subtitle' and 'All the subtitle') by 1 checkbox ('From the first subtitle'). Initially 'From the first subtitle' is checked and as soon as the first search action is done, 'From the first subtitle' becomes unchecked, thus allowing to find the next occurance of the search text. This prevents getting stuck with only finding the first occurance. A not found warning is now only given if the search string is not present at all in the subtitles. See
Allowed negative window positions. Important for multiple monitor configuations, with the extra monitor set to the left of the primary one, to allow saved windows positions recalled to the correct monitor. See
Added a setting in the General section: Allow negative window coordinates. The item is default off (not allowing negative coordinates). See
Made it possible to show the movie in full screen on the non primary monitor in multi monitor setups.
The search and replace strings for the Search and the Search/Replace windows are saved now between sessions.
Added scroll bars to the 'Notes' field in the left panel. Automatic word wrap is deleted. See
Allowed the Main window and the 'Information and Errors' window to be on different monitors in a multi monitor setup.
Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2 now.
2023-10-15 (v6.2.5)
Made the editing panel vertically resizable. See and
Made the left (control) panel horizontally resizable.
Made long text better displayed in the info and errors form, see
Made the recognition of UTF-8 files also working after starting up via file association.
Made charset selection (orig and translation) take effect right away (subtitle is converted directly after the selection).
Prevented the original subtitle and the translated one to be the same subtitlefile.
Solved 'empty CPS boxes' in the subtitles list (when no selection made what to display there a small empty box was shown). Made the behaviour somewhat more logical.
Adapted the manual concerning the usage of item 'Show CPS boxes (Info and Errors).
The 'recent' opened subtitles or projects are saved now in a separate (UTF8 - Unicode) file: 'Recent.txt' instead of in the SubtitleWorkshop.ini file. This means recent filenames can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters. See
The file 'LastChoices.txt' is saved now as UTF8 file (names in it can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters).
Notes are now saved in UTF8 format (Unicode characters made possible). Notes are saved now in the separate file 'Notes.txt'. See and
Solved a small error after resizing the colums of the subtitle list.
Added an 'Installation' chapter to the manual.
Made the adaptation to the color chosen for the time line under the Video Preview Panel faster.See
In the 'Insert Symbol' form, in the Ascii table, the characters according the selected character set are shown now.
Also the chosen characterset is shown now when the ascii table is selected.
Improved the readability of the tables in the 'Insert Symbol' form.
Added several Unicode groups to the 'Insert Symbol' form.
A hint is added to the 'Font size' spinbutton (left bottom corner of forms).
### 2023-09-17 (v6.2.4)
* Solved a problem with frames per second detection of the movie with VLC (retry added).
* Solved the disappearance of the left side of the 'All' button on the info/error screen (see
* Moved 'enter/exit full screen' to the bottom of the movie popup menu (see for clarity.
* Changed the movie (popup) menu texts 'Open' and 'Close' into 'Open Movie' and 'Close movie' for clarity.
* Took the English and the Bulgarean language files provided by Seagate, see
* Added 'Enter full screen' to the main Movie menu.
* Added a shortcut to enter full screen mode (section Movie).
* Solved a problem with saving position and size of the 'Info/error settings' menu (see
* Corrected an error when adjusting the font size in the Info and Error settings menu (see
* Corrected an error when closing the custom error info window (see
* Widened the 'Custom Info' button in the Info and errors window to cope with the Bulgarian language (see
* Widened the main menu items to not cut off text at the end (see
* Added the Bulgarian shortcut translations received from SeaGate (see
* Reduced the vertical size of all buttons.
* There is no more minimal height for the editing panel (resized normally now with the height of the main window).
2023-08-13 (v6.2.3)
Solved a problem with "toggle scroll list" feature, see The scrolling can be enabled in 'menu -> Settings -> settings -> look -> list -> Keep selected subtitle in the middle'. The feature is always enabled when 'Scroll list' is on.
Adapted the manual for the fixed shortcuts in the subtitles list.
Solved a problem "Issue with CPS box" (highlight), see
Adapted: left out the highlight (underline) of the "duration","Show" and "Hide" windows with durations. See
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-06-22 (v6.2.2)
Solved the problem with "Space after characters" detection, see
Added shortcuts for the numerical keyboard (number keys only), see
In the "Error Information" menu open - the count numbers located vertically, follow now the form's font size, See
In the XP menus the separator vertical space has been reduced, see
Corrected the select and drag functionality in the subtitle edit fields. See
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-04-02 (v6.2.1)
Search and Replace window: Changed the caption of the 'Find next' button to 'Search' (the kind of search is defined below that button, see "Search for text in:"). Changed also the caption of choice 'All subtitles' to 'From the first subtitle'.
The popup menu of the translation edit box was the wrong one. Corrected.
Removed the side effect (unwanted selection of line after left of the text clicking) due to the "Removed the flicker" solution in v6.2.0. See
Solved white full screen problem and its subtitle problem in v6.2.0, see
Solved a shortcut problem visibility problem.
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions.
2023-03-20 (v6.2.0)
Made the non XP main menu a little smaller again (see
Made the F7 key working again (see
Removed the minimization error (see
Removed the flicker and the odd cursor shape when hovering left of the text in the edit boxes (see
The "LongerDurations.pas" Pascal script was added (Thanks Seagate)
2023-03-13 (V6.1.9), changedwith respect to version 6.1.5 (the previous stable one)
Added "maximized" values for the List column widths in the ini file. The "maximized" widths are remembered separately now.
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
2023-03-02 (V6.1.8)
Added "maximized" values for the List column widths in the ini file. The "maximized" widths are remembered separately now.
Completed the "disabled" imagelist for toolbars (technical detail). It was shorter than the "non disabled" image list. To be tested if this solves the problem with versions 6.1.6 and 6.1.7.
Used "CopyTransparent" again, Usage of TMemIniFile still left out.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.7
2022-12-27 (v6.1.7)
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
Made the shortcuts for spell check working.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.6
2022-12-24 (v6.1.6)
Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method').
Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton.
The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret).
Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases.
Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see
Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines.
Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see
Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see
Added icons for all main menu items.
Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (
Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol).
Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'.
Subtitle-Workshop 6.1.5
2022-09-13 (v6.1.5)
Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down (Misc section). The "Increase step" setting is used, see
Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down one frame (Misc section), see
Finally Solved weird extra characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see
Solved: Unicode subtitles revert to ANSI if loaded automatically via loading a project, see
Corrected some inconsistencies in the "Search" and "Search and Replace" functionality.
The current selection is now kept always in the middle of the subtitle list when scrolling, provided the list scrolling is on (button "Toggle Scroll List") (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.4
2022-08-06 (v6.1.4)
Redesigned the "SaveAs" window for better readability. Format File extentsions are also shown now.
Added the format file extension to the format lists in "Settings Formats to show when SaveAs".
Added the name(s) of associated formats in the "Settings File Types" list.
Made it possible to (independant of the main window) change (and remember) the character font size of almost all windows. The change is done with the up/down control in the left bottom corner of the window. The font of list of errors in the "Infprmation and Errors" window can be resized separately (see the up/down control in the right top corner of the list).
The "Default Format" is taken into account now in the "SaveAs" window.
The value for video forward and backward actions can also be defined in frames (instead of seconds) now. See and
Custom format also accepts tabs in the description part now (see
Corrected an error in the Hunspell window: manually given texts were ignored.
Hunspell now makes a difference between upper/lower case characters.
Added the possibility to sort on group and number in the "Used Shortcuts" window.
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.3
2022-07-12 (v6.1.3)
File saved in customformat can be saved in UTF-8 coding now.
Also translations can be saved in custom format now.
"Allow fraction numbers as subtitle outline and shadow thickness values" for the Advanced Substation Alpha and Substation Alpha formats. see
The "WebSrt" format has been added, see
The maintoolbar is also resized now.
The active page is remembered now in the "Edit Shortcuts" window.
Remember the UTF-8 setting in Save as window: Implemented, see
Corrected an error in subtitle positioning using deviating charsets (only one row was shown).
Custom format processing can handle "hh:mm:ss:ff" (frames in stead of milliseconds) now. See
Solved extra weird characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see
Added the presence of the hovering activity over the seekbar in the settings now (Item "Seekbar hovering"). See
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.2
2022-06-08 (v6.1.2)
Redesigned the resizing of the "Info and Errors" screen.
Implemented: Could you please put the shortcuts next to the name of the pascal scripts in the list of the "P" icon? Like it is used in tools/pascal scripts. See
Made the textcolor and the background color of the subtitle visible in the setup window (Settings, Video Preview, Subtitles). Moved the place of shadow and outline settings to a more logical place. Removed the "Transparent Color" panel (not used).
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.1
2022-05-14 (v6.1.1)
Updated the manual (help). At this moment only the English version is done.
Removed the minimum constraints for some forms so that they still fit on smaller screens.
Made the installation directory the same for every version, so one does not loose the already made settings.
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.0
2022-05-05 (v6.1.0)
Added labels to the original and translations charset selections in the main screen.
Made the subtitles's charset selection available when no subtitles are loaded yet.
Added "Set Delay" and "Divide Lines" to the list's pop-up menu. See
Disabled the hovering activity over the seek bar. Was confusing. See
Negative times (e.g. Pause or durationn) are displayed correctly now in the list.
Made 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop' (settings-File types) more understandable: Checking it:
makes all checked extensions in the list associated with Subtitle Workshop
removes all extension associations in the list that are not checked Unchecking it:
removes all extensions associations to Subtitle Workshop The list and its checked extensions is no longer changed by clicking 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop'.
Added the DRTIC subtitle format (*.dtc extension), see
Loading a project made more efficient.
Implemented request 'Would it be possible to make "Set pauses" available as a shortcut?' see
Implemented request 'Could you put a question before the deletion that "Do you really want to delete this custom info set?"', see
Added the 'Hunspell" spellchecker.
