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InfraRecorder is a Free Software (aka "Open Source") CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows. It offers a wide range of powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration.

Free software
OS: Win
File size: 4MB
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8 votes
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Latest version

0.53 (September 1, 2012)


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Download InfraRecorder 0.53 64-bit  4MB  Win64 Win

Download InfraRecorder 0.53  4MB  Win Win

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Download InfraRecorder 0.53 Portable 64-bit  4MB  Win64 Win  Portable Portable

Download InfraRecorder 0.53 Portable  5MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New


Fixed write speed detection issue.
Fixed bug where maximum write speed would be used instead of the selected one when burning DVDs.
Fixed bug in creation of UDF and ISO9660 file systems containing many files and folders.
Relaxed ISO9660 duplicate file naming algorithm.
Added support for non-standard character sets in ISO9660 file systems.
Various minor GUI changes.
The space meter will now automatically adjust if a blank DVD is inserted.

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Infra Recorder

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8 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Like other people, I thought i'd search for a freeware burning application, to replace the usual big name software suite - i'm sure you know which one it is!
My needs aren't great, mostly burning data-dvds and a few ISO images.

Despite this software being 'new' and it does need more development, the core functions work.
Having tested InfraRecorder for a week now, I haven't found any showstopping bugs nor had any coasters.
As a whole, this software makes for a lightweight, functional application, hence my high scores.
On my Vista system, I have ImgBurn and InfraRecorder and thats it.

The features which stand out are:

ISO creation
Exact burn speed
Simple navigation / window layout
It's free.

Review by Intel on Sep 6, 2009 Version: 0.50 OS: Vista Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

Previous versions had problems to detect my drives. So it was nice to see that this has changed with InfraRecorder 0.46.2. But after some basic tests, I was quite disappointed. Even a simple task like burning a multisession CD did not work. While the program happily announced a successful burning and verification, Windows only recognized an empty disc. Then I tried to write a singlesession CD (disc at once). This worked well, however, the verification function did not notice that one file had changed.

So I would not recommend this tool, as some very basic and important functions (like the verification) don't work at all. In the future I will use other programs like cdrtfe.

Review by seanlucas on Jun 30, 2009 Version: 0.46.2 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 2/10 Overall: 2/10

i was looking for a free burning tool and tested
InfraRecorder, BurnAware Free Edition and cdrtfe and nothing to say
to the developers expects then, good work!.
from the 3 i tested, InfraRecorder gave the best results.

the dvd disc burnig and data burning sections were excelent.
the audio section was slowly.

Review by danielk68 on Jan 1, 2008 Version: 0.44.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Great free burning S/W for cd/dvd. No need to install, just run the exe. It creates a disk image in the background then writes the track at once. Slightly slower, but pretty much bullet proof. I tested with CD's (music and data) and DVD's (video and data), all perfect so far................

Review by racer-x on Dec 31, 2007 Version: 0.44.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I performed a few tests on the new version. It actually copies discs now! Although, it would not do it in one step. I had to manually copy to image and then burn from image. But it did it. I also managed to get it to erase a RW disc. These are all things it would not do in previous versions, so the new version has come a long way.

Here are my results:

1) Copy from CD to CD (two different drives) - works perfectly

2) Copy from CD to image - works perfectly

3) Write image to CD - works perfectly

4) Format/erase RW disc (quick format) - works perfectly (took about 1 min)

5) Write a data CD from files on the hdd - works, but had some difficultly. The explorer view got confused the first time. But when I started a new project, it was fine.

6) Mix mode CD - Wow! I put CD cover artwork in the data portion, and the audio for the CD in the audio portion. The audio files were mp3's and InfraRecorder decoded them to wav and successfully burned my mix mode CD. Very nice! Deep Burner can't do that!

7) You mean this thing also writes DVD-video discs?? I just noticed that. Will have to test this out later.

Looks like we finally have a Deep Burner killer. Don't get me wrong, I love Deep Burner, but it doesn't copy CDs; it only writes them. THIS one does it all! InfraRecorder is almost a perfect 10.

Improvements I would like to see:

1) Ability to copy from CD to CD using the same drive without having to manually copy to image and then burn the image.

2) It should offer to format the RW disc if you are copying to it.

3) Standardization for various terminology. For instance, SAO (session at once) is more commonly known as DAO (disc at once).

4) It would be nice if clicking on the "reset" button next to the CD Recorder selection, caused an open tray to close.

Review by dphirschler on Dec 3, 2007 Version: OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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