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Sizzle is a free DVD Authoring tool for MAC. Sizzle is a GUI/frontend for dvdauthor.

Free software
OS: Mac
File size: 2MB
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0.5b2 (April 30, 2004)


Download Sizzle 0.5b2  2MB

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Mac OS Mac

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

This should fix many problems people have been having with Sizzle and 10.3.
Disc image creation is faster now, and DVD menu buttons should work better on more DVD players.
German and French localizations are also included, finally, much apologies to my translators whose work has been siting on my hard drive for months and months.
9-button bug is fixed, too. And even though NO ONE requested this freaking feature, you can now choose the scratch folder for people with small boot drives. I'm sure this isn't useful to ANYONE.

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4 reviews, Showing 1 to 4 reviews

2010 follow-up post. I recently tried this tool to author a home DVD for a Philips DVD player. While the DVD plays fine on my computer the menus do not work at all on the Philips player (which otherwise plays a lot of formats including MP4 and AVI).

It really is a pity development on this tool was abandoned because, as I observed earlier, as far as I can tell it is the only free DVD authoring software for Mac.

Review by Limnos on Nov 29, 2010 Version: 0.5 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 6/10 Functionality: 4/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 3/10

Interface features somewhat clunky, like having to constantly click on application menu buttons to access DVD menu button properties. Have to manually generate all chapters and a bit finicky to edit chapter times. Still this is, so far, the only free MacOS DVD menu generation program I can find. The main problem I encountered is that on the one DVD I have so far tried to use, it "finishes" generating the DVD about 80% of the way through. I have tried various input formats (VOB, m2v, encoded+-demuxed using various programs on Mac and PC which play fine) but it always stops after about 3.8 GB of a 4.2GB movie.

Review by Limnos on Jan 15, 2008 Version: 0.5 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 4/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 3/10

Excellent! Except that the menus are a little problematic, the program is easy to use, fast, and does a wonderful job of authoring DVD. Many thanks to the developers.

Review by vikruti on Dec 11, 2003 Version: 0.5 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Great program! You can't beat the price (Free) and it's ease of use. There are still a few things that as being worked on and will be added soon, thus increasing functionality value. For fast, simple DVD creation, it can't be beat.

Review by tgpo on Nov 8, 2003 Version: .5b1 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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