Added the "Goto movie position" feature (under the "Search" menu). Permits to goto a certain time in the movie. Also the 10 most recent movie positions are kept.
Splitted up the subtitle class 'Timed Text' up in separate xml, ttml and dfxp classes.
WebVTT files (*.vtt) now allow extra text following the final time of a subtitle.
Added "Go to movie time" and "Recent movie positions" in the search menu. Maximal 10 recent movie postions are remembered per movie.
Removed a bug in Synchronize Subtitle functionality.
Problem solved: fix "too long lines" can not be activated, (see Reason: the solution was not implemented. Additionally also 'Too short Pauses', 'Too long duration' and 'Too short duration" are implemented in this new version. A problem raises here: solving one problem regarding timing (pause or duration) may cause new time problems in the previous or the next subtitle. Nevertheless the solving is always attempted. Extra translation for the new texts needed for all languages except English, Dutch and French.
Problem solved: CPS translated text, (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.1.0
2022-05-05 (v6.1.0)
Added labels to the original and translations charset selections in the main screen.
Made the subtitles's charset selection available when no subtitles are loaded yet.
Added "Set Delay" and "Divide Lines" to the list's pop-up menu. See
Disabled the hovering activity over the seek bar. Was confusing. See
Negative times (e.g. Pause or durationn) are displayed correctly now in the list.
Made 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop' (settings-File types) more understandable: Checking it:
makes all checked extensions in the list associated with Subtitle Workshop
removes all extension associations in the list that are not checked Unchecking it:
removes all extensions associations to Subtitle Workshop The list and its checked extensions is no longer changed by clicking 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop'.
Added the DRTIC subtitle format (*.dtc extension), see
Loading a project made more efficient.
Implemented request 'Would it be possible to make "Set pauses" available as a shortcut?' see
Implemented request 'Could you put a question before the deletion that "Do you really want to delete this custom info set?"', see
Added the 'Hunspell" spellchecker.
Added the "Goto movie position" feature (under the "Search" menu). Permits to goto a certain time in the movie. Also the 10 most recent movie positions are kept.
Splitted up the subtitle class 'Timed Text' up in separate xml, ttml and dfxp classes.
WebVTT files (*.vtt) now allow extra text following the final time of a subtitle.
Added "Go to movie time" and "Recent movie positions" in the search menu. Maximal 10 recent movie postions are remembered per movie.
Removed a bug in Synchronize Subtitle functionality.
Problem solved: fix "too long lines" can not be activated, (see Reason: the solution was not implemented. Additionally also 'Too short Pauses', 'Too long duration' and 'Too short duration" are implemented in this new version. A problem raises here: solving one problem regarding timing (pause or duration) may cause new time problems in the previous or the next subtitle. Nevertheless the solving is always attempted. Extra translation for the new texts needed for all languages except English, Dutch and French.
Problem solved: CPS translated text, (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/12
2019-09-30 (v6.0e/12)
Problem solved:The choices for "set Delay" was not stored well, (see
Problem solved: Fontsizes of outputsettings not saved, (See
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/11
2019-09-19 (v6.0e/11)
Solved a problem in 'divide lines', see
Reset the contraints of the 'Information and Errors' screen to the values of version 6.0e/09, see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/10
2019-09-17 (v6.0e/10)
The default of the 'Spaces after characters' check is changed into '-.,;?!' (see
English spelling OCR file added. Thanks Mor Tuadh (see
Did some resizing in the 'Errors and Information' screen. Buttontexts should stay better visible now.
The errorlist update is done now after a 'Divide lines' action (see
Made a lot more windows resizable that were not yet (to cope with high resolution screens).
The Notes text is now converted from and back to the correct character set (defined by the Notes Charset).
Other texts are now converted from and back to the characterset defined in the language file.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/09
2019-08-27 (v6.0e/09)
Subtitles with a non default codepage (e.g. Cyrillic) are handled correctly now.
Impaired hearing fix repaired (see
Solved problem with extra space after custom character (see
Corrected an error in tag highlighting.
Made a number of forgotten errors wisible when hovering the subtitle list.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/08
2019-08-16 (v6.0e/08)
Resolved an error when opening a subtitle file with a specific format choice (unequal to 'All supported Files' or 'All Files').
Solved an error with "Fast unbreak Subtitles" and possibly other functions on subtitles with a break in them (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/06
2019-07-26 (v6.0e/06)
Removed an error in 'text before colon' detection. Digits before the colon are allowed now.
Removed a problem of losing text in the shown subtitle when it is in bold.
Solved several problems in subtitles with more than one line.
Solved a problem with undo and bold tags.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/05
2019-07-21 (v6.0e/05)
The Outline/Shadow problem has been solved.
The undo problem for multi line subtitles has been solved.
Removed an error in the SUBSTATIONALPHA read/convert routine.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/04
2019-07-14 (v6.0e/04)
Also the selected audio stream is remembered now (both in projects and non projects), and restored when opening a subtitle or a project.
The selected movie is remembered now and restored when loading a subtitle, provided the "AutoSearchMovie" setting is on.
A problem with the file "LastChoices.txt" (access not allowed) has been solved.
The WEBVTT subtitle format is supported now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/03
2019-07-01 (v6.0e/03)
The .ini files holding the video position and the last selected subtitle are removed. The function is still kept in however.
If there a no audio tracks the audio track menu is disabled now.
The Greek translation is present now. Thanks to Xenos Latinos, see
The "SetDelay" has been made more versatile.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e/02
2019-04-05 (v6.0e/02)
The (last positions) .ini file is now also created using 'Save As' (thanks Xenos Latinos, see
A new format has been added : the Avid DS Caption format (thanks Xenos Latinos, see
The problem in Tools --> Informations and errors --> Settings Fix tab line "- " on first line not remembered is solved.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0e
2019-03-15 (v6.0e/01)
Added the Croation translation (thanks Abajo, see
Solved the Chinses character problem (thanks GardField, see
Adapted the helpfile.
Solved a problem with the "Rewind" and "Forward" buttons (2x the required time was stepped).
The "project" possibility can also be used in non translator mode now.
When opening a subtitle file the video position and the subtitle selection in the list are restored now (this was already the case with "projects").
Solved a problem with the 'Save as' screen and big font sizes.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-11-06 (v6.0d/37)
Solved a problem with the "Stop" button when using the VLC video renderer.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-11 (v6.0d/36)
Removed the "double button" error in the main form toolbar (see
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-10 (v6.0d/35)
Removed a crash of the program when checking "Force using regions (may be slow)" in settings --> video preview --> subtitles.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-09-01 (v6.0d/34)
Removed a problem with the display of the volume bar with small sizes of the main screen.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-31 (v6.0d/33)
Removed a problem with the subtitle size in the video preview after using the settings menu.
The initial language is "English" now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-23 (v6.0d/32)
Added double quotes around the parameters for the external player.
Added an automatic "VIDEO_FILE" to the parameters for the external player.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-08-03 (v6.0d/31)
Made 'Load project" work (translation mode).
Removed an error in the main ini file location.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-24 (v6.0d/30)
Removed a font size error in the 'Insert Symbol' screen.
Correct a small error in the Dutch language file.
TimedText save can also handle the Single Tags mode now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-21 (v6.0d/29)
Supported a deviating dfxp file format (e.g. "<tt:br/>" in stead of "
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-19 (v6.0d/28)
Made the "Timed Text" format work again. 3 filetypes are associated with that format now:
- xml (timed text xml format)
- ttml (also timed text xml format)
- dfxp (Netflix timed text xml format)
The 3rd party software "xmlparser-1.0.20" is no longer needed.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-07-15 (v6.0d):
Added 3 extra shortcuts (section Miscellaneous): Applies the "Keep minimum duration" setting to the selected subtitles Applies the "Default Subtitle Pause" setting to the selected subtitles Applies both the "Keep minimum duration" and the "Default Subtitle Pause" settings to the selected subtitles
Added an editing possibility for the shortcuts (added to the Settings menu). all items in the new section [Edit Shortcuts] were added to the language file if section [Main menu/Settings] of the language file item 09 was added to the language file for every language a translation of the shortcut descriptions (including some other info) was added: e.g. Shortcuts_English.txt where 'English' should be replaced by the actual language name. The shortcut translation files are located in the 'Lang' subdir. English and Dutch files are already filled. If a file for a certain language is not found the English one is used.
Removed an error when switching video renderers.
Removed some errors in the Dutch translation.
Added 'shortcuts.key' (the shortcuts file) to the setup.exe file (was missing).
Subtitle Workshop 6.0d
2018-06-10 (v6.0d):
Added the VLC player as extra renderer (only visible if VLC - the 32 bits version- is installed on your PC).
The Dutch translation has been completed now.
Added translations for the 'Insert Symbol' window ([Main menu/Edit], values 12, 13 and 14).
The 'Insert Symbol' window is resizeable now.
The window 'tools, information and errors' can be maximized now.
Subtitle Workshop 6.0c
Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection etc.
More detailed:
UTF8 and UTF16 subtitles supported now
Adapted also the "Insert Symbol" screen.
UTF8 format is detected automatically.
The "Save as" screen has been adapted to add the possibility to save a subtitle as UTF8.
Detection and selection of more than one audio stream is implemented.
Made a number of screens re-size-able:
The "Settings" screen
The "Output settings" screen and
The "Error and Info" Settings screen.
The sizes and positions are saved.
The List fontsize is now separated from the Program FontSize
The separated List font size has been added to the settings menu
The main menu is made more readable with bigger Program fontsizes.
also most screens have been re-arranged for this purpose
in some cases the re-size method has been adapted
All screens are made bigger to better cope with high resolution monitors.
"Setdelay" now shows the time difference between a (stopped) movie time and a selected subtitle time,
which is more convenient.
The file size reported by "Movie Information" is correct now also for files > 4 Gb.
Added the "m4v" movie format as a valid one.
Removed a few situations where errors could occur (e.g. doubleclicking on an empty errors list).
