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DvdReMake is a powerful, yet intuitive DVD editor that will let you change content, appearance and navigation of a DVD disk without the need for complete disk re-authoring. Remove unneeded angles, Disable menu buttons to material you have removed, Delete menus for selected language, Cut out credits or embedded studio logos, Remove warning/rating screens, Remove menu transitions, Split a DVD into 2 discs. DVDReMake Pro has more features like joining multiple DVDs and keeping the original menus, see:

Trialware $25
OS: Win
File size: 1MB
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35 votes
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Latest version

3.6.3 (December 17, 2007)


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Download DvdReMake 3.6.3  1MB  Win Win

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Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $25)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

Version 3.6.3 - 17 Dec 2007
fix all but first angles are stripped on export in some cases
fix font size in "button set" tabs

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All features

Main DvdReMake Pro features

In addition to the DvdReMake capabilities DvdReMake Pro provides all the functionality needed to edit DVDs:

* Put/Join/Combine multiple DVDs together preserving/keeping original menus;
* Trace disk navigation with build-in DVD debugger;
* Replace menu background with still;
* Move and insert new chapters on an existing dvd;
* Edit VM commands (all commands and valid combinations are supported);
* Edit and create new TitleSets, Titles, Chapters, ProgramChains, Programs;
* Delete TitleSets, Titles, Chapters, ProgramChains, Programs;
* Move TitleSets, ProgramChains, commands within the disk or between different DVDs;
* Find DVD navigation errors;
* Reorder menu buttons;
* Easily follow DVD navigation using "Goto Destination" and History pane;
* Change properties of the video, audio and subpicture tracks;
* Modify buttons and color schemes in either still or motion menus;
* Easily change highlights colors.

DvdReMake Pro will even fix incorrectly authored/edited disks. If mismatch between information in ifo and vob files is found program will try to fix the problem.

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Guides and How to's

DvdReMake - Adding "Insert Disk 2" screen into split DVD

- Read

DvdReMake - remove language or aspect ratio selection menu

- Read

DvdReMake - Strip Down A DVD

- Read

How to edit menu without complete reauthoring

- Read

How to insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus

- Read

How to put two full DVDs to one DVD preserving original menus

- Read

Merge previously split DVDs with DvdReMake Pro

- Read

The dummies guide to a perfect DVD backup

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DvdReMake video tutorials

View all guides with guide description here

Acronyms / Also Known As

DvdReMake Pro

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35 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

Amazing software! Is there something like that able to combine 2 Blu-rays in 1 just like this one does with DVDs?

Review by Dan Silva on Jan 5, 2025 Version: DVDRemake Pro 3.6.4 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

This is the greatest DVD editor I have come across. Generally, when I make my DVD's, I use Photoshop to design the menus, Encore to compile the DVD menus and then I use DVDRemake Pro to put the menus and the DVD's together.

It offers unprecedented control over DVD manipulation. I will admit that learning registers and commands can be daunting at first, but while the official forums look quiet, if you post a question, someone is very quick to respond with an answer.

I could not imagine using a program like Encore for DVD compilation, mostly because it lacks even the basic script functions. If you want to learn how to edit/manipulate DVDs, then this is definitely the program for you

Review by MindController on Nov 10, 2013 Version: 3.6.3 OS: Windows 7 Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

I commented on this tool in 2005, I feel obligated to comment again.

I have used a lot of different software to create DVDs, both freeware and payware. All have shortcomings. DvdReMake Pro (DRM for short)is not designed to create DVDs, but to change how they operate and it does that very well.

For example, I create not-for-sale DVDs for a non-profit Barbershop group, from shooting video through burning the DVDs. DVD Architect, TDA and DVD-Lab are excellant programs for creating DVDs. However, as in any "canned" application you are limited in choices of how the final DVD will function. The cheaper the software, the more limited your choices.

I use DRM to spiff up the operation of "finished" DVD product of other creation programs. DRM makes it easy to change the operational flow and trim out a few frames here or there or even split a cell to create a new chapter.

DRM does things that others won't do, easily. DRM's operational layout is logical and almost bulletproof in how it operates. The more you learn about DVDs, the more you will appreciate DRM. It keeps getting a little better with each release.

There are freeware tools that can be combined to do many of the functions of DRM, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND ARE WILLING TO INVEST A LOT OF TIME.

DVD structure is by design quite complex. I have been experimenting with DVDs (as a hobby) for seven years or so and still have a lot to learn. Balancing software function and user ease-of-use is a tradeoff, and DvdReMake Pro pulls it off very well. There really is no other tool quite like it on the market today, so in that sense its under valued.

Wood unlike DVD is simple, wife got me a nice router for Xmas, have used borrowed router before but I'm a lousy woodworker. The best router in world will not help me make beauiful wood. I can't blame the router.

I have no $ interest in DRM, only happy user hoping for future enhancements.

Sorry about rant, but I thought some recent comments needed prespective. LOL

Review by OldeMan on Aug 15, 2007 Version: 3.6.2 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

"in relation to the previouse comment they do NOT charge for EVERY new release" .. not every POINT release but from v2 to v3 they did and was there a HUGE amount of new content? Not really. I paid for v2 but wasnt gonna get fleeced again for v3. IMHO the developer is greedy especially when VobBlanker is free.

Also given that there are almost weekly "new" versions I could be cynical and suggest he does it to bump the software on sites like this that report a "new version". Given the changes are so minimal I'd suggest he stops this.

Just IMHO. The basic program is fine but then again so was v2. Hence why my money stayed with ME!

Review by Methanoid on Jun 19, 2006 Version: 3.4 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 7/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 6/10

in relation to the previouse comment they do NOT charge for EVERY new release.

secondly i have never had ANY problem with a BAUGHT copy of this program. sounds to me like your system may be at fault? ive not herd anyone else have so many problems with this program either unless they are using a cracked version then it will totally stuff up the output.

i suggest going to the dvd remake support forum and reading some guides that ARE in there and also post for some help. it can be found in the dvd remake help menu...

Review by stackner on Jun 18, 2006 Version: 3.5.1 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

35 reviews, Showing 1 to 5 reviews

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