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Freevo is an open-source home theatre PC platform based on Linux and a number of open-source audio/video tools. Freevo can be used both for a standalone PVR computer with a TV+remote, as well as on a regular desktop computer using the monitor and keyboard.

Free software
OS: Linux
File size: 26MB
Beta version
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Latest version

1.9 / 1.9.2 beta 2 (March 6, 2011)


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Download Freevo 1.9  26MB  Linux Linux

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Download Freevo 1.9.2 beta 2  Linux Linux

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Software License

Free software / FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)

Supported operating systems

Linux Linux

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

== Release 1.9.2 (2011-??-??) ==
svn co svn:// freevo-1.9.2

* Add key modifiers to key map (F#2871423)
* New blurr OSD theme (F#2826636)
* New style of shutdown dialog with all options shown (use back to exit the dialog)
* Add scrollbars to description screen.
* Add new view style to the recordings manager interface.
* Add option to reschedule favorites (B#3108214)
* Add options to web server to display videos via flash or html5 (F#3159238)
* Add ability to change favorite priorty with UI. (B#3131813)
* User's favorites support in youtube plugin (F#3121274)
* New improvements to the interface (F#2772598)
* New iplayer plug-in for BBC IPlayer (F#2809981)
* New Skype plug-in (F#2855837)
* New Russian translation (F#3000021)
* New udisks plugin that uses dbus to find removable storage.
* New Tv Reminder plugin (F#1567969)
* Add line to TV Guide to show current time/progress though a program.
* Updated the imdb plugin and helper to use imdbpy (B#3116902)
* Updated autoshutdown plug-in with improved configuration and bug fixes (B#2808009)
* Updated autoshutdown plug-in with AUTOSHUTDOWN_PROCESS_CHECK (F#2942579)
* Updated playlist to follow symlinks when enabled (B#2941814)
* Updated media folders to follow symbolic links if enabled in configuration (F#)
* Updated OSD to allow items to be renamed (F#2796072)
* Updated recording server to pass programme attributes to the VCR_POST_REC command (B#2985990)
* Updated web interface to allow a TV favourite to be manually added (F#2804991)
* Updated youtube plug-in to show when busy (F#2887544)
* Updated recordserver to remember removed instances of a favourite (F#2832582)
* Updated recordserver and frontend to display a manual conflict resolution (F#2832618)
* Updated text entry screen to allow phone style input as well a on screen keyboard (F#2100411)
* Updated Button bar to add customizable height and button color order (B#3108193)
* Updated DVBStreamer plugin to activate/deactivate adapter when selecting a service/stopping an output (F#3115259)
* Updated Coversearch plugin to use new Amazon authentication method. (B#3151837)
* Updated the favorite items menu to use a new table structure and make actions less ambiguous (B#3141532)
* Fixed apple trailers plug-in for user agent requirements (B#2994707)
* Fixed encoding core not to print messages in debug mode (B#2943181)
* Fixed encoding core when the action is to copy (B#2943184)
* Fixed extended metadata dates to use the userdate (B#2871806)
* Fixed removable media status not updating (B#2830317)
* Fixed FilmAffinity plug-in crashing on some movies (B#2835447)
* Fixed FilmAffinity web page layout change (B#2872627)
* Fixed FilmAffinity web page layout change (B#2900061)
* Fixed FilmAffinity web page layout change (B#2965160)
* Fixed freevo script for Gentoo eselect nonsense (B#2904361)
* Fixed idlebar weather plug-in from returning junk if there is a network error (B#2943186)
* Fixed imdb for page changes and parser errors (B#2924872)
* Fixed ivtv control name changes (B#2801870)
* Fixed livepause back-end when the buffer overflows Freevo stops respond (B#2830288)
* Fixed livepause incorrect function (B#2808038)
* Fixed livepause not working with live recording (B#2888365)
* Fixed livepause plug-in when the TV_CHANNELS have varying number of items (B#2808035)
* Fixed music when browsing to a directory with invalid embedded images (B#2925568)
* Fixed plugins helper creating incorrect plug-in name (B#2824746)
* Fixed recordserver's handling of program conflicts (B#2949789)
* Fixed recordserver not handling the popen events (B#2985990)
* Fixed recordserver reencode not work (B#3033720)
* Fixed skin blurr info window sizes (B#2989071)
* Fixed skins userdate field so it is shown for recordings (B#3009193)
* Fixed TV guide swapping the OK and Cancel buttons (B#2904179)
* Fixed TV program item message box error (B#2989068)
* Fixed web pages that imported which has been removed from Twisted (B#2936634)
* Fixed web server for a regression bug (B#2977257)
* Fixed web server updating of favorites (B#2954480)
* Fixed bug in FXDhandler that affects shopingcart plugin (B#2974031)
* Fixed password don't work in 1.9.0 (B#3079625)
* Fixed string exceptions not allowed in Python 2.6 (B#3055864)
* Fixed polish fonts incorrecty displayed in headlines (B#3056997)
* Fixed submenu in Favorites display (B#3105778)
* Fixed pause status after seeking in video (B#3108091)
* Fixed program info pop-up on web page breaking when appostrophes where in the title. (B#3108095)
* Fixed convert_favorites_txt failing when program title contained an appostrophe (B#2951250)
* Fixed dvbstreamer spaces in services (B#2943178)
* Fixed escaping of backslash in lcd plugin (B#3131266)

View full changelog

All features

* Cross platform - runs on Linux, OSX and Windows (sort of ;) )*8
* Watch & record television
* Pause live TV - DVB and analogue (with ivtv card)
* Support for multiple tuners - watch and record simultaneously.
* Separate recording server allows multiple backends and frontends on your network.
* Commercial detection/removal
* Play & backup*1 DVD video
* Play any kind of file supported by mplayer/xine/ffmpeg including DIVX & MPEG4
* Watch the latest movie trailers*2
* Retrieve video covers & information*3
* Play & backup audio CDs and retrieve album track lists*4 & covers*5
* Play MP3/Wav/Ogg/Flac or any other audio supported by mplayer or xine
* Tune into Internet radio from around the world
* Read news headlines*6 and the weather
* View and import images from a digital camera
* Play games*7
* Control home automation equipment (lights, sockets etc.)

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Mac64 = Mac OS download version. It works only on 64-bit Mac OS.
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Portable = Portable version. No installation is required.
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Download old versions = Free downloads of previous versions of the program.
Download 64-bit version = If you have a 64bit operating system you can download this version.
Download portable version = Portable/Standalone version meaning that no installation is required, just extract the files to a folder and run directly.
Portable version available = Download the portable version and you can just extract the files and run the program without installation.
Old versions available = Download old versions of the program.
Version history available = Complete changelog on our site.
Windows = Windows version available.
Mac OS = Mac OS version available.
Linux = Linux version available.
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