Make spellcheck work again with Word 2016.
Corrected an error reading a.o. SAMI files.
Made read-only subtitle files readable again.
Made some adaptions for screens with lower resolutions (down-resizing is possible now)
The font size of the 'Unnecessary Spaces' form is also adapted now to the one of the main form.
Some textboxes have been adapted to cope with longer (translated) texts.
The 'Font Size' text in 'Settings List' is now the same as in 'Settings Prog'.
File types (file association) now works as expected.
The complete French translation has been added (thanks Daneel53).
File association (Settings, File Types) also works in Windows 10 now.
Changes in version 6.0b (build 131121) since version 6.0a (build 130825)
* Bug fixed: Impossible to edit subtitles containing two-byte characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Changes in version 6.0a (build 130825) since version 6.0 (build 130814)
* Bug fixed: The input language changes automatically in various situations, especially when using a right-to-left language like Arabic or Hebrew.
* Edit > Timings > Extend Length to previous shortcut changed to SHIFT+ALT+E in order to free the ALT+E combination used in the Polish keyboard.
Changes in version 6.0 (build 130814) since version 2.51
--> TOOLBAR added - (show/hide from "View: Toolbar"). Note that the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons offer a dropdown list with the last Undo/Redo actions, so you can Undo/Redo multiple actions at once.
--> STATUSBAR added- (show/hide from "View: Statusbar"). Displays the current subtitles format and the number of the currently selected subtitle(s). Left mouse button click on the number centers the Subtitles List on the first (or only) selected subtitle. Right mouse button click on the number centers the Subtitles List on the last (or only) selected subtitle.
--> FULL TAGS SUPPORT MODE (Multiple Tags Mode) added - currently only for the SubRip, MicroDVD, and Sub Station Alpha formats. To enable it, select "Multiple tags mode" in "Settings: Settings: General". The subtitles in the Video Preview Panel are also properly formatted when using the Multiple Tags Mode. Tags that can be used while editing are:
--> <b> and </b> - Bold text.
--> <i> and </i> - Italic text.
--> <u> and </u> - Underlined text.
--> <c:#RRGGBB> and </c> - Text color.
Always work with those tags in Subtitle Workshop. When saving the subtitle files, they are properly converted to the corresponding tags of the chosen format. Note that the MicroDVD format supports only tags for entire lines or subtitles, but not for separate words or characters.
--> TEXT STYLE BARS added - (show/hide them from "View: Text style bars"). They consist of style tags buttons. They appear above the "Text" and "Translation" fields. They have similar behaviour to that of the Microsoft Word buttons.
--> "PAUSE" editbox added - to display and set the pause between the current and the previous subtitle.
--> "PAUSE" column added in the Subtitles List.
--> "DURATION" column added in the Subtitles List.
--> When you right-click the column titles ("Num", "Show", "Hide", "Text", "Translation", "Duration", or "Pause") of the Subtitles List, a new Subtitles List Header Context Menu pops up that allows you to show/hide the different columns.
--> The columns positions are now automatically saved.
--> When the "Text" and "Translation" columns positions are swapped, the "Text" and "Translation" fields are automatically swapped as well.
--> When the "Show" column header in the Subtitles List is clicked, the "Sort" function ("Edit: Subtitles: Sort") is executed (subtitles are sorted by their Show Time).
--> When the "Text" or "Translation" column header in the Subtitles List is clicked, the widths of the "Text" and "Translation" columns become equal.
--> The values in the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes can now be edited with the mouse scroll wheel, when you're inside those boxes. If you hold the CTRL key while scrolling, the decrease/increase value will be 10 times larger. If you hold the ALT key while scrolling, the decrease/increase value will be 2 times smaller. The increase/decrease step can be set in "Settings: Settings: General: Advanced". If you hold the SHIFT key while scrolling, the duration is not changed at all, but rather the subtitle is shifted in time (similar to using "Edit: Timings: Shift +N milliseconds" and "Edit: Timings: Shift -N milliseconds").
--> When the mouse cursor is over one of the time boxes ("Show", "Hide", "Duration", or "Pause"), the corresponding time value can now be set by using the mouse scroll wheel, without entering (clicking in) the box. Subtitle Workshop indicates this by underlining the time value in the corresponding box. Using the CTRL and ALT, keys to modify the step, or the SHIFT key to shift the subtitle is possible.
--> Pause, Show, Hide, and Duration values can now be changed in the Subtitles List with the mouse scroll wheel, when the corresponding cell is clicked and the left mouse button is held down while scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel. Using the CTRL and ALT, keys to modify the step is possible.
--> The following shortcuts are enabled for the Subtitles List:
--> SHIFT + mouse scroll wheel - shift the currently selected subtitle(s) in time (like using "Edit: Timings: Set delay" for the selected subtitles, but easier).
--> "S" + mouse scroll wheel - modify the Show Time of the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "D" (or "E") + mouse scroll wheel - modify the Hide Time of the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> SAPCE - Mark or unmark the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "B" (or "O") - Set/unset Bold tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "I" - Set/unset Italic tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "U" - Set/unset Underline tag for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> "C" (or "Y") - Set/unset a Color tag (the last selected color in the color dialog) for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> BACKSPACE - Remove all tags for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> ENTER - Move the video to the Show Time of the focused subtitle. Also, start "in-place edition", if exactly one subtitle is selected and "in-place edition" is enabled. Also, save and exit "in-place edition".
--> F2 - Start "in-place edition" / Save and exit "in-place edition".
--> ESCAPE - Unselect all selected subtitles and leave only the focused subtitle selected. Or cancel edition in "in-place edition".
--> LEFT/RIGHT - Change the focused column.
--> PageUP/PageDOWN - Change the current subtitle in "in-place edition".
--> TAB/SHIFT+TAB - Change the current column in "in-place edition".
--> Right-click selection can be enabled in the Subtitles List (from "Settings: Settings: Look: List: Right click selection").
--> "Insert subtitle", "Insert before", "Remove selected", and "Remove all tags" added to the Context Menu of the Subtitles List.
--> When a subtitle with Bad Values is selected, it's duration is now displayed as 00:00:00,000 instead of 23:XX;XX,XXX.
--> "OCR Scripts" checkbox added in the Left Panel for fast enabling/disabling of the OCR Script errors checking and fixing.
--> "Notes" field added to the Left Panel of Subtitle Workshop (show/hide it from "View: Show notes in left panel"). The notes are global for the entire program and not dependant on the current subtitle file(s). Set the charset of the "Notes" field in "Settings: Settings: Charsets: Notes charset".
--> Accurate charset conversion when using Paste operations.
--> Select All, Cut, Copy, and Paste (and their shortcuts) now available for all textboxes, dropboxes, and other controls throughout Subtitle Workshop (e.g.: pressing CTRL+A ("Edit: Select all") in the "Text" or "Translation" fields selects the entire text in the filed now, not all subtitles in the Subtitles List).
--> The width of the Time Controls Area and Text Controls Area can now be resized via a new horizontal splitter located between them.
--> Four new time control buttons added in the Time Controls Area (show/hide from "View: Show time control buttons"). Each button has two functions - one when it's clicked with the left mouse button, and another when it's clicked with the right mouse button. The buttons' functions (their tooltips also indicate them) are as follows (left click function/right click function): "Move to Previous/Extend to Previous"; "Move to Next/Extend to Next"; "Set Default Pause/Set Default Pause, if Pause is too short"; "Set Auto Duration/Set Min Duration".
--> Now, when no subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes, the time control buttons, the "Text" and "Translation" fields, and the style tags buttons are disabled.
--> Now, when two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, the values of the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes are filled as follows: "Show" displays the Show Time of the first selected subtitle; "Hide" displays the Hide Time of the last selected subtitle; "Pause" displays the pause of the first selected subtitle; "Duration" displays the total duration of all subtitles (including the pauses between them).
--> When two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, setting the same duration value for all selected subtitles by the "Duration" box is now possible.
--> When two or more subtitles are selected in the Subtitles List, increasing/decreasing the duration of all selected subtitles is now possible by using the mouse scroll wheel on the "Duration" box. The same is also valid for the Show Time of all selected subtitles (using the "Show" box) and Hide Time of all selected subtitles (using the "Hide" box).
--> When typing in the "Text" or "Translation" fields, one Undo entry is now added for an entire word, instead of for every single letter. However, if nothing is typed in for more than 2 seconds, a new Undo entry will be added the next time text is typed in.
--> The program version number is displayed in the main window's caption.
--> The taskbar caption of Subtitle Workshop now displays the name of the file first.
--> Now, when a file is modified, that's indicated by an asterisk (*) in Subtitle Workshop's caption.
--> New Context Menu added for the "Text" and "Translation" fields. It contains the following items: "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Select all", "Italic", "Bold", "Underline", "Set color", "Remove color tags", "Remove all tags".
--> The Translation and the Show Time and Hide Time values can now be edited with "in-place edition".
--> The Pause and Duration values can now be edited using "in-place edition".
--> Time values can now be modified with the mouse scroll wheel when using "in-place edition".
--> When using "in-place edition", the popup edition boxes now have the same alignment as the corresponding cell in the Subtitles List.
--> System menu and Close button added to all modal windows.
--> The color value of the Color Tag Dialog is now automatically saved.
--> Volume Control added - set the volume of the video.
--> "Mute/Unmute" button added - mute or unmute the volume of the video.
--> Full Screen Mode added. Toggle it with a left mouse button double click (if "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Enter Full Screen on double click" is enabled) or a middle mouse button single click on the Video Preview Panel, or through the new Video Preview Context Menu. In Full Screen Mode, the mouse cursor automatically hides in a few seconds if not used. While in Full Screen Mode, the video control buttons are in a hidden bar on the bottom of the screen. Move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen to display them, and move it away to hide them again. The "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Relative font size" option is recommended for Full Screen Mode. "Toggle Scroll List" is automatically turned on in Full Screen Mode (and if it was previously off, it is turned back off when you exit Full Screen Mode).
