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DVR-Studio is a video editor. Process your UHD, HD, HDTV and SD-PAL DVB recordings (Transport Stream) from various receivers, DVB PC-cards and AVCHD cameras (M2TS format) - all with just a few mouse clicks. DVR-Studio HD 3 is build from the bottom and offers a totally enhanced authoring for Blu-Ray Disk and DVD export. The new design concept leads the user intuitively to quick results.

Trialware $80
OS: Win
File size: 97MB
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4 votes
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Latest version

UHD 2.07.01 (February 27, 2022)


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Download DVR-Studio UHD 2.07.01  97MB  Win Win

Software License

Shareware (Free download but time limited software. Full version from $80)

Supported operating systems

Windows Win

Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New

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All features

Design Concept

Intuitive, leading the way, recognition characteristics - these are just a few words describing the new design.
Export in TS-format

Export recordings as a standard Transport Stream, supported by many streaming devices and software.

Splits the recording into its elementary streams; may be executed as preparation for further processing with external software products.
Support for HD and SD recordings

DVR-Studio HD supports standard definition television (SD) as well as high definition HDTV (HD, H264) including all video and audio formats.
Cut preview including sound and vision

You can play the area around cut-points and judge if they are placed correctly.
Teletext functions

Call a preferred page or search information within the teletext of your recording . Extract content or get the subtitle information.
Error detection

When recording from satellite there can be errors in recordings. The error scan finds errors and you can check and convert them into cut-areas.
3D - recordings

Processing of 3D recordings available in side-by-side or top-and-bottom technique as usual.
Setting of screenshots out of the recording

Take pictures from the recording to use them as menu- or chapterbackgrounds.
Easy menu creation by using models

DVR-Studio HD 2 includes a basic configuration of menumodels.
Menu design with your onw pictures and audio files

You can even create menus totally free. Many different kinds of audio- and videofiles are supported.
Many models for buttons, pictures and menus are available

We deliver a great number of objects and with our webservice it will get more and more.
Output of mixed data carrires (SD and HD)

Our authoring allowes us to save a Blu-Ray-structure in combination with a HD-recording as a SD-recording. It is also possible to create HD-menus for onla SD-material.
Output as AVCHD, video-DVD or Blu-Ray

All common output formats of DVD or Blu-Ray are supported.
Automatic identification of all DVD- and Blu-Ray-formats

DVR-Studio HD 2 automatically identifies the input blank CD and and offers the fitting formats.
All common formats of DVD and Blu-Ray will be identified.
Internet based

DVR-Studio HD requires a permanent internet connection, so we can adjust the software quickly to changes in media formats. Small changes or supporting new devices we can edit directly via our web service without the need to distribute updates of the software. Furthermore there are more possibilities.
Export in M2TS - Blu-Ray format

Export of recordings in a format supported by Blu-Ray players or authoring software.
Export in device format

Convert your existing recordings into the specific format of your device. Regardless of the device a recording is taken from you can convert it into the format you want.
UPNP Import

Load and open recordings to process, directly from UPnP capable devices.
Player for HD and SD recordings

Load a recording and play it in DVR-Studio HD. Use full screen mode during watching and automatically skip commercial breaks.
Re-ordering and exclusion of audio tracks

Some TV channels broadcast multiple audio tracks. You can re-order them, rename or set their language and exclude unwanted tracks, in order to reduce the size of the resulting export.
Automatic advertising scan

When a recording contains video or audio format changes, advertising can be detected automatically. You just have to check the created cut areas and maybe adapt them slightly ? done.
Batch mode

With help of the batch mode it is possible to export several recordings in a selected file format at once.
Manual and automatic chapterfunction

Separate your recording into chapters, definable by a timeline or by hand.
Using EPG-data in DVD/Blu-Ray-Menu

The EPG-data saved by the receiver are automatically used for the moviedescription in the menu.
A menu can be created with submenu and chaptermenu

Configure your DVD as you like by creating menus with submenus and chaptermenus.
Easy handling with our contextmenu

You can easily connect a picture, a menu or a text with marks in chapters or the recording by a rightclick an the contextmenu.
Preview of the created menustructure with its functions

Check your created menu in kind of look and function before further handling.
Output of HD-movies on DVD (Mini Blu-Ray)

Save your money and bring HD-movies on DVDs (single or dual layer).
Integrierte Brennfunktion oder Ausgabe als ISO-Datei

First create an ISO-image of your DVD or Blu-Ray to burn it later.

We help you - of course after purchase, too. Further development, support for using our software, help with problems and a strong forum community provide added value to our product.

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Guides and How to's

Tool features, DVD Author(BETA!):

Acronyms / Also Known As

DVRStudio, DVR-Studio SD, DVR-Studio HD, DVR-Studio UHD

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4 reviews, Showing 1 to 4 reviews

Much too expensive and not working as expected. Often the application is crashing or not starting at all.
Important features are missing like a working commercials detection or DVB subtitles conversion.
I recommend to use other tools like ProjectX or TS-Doctor with a better value for your money.

Review by DVBUser on Mar 3, 2020 Version: 1.12 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 2/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

I'm very disapointed. Middle of the year the old version HD4 stopped working and I was forced to pay for the update to DVR-Studio UHD. Now again problems on starting the application for more than a week. Some strange error "Error: MainServerHighLoad" appears and application shuts down.
I looks like the app only starts if the server of the manufacturer is working perfect and that's not the case on many days of the year. The worst software I have ever seen.

Apps like this, needing permanent internet connection are a pain in the ass but if their server is so buggy it's even more worse.

Review by Johnny Controletti Johnny Controletti on Oct 22, 2018 Version: DVR-Studio UHD 1.06 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 3/10 Functionality: 3/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

This is usefull when you wish to extract mpeg files from DVB PVRs HDs, like the ones from Topfield, Humax, Homecast, Dreambox, etc

Most of those receivers, have their own application for this, but this is a more "universal" tool.

You may experiance lipsynch problems at times, especially when you extract grabbs from channels like "Enter Ukrain" or the Sky Italia channels

Review by SatStorm on Apr 25, 2005 Version: 1.02 OS: Win2K Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

This is a really easy-to use DVB-stream editor / demuxer /remuxer. It had some trouble with NTSC streams, not a problem for me though. But maybe someone could send the author a NTSC sample...
I use it to convert my Dreambox DM7000 streams into DVDs. Especially nice is the "search for ads" feature. Sometimes looks like a little magic...

Review by ImagoX on Jun 1, 2004 Version: 0.99e OS: WinXP Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 9/10 Value for money: 9/10 Overall: 9/10

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