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Resonic Player is a slick audio player and browser / directory player, built around a big waveform view. Resonic plays your music files, sounds and samples out of your existing folders. It's built to be fast, reliable, and powerful. It does what it is supposed to do, without the bloat, and with exceptional usability. Pro version costs $70.

Freeware Trialware
OS: Win
File size: 13MB
Beta version
Portable version
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Latest version

0.9.3 Beta / 0.9.4 Pro (August 21, 2021)


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Download Resonic Player 0.9.3 Beta  13MB  Win Win

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Download Resonic Player 0.9.3 Beta Portable  11MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

Download Resonic Player 0.9.4 Pro  Win Win

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Software License

Freeware/Trialware (Free software but some features are limited to pro/premium version )

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Resonic Beta 0.9.3
Released March 21, 2019

Resonic now warns you on startup when settings cannot be saved properly, or the Windows Defender Controlled folder access feature might be affecting Resonic's operation.
Learn more: (reported: D. Tremblay)
Resonic now warns you when audio extraction fails because of full or write-protected disks.
Fixed a randomly occuring crash that could be triggered by resizing the meta panel.
Fixed a possible deadlock when using the filter while scanning folders. (reported: A. Mor)
More resilient save and restore of preferences.
File operations (e.g., file deletes) that require a user interaction (e.g., on missing permissions) will now show a dialog instead of failing silently.
Restored Windows Vista compatibility. Be advised though that Vista support will be removed for good in a future update.
Fix filenames for Unreal Engine option that makes filenames produced by Resonic drag & drop extraction + slice export, and cropping, digestable by the Unreal Engine's bowels, counteracting a bug in UE asset file handling. Image
To change the option click the marker button (next to A-B-) and find the option in each of the two independent Extraction settings menus. (reported: M. Gray)
User Interface
The header bar now shows the tempo in bpm, when available from the file's embedded metadata, or alternatively an educated guess based on filename and other metadata. Image
Also shown is tempo in bpm with the pitch shifting _applied_, i.e. after changing the audio frequency, which goes hand in hand with the duration and pitched duration displays.
Implemented some high DPI improvements for the browser.
New button in sound preferences that opens the Windows sound control panel or the ASIO driver control panel for the selected device in sound preferences.
The button (...) is located right of the device selection.
Fixed a tooltip drawing issue.
Faster meta panel updates.
Added Show level meter to visualization button context menu.
Axed colors in status bar notifications when switching between click modes (SCM/DCM) or operating modes (DETAIL/BULLET).
New experimental oscilloscope visualization, accessible via menu, button, or F12. Image
Channels are mixed down to mono, and a fixed 50 ms window is being used (i.e., the width can fit ~20 Hz.)
A left click seeks to an absolute position in file, just like it does with the other visualizations, and is not tied to any oscilloscope functions.
You can now click the Resonic logo to open the about box, or CTRL+click it to open the website.
Any number of sampler loops (e.g., sustaining/release) and generic regions embedded in WAV and AIFF audio files are now visualized in the waveform view, and can be used for looping. Image
Like most parts of Resonic they are currently still read-only and can thus not be altered.
Bigger and more visible selection drag rectangle.
Eliminated two minor glitches (ruler, and when waveform not loaded yet.)
File List
Some columns could not be set to reasonable sizes on high-resolution (e.g., 4K) screens. (reported: J. Rubens)
Corrected rename logic. When renaming a file (F2) the focused file now takes precedence, followed by the first selected file, and finally the active (loaded) file. (reported: R. Radet)
Fixed customized file list copy not working via context menu, but only via shortcut (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C).
The Sample rate setting in sound preferences lets you select a desired sample rate to open the output audio device with. Image
For ASIO devices: When a specific sample rate is selected the ASIO driver will be instructed to switch the device to that rate. To leave the device rate untouched select Let driver decide, which is important when using ASIO in multi-client mode, i.e., multiple applications actively use the same driver.
Most ASIO devices are limited to ASIO/WDM multi-client (e.g., ASIO in one main application, WASAPI in several others at the same time) and only a few devices (e.g., RME) support ASIO/ASIO multi-client (e.g., ASIO in several applications at the same time).
In any case, when using an ASIO card in multi-client mode, sample rates must match across all applications actively using the driver, so it is best to keep the sample rate option on Let driver decide, and let another application be the sample rate master.
Experimental exclusive WASAPI mode lets you select sampling rate, channel count, and dithering.
This is a work in progress in need of your feedback!
Channel offset setting in sound preferences renamed to First output for clarity, and extended with a channel selection button (...) that shows your ASIO output channels and lets you pick the first channel by name. Image
This is mainly useful for soundcards with many different output channels.
Visual selection of the first output channel for ASIO devices in sound preferences.
The new button (...) is located right of the First output input box.
Fixed uninitialized batch targets not processing files properly. (reported: B. Geller)
Metadata support and new file list columns: Image
Origination Date (combined BWF origination date and time)
Sample Type shows whether file is a loop or a one-shot, if known (visible by default)
Tech Flags shows which information sources are available in the file's metadata (e.g. BWF, CART) and were read by the Resonic meta core.
Master Speed shows the iXML master speed value in frames per seconds (e.g. 29.97)
Current Speed shows the iXML current speed value in frames per seconds
Time Signature shows the musical meter (e.g. 4/4) (also available for MIDI files, initial meter)
To enable any of these columns right-click the file list, and select Columns. Image
Read and use release dates embedded in Soundminer metadata.
Read disc IDs (CD serials) embedded in certain files (e.g. iTunes mp4, xiph), display in meta panel.
Read and display (not use!) various embedded replay gain settings, including ReplayGain v1/v2 track/album gain and peak, algorithm, R128 loudness level and range, and R128 album gain for Opus (Opus playback ignores the gain by default.)
Corrected display of sample values in meta panel (track/album peak, etc.), now also displaying value in its dBFS representation.
Less restrictive parsing and merging of partial dates, e.g., 2019-00-00 is widely used by tagging software and now accepted as well.
Time signature is read from Standard MIDI files (only first change is used) Image
More resilient iXML loader now loads potentially damaged content (produced by certain Sound Devices hardware.)
New filter option Match all words (see filter options, or press ALT+A when the filter box is open) makes Resonic match all words instead of an exact phrase. Image
There is also a new button in the filter bar showing either wrds (match words) or phrs (match phrase.)
For example, car off would then also match car driving off. (suggested: A. Turner)
Changed button captions in filter bar for clarity:
cs becomes case for case-sensitive matching, and
*? becomes wild for wildcard matching (using * and ? placeholders.)
fn remains as it is for filename-only matching.
A dedicated button on the right-hand side of the status bar indicates the type of device that is in use, i.e., NONE, ASIO, WAS (WASAPI), WAS-EX (exclusive WASAPI), or DS (DirectSound).
Click it to go directly to the audio output device options.
Note that all buttons that show a tiny arrow in the bottom right when you hover over them can be right-clicked for a context menu, exposing more functionality.