--> The following shortcuts are now available when the mouse cursor is over the Video Preview Panel:
--> MOUSE WHEEL UP - Increase volume.
--> MOUSE WHEEL DOWN - Decrease volume.
--> MOUSE LEFT BUTTON DOUBLE CLICK - Toggle Full Screen Mode (if "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Enter Full Screen on double click" is enabled).
--> MOUSE MIDDLE BUTTON CLICK - Toggle Full Screen Mode.
--> In Full Screen Mode, the following shortcuts are enabled:
--> SPACE - Mark/Unmark subtitle.
--> CTRL+SPACE - Play/Pause.
--> LEFT ARROW - Rewind.
--> RIGHT ARROW - Forward.
--> UP ARROW - Increase volume.
--> DOWN ARROW - Decrease volume.
--> ENTER - Exit Full Screen Mode.
--> ESCAPE - Exit Full Screen Mode.
--> "B" (or "O") - Set/unset Bold tag for the current subtitle.
--> "I" - Set/unset Italic tag for the current subtitle.
--> "U" - Set/unset Underline tag for the current subtitle.
--> "C" (or "Y") - Set/unset a Color tag (the last selected color in the color dialog) for the currently selected subtitle(s).
--> BACKSPACE - Remove all tags for the current subtitle.
--> The vertical position of the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel can now be changed by dragging the subtitles up and down with the mouse. The default position can be restored through the Video Preview Context Menu.
--> Video Preview Context Menu added - right click on the Video Preview Panel to display it.
--> "Open..." - equivalent to "Movie: Open...".
--> "Close" - equivalent to "Movie: Close".
--> "Zoom to X%" - zooms the video to the corresponding per cent.
--> "Enter Full Screen"/"Exit Full Screen" - enter/exit Full Screen Mode.
--> "Aspect ratio" - set the aspect ratio the video will be displayed in.
--> "Original" - set the original aspect ratio of the video file.
--> "4:3" - set a 4:3 aspect ratio.
--> "16:9" - set a 16:9 aspect ratio.
--> "1.85:1" - set a 1.85:1 aspect ratio.
--> "2.35:1" - set a 2.35:1 aspect ratio.
--> "Video renderer" added - equivalent to "Movie: Video renderer".
--> "Audio stream" - equivalent to "Movie: Audio stream".
--> "Show subtitles" - equivalent to "Movie: Show subtitles".
--> "Reset subtitles vertical position" - sets the default vertical position for the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Information..." - equivalent to "Movie: Information...".
--> Show Time and Hide Time values can now be set by clicking with the mouse on the Time Counter below the video. Clicking with the left mouse button will set the Show Time, clicking with the right mouse button will set the Hide Time. In addition, while the mouse button (left or right) is held down, the mouse scroll wheel can be used to further modify the corresponding (Show or Hide) time value.
--> If the SHIFT key is held when setting the Show Time/Hide Time via clicking on tha "Set Show Time"/"Set Hide Time" button or on the Time Counter, the Show Time/Hide Time will be set and then the subtitle will be shifted in time.
--> If more than one subtitles are selected when setting the Show Time/Hide Time via clicking on tha "Set Show Time"/"Set Hide Time" button or on the Time Counter, the Show Time of the first selected subtitle/the Hide Time of the last selected subtitle will be set and then all selected subtitles will be shifted in time accordingly.
--> The Video Preview Panel height ratio (in relation to the Subtitles List) is now kept and automatically saved.
--> When the mouse cursor is over the Volume Control, a tooltip with the current volume per cent is now displayed.
--> The Time Counter below the video now displays the video time at the current mouse cursor position, when the mouse cursor is moved over the Seekbar.
--> Now, when the video is paused, as the mouse cursor is moved over the Seekbar, the corresponding moment in the video is previewed.
--> The Seekbar now contains color blocks for visual subtitle representation ("View: Visual subtitle representation" to show/hide them).
--> Also see "Settings: Settings: Video preview" and "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles".
--> The "Save as" window can be resized now.
--> "Save Marking" added - save the subtitle marking in a SRF file (like in ViPlay). The SRF file is created in the same folder the current subtitles are in. The file is given the following name: <subtitle file name> + <subtitle file extension> + <.srf> (e.g. for C:SubRip.sub, C:SubRip.sub.srf is created). If a translation file is opened, a SRF file is saved for it too.
* "VIEW" MENU (new menu):
--> "Show left panel" and "Show time controls" moved here from the "Settings" menu.
--> "Toolbar" - show/hide the new toolbar.
--> "Show notes in left panel" - show/hide the new "Notes" field in the Left Panel.
--> "Visual subtitle representation" - show/hide the color blocks for visual subtitle representation in the Video Preview Panel Seekbar.
--> "Columns" added - select which columns to be displayed in the Subtitles List (equivalent to the Subtitles List Header Context Menu).
--> "Show time control buttons" - show/hide the time control buttons in the Time Controls Panel.
--> "Text style bars" - show/hide the new style tags buttons.
--> "Show lines count" - show/hide labels above the "Text" and "Translation" fields, displaying the number of lines in the current subtitle.
--> "Statusbar" - show/hide the new statusbar.
--> "Insert symbol..." added - a window from which symbols can be inserted in the "Text" or "Translation" fields (or even in the "Notes" field), depending on which field is focused.
--> "Style" added - it contains the following items: "Italic", "Bold", "Underline", "Set color", "Remove color tags", "Remove all tags".
--> "Invert selection" added.
--> "Set duration limits...":
--> A new option "Increase at start if necessary" added - if the desired duration is not achieved by increasing the Hide value of the subtitle, the Show value is decreased. The subtitle will show up earlier, but it will eventually have the desired duration.
--> "Set delay":
--> Window modified - "+"/"-" dropdown box replaced with more convenient radio buttons. Mouse scroll wheel can be used to set the value. The PLUS and MINUS keys can be used to set "+"/"-".
--> A new option "From first selected until last subtitle" added - applies the delay for all subtitles from the first selected subtitle until the last subtitle.
--> "Extend length" renamed to "Extend length to next".
--> "Extend length to previous" added - set the Start time of the current subtitle just after the End time of the previous one (similar to "Extend length").
--> "Shift to next" added - shifts the selected subtitle(s) to the next subtitle.
--> "Shift to previous" added - shifts the selected subtitle(s) to the previous subtitle.
--> "Automatic Durations":
--> A new option "Increase at start if necessary" added - if the desired duration is not achieved by increasing the Hide value of the subtitle, the Show value is decreased. The subtitle will show up earlier, but it will eventually have the desired duration.
--> "Set Pauses" added - sets the pauses between subtitles. Set the pause value and the applied method in the window that pops up.
--> "Round Time Values..." added - rounds all the time values to a selected value.
--> A new ("CPS") method added in "Automatic Durations".
--> "Smart Line Adjust" added - works like the old "Smart Line Adjust" (now called "Fast smart line adjust"), but has some additional settings - it can break the text on dialogue dashes and punctuation marks ("Break on punctuation marks" method); it can be set not to unbreak subtitles with the "Don't unbreak subtitles that are not too long" option (e.g. this: "Hello.|How are you?" will NOT be changed to "Hello. How are you?"); it can be set not to modify normal subtitles with the "Adjust only long subs and subs with more than 2 lines" option (e.g. this: "What do you think|for my new lovely collection?" will NOT be changed to "What do you think for my|new lovely collection?"), which preserves the original look of those subtitles and doesn't break their readability. If the "Always try to find a better breaking point" option (for the "Break on punctuation marks" method) is checked, Subtitle Workshop will always try to find a better break point; if it's not checked - Subtitle Workshop will try to find a better break point only if the previous break point is not a punctuation mark already.
--> "Unbreak subtitles" added - works like the old "Unbreak subtitles" (now called "Fast unbreak subtitles"), but has some additional settings - you can set a maximum line lenght ("Don't unbreak if line length exceeds"), and set it not to unbreak subtitles with dialogue ("Don't unbreak subtitles with "-" on second line").
--> Old "Smart line adjust" renamed to "Fast smart line adjust".
--> Old "Unbreak subtitles" renamed to "Fast unbreak subtitles".
--> "Auto Combine Subtitles" added - a new function to automatically combine short subtitles. You can set which subtitles should be considered for combining by setting a maximum duration and a minimum CPS. The most important option is the "Punctuation marks detection" - when this option is turned on, the function will combine only lines of the same person (judging by the punctuation marks), so you won't have to add dialogue dashes afterwards. If you don't care whether the lines of different characters are divided by dialogue dashes or not (not recommended), turn it off.
--> "Combine if duration is less than" - combine only subtitles that have a duration less than this value.
--> "Combine if CPS is greater than" - combine only subtitles that have more CPS than this value.
--> "Don't combine if pause is greater than" - don't combine two subtitles, if the pause between them is greater than this value.
--> "Punctuation marks detection" - combine only lines of the same character (judging by the punctuation marks: e.g. if the first subtitle ends on a comma or on no punctuation mark, the second subtitle is a line of the same character; if the first subtitle ends on a dot, a question mark or an exclamation mark, the second subtitle MIGHT be a line of a different character, so the two subtitles won't be combined).
--> "Combined subtitles maximum duration" - when the two subtitles are combined, the resulting subtitle's duration shouldn't exceed that value.
--> "Decrease duration if necessary with no more than" - if the above value is exceeded, decrease the duration a bit (set how much with this value) and check again.
--> "Combined subtitles maximum line length" - maximum line length of the combined subtitle.
--> "Delete dots at the beginning" added - deletes dots in the beginning of every subtitle (unlike "Delete unnecessary links" it doesn't delete the dots in the end of the subtitles and doesn't consider them at all).
--> "Delete unnecessary links":
--> It now detects more dots types (not just three, but two or more than three dots), and also ignores spaces between them.
--> "Jump to next marked" added - jump to the next marked subtitle.
--> "Jump to previous marked" added - jump to the previous marked subtitle.
