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QWinFF is a GUI for FFmpeg, a powerful command-line media converter. FFmpeg can read audio and video files in various formats and convert them into other formats. QWinFF provides an intuitive graphical interface and a rich set of presets to help you use ffmpeg easily without having to type a single command. Advanced users can also adjust conversion parameters like bitrate and sample rate in detail. Starting from version 0.2.0, QWinFF features an interactive video-cutting interface that lets you watch the video and select the time range you want to convert.

Free software
OS: Win Linux
File size: 21MB
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2 votes
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Latest version

0.2.1 (August 22, 2015)


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Download QWinFF 0.2.1 Windows  21MB  Win Win

Download QWinFF 0.2.1 Linux  546KB  Linux Linux

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Download QWinFF 0.2.1 Portable Windows  20MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win Linux Linux

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 0.2.1 (2015-08-22)
Packaging Support building with Qt5 (still compatible with Qt4).
I18n Added Portuguese translation.
UI MediaPlayerWidget: scoll to seek and click to toggle play/pause.

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All features

There is also an option that changes the speed of the video, making it possible to create slow-motion or fast-motion animations. And don't worry about the audio; audio will also be rescaled without changing the pitch.

QWinFF is written in Qt4/C++ and currently runs on GNU/Linux and Windows.

QWinFF is free software licensed under GPLv3.


Easy to use interface.
Many pre-defined conversion settings for common formats.
Display conversion progress.
View input file information (codec, bitrate, framerate, etc.).
Convert multiple files into the same output format at once.
Select different output formats for each input file.
Drag and drop to add files.
Shutdown after conversion.
Cut video/audio visually.

Conversion Parameters

Adjust audio volume.
Adjust video/audio quality (sample rate, bitrate, etc.).
Adjust video/audio speed (preserving pitch).
Convert between video/audio formats supported by FFmpeg.
Set begin/end time.
Additional parameters directly passed to FFmpeg.

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2 reviews, Showing 1 to 2 reviews

The interface is excellent for a beginner but some of the conversion presets do not work well. This program has a problem converting a video with transitions (using some of the presets). This issue becomes quite obvious when one views the converted video. It seems to work OK on a straight copy (MP4 to MP4) but that's about it. Looking at the presets, they appear to be too complexed for the task at hand but I'll leave that to the experts to make that determination.

Review by railroadartwork on Feb 12, 2016 Version: 0.2.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 5/10

I do not know why this tool has such a low score. I gave it a quick try and I must say that this is one of the best looking FFMpeg front end I have encountered thus far. I have used several (WinFF, T-Encoder, FFCoder etc.) but this one really caught my eye due to its clean and easy to use interface. Sure, I am still used to FFCoder and I would LOVE another one same as that, or possibly a new version of FFCoder because it is really buggy at the moment and the author seems to have abandoned it, but despite that I have never seen a single software give so many options as FFCoder, at least free ones. Despite that, this software looks a lot better than a lot of the others. I tried converting few audio files and didn't encounter much problems. Again, as I said, I do not understand the low score, perhaps if people would comment explaining why they posted such a low score, it would help others and the developer to solve the problems. This software has a lot of potential and I would love to keep a track of it.

Review by vibgyor on Aug 22, 2015 Version: 0.2.1 OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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