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All reviews for Free Video Volume Booster

18 reviews, Showing 1 to 18 reviews

Tried. Works very well, fast. Output file is a little smaller than original, why so? I boost audio in downloaded movies, mp4, avi or msk .

Review by Edward on May 10, 2024 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This little program does EXACTLY what it is supposed to do and nothing more.

No bells and whistles, just a very good, fast and easy to use piece of software.

Definitely a must have for video librarians. I tried to Donate, but the link in the software points to an invalid page.

I am very happy to have this little utility.

- Techowl -

Review by Techowl on Oct 15, 2023 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Rating by Fred on Jun 25, 2023 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Crapware. When it works it ultimately crashes or freezes. Also no control over clipping as it settings are bonkers.

Review by Ron on Oct 31, 2021 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Rating by Don on Jul 21, 2021 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Works well admittedly could do with more options but works well as is. Have optimized heaps of files with no problems. if optimizing over 20 tends to distort and sound tinny. No problems installing. Nice and simple to use.

Review by Freddy on Jul 21, 2021 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 6/10 Overall: 6/10

This junkware software either crashed or just did not work for me in XP, Win7 and Win10. Levelator is superior but you can only input wav files or aiff formats and it distorts the audio sometimes by really boosting the loudness levels. Use mp3gain or aacGain.

Review by Larry on Jan 13, 2021 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

It worked very good for the first 10 times and then did nothing though it pretended to do something
I think it is limited to a set number of uses after which is inactivated ....probably waiting for money

Review by teliocide on Jan 13, 2021 Version: Version 3.0 (26 July 2020) OS: Windows 7 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 6/10 Overall: 3/10

I tried this out in 3 operating systems: XP, Win 7 & 10 and it never worked. All it did was keep throwing up a warning that ffmeg was missing, which by the way I do have functioning on all my systems. Also it is limited in its input sources. Garbageware!

Review by Ted on Nov 12, 2020 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Correction: that is "overamplification".
This AI typer changed it to wrong wording.

Review by Mike on Sep 1, 2020 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

I bet every audio boosted by this has big levels of oversimplification or clipping. I testing it +10db recommended and proved that it does as I'd assumed. Not for audiophiles but for people who are clueless as to replaygain. This software is just adjusting perceived loudness levels by just adding gain and ruining dynamic range.

Review by Mike on Sep 1, 2020 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 8 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Works as simple as can be, I boosted a video 30db, now it can be heard without all volumes maxed out

Review by Jack C on Sep 1, 2020 Version: 2004 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Super happy with this little app - it works exactly how I hoped it would, and has been a lifesaver for using my phone to record videos for Youtube vlogs, which always come out WAY too quiet. Thank you! I love it.

Review by Hayley on Aug 10, 2020 Version: 3.0 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Having used this great programme for years it is disappointing to find that now many files are no longer supported! The programme when used closes instantly & the output file is unusable. I assume that this is because of unsupported newer file formats!

Review by Krusty on Jan 20, 2020 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

I really like it. It really helps me a lot. For a free software,this is amazing.

Review by Yellow on Sep 12, 2019 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Simple program that does exactly what it says it will. I needed to increase a video's default volume, so a distant background sound could be heard clearly without having to turn the volume to MAX. Worked well for this purpose (using a 20 decibel boost).

Review by TKO on Dec 6, 2018 Version: 2.0 (24 October 2017) OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Please tell me how 1 vote(before mine) giving a reasonable overall 6/10 for this program register as 8/10 on this page? Very misleading and inaccurate system to rate programs on this site! Value for money- it's freeware for Pete's sakes!

Review by TrevD on Apr 5, 2018 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 5/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 5/10

Works okay in a basic way, but you most likely end up clipping/over modulating your source input following the silly recommendations of this program. No replay gain check for peaks and lows? Too much lack of control options.

Review by 7of9 on Apr 5, 2018 Version: 2.0 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 6/10

18 reviews, Showing 1 to 18 reviews
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