--> "Show CPS boxes" added - show/hide CPS Infoboxes for each subtitle. See the changes in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced" for more information.
--> "Jump to next error":
--> It can now jump from the last error to the first.
--> "Jump to previous error" added.
"INFORMATION AND ERRORS..." WINDOW (extended with multiple new functions and indicators):
--> The Info&Errors Window is no longer modal (can stay opened at all times). All the information in it is automatically refreshed when changes occur in the Main Window if the "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Automatically recheck errors" is checked (currently this slows down the speed of Subtitle Workshop a little bit, so only keep the "Information and Errors" window opened when really necessary).
--> The Info&Errors Window can be resized now, and the Info&Errors List columns' widths resize automatically.
--> The Info&Errors List can now be sorted by every column.
--> The total number of errors and fixed errors are now in a separate label, always visible.
--> New "E" (Errors), "W" (Warnings), "F" (Fixed), and "CI" (Custom info) buttons added - they show or hide the corresponding type of information in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "<" and ">" buttons added - they jump to the previous / next row in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "Select" button added - selects all subtitles in the Main Window that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "+ Select" button added - adds to the current selection in the Main Window all subtitles that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "- Select" button added - removes from the current selection in the Main Window all subtitles that are currently in the Info&Errors List.
--> New "Export to file" button added - exports the Info&Errors List content to a text file.
--> ERROR TYPES AREA (new area):
--> This area can be shown/hidden with the new "Error types" button.
--> This area contains a list of all error types and how many of each of them the current subtitle file contains.
--> The checkbox in front of each error type will show/hide all instances of this error type in the Info&Errors List. The "All" button checks them all, the "None" button unchecks them all, and the "Inverse" button makes an inverse selection.
--> The current state of the checkboxes can be saved in an Error Types Set under an assigned name. This way it is easy to switch between different sets of states. The desired name of the Error Types Set must be entered in the dropdown box and the ENTER key or the "Save error types set" button must be pressed to save an Error Types Set. An Error Types Set can be loaded by selecting it from the dropdown box. An Error Types Set can be deleted by loading it and then clicking on the "Delete error types set" button.
--> CUSTOM INFO AREA (new area):
--> This area can be shown/hidden with the new "Custom info" button.
--> Here, different specific rules can be set to look for certain subtitles. The subtitles that fit those rules will be displayed in the Info&Errors List as "Custom info" types of rows, and with a description containing the rule or the rule's caption.
--> There are no Custom info fields at first. Add a new field with the "+" button or with its dropdown menu. The following Custom info rule types are available:
a) "Composite custom info" (default when you press the "+" button): look for subtitles that fit several rules simultaneously:
--> When a "Composite custom info" is added, a new window - the Composite Custom Info Window - appears where all the Composite custom info's sub-rules can be set. Enter the name of the Composite custom info in the "Caption" field. With a Composite custom info, Subtitle Workshop can look for subtitles that fit several rules simultaneously. Those rules can be the same as the other Custom info rule types ("Duration", "Line length", "Line count", "Pause", "CPS", and "Text" - see their description below). Add new subrules with the "+" button.
Example: To find all subtitles that have two lines and a duration less than 1.5 seconds, add a "Composite custom info" with the "+" button. Enter a name for this rule in the "Caption" field. Click on the "+" button in the Composite Custom Info Window below and add a "Subtitles duration information" subfield, and after its "<" sign enter the number 1500. Click on the "+" button again and add a "Subtitles lines count information" subfield and after its ">" sign enter the number 1, after its "<" sign enter the number 3, and from the dropdown select "AND". This way Subtitle Workshop will be looking for subtitles with a duration < 1500 ms, having more than one and less than three (exactly two) lines. Click the "Ok" button to finish editing the Composite custom info.
--> The "Composite custom info" type fields contain an "Edit" button - when clicked, the Composite Custom Info Window appears.
b) "Subtitles duration information":
--> This field type has two textboxes (for two rule values: ">" - greater than, and "<" - less than) - enter the desired number (in milliseconds) in them. You can also select a logical connection between the rules from the dropdown box ("AND" - look for subtitles fitting both conditions; "OR" - look for subtitles fitting at least one of the conditions). You can enter only one value and leave the other field and the dropdown box empty if you wish.
Example 1: To look for all subtitles with a duration of less than 1 second, add a "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter the number 1000 after the "<" sign, and press the ENTER key.
Example 2: To look for subtitles with a duration between 6 and 7 seconds, add another "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter 6000 after ">", and 7000 after "<", select the "AND" logical connection from the dropdown, and press the ENTER key.
Example 3: To look for subtitle with a duration that is either less than 6 seconds or greater than 7 seconds, add another "Duration information" type of field with the "+" button, and enter 7000 after ">", and 6000 after "<",select the "OR" logical connection from the dropdown, and press the ENTER key.
c) "Subtitles line length information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles line length (in characters).
d) "Subtitles line count information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles lines count (in lines).
e) "Subtitles pause information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles pause (in milliseconds).
f) "Subtitles CPS information":
--> It has the same fields as the "Duration" field type and works the same way, but for subtitles CPS (in characters per second).
g) "Subtitles text information":
--> This type of field contains a textbox for the text you're looking for in a subtitle and a dropdown that sets the type of the search that will be performed for that text. The text search types are:
a) Contains (Case sensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that contain the entered text. The search will be case sensitive.
b) Contains (Case insensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that contain the entered text. The search will not be case sensitive.
c) Does not contain (Case sensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that do not contain the entered text. The search will be case sensitive.
d) Does not contain (Case insensitive) - The rule is to look for subtitles that do not contain the entered text. The search will not be case sensitive.
e) Matches regular expression - This option indicates that the entered text will be treated as a regular expression. Regular expressions are explained in Subtitle Workshop's Help in 5.5.4 Syntax of Regular Expressions.
f) Matches regular expression (ignore tags) - like e), but all tags in the subtitles are ignored.
Example: To find all subtitles containing the word "ship", whether it is written with small letters or with one or more capital letters, select "Contains (Case insensitive)" from the dropdown and enter the text "ship" in the textbox.
A new custom info field is added in the Custom Infos List, when you add one of the custom info rules types.
-->There's a checkbox in front of each custom info field to enable or disable that rule (show/hide subtitles in the Info&Errors List that fit that rule).
--> The "Delete" button of a field deletes that field.
--> The number of the subtitles that fit the rule will be displayed on the left of the "Delete" button of the field.
--> The "All", "None", and "Inverse" buttons work in the same fashion as the "All", "None", and "Inverse" buttons in the Error Types Area.
--> The "Save custom info set" and "Delete custom info set" buttons, and the custom info set dropdown box can be used to save sets of Custom info fields, just like the Error types sets in the Error Types Area.
--> There is a vertical slider above the Custom Info Area, that can be used to resize the height of the Custom Info Area.
--> The window is no longer modal (can stay opened at all times). However note that the information in it is NOT automatically refreshed after each change in the Main Window of Subtitle Workshop and must be refreshed manually.
--> New "Refresh info" button added - refresh the various information.
--> New information is shown in the "Information" page:
--> Longest duration - the number of the subtitle with the longest duration and its duration.
--> Shortest duration - the number of the subtitle with the shortest duration and its duration.
--> Longest Pause - the number of the subtitle with the longest pause in relation to its previous subtitle and the duration of that pause.
--> Shortest Pause - the number of the subtitle with the shortest pause in relation to its previous subtitle and the duration of that pause.
--> Longest Line - the number of the subtitle with the longest line and how many characters that line is.
--> Shortest Line - the number of the subtitle with the shortest line and how many characters that line is.
--> Most CPS - the number of the subtitle with the most characters per second and how many exactly they are.
--> Least CPS - the number of the subtitle with the least characters per second and how many exactly they are.
--> Average CPS - the average number of characters per second for the currently opened subtitle file (a great indicator for the quality of the subtitles).
--> New error types added:
--> "Unnecessary tags" - checks for: repeated tags (e.g. <i><i>); empty tags (e.g. <i></i>); opening tags after closing tags (e.g. </i><i>). Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> "Dash on first line" - check for a dash on the first line of subtitles with more than one line (e.g. the Bulgarian standard for dialogue in subtitles is to have a dash only on the second line). Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> "Only if there is no "-" on second line" - a suboption to look only for multiline subtitles starting with a dash, but without other dashes (i.e. without dialogue) - e.g. suitable for English subtitles where dashes are used on both lines of a dialogue.
--> "Too many CPS" - Check for a maximum allowed number of characters per second - a good way to evaluate the readability of the subtitles. Those errors can be marked with a very useful special CPS infobox above the subtitle text in the Main Window. Look for the changes in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced" for more information.
--> "Too short pause" - check for too short pauses between subtitles. The minimal pause is set in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings: Advanced".
--> "Dialogue on one line" - check for dialogue on one line (in fact for a dash after a dot, a question mark or exclamation mark), something that isn't allowed in some standards. Those errors can also be automatically corrected (See "Tools: Information and Errors: Settings: Fix").
--> The "Set color..." button and the "Bold", "Italic", and "Underline" checkboxes are removed (see the new "Mark" tab).
--> "Automatically recheck errors" added - perform AUTOMATIC ERROR RECHECK after EVERY action (change) in Subtitle Workshop!
--> "Do not recheck on Pascal scripts" - rechecking errors on Pascal scripts might be slow - this turns it off.
--> "Recheck all once after a Pascal script executes" - recheck all errors after each Pascal script execution. This is recommended in most cases.
--> "Recheck on each change made by a Pascal script (might be slow)" - might be slow, so only use it for scripts that don't make many modifications.
--> "Indicate too long lines in Text and Translation labels" added - indicate too long lines in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the Text and Translation labels.
--> "Indicate too short duration in Duration box" added - indicate too short duration in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration" box.
--> "Indicate too long duration in Duration box" added - indicate too long duration in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration" box.
