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HamMultiPlayer is a software created to scan your directories (and/or drives) to find and display several files in real time. It can be used to find, move, delete or preview any video/audio file. This is a "portable" software, this means that everything is already included inside the ".exe" (no installation, no registry keys, ...). It uses mplayer and MediaInfo Library to decode and display files (so it can play everything mplayer can play). HamMultiPlayer scans recursively directories you selected and load any compatible file. You can then, sort generated list to find out duplicated or similar files.

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Latest version

0.117.38154.1909 (January 11, 2020)


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Download HamMultiPlayer 0.117.38154.1909  33MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Freeware (Free software and usage!)

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Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

0.117.38154.1909 (2020-01-11) :

- mplayer updated from r37905 to r38154 (
- MediaInfo updated to 19.09 (
- HamMultiPlayer now includes 32 and 64bits players for faster processing and UHD decoding.
- Automatic selection of best decoder (32/64bits) according to the content of the preview.
- HamCPU updated from v0.0.0.12 to v0.0.0.14.
- External "mplayer decoding" can now be added for each preview (Preview Options/Misc/External Decoding).
- Video : Output and Quality can be set for each preview (Preview Options/Image).
- Video : Rotating image can be done for each preview (Preview Options/Image).
- Video : x264 and x265 better (faster) decoding.
- Video : WebM file format (video and sound) is now supported.
- Video : better ".TS" support when searching inside video container.
- Video/Speed/InterFrame : AviSynth+ Support, you can now use AviSynth, AviSynthMT or AviSynth+
- Export : 4 Export softwares can now be defined (Default Player, VirtualDub and 2 others defined by user).
- GUI : New Display Mode : StatDisplay (5th mode showing Memory and Drives usage).
- GUI : HamMultiPlayer process priority can now be defined in preferences (Low/Below/Normal/Above/High).
- GUI : Previews options can be open by selecting right timer (under preview's display).
- GUI : Preview position can be set by selecting left timer (under preview's display).
- GUI : New Preview option to let you reloaded or reset any parts of each preview.
- GUI : Preview options can now define other previews affected by changes.
- GUI : There are now two gauges to move across files (previews and BigDisplay).
- GUI : Mouse wheel speed can now be set in preferences for Previews, progress and BigDisplay.
- GUI : Bug : File path localisation (not found when containing special caracters) : Fixed.
- GUI : Deleting an empty directory is now possible (to avoid keeping empty directories).
- GUI : TimeCode and Length are now displayed under previews.
- GUI : You can now define in Preferences what HamMultiPlayer does when it starts : Showing GUI, Info or History.
- GUI : Control Tips can be disabled making HamMultiPlayer Faster.
- GUI : "Getting Additional details" goes 5 times faster than before.
- Player : 32/64 bits players can be defined, AviSynth scripts will use 32bits version, other files 64bits.
- Speed : InterFrame changes can now be applied immediatly or later (Preview Options/Speed/ApplyNow).
- History Manager : FileType can now be defined before AutoScan selection (All, Video or Audio).
- History Manager : Scans can now be displayed and saved in current directory (beside).
- Audio : Volume, Left balance and right balance can now be defined for each preview.
- Preferences : "HamMultiPlayer's update check" can now be disabled.
- Preferences : Using External mplayer can now be disabled.
- Preferences : Temporary files can be kept (faster restart) or deleted (erasing program traces).
- Preferences : Embeded mplayer can now be extracted at any time.
- Preferences GUI : Updated.
- Preview's options bug : Speed was redefined each time accessing preview's options : Fixed
- HamMultiPlayer "exit" and "restart" is now faster (optimizations + parts of code rewritten).
- Many others bugs fix and speed improvements...

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7 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Dear HamMultiPlayer users,

Thanks for testing my application ;)

@Futurox : I found what makes this error : Screen resolution (one of my variables is not accessible when using too low resolutions) => Try using higher screen resolution and it should work !

This will be fixed in next version : 0.117 (should be available in one month).


Review by barnuble HamMultiPlayer on Mar 10, 2017 Version: 0.116 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10


I get the following error when on performing any operation:

Line 6479:

Subscript used on non-accessible variable

Review by futurox on Mar 3, 2017 Version: 791 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 7/10

Additional Feedback:
1. Using non-administration login credentials actually works.
2. Folder selection in the explorer pane is NOT respected when scanning for files meaning the entire drive is scanned and matching video files are then presumably presented in the file list. This is the cause of the apparent hang/infinite loop being observed in the previous version. This is a really bad bug which needs to be fixed otherwise this application is useless.
3. How do you organize files in the explorer pane such as moving them around to another folder/drive, renaming them r deleting them? Right click has no options avaliable.
4. The GUI is obtuse/bizzare and does not follow any Windows UI conventions. The explorer pane shuld be in the left hand side of the screen, and the minimize, maximize, exit buttons in the upper right. The color scheme is very ugly though the developer could easily allow preference for backgrund color, etc....
The application looks promising and I will keep evaluating it....

Review by qz3fwd on Feb 14, 2015 Version: 0108 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 4/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 7/10

Why do I need to turn off DEP in order to run this program?

Review by 30west on Feb 12, 2015 Version: 1.07 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 4/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 5/10

The one i was looking for !

I found duplicates movies on my hard drives and got free space now ;)
Dynamic Thumbnail display is a great idea (moving your mouse over thumbs change video position !) Watching up 10 (or more) movies is great. I got no trouble with file scan, but looking for "similar" files over thousands was slow ;)

Great Tool for me

Review by MovieStud on Feb 6, 2015 Version: 0.107 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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