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FF Player


FF Player is a video player. The motivation to develop FF Player is that I was not satisfied with video players available. Most lack important features, some offer great features but have the features hidden deep inside their option menus and are generally hard to use. So I started developiong a small, easy-to-use DirectShow-based player that offers all features I need. Requires .NET Framework.

OS: Win
File size: 1MB
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Latest version

0.97 (October 22, 2007)


Download FF Player 0.97  1MB

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Software License

Freeware (Free software and usage!)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

================================== v0.97 =======================================

- added: change the windowed and fullscreen video sizing strategy in the preferences (was a hidden registy setting before)
- added: PauseWhileSeeking in preferences: pauses the playback while seeking on the progress bar until the mouse button is released
- added: tooltip help for most preference settings
- changed: resizing with mousewheel now has finer steps (1/8 of video size)
- changed: DirectoryMode now respects Repeat Playlist setting
- changed: registry locations and file type registration is now Vista UAC compatible
- fixed: DirectoryMode sometimes stopped on unplayable files
- fixed: files from non-writeable drives (cd/dvd) could not be dragged into the video window
- fixed: resizing on pure audio files sometimes behaved strange
- fixed: mouse click in fullscreen mode did not toggle pause since v0.96

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8 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

To install, rename "setup.msi" to "FFPlayersetup.msi"

V.0.97(October 22, 2007) downloaded Dec. 8, 2009

Review by sleepy3 on Dec 8, 2009 Version: 0.97 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

This player is almost perfect. Very simple and fast.

- Full screen mode has auto-hide navigation bar with just the right info and options.
- The progress bar stretches all the way across the screen.
- The playlist is on the right side and auto-hides (mplayer was always in the way)
- It doesn't have 10,000 unused options like most players.

- Keyboard remapping doesn't include mouse wheel.
- The default and only mouse wheel function is resize window
- The window title doesn't always include 'FFShow' so I cannot modify the keys using autohotkey.

Review by vidftw on Nov 24, 2007 Version: .97 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

Very nice and easy to use. I have the K-Lite Mega Codec pack installed and am able to play just about any file I like with FFPlayer. It plays my AVCHD files from my new HD camcorder quickly and easily.

I'd like a little more understanding on some of the video rendering options (I have it set to VMR9 only... overlay renderer makes things look washed out... YUV rendering doesn't seem to do anything). How do I know if this program is taking advantage of my nvidia 8800GTX to decode and play back my HD files?

Review by jg0001 on Aug 22, 2007 Version: 0.94 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 8/10

First I'd like to state that voting a program dead without even trying it is very rude behaviour in my opinion.

For your interest: .net is the new standard development language of windows vista, the new vista gui is completely .net based and vista will of cause ship with the .net framework. So you will get it automatically sooner or later. You can expect a lot of applications appearing in .net soon, which will run directly on vista and will also run on XP with the .net framework 3 installed.

From the developer point of view, .net offers a whole lot of advantages, it makes the applications cleaner and more robust, offers much more flexible ui, frees you from memory leaks and a whole bunch of security issues that all normal (c++) apps suffer. This benefits the developer and the enduser too.

Review by lukasf on Jan 8, 2007 Version: 0.9 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

FF Player exhibits a clean interface and displays many video formats; but not VOB files. This is a good beginning and will be worth another look as updates appear. .NET features can give applications a large increase in robustness.

Review by luigi2000 on Jan 6, 2007 Version: 0.9a OS: Win2K Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 6/10 Value for money: 7/10 Overall: 7/10

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