--> "Indicate too short pause in Pause box" added - indicate too short pause by changing the text and background color of the "Pause" box.
--> "Indicate overlapping subtitles in Pause box" added - indicate overlapping subtitles by changing the text and background color of the "Pause" box.
--> "Indicate bad values in Show and Hide boxes" added - indicate bad values in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the "Duration", "Show" and "Hide" boxes.
--> "Indicate subtitles over two lines in lines counter label" added - indicate more than two lines in selected subtitle by changing the text and background color of the lines counter label.
--> "Too short pause" added - the minimum pause between two subtitles allowed. This value is used when checking for the "Too short pause" error.
--> "Characters per second (CPS)" area added:
--> "Too many CPS" - the maximum number of characters per second allowed. This value is used when checking for the "Too many CPS" error.
--> "Normal CPS box colors" added - the text and background colors of the CPS Infobox when the CPS does not exceed the maximum CPS allowed. Those colors are used when "Tools: Information and errors: Show CPS boxes" is on.
--> "Too much CPS box colors" - the text and background colors of the CPS Infobox when the CPS exceeds the maximum CPS allowed.
--> "Display percentage in CPS box" - the CPS Infoboxes will contain the percentage of the currently used number of characters per second out of the allowed maximum (e.g. if the maximum is 15 CPS, a subtitle with duration of 2 seconds, will use 100% if it contains 30 characters, or 80% if it contains 24 characters, or 50% if it contains 15 characters, or 200% if it contains 60 characters, etc.).
--> "Display current CPS in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the subtitles current CPS (its number of characters divided by its duration).
--> "Display minimum time in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the minimum duration allowed (for the current number of characters) that will keep the subtitle's CPS within the allowed maximum.
--> "Display maximum characters in CPS box" - the CPS Infobox will contain the maximum number of characters allowed (for the current duration) that will keep the subtitle's CPS within the allowed maximum.
"MARK" TAB (new tab): configure a new Advanced Error Marking System for unique marking of each type of error:
--> "General: Mark errors in main form's list" should be checked for the Advanced Error Marking System to work.
--> To set styles:
1) Select which columns to be marked for the error (N="Num", P="Pause", S="Show", H="Hide", D="Duration", T="Text").
2) Select the text style of the marking of the error (B="Bold", I="Italic", U="Underline", S="Strikethrough").
3) Select the text and background colors for the selected (in step 1) columns for the error in the two color boxes on the right (first box is the text color, second box is the background color).
--> Unchecked error types won't be marked at all.
--> "Default error marking" will be applied for all checked errors with no selected columns (i.e. don't select any columns for an error type to mark it with this default style).
--> The "Set Default Styles" button sets the default Advanced Error Marking System set of styles.
--> Currently, the order the errors are marked in the Main Window is the following: 1. The errors with the default marking are marked. 2. The errors with unique marking are marked in the order they appear in the "Mark" tab.
--> "Open":
--> It now supports "All files (*.*)".
--> It now supports many more format extensions.
--> "Playback rate":
--> "150%" added.
--> "Video renderer" added - select a video renderer.
--> "Default" - select default video renderer.
--> "VMR9" - select VMR9 video renderer.
--> "Audio stream" added - select from multiple audio streams of the current video file:
--> "None" - turn off all audio streams.
--> <audio-stream-number>. <audio-stream-title> - select an audio stream.
--> "Tags mode" added:
--> "No interaction with tags" - the same as before.
--> "Multiple tags mode" - the new full tags support mode (recommended).
--> "Single tags mode" - the old tags mode.
--> "Auto delete tags" - remove all tags when loading and saving subtitle files.
--> "Default subtitle duration" added - the duration a newly added subtitle will have.
--> "Default subtitle pause" added - the pause between two subtitles (used when a new subtitle is added and in timing adjustment related functions).
--> "Increase step (time)" added - this is the increase/decrease step value for the "Show", "Hide", "Duration" and "Pause" boxes in Time Mode.
--> "Increase step (frames)" added - this is the increase/decrease step value for the "Show", "Hide", "Duration" and "Pause" boxes in Frame Mode.
--> "Keep min duration" added - set a minimum duration that Subtitle Workshop should try to keep for every subtitle when timings are modified. Currently this is applied when the Show/Hide/Pause values are manually changed, when the "Set Start Time" and "Set Final Time" buttons are used, and when "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." or "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" is used.
--> "but don't allow overlaps" added - don't allow overlaps when trying to keep the minimum duration.
--> "Automatically round time values to:" added - set a value that Subtitle Workshop should automatically round all time values to. Currently this is applied when the "Set Show Time", "Set Hide Time", and "Move subtitle" buttons/menus are used, and when "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." or "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" is used.
--> "Round time values on subtitle load" added - if enabled, Subtitle Workshop will round all time values when a subtitle file is opened.
--> "Add "Open with Subtitle Workshop" to shell context menu" added - adds "Open with Subtitle Workshop" to the context menu that pops up when you right-click a file in Windows. This works only for 32-bit Windows.
--> "Ask to save new subtitles" added - turn on or off the prompt to save new unsaved files.
--> "Save empty subtitles" added - if enabled, when saving subtitle files, instead of deleting all empty subtitles, Subtitle Workshop will save them with the text "- empty subtitle -". When the file is later opened in Subtitle Workshop again, the text in those lines will be automatically deleted and they'll become empty again.
--> "Vertical video align" added - align the video vertically in the middle of the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Enter full screen on double click" added - enable/disable Full Screen toggle with a left mouse button double click. Disabling it might be useful when playing/pausing the video with a left mouse click is used a lot, to avoid unnecessary Full Screen toggle.
--> "Play video on load" added - specifies whether to play the video file automatically when it's loaded or not.
--> "Setting Show and Hide times" added:
--> "Shift Show value" - the amount of additional time shift (in relation to the current moment of the video), when the Show value of a subtitle is set with the "Set Show Time" button. Negative values can be used. A value of zero means the Show Time will be equal to the current moment of the video.
--> "Shift Hide value" - the amount of additional time shift (in relation to the current moment of the video), when the Hide value of a subtitle is set with the "Set Hide Time" button. Negative values can be used. A value of zero means the Hide Time will be equal to the current moment of the video.
--> Subtitle transparency color box added - used when "Force using regions" is on. Default transparent color changed from pink to almost-black gray ($010101). Never set this color to the same color as the subtitle text color, the background color, the border color, or the shadow color!
--> "Align left when subtitles contain a new line starting with "-"" added - display subtitles containing dialogue with left alignment (but still in the center of the screen, of course).
--> "Relative font size" added - make the font size relative to the Video Preview Panel size.
--> "Keep subtitle on video" added - align the subtitles to the bottom of the video, instead of to the bottom of the Video Preview Panel.
--> "Try antialiasing" added - antialiasing for TrueType fonts when it is not enabled in Windows. "Force using regions" must be off.
--> Subtitles border color selector added (on the right of the Border width box).
--> Subtitles shadow color selector added (on the right of the Shadow width box).
--> "Highlight tags in "Text" and "Translation" fields" added - when enabled, all tags in the "Text" and "Translation" fields appear in the color of the box on the right. Click that box to change the color.
--> "Smart main window and subtitle list resize" added - 1) When the columns of the Subtitles List are resized, the width of the Main Window of the program is automatically adjusted so that there are no horizontal scrollbars in the Subtitles List. 2) When Translator Mode is entered or exited, and when the Left Panel is shown or hidden, the width of the Main Window of the program is automatically adjusted.
--> "Resize subtitle list columns when resizing form" added - when the Main Window of the program is resized, the Text and Translation columns of the Subtitles List are resized so that there are no horizontal scrollbars in the Subtitles List.
--> "Mark untranslated subtitles with background" added - select a color for the background of untranslated subtitles.
--> "Right click selection" - enable row selection with a right mouse button click.
--> "Row height" added - adjust the height of the rows in the Subtitles List (in pixels).
--> "Text margin" added - adjust the margin inside the cells of the Subtitles List (in pixels).
--> "Selection" area added:
--> "Text" - text color of selected row(s).
--> "Color" - background color of selected row(s).
--> "Transparency" - selection transparency (100% means fully transparent, 0% means fully opaque).
--> "Columns" area added:
--> "Align":
--> "Num" - text alignment of the Num column.
--> "Pause" - text alignment of the Pause column.
--> "Show" - text alignment of the Show column.
--> "Hide" - text alignment of the Hide column.
--> "Duration" - text alignment of the Duration column.
--> "Text" - text alignment of the Text column.
--> "Translation" - text alignment of the Translation column.
--> "Display style" - all the dropdowns have two options: "Compact" and "Full". Selecting "Full" means the value will be fully rendered (e.g. "00:00:03,500"). Selecting "Compact" means leading zeroes will be omitted (e.g. "00:00:03,500" will be rendered as "3,500").
"LOOK: MENU" PAGE: this page is removed and its items moved to "Look: Program".
"LOOK: MARKING" PAGE (new page):
--> "Marking with color" - set the text color of marked subtitles.
--> "Marking with background" - set the background color of marked subtitles.
--> "Columns to mark" - which columns should be marked:
--> "Mark Column "Num".
--> "Mark Column "Pause".
--> "Mark Column "Show".
--> "Mark Column "Hide".
--> "Mark Column "Duration".
--> "Mark Column "Text".
--> "Marking priority" - priority compared to Error Marking:
--> "Low (before error marking)" - Subtitle Workshop will mark marked subtitles first, then the errors.
--> "High (after error marking)" - Subtitle Workshop will mark errors first, then the marked subtitles.
--> "Marked subtitle color in video preview" - the text color marked subtitles will be displayed with in the Video Preview Panel subtitles.
--> "Marking file" - .srf files settings:
--> "Save marking file only manually" - .srf file can be saved only manually from "File: Save Marking".
--> "Ask each time to save marking file" - Prompt to save marking in a .srf file before closing the subtitles.
--> "Automatically save marking file on subtitle save" - save the marking in a .srf when the subtitles are saved.
