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MP4tools is the part of the VIDEOtoolbox Suite of Applications used for the creation and editing of MP4 videos. It was primarily designed for processing videos files for use in hardware capable of playing MP4 or M4V videos, such as the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and PS3. As the name might imply, MP4tools is a graphical interface for a variety of tools useful for processing video files.

Trialware $6
OS: Mac
File size: 72MB
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Latest version

3.7.2 (October 13, 2019)


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Download MP4tools 3.7.2  72MB  Mac Mac

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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $6)

Supported operating systems

Mac OS Mac

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

3.7.2 - 10/13/19
Updated binaries to 64-bit and added code to make the app macOS Catalina friendly

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All features

Convert from a variety of video file formats like MKV, MP4, OGM and AVI into MP4 videos.
Can convert most videos without having to re-encode the video track and/or the audio track, so processing takes minutes instead of hours and no quality is lost.
Simplified, intuitive user interface that takes the guess work out of processing MP4 videos.
Ability to convert various surround sound audio to 5.1 AC3 or 5.1 AAC.
Intuitively select desired video, audio and/or subtitle tracks to process, with the ability to verify the selections using video preview.
Use presets for one step encoding for playback on common hardware such as the iPhone and Apple TV.
Define presets for one step automated encoding and track selections settings
Burn (i.e., hard code) subtitle tracks into the video, or mux (soft subtitles) from internal tracks or from external subtitle files commonly found on the internet.
Control the font, size and positioning of the embedded subtitles.
Split MP4 videos into segments of a specified file size or by start/end time.
Adjust the Pixel Aspect Ratio of MP4 videos.
Join MP4 videos.
Extract the selected tracks from MP4 videos as individual video and/or audio files.
Add jobs to a queue either individually or in batches via drag and drop so you can process multiple files overnight (registered copies only).
Apply one setting to a group of files for easy batch creations (registered copies only).
Enter a "Watch Mode" for which MP4tools will process all videos place in a defined folder (registered copies only).

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Acronyms / Also Known As

Emmgunn MP4tools

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Free software Trialware = Download Free software and also open source code but some parts are trial/shareware.
Freeware Ads = Download Free software but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Free software Ads = Free Download software and open source code but supported by advertising, usually with a included browser toolbar. It may be disabled when installing or after installation.
Trialware = Also called shareware or demo. Free Trial version available for download and testing with usually a time limit or limited functions.
Payware = No demo or trial available.
Portable version = A portable/standalone version is available. No installation is required.
v1.0.1 = Latest version available.
Download beta = It could be a Beta, RC(Release Candidate) or an Alpha / Nightly / Unstable version of the software.
Download 15MB = A direct link to the software download.
Win = Windows download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Win64 = Windows 64-bit download version. It works only on 64-bit Windows.
Mac = Mac download version. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit Mac OS.
Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
Linux = Linux download version.
Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
Ad-Supported = The software is bundled with advertising. Be careful when you install the software and disable addons that you don't want!
Visit developers site = A link to the software developer site.
Download (mirror link) = A mirror link to the software download. It may not contain the latest versions.
Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
Mac OS = Mac OS version available.
Linux = Linux version available.
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