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All features

Ridiculously fast

Resonic makes extensive use of multi-core processing. Every important part is optimized for speed, which results in extremely fast browsing, seeking, and playback.


A couple of files, a few megabytes, low memory footprint, and tidy use of disk space.

No bloated runtime packages are required.

Purest sound

In order to achieve the purest sound quality there is absolutely nothing between decoded audio and sound output that might degrade quality, which is essential for both sound and sample previewing and audiophile audio playback.

Resonic's audio engine runs on 32-bit floating point data.

Clean interface

A major design goal is to always keep the graphical user interface clutter-free and user-friendly, without nested menus and dialogs, and without dumbing down the more powerful features.

Click less

Single-click interface

A single Left-Click navigates folders, plays files, seeks in audio, changes volume. No need to double-click just for the sake of it, but optionally available.

No-click scrolling

Move the mouse over controls and use the wheel to scroll lists, or to change volume. No need to click them first.

Embrace your keyboard

Once you know the basic shortcuts you'll see how fast and comfortable keyboard-supported operation of Resonic really is.

Resonic Pro

An advanced version of Resonic specifically aimed towards audio professionals is in the making.

For more information see „A first look at Resonic Pro”.

Play your folders instantly

Resonic plays all your music and sound files directly out of your existing folder structures.

You are not forced to use any kind of library system. Since music libraries usually rely on tags they can easily end up being a confusing mess, unless these tags are maintained properly.

Many users do actually prefer to organize their music in folder structures, most commonly on external drives.

Browse your samples

For audio professionals it is vital to have a powerful preview tool at hand. Sample CD/DVD structures can be tedious to browse through. Even more so are sample libraries and collections as they tend to become huge fast.

Resonic has its origins in this particular field of work and will certainly become an invaluable asset when it comes to your everyday work.

Also see Resonic Pro, which is in development.

Drag & drop

Drag & drop the playing file into Windows Explorer, or into most other applications that accept audio files,
which includes popular DAWs, audio editors, or video editing software.

Advanced file access

Resonic handles your files in a way that enables you to edit them with external programs, or even delete them in certain cases, while they are playing.


Resonic has full Unicode support for tags, files, folders, playlists, cue sheets, and interface translations, to make sure international letters are displayed properly.


Resonic was developed with full portability in mind:

Put the portable version on a thumb drive or USB disk, take it with you, and have it remember separate settings for the computers it is run on — no configuration mix-ups.

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Acronyms / Also Known As

ResonicPlayer, Resonic Player

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4 reviews, Showing 1 to 4 reviews

Rating by vic on Jan 25, 2025 Version: 0.9.3 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

No Comment.

Review by iShurex on Apr 12, 2021 Version: 0.9.3 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 2/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 5/10

Rating by ongabonga on Feb 8, 2018 Version: 0.9.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

No comments

Review by ongabonga on Apr 5, 2017 Version: 0.8.6b OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

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