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All reviews for MenuShrink
3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews |
Version 2.0 adds the preview that 1.0 was missing, but retains the ease of use of the original version so you get the best of both worlds! For difficult menus with lots of motion, you can hand-select which image to use, and for more static menus you can use the original "automatic" selection.
Review by jeanl on
Apr 19, 2005 Version: 2.0
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 8/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
With respect to the previous comment, yes MenuShrink opted for simplicity. If you want (much) more control over your menus (including shrinking them to still frames), use the latest version of vobblanker. It lets you shrink at the cell level, and lets you chose which I-frame to keep etc.
Review by jeanl on
Feb 24, 2005 Version: 0.800
OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
Great tool but miss some advanced function in menu processing such as replace only a part of the menu by a still picture (e.g. menu to accesss special features such as bonus,...)
Review by cd090580 on
Feb 24, 2005 Version: 0.800
OS: Win2K Ease of use: 10/10
Functionality: 7/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 8/10
3 reviews, Showing 1 to 3 reviews |