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Nmkoder does video encoding, muxing, and analysis GUI in Winforms, built around FFmpeg, FFprobe, and av1an.

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OS: Win
File size: 101MB
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1.10.0 (March 28, 2022)


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Download Nmkoder 1.10.0  101MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Nmkoder 1.10.0 - The biggest update yet!

Binaries: Updated aomenc (blueswordm 02/26)
File Import: Better stability, worked around cases where Nmkoder would freeze when importing image sequences
Added a bunch of additional color formats (e.g. HEVC NVENC can now encode 10-bit)
Added a list where the user can add custom ffmpeg filters (both in Quick Convert and AV1AN)
Quick Encode: Subtitle burn-in now also works for bitmap-based (PGS/VobSub/etc) subtitles (previously only text-based subs worked)
AV1AN: Fixed SVT advanced args not working
AV1AN: Nmkoder will now mux a text attachment into the encoded MKVs containing the encoder and arguments used
AV1AN: Fixed x265 10-bit not working
AV1AN: Max chunk size (extra cuts) now match with auto-detected GOP size (fps*10 with a limit of 480)
Quick Convert: Added trimming tool to set start and end time (or frame numbers) for encoding
Quick Convert: Target filesize mode now correctly accounts for all audio streams and their channel counts
Track List: Track descriptions are now better formated, more uniform, and codec names have aliases (e.g. hdmv_pgs_subtitle is now just PGS)
Track List: Added button to extract attachments (only visible if an attachment track is selected)
Track List: The default audio/subtitle track dropdowns now correctly load the actual default tracks (if the input files has them set)
Pixel formats now have more human-readable formatting (e.g. YUV420P10LE is now displayed as "YUV - 4:2:0 - 10 bit")
Fixed color space typo (bt601 was written as bt610)
Color Transfer Util: Fixed HDR metadata transfer not transferring white color coordinates
Color Transfer Util: Fixed some issues where the data of an attachment would be used instead of the video stream
Auto-Crop: Adjusted cropdetect command to avoid rare freeze problems and improve reliability
Metrics Util: If the encoded video was resized, it will always be scaled to the res of the reference size instead of the other way
UI/UX: Show a warning if any of the imported input files are no longer available at their original path
UI/UX: Message boxes no longer pop up in the background and no longer hide the main windows after clicking on them (in some cases)
UI/UX: Nmkoder will no longer try to generate thumbnails from files that don't have a video stream (e.g. audio files)
UI/UX: Changing audio channels no longer resets the bitrate input
UI/UX: You can now select which settings will be reset when opening a new file (trim, crop, custom args, ...)
UI/UX: Added link buttons
Fixed EAC3 option actually using AAC
Other minor fixes and improvements

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All features

Supports all formats that ffmpeg can decode
Either use "Muxing Mode" to either convert a single file or merge multiple files into one, or "Batch Processing Mode" to run an action on each file
Supports image sequence inputs (PNG/WEBP/JPEG/BMP) without requiring sequential filenames (FPS needs to be set manually)
Track List
View codec, language, title and more (depending on stream type) of selected media stream
Enable or disable streams with checkboxes - Disabled streams will not be included when encoding/muxing
Re-order streams
Convert (FFmpeg)
Encode video using ffmpeg and its encoder plugins
Video Formats: H264 (x264 or NVENC), H265 (x265 or NVENC), VP9, AV1
Image Formats: Animated GIF, PNG Sequence, JPEG Sequence
Audio Formats: AAC, Opus, Vorbis, E-AC-3, MP3, FLAC
Text-based Subtitle Formats: Mov_Text for MP4/MOV, SRT for MKV, WebVTT for WEBM
All media types also have the option to strip (remove) or copy (mux without re-encoding) instead of encoding
Set metadata (title and language) for each track
Encoder Options: Set quality and speed/effort aka preset, set color format
Quality Modes: Either use a constant quality, target bitrate, or target filesize
Video Options: Resample frame rate, resize either using absolute or relative numbers, manually or automatically crop black bars
Audio Options: Set quality and channels/layout
Subtitle Options: Optionally burn in a subtitle track
AV1AN Chunked Encoding
Encode video using av1an and supported encoders
Video Formats: H265 (x265), VP9 (VPX), AV1 (AOM or SVT-AV1)
Quality Modes: Either use a constant quality or target a VMAF score (experimental)
Same audio and video options as FFmpeg encoding
Set AV1 film grain synthesis (disabled for H265/VP9 as this is exclusive to AV1)
Av1an Options: Change splitting method, chunk creation method, amount of workers, and more
Encodes can be stopped and resumed at any time
Utilities are "shortcuts" for actions that normally require long (and/or multiple) CLI commands
Read Bitrates: Calculates stream size and average bitrate for each stream
Get Metrics: Calculate quality metrics like VMAF, SSIM, PSNR
Transfer Color Metadata: Copy color properties and HDR metadata from one file to another (e.g. from Bluray Remux to an encode)
Concatenate Into Single MKV: Merge any amount of any compatible video format into a single MKV (e.g. for chunked encoding)
Show Bitrate Chart: Samples the bitrate across the entire video and shows a graph allowing you to see where bitrate is higher or lower
Tested on and intended for Windows 10 64-bit. Windows 11 should work as well.
.NET Framework 4.7.2 is required which should be pre-installed.
There is no native Linux or Mac port and I don't plan on making one as Linux users constantly tell me how much they love their CLI. However, if you still want to run this on Linux, use WINE, it should work without problems.

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