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Stoik Video Converter is a video converter. Convert AVI, WMV, DV files in all possible combinations. Pick up one or multiple source video files, select output audio and video settings using preinstalled or custom profiles, and convert to single or multiple output video files. Now supports DivX + MP3 AVI, Windows Media 9, multiple file conversion, and file merging. Pro version costs $30.

Trialware $30
OS: Win
File size: 29MB
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Latest version

3.0.2 (December 18, 2015)


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Download Stoik Video Converter 3.0.2  29MB  Win Win

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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $30)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

What's new in 3.0.2

We've just updated it for using it with Windows 10. More than 140 converting presets are additionally included to support modern devices.

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All features

Stoik Video Converter - Video Conversion Program Features

Stoik Video Converter program is a smart video file converter software (Windows), designed to convert all videos of yours. Stoik Video Converter transforms video files between different formats with rapid converting rate and high quality. Stoik batch video converter prunes batch video file conversion down. It transforms nearly all video formats to the formats you need, such as MPEG, MOV, AVI, MP4, FLV, 3GP. Plus, you can chose options and convert with the ideal quality.
Stoik Video Converter comes in two fully featured editions: Free and Pro
The Free edition Video Converter software offers quick and easy video format conversion from one video format to another, and features a great deal of pre-configured profiles to match exact screen resolution, format and file size requirements of most video players and online video sharing services.
Stoik Video Converter is a complete all-in-one included package of video tools. It’s an universal video converter that supporting and converting all popular video formats (avi to mov, mov to avi, avi to mpeg, etc.). Stoik Video Converter is especially created to convert video files of a huge array of formats like AVI, MPEG4, MOV, Flash, RM, WMV and many more. Plus, special video presets are available so you may convert with the excellent quality.
Stoik Video Converter contains also such powerful feature as batch video conversion to convert thousands of files quickly and efficiently. Using Stoik video converter software, you have access to video processing: you can successfully crop, cut, clip, merge, split, slice videos. Moreover, Stoik Video Converter program can crop frame size to remove all useless things in the frame.
Our cool video converter performs video conversion quite fast and easy. Just download Stoik Video Converter program for free now and have a good time!
STOIK Video Converter Pro offers about 275 ready-made and easily customizable profiles. The profiles allow you producing videos that perfectly match specifications (screen resolution, bitrate, file size and format) supported by their video player or online upload service without having to know or remember the correct parameters.
The Pro edition adds more than 25 video special effects and filters to process and enhance video streams on the fly. To name a few, the filters include: Smart Deinterlace, Hue, Saturation, Brightness & Contrast adjustments, Despeckle, Noise Removal, Crop, Local Contrast adjustment, Film Grain, Motion Blur, Mosaic, Flip/Rotate, and Auto Adjustment.

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7 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

* Pros:
Useful for the odd non-seekable streaming file that Avisynth-based tools or Graphedit can't handle. Can handle Xvid single-pass (free version). Nice GUI. Free.

* Cons:
Tries to launch "starter.exe" and phone home at every startup (-> set shortcut to VideoPak2.exe instead).
Video/audio profile settings require multiple tries to "stick". Profile reset to "uncompressed" w/o "no audio" numerous times. Watch out for gigantic filesizes in the status bar. Can handle Xvid, but not LAME.

Review by mek07 on Apr 17, 2008 Version: 2.11 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 6/10

Doesn't work. Have a bunch of dv files to convert but this doesn't even support them. txt file says it does

Review by sp_key on Jul 6, 2006 Version: 2.1.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 1/10

I downloaded this tool to convert some old WMVs I had to DivX/Xvid AVI's (I discovered later that I could do this with TMPGEnc which I already had). The program seems to be superb at first, but then I realized I had successfully created a 300MB XviD AVI out of a 20MB WMV file. I discovered that whenever I would set the compression settings for either DivX or Xvid, as soon as I would click "OK" the settings would be lost and I would end up with a 9,856 kb/s bitrate somehow... anyway, this is really the only reason I gave it a 1 in functionality (pretty useless if you can only compress video to 9,856 kb/s). Nobody else seems to have that problem so give it a shot, if it worked corectly for me I would have given it a 10.

I also would have given it a 10 for ease of use, but considering programs like WinAVI which basically requires no brains at all to run, I gave it a 9. Otherwise, this program is very easy to run and the GUI very easy to navigate. This is good in my opinion anyway because WinAVI sacrificed configurability for user-friendlyness.

Review by AVNerd on Jan 16, 2005 Version: 2.0 (Freeware) OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 3/10

My capturing software creates MPEG-2 files that are HUUUUUUUUUUUGE or WMV files that are manageable. But VirtualDub wouldn't read WMV files -- even the old VDub before Micro$oft yelled at them. Used ASFTools to convert to AVI, but it cranked out a video format (WMV3) that VirtualDub couldn't read.

Then I tried this tool. Unlike ASFTools, it actually lets you pick the video and audio formats that the output file will contain. Problem solved (and for a great price)!

Review by brendt on Sep 19, 2004 Version: 1.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I use it daily to convert to wmv and have wide variety of files with differents bitrates also lot of other codecs but not all of them work you need to have the codecs installed. I am a newb but very happy about it after i searched and tried tens of other programs.

Review by forare on Jun 29, 2004 Version: not sure OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

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