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HDConvertToX (HDC in short) is an all-in-one converter aimed for converting video files (vob/mkv/avi/m2ts/ts...) with XviD or DivX or X264 or WMV codec, and muxed in AVI/MKV/MP4/WMV container. It also supports muxing in AVCHD and BluRay structure. Requires a bunch of software: ffdshow, haali media splitter, AviSynth and XviD.

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Latest version

3.0 (October 14, 2010)


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Download HDConvertToX 3.0  37MB  Win Win  Portable Portable

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Software License

Freeware (Free software and usage!)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Uploaded HDC v3!


>fixed converting vobsub from mkv input to sup for m2ts muxing
>added possibility to save resizer to use in configuration file
>fixed encoding to wmv (alpha)
>fixed HDC bitrate calculator for working with new folder structure
>fixed folder structure. Now HDC have a more clean \applications folder
>update manual
>changed force ffmpeg decoder: now it will decode to wav then pass to eac3to. no more use of wavi
>fixed aac/mp3/mpa decoding with eac3to. Now audio is first decoded to wav then passed to eac3to/audio encoder
>audio from mkv input file is now extracted and processed since eac3to is unable to deal with header removal
>added option to hide encoding dos window
>fixed flac audio encoding using DSS decoding
>better handling of audio when using NicAudio. Now is possible to copy audio too (alpha)
>added support for DGSource (require NVTools > 2021)
>fixed pcm audio extracting from avi
>fixed Avimux not starting muxing
>fixed decoding of DTS-Hi-res
>added --no-chapter for mkv musing when no chapter is present
>added possibility to disable header removal when muxing to mkv
>fixed Dutch language (used NED and not NLD)
>added support for ivfenc (vp8)
>fixed use of nvtools. Now you must unzip the dgdecnv zip into \applications\dgdecnv folder and put DGDecodeNV.dll and DGMultiDecodeNV.dll in \filter folder
>added to HDC Indexer DGI support (NVTools)
>fixed HDC Indexer gui for working with new folder structure
>fixed mkvextract gui for working with new folder structure
>added extraction of chapter from mkv/dvd/m2ts input. the chapter will be muxed only when output is mkv
>fixed better management of encoding application (beta)
>added support for VP8 (beta)
>fixed flac encoding when forcing ffmpeg demuxer
>added support for extraction vobsub, ssa from mkv. Using mkvextract/mkvinfo (alpha)
>fixed autochapter bug when second is less then zero
>fixed when selecting DivX and CQ encoding the description string will not report "CQ Value" instead report "Final Size MB"
>fixed double ivtc use
>added check for 64bit OS (2)
>added in queue panel an option for adding arbitrary line to queue
>fixed Force DSS audio when using avi input and user already selected Force FFmpeg.exe as decoder
>fixed Force DSS video when using avi input and user already selected Force FFmpegSource
>fixed Force DSS audio
>added Yadif Bob as deinterlace (alpha)
>added sanity check when selecting NVTools as decoder (3)
>fixed skipping OGM subtitile (alpha)
>added LFSMod() to filter list

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AutoMKV  (Jan 30, 2009)

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7 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

My only criticism is that the auto detection of deinterlace, ivtc patterns etc weren't
ported over from the developer's other excellent tool AutoMKV, because they worked supremely well and were done without a single problem for the user. The options for interlace/deinterlace in HDC are a fr#ggin minefield and very buggy if you feel confident enough to try them out or dare do so, that is if you know which one to use!!!

The output video of HDConverttoX is excellent,especially if you use the advanced filters. I find this tool to be revelevant still despite development finishing years ago and it is very stable to use. Works great in XP as well.

Review by Roger on Jun 28, 2017 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I do lots of DVB TV file converstions to reduce the file size for storage. I like X264 and interlace. This seems to be the only freeware that support interlace and X264. I'm using some payware that suport X264 but not so stable in handling damaged DVB H.264 1080i files. HDConvertToX to some extend let me choose the video decoder, it solved some of my problems.

There is a bug in HDConvertToX, even I selected "none" for De-interlace Filters, it still does not put --tff (or --bff) on the X264 command line, I have to insert it manually. It is also a little trick to choose which video decoder to use. I have to disable Cyberlink H.264 and the others in DirectShow filters in order to force it to use CoreAVC. Actually, I like Cyberlink H.264 more, it is best for dealing with non perfect 1080i TV files but I just can't force it to gives interlace output in HDCOnvertToX (I can force it to interlace in MPC).

Review by C.H.Ling on Apr 7, 2011 Version: v.3.0.694.4644 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Installed under Win7 X64 Ultimate but it required reading a CoDec "tweaking" HowTo in order to get it to work properly under Windows 7 without giving an error that Haali Splitter was not installed. Once the tweaking was done HDConvertToX ran fine. However, an undesired result of this "tweaking" breaks some of the Microsoft preferred system CoDecs and my Windows Media Center "Watch Live TV" gives a Decoder Error ("is not installed") and it no longer works. Hopefully there will be a fix for this where everything plays nicely together.

Review by mail2tom on Sep 5, 2010 Version: 2.5.649.4295 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

I've tried many of the other x264 front ends. This utility combines all the control and setups from MEGUI, makes it simpler then Ripbot (and far more reliable then RipBot) and the output is great stuff. There is no other tool for easy conversion as valuable. This replaces basically everything else I've been messing around with for months. Quick and reliable. Can you ask for more? Oh yeah, Free

Review by tmservo on Apr 10, 2010 Version: 2.5.626 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Good tool - no fuss and easy to select the output you want.

Would be good if it could output to DVD(Vob)files too.

Hopefully in the next release :-)

Review by eon_designs on Dec 1, 2009 Version: 2.2.525.3836 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

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