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7 reviews, Showing 1 to 7 reviews

Rating by Cassius on Mar 4, 2021 Version: 0.2.23 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Feels "heavy" on my system but overall its very intuitive. I was easily able to go from install to making a 8x8 grid per video by jsut dropping it on the program. Then I was able to zoom in on the part I liked on the stream and refine it. Was easily able to save the output to a jpeg. Even with the heavy feeling I am so glad I found this program and would recommend it in a heartbeat!

Review by dannyboy48888 on Oct 20, 2019 Version: 0.2.10 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Good tool overall, but unfortunately consumes lots of memory and has some annoying bugs (although I chose 4 columns and 2 rows, and it displays 4 columns and 2 rows, when you save the images, the images are saved with 4 rows and 2 columns, ie, the other way round). I uninstalled the app and re-installed it, but same problem. Very annoying bug indeed...

Review by Mac on Aug 19, 2019 Version: 0.2.5 OS: MacOSX Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 5/10

In reply to Review by TheShortStraw on Apr 8, 2019
The white screen problem reported on Windows should now be fixed with the latest version - MoviePrint 0.2.3

Review by movieprintApp on Jun 4, 2019 Version: 0.2.3 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

In reply to Review by TheShortStraw on Apr 8, 2019

I am sorry that it did not work for you. If it shows a white screen there is something wrong. You could try the following things:
• In the View menu -> Reset application
• In the View menu -> Reload application

If it is still not working, you can send me the log file. Maybe it contains a clue. For this please do the following:
• In the View menu -> Restart in debug mode -> MoviePrint starts anew. This time probably opening up some other windows in addition which might already show red errors.
• Click on Show log file in the Development menu. This should open up a file explorer window with the log.log file selected
• Please, send me this file to

Regarding the comment of network traffic related to MoviePrint. MoviePrint does not connect to the internet unless you use the "Send feedback" form in the application. Other than that there is definitely no sending of information to or from MoviePrint. The open source code can be checked here ->

Review by movieprintApp on Apr 16, 2019 Version: 0.2.1 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

Works fine here. Load movie. Generates tons of screenshots. Done.

Review by Baldrick on Apr 8, 2019 Version: 0.2.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 7/10

Does not work for a Windows 10 machine. After installation, a blank screen display window with a menu bar at the top left corner of the screen comes on and, takes up most of my screen. Okay so, what am I suppose to do with this then? Aright, I suppose I'll drag and drop some items in.. you know, like you do with VTM just to see what happens and.. nothing happens.

Menu bars at the top does nothing either.

Ease of use rating out of 10 = 0

Functionality rating out of 10 = 0

On top of which, my AV alerts me to an inbound IP wanting to connect to my PC? WHY and for what reason? No thanks!

Review by TheShortStraw on Apr 8, 2019 Version: MoviePrint 0.2.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

7 reviews, Showing 1 to 7 reviews
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