--> "Automatically load marking file" - if there's a .srf file with the same name as the subtitle file opened, it's automatically loaded. The program will look for files with the following names: <subtitle file name> + <subtitle file extension> + <.srf>. If not found then it looks for <subtitle file name> + <.srf>.
--> "Always show Output Settings when saving" option added for all formats - when checked, the Output Settings window will always appear when saving the corresponding format.
--> Default encoding, colors and outline/shadow size changed.
--> New settings added in the "Others" tab: "Play resolution X", "Play resolution Y", "Collisions", and "Timer"
--> "Refresh language files" added - refresh all language files with missing keys and default English values. Use this function before you start updating your language file.
--> A list of all formats (and their extensions) supported by Subtitle API displayed when "<N> supported formats" is clicked.
--> Subtitle API updated to version 1.15 - it supports the new Multiple Tags Mode, adds a few new formats, and fixes issues with some old formats
--> Language files updated: English, Russian, Bulgarian.
--> Help files updated: English, Russian, Bulgarian.
--> The number of Pascal Script shortcuts is increased to 20 (shortcuts are set in the "shortcuts.key" file).
--> New Pascal Script functions added:
--> procedure GoToLineNumber(const Line: Integer); - selects and scrolls into view the line with a number Line.
--> function GetSWVersion(): String; - returns Subtitle Workshop's current version.
--> function GetAPIVersion(): String; - return SubtitleAPI's current version.
--> function GetOrgFilename(): String; - returns the original file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetOrgFilepath(): String; - returns the original file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetTransFilename(): String; - returns the translation file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetTransFilepath(): String; - returns the translation file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetMovieFilename(): String; - returns the movie file's name (including its extension).
--> function GetMovieFilepath(): String; - returns the movie file's path (both drive and directory, including the final backslash).
--> function GetVideoPosTime(): String; - returns the current position of the video (hh:mm:ss,zzz).
--> function GetVideoPosFrames(): String; - returns the current position of the video (in frames).
--> More info displayed on Pascal Script crash.
--> Command line parameter to run a Pascal Script added: SubtitleWorkshop.exe "/SCRIPT(Input_File/Output_File/Input_FPS/Pascal_script)".
--> "Parasite subtitles.ocr" script added - detects subtitles, containing only grunts, shouts, sighs, and similar sound representations like "argh", "hmm", "uhh", "whoa", "whoo-hoo", "whoops" etc.
--> "Default.ocr" script:
--> "I" (uppercase "i") and "l" (lowercase "L") OCR errors detection improved
--> Dot after punctuation marks ("?.", "!.", ":.") OCR errors detection added
--> Unnecessary spaces fixes removed
--> TAGS:
--> Support added for the following tags: <font color=XXXXXX>, <font color=#XXXXXX>, <font color="XXXXXX">, and <font color="#XXXXXX">.
--> <B>, <I>, and <U> tags (capitalized) are now supported.
--> There's less flickering when you resize the Main Window now.
--> Shortcut files can be now dragged and dropped in Subtitle Workshop.
--> The mouse cursor now turns into an hourglass when time-consuming operations are executed.
--> When switching Subtitle Workshop's interface language, and when changing the Translation Charset, the "- Untranslated subtitle -" text of all untranslated subtitles is switched to the corresponding text of the selected language for untranslated subtitles, if the selected Translation Charset is appropriate.
--> Untranslated subtitles (subs with "- Untranslated subtitle -" text) that have style tags (<b>, <i>, <u>, <c:#XXXXXX>) are also considered untranslated now.
--> Subtitles having "Bad Values" are no longer marked as subtitles having "Too short duration".
--> When removing text before colon, if there's a dash before the colon it will not be removed now (e.g. "Sir?|- PICARD: Engage!" will be converted to "Sir?|- Engage!" instead of "Sir?|Engage!").
--> The ""-" in subtitles with one line" error is now detected even if there are spaces in front of the dash.
--> Errors that consider dialogue dashes (like "Dash on first line", "Dash in subtitles with one line", and "Dialogue on one line") now detect a total of four different dashes: "-" (0045 - normal dash / figure dash), "–" (0150 - en dash), "—" (0151 - em dash), "" (0173).
--> OCR Scripts can now be used only to find items by not defining a ReplaceBy value in the ERROR tag.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" automatically remove dialogue dashes now.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" new smart algorithm for dividing single-lined subtitles added (division is made after a dialogue dash or a punctuation mark if possible).
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now copy tags to both newly created subtitles.
--> "Edit: Texts: Divide lines..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now show a warning message and don't execute, if the duration of the subtitle to be divided is really short.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now sets Automatic durations to both new subtitles, based on the new texts' lengths.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" now works when more than one subtitles are selected.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" (and "Edit: Subtitles: Auto combine subtitles") now automatically remove the "- Untranslated subtitle -" text, when combining a translated subtitle with an untranslated subtitle in Translator Mode.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" now puts all tags in the beginning of the combined subtitle and cleans unnecessary tags, when Single Tags Mode (Settings: Settings: Tags mode) is selected.
--> "Edit: Texts: Smart line adjust..." and "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now also fix wrong tag positions and empty lines.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now tries to break on punctuation marks; it also offers up to 3 variations when "Settings: Settings: Advanced: Fast smart line adjust: Toggle breakpoint" is enabled.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now only modifies the Text or the Translation (when only one subtitle is selected), depending on the focused field - "Text" or "Translation" - or on the focused column in the Subtitles List.
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast smart line adjust" now doesn't toggle variants when multiple subtitles are selected.
--> The translation is now copied to every new line, when using an effect from "Edit: Subtitles: Effects".
--> Functions that look for dialogue dashes (like "Unbreak subtitles", "Smart Line Adjust", and "Delete unnecessary links") now detect a total of four different dashes: "-" (0045 - normal dash / figure dash), "–" (0150 - en dash), "—" (0151 - em dash), "" (0173).
--> MISC:
--> "Undo" of "Input FPS" and "FPS" changes now returns the exact previous timing values.
--> When associating file types with Subtitle Workshop in "Settings: Settings: File types", unassociated file types are automatically associated with their previously associated program now.
--> Closing the "Settings: Settings" window and the "Tools: Information and errors: Settings" window doesn't take that much time now (faster settings saving).
--> If only one instance of Subtitle Workshop is allowed, when trying to launch a second one, the first one is now brought to front.
--> Other small changes.
--> Menu titles not properly displayed when the program language is changed in "Settings: Language".
--> The "Always on top" option in "Settings: Settings: General" is not saved.
--> The save prompt window for new subtitle files appears multiple times if not closed, causing an error.
--> Total number of symbols not properly displayed in Text and Translation labels when the subtitles contain tags.
--> Unclosed tags like "<c:#XXXXXX" (no ">" in the end), cause Subtitle Workshop to crash when those subtitles are previewed in the Video Preview Panel.
--> After the error marking color is changed in "Tools: Information and errors: Settings", the Subtitles List is not properly repainted.
--> <b> (bold) and <u> (underline) tags can't be removed by using the Context Menu of the Subtitles List - instead, the <i> tags are always removed.
--> The bottom left border of the subtitle in the Video Preview Panel is cut out.
--> The top right end of some letters in italics in the subtitle in the Video Preview Panel is cut out.
--> When turning the border or the shadow on and off in "Settings: Settings: Video Preview: Subtitles", the subtitle sample is not refreshed accordingly.
--> Clicking the empty space at the bottom of the "Tools: Information and errors: Various information" window causes an error.
--> Undoing "Edit: Subtitles: Combine subtitles" does not return the proper Final time of the first of the combined subtitles.
--> Automatically saving the work as a .bak file ("Settings: Settings: Save: Save as backup") does not make a backup file of the Translation File.
--> When the subtitles background color for the Video Preview Panel is changed in "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles", after opening a new subtitle file, the background color is restored to the previous one.
--> When opening a .srf file that contains a subtitle number higher than the number of the current last subtitle, an error occurs.
--> Some minor problems in the "Edit: Texts: Divide Lines" window.
--> The "Spaces before custom characters" errors are marked as "Spaces AFTER custom characters" errors.
--> Undoing "Edit: Texts: Set Maximum Line Length" in Translator Mode doesn't work correctly.
--> Undoing fixed overlapping doesn't work correctly.
--> Undoing fixed repeated subtitles doesn't work correctly.
--> Changing the Input FPS of a new unsaved file causes an error.
-->"Edit: Timing: Automatic durations" doesn't calculate the durations correctly.
--> When opening a "Plain text", the previously opened file is not saved and not correctly closed.
--> When changing Subtitle Workshop's interface language, the texts of the Text and Translation fields is modified and become unreadable.
--> Applying "Edit: Text: Fast Divide Lines" to single-line subtitles creates two empty subtitles.
--> Double click on a row from the Subtitles List sometimes doesn't move the video to the corresponding moment (after you close a subtitle in Translator Mode, then turn off Translator Mode, then open new subtitles).
--> "In place edition" does not allow editing of the timing values, though it should.
--> The encoding of the subtitles in the Video Preview Panel sometimes changes after using the "Settings: Settings" window.
--> Undoing deletion a character in a group of three or more subsequent IDENTICAL characters doesn't work properly (e.g. Undo the deletion of one "y" from the word "Kashyyyk").
--> When joining two subtitle files ("Tools: Join subtitles..."), if the name of the new file contains a dot (.), it will be saved without an extension.
--> Pressing the DEL key in the Subtitles List (Delete subtitle) when no subtitles are selected causes an error.
--> When the video is paused, the current time displayed in the time counter below the video is not exact, but a little bit behind.
--> Undoing a character deletion, or Redoing a character input doesn't restore the "Text" or "Translation" caret (blinking cursor) position properly.
--> SAMI background color does not change properly in "Settings: Output settings".
--> Tags not ignored when determining whether to enable the "Edit: Texts: Divide lines" and "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" menus or not.
