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5 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Rating by HemLok on Jun 17, 2022 Version: 1.7.6 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

It doesn't support many image formats.

It mounts CUE+FLAC, and it does so very well. Windows Media Player even recognizes the "CD" and displays album title, track title, performer and cover image. Neat!

Review by Keyser on Dec 17, 2017 Version: 1.2.1 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

Can't install this on Windows 7. "Windows requires a digitally signed driver".

Review by Grey on Nov 28, 2017 Version: 1.1.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Hi El Heggunte,
Which file format do you use? cue+wav, cue+flac or cue+ape? we will be very appreciate if you could send the CUE file to

Review by dvdforge on May 31, 2016 Version: 1.0.1 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: -/10 Functionality: -/10 Value for money: -/10 Overall: 5/10

The program does mount CUE files of Audio CDs, but most of the virtual tracks are unplayable in both Foobar2000 and MPC-BE. I will keep using an ancient build of Daemon Tools Lite, because it works as it should.

Review by El Heggunte on May 30, 2016 Version: 1.0.1 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 7/10

5 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews
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