--> Undoing "Edit: Texts: "Fast unbreak subtitles" in Translator Mode doesn't restore the original translation.
--> The background of the Subtitles in the Video Preview Panel is rendered transparent when "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Force using regions" option is enabled, even when the "Settings: Settings: Video preview: Subtitles: Try transparent background" option is disabled.
--> When jumping to next/previous error or to next/previous marked, or using "Search: Search...: Replace all", or inserting a new line, if more than one subtitles have been selected, not all of them are properly deselected.
--> "Edit: Subtitles: Effects: Type effect" doesn't handle tags properly.
--> The video altered playback rates of 200%, 300%, and 400% don't work properly when the "Altered playback" button in the Video Preview Panel is pressed.
--> The charset of font example panels in "Settings: Output settings" doesn't change accordingly.
--> When using the MOVE SUBTITLE button, the values of the "Show", "Hide", "Duration", and "Pause" boxes are not refreshed.
--> "Edit: Redo" is not disabled after using "Edit: Texts: Set maximum line length".
--> "Edit: Texts: Fast divide lines" doesn't set the subtitle file as modified.
--> When changing times using "in-place edition", the subtitle file is not set as modified.
--> Pressing the ENTER key when changing the Text using "in-place edition" causes an error or doesn't set the new text/translation.
--> When using "in-place edition", the edit boxes that popup don't always fill the corresponding cell properly.
--> The text in the Subtitles List becomes empty when the "Default" charset is being used.
--> The Subtitle in the Video Preview Panel doesn't show up immediately when "Movie: Show subtitles" is turned on after it was turned off.
--> Clicking on the "Calculate" button in the "Extras" tab of the Various Information Window when the length of the longest subtitle is 0 (all subtitles are empty), causes Subtitle Workshop to crash.
--> If only one instance of Subtitle Workshop is allowed, when trying to open a subtitle file and Subtitle Workshop is already running, the file is sometimes not opened at all.
--> Output settings are not loaded when using command line parameters.
--> When setting "Backward and forward time" in "Settings: Settings: Video Preview", if the full number is not written (blanks are left - '_'), an error occurs.
--> When opening a .srf file that references a subtitle file that does not exist, an incorrect error message is dislpayed (The file "<file name>" is a bad subtitle or an unsupported format.) and then an error occurs.
--> In Translator Mode, loading a "Plain text" is not possible (always leads to error).
-->In Translator Mode, after loading a .srf file, an error occurs.
--> Other small bugs.
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
+ About window update
+ Fixed multiselect bug
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
* Additional Pascal functions
function GetVideoPosTime(): String;
function GetVideoPosFrames(): String;
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 RC
* Subtitle transparency color added to settings
+ Little redesign of Settings->Video preview->Subtitles
+ Removed default hotkeys for
Edit->Subtitles->Effects->Type effect
Edit->Subtitles->Effects->Flash (Fast/Medium/Slow)
+ Total errors text in Information and errors window
+ Turned off scroll to end of list in Information and errors
+ Description column in Information and errors now fits window width
* Asterisk in title bar to indicate that changes in original/translation are not saved.
+ Translation for CPS in main form
* Settings for double click in Original/Translation box
+ Double click jump from Biggest/Smallest CPS, Biggest/Smallest duration in Various information window.
+ Widened a little time controls in Divide lines/Split subtitle
+ Fixed bug with TimeEdit component (bad MaxTime constant)
+ TimeEdit component Up/Down arrows now are little bigger
+ Fixed problem with getting state of Work with tags / No interaction with tags
+ Default setting for "Show color bar" now is set to off
+ Romanian manual added
+ Fixed bug with style tags counted in Fast divide lines
+ Fixed bug with original text clear in Fast divide lines
+ Smart line adjust (Ctrl+E) now works separately for original/translation
+ Fast divide lines (Ctrl+Shift+V) now works separately for original/translation
+ Fixed bug with swapped panes in settings
* Gap between subtitles for:
Insert subtitle, Extend length, Duration limits, Expand duration, Automatic durations
* Divide lines, gap between subtitles
* Settings for new subtitle duration
+ Some memory leaks fixed
+ Fixed bug with translation box redraw
+ Settings for 150% playback rate
+ Fixed bug with playback rate save and restore. Little refactoring, constants added.
+ Fixed infinite loop when typing pipe character
+ Fixed error coloring after settings change
+ Settings window redesign
+ Fixed time to zero bug in Adjust subtitles window
* Choose top/bottom position for subtitle preview
+ Check for update now returns found version number
+ Check for updates enabled in menu
+ Little changes in About form
+ More style tags code refactoring (no changes for end-user)
* Popup for style tags in edit controls
+ Fixed TAB circle issue
* Hotkeys to tag selected part of subtitle text
Defaults are Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E, Alt+R
+ Tags <i>, <u>, <b> are no more judged as hearing impaired subtitles
* Experimental tag highlighting in edit controls
+ More accurate CPS calculation when tags are used
+ More accurate long lines detection when tags are used
* Added shortcuts for shift Show/Hide times separately
+ Close tags are no more shown in subtitle preview
Subtitle API 1.12:
+ Added close tags (</b>, </i>, </u>, </c>)
+ Removed re-tagging of subtitles, where only part of subtitle was tagged
+ Style tags code refactoring (no changes for end-user)
+ Added close tags (</b>, </i>, </u>, </c>)
+ Information and errors report is now formatted with spaces instead of TABs
* Too small/too big CPS added to check in Information and errors window
+ Information and errors is now non-modal window
+ To drag-and-drop supported files added *.avs
+ Information and errors set color button changed to color sample
* Button to export Information and errors report to textfile
+ Shift+Tab jump from list to memo
+ CPS changed to two decimal places after comma
* Added support for GetOrgFilename, GetOrgFilepath, same for translation and video in Pascal scrips
+ Changed default volume to max
* Added volume icon
+ Fixed subtitle list covered by video
+ Added Avisynth to movie open dialog
+ Fixed final time of first subtitle for undo after combining
* Possibility to choose audio stream from video
+ Fixed text selection bug when Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter pressed (second try)
* Color bar for visual subtitle representation
+ Edit controls reverted to non-unicode (bug with font charset changing)
+ Added numeric code for play video errormessage
+ Added Hungarian language file by perelli
+ Fixed length of movie seekbar
+ Fixed bug with jump on double click when translator mode is off
+ Time controls are little resized
+ Added Serbian language file by Branko Pavlović
+ Changed tab order for text input boxes
+ Information and errors little redesign
+ File version information
+ Fixed bug with realtime CPS
+ Fixed bug with running Pascal scripts
* Added volume save on program exit
* Settings for CPS coloring
* CPS coloring
* Change duration based on entered CPS
+ Fixed bug with removing Bold/Underline style via popup
* Volume control
* Changed taskbar caption to subtitle file + Subtitle Workshop (instead of Subtitle Workshop + subtitle file)
* Settings for untranslated subtitle text
+ Realtime CPS recalc on text change
* Added command line parameter to run Pascal script
+ Minor update of English and Russian help files.
+ Changed bug support email
+ Fixed text selection bug when Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter pressed
+ SubStation Alpha is now saved with correct encoding instead of default 0
+ Changed default colors and outline/shadow size in default config for SubStation Alpha
* More recent version of VirtualTreeView 4.8.7 is used for compilation
* More recent DX headers are used for compilation
* Windows are little redesigned
Various information, Join subtitles, Split subtitle, Information and errors, Save as
* Min/max CPS and duration in Various information
* Added support for GetSWVersion and GetAPIVersion in Pascal scrips
+ Fixed bug with milliseconds in TimeEdit control
* Added information about CPS (characters per seconds)
Thanks to Buzcatcher (more at
* Added support for GoToLineNumber in Pascal scripts
+ Version number in caption
* Shortcuts for 10 Pascal scripts instead of 5
+ Fixed font in "About"
+ Fixed bug charset after changing language
* Turned off check for new version
* Compiled from 2.52 sources provided by Dek.
* About form GPL copyright
* Support for "All files" in Movie->Open
* Bigger "Divide lines", "Information & errors", "Save as" dialogs
Subtitle Workshop 2.52 Beta
Changelog and download
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 4 released!.
* Changes:
o Added: DoStudio image subtitle support!
o Added: load plain text
o Fixed: font size in image export
o Fixed: audio stream switcher engine
o Fixed: text translation
o Fixed: FAB Subtitler (SAPI)
o And other things...
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 3 released!.
Added: text translation with Google technology! (requires Internet connection
Added: SHIFT+ENTER and CTRL+ENTER for going through subtitles
Added: duration tag for custom format {swDuration}
Added: drag and drop of subtitle files
Added: display Translation/Alternative subtitles in video preview
Added: search subtitle files in OpenSubtitles (requires Internet connection)
Improved: custom format new line [Enter] issue
Improved: search/Find next now scroll to correct item
Improved: set times in edit
Improved: custom image format timecode issue
And other things...
Subtitle Workshop 4 BETA 2 released!.
Added: vertical slider for subtitle positioning
Added: go subtitle's "Show" time in video by Double click in initial time
Added: go subtitle's "Hide" time in video by Double click in final time
Added: audio stream switcher
Added: volume slider
Added: color selection for Text/Border/Shadow in "export to image"
Added: read timings from file
Added: read texts from file
Added: adjust subtitles (synchronize)
Added: mouse click on video to play/pause
Improved: insert subtitle function
Improved: save subtitle "enter" char issue
Improved: video preview mode is activated when open a video
Improved: Sonic Scenarist HDMV Authoring and time code fixed!
And other things...
4 Beta 1, January 01, 2008
We are proud to present you the very new version of well-known Subtitle Workshop!
Current version is totally written from scratch, and is improved now to Subtitle Workshop4 BETA 1.
Not all features of SW 2.51 are currently implemented, but you can enjoy new features:
- new gui with customizable toolbars
- support for altenative translation
- experimental image export for "Sonic Scenarist HDMV"